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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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How was your vacation in the Sandwich Islands jumpers?
The where?
>these spineless SBers
The Sandwich Islands
Discovered by James Cook in 1778
That seems like a long way to go just to enjoy a beach. Besides, I'm rather trapped in Pennsylvania at the moment. It's proving hard to find time for more than a few days of vacation.
I admit the lava flows are very pretty though.
>Mage Heir, Hero, and Second Child get a 1000 perk
>Ordinary Teacher, Holy Man, Homunculus, old Hand don't
>There's no other difference between backgrounds
There seems to be an intractable imbalance here.
Okay, legit question here.
How did you Jumpers deal with the whole Language Barrier thing in your first few Jumps?
Especially those of you who jumped in with the Drop-In Backgrounds.
Are we in the Cold War era of jumpchain right now? Replace “SBers” with “Commies” and that sound like something out of propaganda.
Have you ever been part of a superhero team?
No one knows what you're talking about, user. Complaining about some obscure jump doesn't do you any good if you don't say its name.
If a drop in I assume it takes some learning. Otherwise background learned it.
Looks like FSN Realta Nua.
What jumps let you buy a sports league?
By going to places where they speak English.
Fate/Stay Night Jump, user is complaining about the fact that some Backgrounds get a super expensive perk while others don't.
Look in the rules-doc. You interpret people as speaking your language.
Kinda hard to argue a True Magic against, well, anything else.
I jumped Heroes for my third jump and picked up this power
>Omnilingualism (100 CP)(Free Drop In):
You gain the ability to be able to decipher any form of communication be it written, spoken, or even hand signs. You can also decipher
entire languages just from a sentence or some gestures.
It pretty much solves the language barrier issue
You could also jump Teen Titans as a Tameranian since they get the ability to learn languages instantly through mouth to mouth contact as part of their origin
I like Generic Isekai but the cheats are way too cheap for what they offer imo. I took two of them and I still had CP left over.
A Song of Ice and Fire
Decided to retcon some stuff as my chain is largely fine but has some problems and weird bits of emphasis. I think this mostly happened as a way to compare favourably to old chains and so on. I think the last build had me paying for a location choice to go Targaryen but I think my chain in general should go more water than fire as that's my preference even if it has fewer options.
>The Vale
Rolled this which is fine. To be honest there's at least one neat house in all of the regions of Westeros except maybe the Westerlands who are sort of boring.
>Noble - House Upcliff 100
Went Upcliff as they rule an island called Witch Isle, have a mythical and probably no longer true reputation as water sorcerers and the Arryns had to marry them because they were too annoying to conquer. The wild bits of the Vale are creepy as well, noble families with webbed hands, Squishers who are basically just Deep One expies.
>Weapon Proficiency
>A Quiet People 200
>Mine By Right
>Warg 500
>Gregarious 800
>Heraldry and Words
>Castle Forged Steel
>Pouch of Gold
>Fine Clothes
>Land Deed
This bit of the build is pretty much the standard Noble stuff. Tend to go Noble in this jump as there are so many neat Houses to choose from and it's difficult not to take any.
>Dragonglass Cache 825
25 CP overhang due to the weird thing with this jump having 25 CP options.
>Pet - Sea Lion 875
Chose a sea lion as I just really like sea lions. Plan is to repeatedly upgrade it using that cheat from Isekai to turn it slowly into a bigger and bigger sea lion dragon monster thing that can blow holes in castle walls and metal plate with water jets. Then I can ride it around the world righting wrongs, stealing treasure and getting feasted by lords who don't want my monster to smash up the place.
Trying to kick up old drama, huh?
Some Jumps don't recognize that and imply that the Drop-In has to make a plan with the language. It's also something I've headcanon'd for my Jump as it makes for creative solutions to the issue.
Just wanted to see if anyone else thought this way and came up with an In-Jump solution like: Was planning on going to Nichijou and picking up Mangaka to become a superhuman Polyglot.
link to previous builds pls?
Communism was an existential thread to the West. SB is just a group of virulent retards. They're more akin to the fuckers on the block that are loud, obnoxious, don't maintain their home, and thus drive down the quality of living and property values for the rest of the block.
>Brave Companions - [Ramona: Smallfolk, Rabblerouser 300] 900
Same deal as before where the backstory and justification for having a wildling sidekick is that I attacked a slaver ship. This time though I guess I scouted it out with my sea lion (I'm naming the sea lion Blep). Ramona is probably Mona in this as they tend to have pretty short and to the point names but this gives me some means to know about the White Walkers and on gaining a fleet I can probably ferry the rest of the Wildlings across the sea so as to not have them turn into zombies and attack everyone.
