>so how old is your character?
ITT: red flags
So how old is your character?
Remember when we would have threads about cool ideas to improve our games, instead of an endless series of threads about things OP doesn't like?
That was fun.
>player shows me a sheet with not a single stat below 14
>"I rolled these stats earlier"
>nobody else saw him do it
14 is perfectly fine for a hero's journey. Ever read Harry Potter or a million other young adult fiction?
>a hero's journey
There you go, very versatile. A timeless trope.
One of our players used to do this at every goddamn campaign he showed up for.
>"lol blame the online roll-app I used back home" he says, as he smugly presents a sheet with 3 natural 18 stats and one at 7 "for balance"
It's infuriating. The worst part is that he probably thinks nobody notices.
>'ok so here's my character, she-"
>The worst part is that he probably thinks nobody notices.
This really is the worst part. Do these faggots think they're being clever? Do they think we haven't seen this kind of thing before? Do they think they're the first ones to come up with this ruse? C'mon, son. It's like when the youngest kid in a family tries to pull the exact same shit an older sibling did, and his parents shut him right the fuck down, and he has no idea how they figured it out so quick.
A level 1 character ought to be on the younger side. Really strains credulity to have someone roll up a level 1 starting character and claim to be some middle aged grizzled vet. Yet his stats are comparable alongside the youthful scamp other PC.
Maybe it's because I do most of my tabletop gaming online, but I've stopped caring about this one. It might bother me if I was in a face-to-face game with a bunch of dudes, but even then, it would depend on how that player acts and plays out the character.
Or just not be a simulationist.
The Ability Scores only influence the percent chance of success, you could rationalize that is being practically anything in-character.
>alright time to roll stats, i'll just roll 4d6 and take away the lowest one
>we're playing [system]
>but with these houserules I wrote
Good storytelling
Not giving the monster numbers
>so how old is your level 1 fighter?
>older than 20
Reaction images like that are way too powerful.
I roll 3 to 5 times with only generators and pick the better. This way no one notices :^)
But it's a highschool game..
I did this with a retired adventurer that is so out of practice that he is effectively new.
Also level is an abstract concept so don't be a tool.
You were considered an adult at 14 in most medieval cultures, I see no problem there. It's quite afitting age for a low level character beginning his journey.
This is the way it's supposed to be though. Even a level 1 fighter is a veteran, otherwise he'd be a level 0.
>Even a level 1 fighter is a veteran
Aren't city guards on average level 3?
Logically you'd think that age would be related to level, but D&Dland isn't logical. A kid can pick up a sword for the first time and be level 20 in a few weeks of in-game time, while other characters can die of old age before seeing level 2.
>"what character do you want to play?"
>"I don't know"
>proceed to explain the character options as simple as possible
>"So what do you want to play?"
>"I don't know"
Why are you getting mad at your friend for no knowing something?
no, you don't understand
if after explaining something in a very simplistic manner (I'm talking asinine levels of "want to swing a weapon, shoot magic, use a bow or be sneaky?") they still have no idea then its a red flag of that person possibly being literally stupid. And trust me, its easy to see when its indecision ("ah man, being a mage would be fun, but I also want to use a bow...") and when their brain is fucking empty (flat "I don't know" repeated mechanically)
Happened to me twice. Surprise surprise, one of them was literally mentally retarded and the other had some kind of dementia
Literal red flags, this is a very real case of "these are people that are impossible to play with and will ruin games"
Having "red flags" and "trigger words" is an immediate ejection from my games.
I remember. I loathe these threads.
>character's sex is different than player's sex
Crossplaying should be banned unless your backstory wouldn't make any without it.
>my trigger is people playing other genders
go make your fucking thread then
64, but she looks like 17 according to the rules.
>my trigger is people complaining about my triggers
I have two good players who can crossplay without making things awkward. Other people doing it tend to make things quite awkward though.
Crossplaying is definitely a red flag for a stranger.
>"Alright, give me a quick description of what your character is."
>"He's a master..."
Fuck you, your level 1 character isn't a master of anything
>GM starts the campaign at level 1
>my trigger is players believing the book when it says even a level 1 fighter is exceptional
>not "1000 years old but looks 16"
Step it up, get on my level.
>GM starts the campaign at level 1
>acts surprised when the single-digit HP characters are one-shot by the weakest enemies in the book
>"Haha wow you guys are kinda bad at this, huh"
If you make one, link it. I'll contribute some stuff.
Honestly, if I've seen someone GM their own stuff well enough, I'll probably allow them to cross-play in my game. Playing decent and believable female characters is kind of a requirement when you're running the world.
>My character came from portal.
>His/her world is an anime/videogame/tv series/movie/cartoon.
This triggers the shit out of me. They're so creatively bankrupt that they need to drag their security blanket character everywhere and into every game. It's fucking shameful.
listen, he decided to run through the enemy hideout, aggro all of them, and sprint back to the entrance!
and his buddies thought a six-foot wide cave mouth would make a good chokepoint to take the bastards one by one!
it's not my fault half of them died instantly to outrageous enemy die rolls, r-right
jokes on you, the planet has longer years, so 14 is a legit age to start adventuring, equivalent to just over 19 years of age on boring old earth.