>Valyrian Steel Weapon 1000
Going with a spear as generally I like to have spears and it'd look good getting waved about from atop a giant sea lion. Was thinking trident but a trident is really just a spear that's not as good at piercing stuff.
And so starts the story of Joramun Upcliff, witch boy, wave lord and owner of a big fucking sea lion.
What's the angriest you've ever been in your entire chain?
Is there anything like Stand Arrows that can be used to mass-empower people with their own unique abilities?
When I forgot to save my jump wip
As a drop-in, Jumper either already knows or has to learn. If he happened to have learned it previously, awesome! Otherwise things might suck for awhile.
As a background that has actual history and memories, he'll have any languages that make sense for the background.
Being good at piloting or not having to deal with incurable horrible cancer for 10 years in essentially palliative care. Wow tough choice.
The Stand Arrow isn't good at mass empowering. If people don't have the necessary willpower they fucking die of a serious case of "My Stand is destroying me from the inside".
It's really annoying with the Homunculus, where you have a choice between 300 points for a crippled, weak version of the First Magic with all the restrictions of magecraft (Wish Granting) or going Magus Heir and taking the actual First Magic with all its potential for 500.
You're kinda neglecting the fact that Homunculi have assloads of innate advantages that come with the origin.
Homunculus costs 300 points to take as an origin and you get a perk for free magic circuits from it. So while, yes, Homunculus has innate advantages, that vantage costs you 200 more points over the Magus Heir, which only costs you 100.
Probably when I've got like 300cp left and there's nothing interesting or worth buying.
As a Jumper it was probably when I was fighting Nanami Yasuri. I could keep myself alive through items, but I wasn't good enough to ever land a blow, and when I did they weren't very effective. Fighting her was like threading rope through a fucking needle.
Not having an Independent Stand that swipes Stand DISC's if the person is strong enough to take the Stand and moves as FAL. Whitesnake Made-in-Heaven kind of thing that just moves fast and can do Stand DISCs without the Memory DISCs.
Invest that 300cp into a bank, user.
Use it in the next jump!
Trying to get Demi-Fiend as a companion through the Digital Devil Saga jump, what's the best gun to pick up for the task?
Human Plus [400, discount NEXT Pilot] – You are the result of a secret, immoral, and highly effective combination genetics/cybernetics program. Aimed to produce superior pilots with exceeding AMS compatibility, you are the most successful subject – and coincidentally, the only one left alive. Either created for the express purpose of piloting a NEXT, or undergoing treatment as an adult or child, either way the result is the same. Your reflexes, awareness, threat evaluation, and predictive analysis are pushed into the realm of the supernatural, far beyond what even the most gifted or experienced mere humans or even superhumans could hope to match. With a cybernetically enhanced mind, you are attuned to your NEXT in a way that other pilots simply cannot be. You know the exact limits of your NEXT, can override them, and understand how far you can push past them before damage willstart to hinder your performance. You can overclock your FCS or overload your generator with a mental command, granting you a few precious seconds of crushing advantage once per sortie. You can overload your NEXT with overweight gear for a fraction of the penalty. These boons do not come without sacrifices, however. If you were enhanced as a child or were born of the H+ Program, you will physically age to approximately 12 or 13 after which your appearance will not mature further; you will be a little boy or girl until the day you die. If an adult, you will waste away until you are nearly emaciated, and your physical strength will follow. Along with your enhancements, you underwent mental conditioning and pilot training that left you with significant trauma. This is manifest as prevalent trust issues, and due to your treatment you are naturally avoidant of anykind of authority figure or doctor. Further, you have a crippling fear of anesthesia and suffer from bouts of depression. Additionally, you are in poor physical condition and have moderate health concerns, such as
Desert Eagle with the tactical scope.
poor muscular control which makes you slightly clumsy and slow outside the cockpit, which can impede your movement. Your lifespan is also notably shortened by potential complications such as heart failure, stroke, or shock and subsequent organ failure as your imperfect cybernetics fail or malfunction. You will probably not live through the Jump if you are negligent in attending to your deteriorating condition. Due to the relatively crude enhancements they will place considerable strain on your body, resulting in fatigue at the simplest of tasks as well as episodes of crippling pain. These episodes can and will happen while you are piloting your NEXT, possibly leaving you vulnerable if you succumb. You can feel these episode coming on, and know that they will happen within the next 90 seconds and they will last from 30 to 100 seconds. If you have powers or perks that would otherwise improve your physical condition, ignore pain, or extend your life, they are disabled when you take this perk. Perks that allow you to endure pain are not affected; so long as you feel it. Post-Jump, the disadvantages of this perk are removed, your cybernetics are replaced with natural substitutes if you choose, and it will apply similarly appropriate effects to the piloting of any mecha or mech-like vehicle, to include fighter/bomber-style air and space craft as a bonus. Reflexes, mental calculation, threat evaluation, and predictive analysis are applied to you outside the cockpit as well.
What the fuck kind of perk is that? Who the fuck is stupid enough to try to put that into their jump?
>Implying you actually read it
Not him but dude-you're seriously underestimating the advantage hormunculi have over humans, before accounting for other perks. The kind of Servant a Hormunculus Master can maintain almost effortlessly, is the kind that would kill a normal Master in a few minutes of going all out while fighting. Talking about Berserkules here.
Also you're missing the point somewhat that Wish Granting is the magical version of point-and-click whereas you do actually have to study True Magics to get gud of them. And, you know, all things being equal you are locked into a battle of life and death against 6 other bastards with their own Servants. Years of studying on the Tohsakas' part, and the Jeweled Sword the family came up with still has a horrendous risk of backlash on the user. Which is less practical for fighting potentially armies of legendary warriors (looking at you, Iskander) than, say, a few huge lumbering familiars.
So from the perspective of survival a Hormunculus with Wish Granting is a much, much more formidable force than a mage who is also a novice True Magic user.
It's like the difference between owning a well maintained gatling gun you've trained with all your life, and owning an ICBM where all the launch instructions are in korean translated from french by a german who thinks your suffering is hilarious.
This is 90% drawback and 10% perk. I don't think anyone would pay more than 50 for it.
Improved Reflexes, Awareness, Threat Evaluation and predictive Analysis
Cybernetic Brains
Super skills at Mech Piloting
Cost 400CP
Wasting away till you are emaciated or being stuck as a child
Stuck with Trust issues
Avoidant of doctors and authority figures
Crippling fear of anethesia
Bouts of depression
Weak physical condition
Poor muscular control
Shortened lifespan
Risk of organ failure
Will likely die without lots of medical attention (remember you are afraid of doctors)
Random episodes of crippling pain that can occur during mecha combat.
Become tired doing simple task
Perks that would help against these drawbacks are disabled.
Not him but as someone who did read it, I'ma just go ahead and highlight the parts that sound more like a drawback than a perk
>you will physically age to approximately 12 or 13 after which your appearance will not mature further; you will be a little boy or girl until the day you die. If an adult, you will waste away until you are nearly emaciated, and your physical strength will follow.
>you underwent mental conditioning and pilot training that left you with significant trauma
>This is manifest as prevalent trust issues, and due to your treatment you are naturally avoidant of anykind of authority figure or doctor. Further, you have a crippling fear of anesthesia and suffer from bouts of depression. Additionally, you are in poor physical condition and have moderate health concerns, such as poor muscular control which makes you slightly clumsy and slow outside the cockpit, which can impede your movement. Your lifespan is also notably shortened by potential complications such as heart failure, stroke, or shock and subsequent organ failure as your imperfect cybernetics fail or malfunction.
>You will probably not live through the Jump if you are negligent in attending to your deteriorating condition. Due to the relatively crude enhancements they will place considerable strain on your body, resulting in fatigue at the simplest of tasks as well as episodes of crippling pain
>If you have powers or perks that would otherwise improve your physical condition, ignore pain, or extend your life, they are disabled when you take this perk. Perks that allow you to endure pain are not affected; so long as you feel it.
You know what, I take it back. This reads more like 600 CP worth of 100-200 CP perks stacked on top of each other in exchange for, as far as I can tell, what sound like Daredevil's power if Daredevil focused on being a mecha pilot.
More like Human Minus amirite
It was the perk that was in the new Armored Core Jump. I found out about it from here
I don't do drop-in very often, so I had this weird thing where I was thinking in two different languages. It was annoying, and sometimes I ended up using English(or Japanese, or Pokespeak, etc.) without meaning to. But I eventually got used to it, mostly.
I still mix in words from other languages from time to time without meaning to, but I(usually) have enough self-control to not do shit like Pokespeak.
>tfw someone comes up with a much more concise version of your post right before your post
I mean, to be fair it is a well written 600 CP drawback when you put it like that.
Also you should probably be aware one of the shitposters gets hard from crossposting to stir controversy. Most people get by now the other community has it's dumb days. It's not worth dwelling on for long.
What kind of parallel universes am I looking at in Exalted? Are there any?
I'm not underestimating anything. I'm pointing out that it's not free. You pay 300 points to get the extra magic circuits. It's important to keep that in mind, since this background costs more than the Magus Heir one and that's an additional negative comparison.
Your argument relies entirely on immediate cost/benefit. You argue that Wish Granting is better because it has immediate skill. Well, so what? You don't buy perks just for their immediate effect, you also think about what they can do for you in the future. What's Wish Granting vs. First Magic in 10 years? 100? 1000? Wish Granting is always static in benefit, it'll never grow or be improved and it'll always be incredibly limited by the systems. Meanwhile, the First Magic increases in benefit linearly along with your knowledge. The more you study it, the better you'll be at doing things with it. Stronger, faster, wider scope of creations and effects, everything about it will improve. As far as an invest of your points goes, it's incredibly clear that the First Magic is far better than just 200 points more (counting background discounts.)
>Do the illusions from Grand Delusions count as magic? And do Gods with their 400 CP still need a talisman to cast Miracles?
Yes and yes
I think it's my most frequently changed build between chains so there are a load. I think I've had a Stark, a Targaryen, a Harlaw bastard.
Saved my current chain before I started making changes in case I realise I've made a huge mistake and this was the one from immediately before. Basically the same except for the House, the type of pet (wyverns being a dragon's non-union Mexican equivalent without the size or the fire breathing), and I had to pay for Crownlands to be a Targaryen as well and couldn't afford a weapon.
Crownlands 50
Noble - House Targaryen 150
Great House 200
Weapon Proficiency
A Quiet People 300
Mine By Right
Warg 600
Gregarious 900
Heraldry and Words
Castle Forged Steel
Pouch of Gold
Fine Clothes
Dragonglass Cache 925
Land Deed
Pet - Wyvern, 975
Brave Companions 1000
Ramona: Smallfolk, Rabblerouser 300
Best Dynasty Ever
Realised I hadn't decided on a Quest for the newest ASoIaF build either. Probably go for Best Dynasty Ever again and weasel my way onto the throne to leave it to a kid.
Shards of the Exalted Dream is a book dedicated to alternate universes.
It's really fucking weird in some cases. Like one is a sci-fi setting where the Primordials won, Autobot is a living planet and is fleeing around the galaxy-sized Creation with the Exalted living on him as their base of operations.
Another is closer to Cyberpunk than anything else, and is also really weird.
That's...a good question! As far as anyone can tell: Probably not in a functioning Creation.
See, the closest thing to parallel universes was that one time the Loom broke and causality went so screwy, a Yozi almost escaped before some Exalt fixed it again. This seems to suggest Creation isn't designed with them in mind.
However. There is at least one manse designed with the feature of containing alternate versions of it's rooms inside itself. Also one of the Deathlords owns a portal she believes leads into a multiverse of Creations, through which she hopes to find Creation's opposite to do a magical matter-antimatter reaction.
It's not clear if she's right about it, though.
In the most literal sense of "parallel world" though, everything outside of the Elemental Poles is a crazy acid trip dimension populated by psychotic fae and living narratives that behave like they're in their own personal fanfiction.
Technically speaking the Poles (think Elemental Planes from D&D) and Yozis are also "parallel worlds" in the sense that they're right next to Creation too.
Are you sure Shards is meant to be a canon part of the setting? I'm pretty sure it's just a framing device for if people want to play something different.
Wait, why to the second part? That doesn't seem to be the case in any Gods we've seen.
Ehhhhhh. It waffles. First Edition made it explicit that there were alternate universes, with the Well of Urd(or whatever it's called) directly leading to them. But Second Edition has the only direct mention of them being Szorzeny's mirror verse.
So it's not quite clear, but I personally would lean towards "yes".
Maybe I'm misremembering. Let me go try to look into this.
Okay then.
Not everybody makes jumps or builds based on long term benefit.
That said I must say I don't really understand your complaint about Wish Granting being "limited by the systems" when the First Magic itself is a system. As of GO, it's not confirmed there are things True Magics themselves can't do. So if we're not going to look at immediate cost/benefit, the argument could also be made the perk version of Wish Granting at least is far more substantial as a force multiplier.
The only person we've really seen that happen to is basically a pacifist. There are plenty of people who had Stands that weren't exactly the most exceptional mentally. Hell, there are dozens of people who were empowered in Morioh just by searching around the normal population. The users of Yellow Temperance and Surface didn't exactly display superhuman amounts of willpower, and I don't mean, like, empowering a whole city, I just mean a large group of people.
>Not everybody makes jumps or builds based on long term benefit.
I've never heard of anything making their choices while ignoring future benefits entirely.
Wish Granting is limited to what can already be done by the system it's being applied to. You're just wasting tons of energy to not have to know the spell words, signs, formula etc. Meanwhile, the First Magic is limited only by your own knowledge. Wish Granting can't improve. The Fist Magic can. Wish Granting doesn't even do anything to increase your force or ability, it's just a matter of skipping out on time spent learning something.
Hey NuBee for Scenarios like Eternal Dragon, what would happen if we took both Drake and Path of The Dragon parts of it and became an Eternal Dragon through it? Would we become some sort of Super Eternal Dragon or what?
Yeah, that's my bad, I rescind the second yes. I thought I remembered Silver Knights in the game chucking the lightnings spears, but that was only in the intro and Gwyn was present.
So to the original person who asked, you're still gonna need a big chunk of Gwyn's Lord Soul if you want to replicate similar feats and just do stuff without a talisman.
Can't you just combine magic systems so Wishcraft could go even further?
>Are you sure Shards is meant to be a canon part of the setting?
Does that even matter when you're talking about alternate universes?
No, what Wish Granting does can never improve without something more combo-y.
It's out of the scope of the conversation anyway, since it's just a comparison in utility between two options.
they seem pretty quiet for the most part, they generally stick to their 'area'. 90% of the time SB is brought up, its by someone from tg.
this one actually made me laugh, given where we are. what was that thing about rocks and glass houses? (of course I'm not saying everyone, or even most people on tg are, but we certainly have our dark side)
Yes. Though it varies how much room there is for fan-wank.
Has the Well of Urd connect to alternate universes and the cyberpunk version of creation where primordials and other beings are massively advanced A.Is is a simulated world being run in an alcove of Autocthon's enormous workshop.
To be fair. As the person peer reviewing it and as a fan of the Armored Core Series. Human Plus basically lets you break a large majority of the rules.
Furthermore a large amount of these issues are mitigated by the fact that often the people who get Human Plus are the ones who are kinda forced to go to the doctor by the corps.
So, I dismissed the concerns off of lore reasons but I can see your point of view.
My question is why didn't you bring it up yesterday when he was asking for other recommendations and help. Not excusing myself of the blame here since I am very much at fault for not catching it but you guys could have helped earlier.
Also, don't call him an idiot for what is effectively his first try and a work of passion. Instead help him make the jump better with helpful advice (without needlessly berating him)
Well user was asking what kind of parallel universes there are in Exalted, and I assumed he meant the canon setting.
Which is more waffly than House of Waffles.
>the Fist Magic
Truly, the most powerful of them all
Also again-seriously the First Magic, like all True Magics, aren't "limited only by your own knowledge" technically. They can't do straightforward ressurection without bizarre causality loopholes, which if what Aoko did was anything to go off are probably really tricky and energy confusming. They also apparently brute force through Avalon instead of decisively attacking the heart or brain.
I don't think it gives much benefit at all beyond secondary rewards.
I don't think I ever considered someone doing the same scenario twice. Certainly wasn't my intention to have that as an option. I'll probably put the kibosh on that through notes or the scenario header, since it varies from giving people way more than intended to giving very little additional reward like in this case.
Is he making the jump for the other site or here? If he's making it for the other site I'll clam up.
In my case at least, I ( and ) wasn't awake or here last week.
To be fair, I'll admit I have no idea what the rules are or why Human plus would let you break them.
Then again, "kinda forced to go to the doctor" sounds like another downside to me.
The First Magic isn't really about resurrection anyway,.
One thing you'll always find out, Kilanon.
A lot of our more unsavory people here withhold critique until they know they can use it to stir up drama. So they'll pretend the jump looks fine, let you get it through, get it up onto the drive and all that.
Then they start screeching and hollering.
Is Battler kill?
I do, I combo my wish magic with overlords abyss of magic and mushoku tensei leaky emitter, there is nothing stopping me from doing anything I want except maybe time required to build my magic reserves, which I do by storing extra mana in crystals and exhausting my mana. So yeah thats even more mana.
Don't Royal Sentinels use WotG and Heal without a talisman? Not to mention most of the god bosses.
>ASA, OAA and Banchō haven't posted since many threads ago
Literally magic for retards.
>Is he making the jump for the other site or here? If he's making it for the other site I'll clam up.
Other Site?
On an aside, Human + is basically cybernetic enhancement. It's use in Armored Core basic is the ability to give enhanced energy generation and the ability to use shoulder weapons (Stuff Like Railguns) without having to kneel down and instead can do so in air.
Technically speaking Human Plus was only for the older generations with AMS Enhancement replacing it (AMS allowing more 1 to 1 connection between reaction time and mech with extreme AMS allowing you to react to a nigh-precognitive level). In other words having Human Plus in this generation of 4 and FA would basically make you the one of if not the most over powered individual in the setting. Keeping in mind this is the kind of setting where radioactive superfortresses can be taken out by a high level individual and the currently recorded strongest person in the setting is the protagonist of For Answer (Who can go 2v5 with the other strongest in the world and win)
I know, but I can't help but be idealistic (I am a realistic idealist, I don't aim for the impossible merely what can be achievable if unlikely)
Awww no Super Eternal Dragons, oh well. Thanks for answering NuBee.
>My Own, Personal Sun
>casting them is based on the faith put into your light.
Does it mean the faith in the Sun's light or my own? Just wanting to make sure.
It'd be better to just improve your piloting skills rather than be massive crippled for the same of getting an instant boost.
Yeah, thats why Im trying to convert to thuum based magic lately to teach people stuff, I like shout wizards and they cannot compete with if the magic they learn is all thuum.
Not that they could anyway.
Kindly don't lump Battler and Bancho in with that shitter.
Huh... they haven't, have they? Is Waddle still around or has he retired too?
Personally I think the problem with the H+ perk is that there are a lot of downsides.
As far as I'm aware,most of the H+ characters shown throughout the AC series usually only have one to two downsides going for them, the perk just seems to list as you having them all.
Not to mention that some Lynx such as May Greenfield seem to be completely fine even though she uses the AMS System.
Not to mention, shouldn't the perk be more like AMS Compatability or something similar, since Human Plus isn't technically a thing in AC 4 or For Answer but rather has been replaced with the AMS System itself?
And good to know.
>Keeping in mind this is the kind of setting where radioactive superfortresses can be taken out by a high level individual and the currently recorded strongest person in the setting is the protagonist of For Answer
...inside a mech, or outside?
>Other Site?
Is he making it for SB or TG. I would assume based on your posts that it is for the tg drive.
>4 threads over like 3 days
It's not really the kind of level you can train to (barring things like Limit Breaker from Generic Isekai or Ordinary Man from Fate/Grand Order)
Either created for the express purpose of piloting a NEXT, or undergoing treatment as an adult or child, either way the result is the same. Your reflexes, awareness, threat evaluation, and predictive analysis are pushed into the realm of the supernatural, far beyond what even the most gifted or experienced mere humans or even superhumans could hope to match.
I haven't seen Waddle around lately, either. They could just be busy, though it does feel like a handful of regulars just quietly poofed.
Still better than being crippled.
My recommendation is that you just make it an expensive perk (If it is that valuable) and move the drawback stuff to the drawback section.
You probably don't want to be a Super Eternal Dragon anyway.
There's a really huge one that looks like a mountain but doesn't move in DS3. He's probably dead. Hawkwood says for some reason only one person can become the next everlasting dragon, and the peak he's next to is full of snekmen and immobile dragon-people meditating.
And given how they look (grey, long necks, anorexic), that dragon is probably Midir.
well, universities (in europe at least) have just started again, so that might be it
Honestly, the perk seems fine except for that fact that it shuts down other perks for the duration of the jump. That plus the other downsides make it pretty unattractive compared to other 400 cp perks.
AMS Genius is the one that improves compatibility that is the 200 CP.
Also, May Greenfield is just an ordinary person with AMS potential (and also waifu material)
Inside a mech.
Don't actually know if he made it for a specific site. Think he just made it since he liked the setting.
It's only temporary, but yeah I do understand the point of view.
I am not the maker of the jump, I am just the guy who was peer reviewed it and was holding down the fort.