>Your character idea isn't possible to represent mechanics-wise, you need to change it
>Can't I just.. act on it and never let it influence the rules in anyway?
>No, that's difficult and you will abuse it
>I just want my character to have two guns. Mechanics-wise he'll use the rules for one, but I'll buy two and we can describe it as him using two?
>No! There are no rules in the book that allow it!
People with so little creativity that something like that comes in the way makes me drop the game instantly.
>I guess my character has hair that's not really blonde.. dirty blonde?
>It isn't in the book!
>member when tg was good
>i member when tg was good
>it was good when (thing i like) was the norm but now (thing i don't like) is the norm
>tg sucks now
As someone who has been here for 10 years, sincerely, remove yourself from the userbase. You'll be more happy, everyone else will be able to shitpost in peace, everyone wins.
What kind of game lets you use guns but not TWO GUNS?
>I get triggered when someone whines about how much of a whiny baby I am
>How dare you whine about my whining?
>if you're the GM you should never have NPCs who are not your gender
>b-buh user it's totally different when it's a character!
How? You think GMs don't insert their fetishes into games through NPCs? Did you forget we have a meme for exactly that?
>My character is thicc.
For the record I've not posted any "whining" in this thread but, regardless.
>contributing to the thread is the same as going out of your way to go to a thread you know you won't like in order to cry about how much you don't like it
>Your character idea isn't possible to represent mechanics-wise, you need to change it
>Can't I just.. act on it and never let it influence the rules in anyway?
>No, that's difficult and you will abuse it
I side with GM on that one.
That's difficult and you will abuse it is 100% legit reason to deny something. Even if you come up with a work around like you described it is not realistic to say it will never, EVER play to your advantage. Here are some counter-logical situations that would come from that.
>bad guy making a disarm check will magically make you drop both guns or you will still have 1
>something constricts your arm so you just don't use your other gun
>a spell/monster/feat effect sunders your weapon and both guns explode
>you get a new gun / special ammo / an accessory / whatever.. now you either have 2 of them or your weapons are now out of synch
And also because you open the door to ALL kinds of "well you let user.." shit that can get out of hand quickly. A weak GM will end up with retarded galactic OP players and a strong one will hurt someones feelings rejecting their idea after accepting yours. No-win scenario.
Hey man, my character is 16. I rolled for that shit and Konrad the apprentice priest of Sigmar does a great job killing Mutants
That's what the thread for crying about things is for.
If you don't like people crying about you crying, why are you in the crying thread?
>quadrillion eons old but look newborn
wait a sec probably litteral some scifi space baby
He's too busy being triggered to think rationally, user.
I thought about having a thick-headed dwarf walking in Athas with the idea of going to an other city but walking in some arcane area that transport him in an other setting. His gimmick being that he is too focused on his goal that he doesn't realize that he is not on Athas anymore.
Mmmm... I guess that wouldn't end up as an interesting character in the end and requires too many constraint to fit with other characters.
he's not a winning or a good fighter, but hes a fighter
>playing tomorrow
>Talking to another player
>"So what's your character gonna be?"
>"Oh, haha, I don't know, i hadn't even though of it yet"
Every fucking time, there's SOMEONE. and it's always up to me to help them make it or fix something they did wrong because I'm the asshole who got all his friends into this hobby
The thread is about "red flags" players put up.
Yes yes, it's about anons whining about their triggers.
Is it so surprising that people having triggers triggers other people?
14 is a perfectly fine age for an Orc adventurer, seeing that they're middle-aged at 20 and dead of old age by 45.
Yes and unless it's a comedy anime it goes into the trash
Oh sorry, you don't understand the difference between a relevant complaint and an irrelevant one, forgot about your autism. Do you start whining about your friends when they complain someone cut them off in traffic? Maybe that's why no one likes to hang out with you.
So it seems you got triggered by someone being triggered over triggers.
It's because he can't handle someone criticizing his triggers.
Really activates their almonds.
>Aren't city guards on average level 3?
In 5e D&D, they're a CR 1/8.
>responding = triggered
I guess when you have autism nuance is fairly difficult.
Man, get a load of that triggering.
He's even using the buzzwords!
Does that centaur fight with a plunger nipple?
>so how old is your character?
Why would adventuring parties allow useless old hags?
It's complicated.
By calendar: 19 years, 1 month
Personal Subjective: 19 years
Biologically: 18 years, 11 months
Superpowers and time travel shenanigans were involved and the discrepancies are only going to get bigger as the game goes on most likely.
>Logically you'd think that age would be related to level
No, you wouldn't. Experience points are for stressful experiences that directly contribute to growth in power, not just "life experience". If your "logic" were worth a shit, everybody above age 50 in the real world should "logically" be an exert in something, but they aren't. Some (re: most) old people are just those who drift through life and die less than 50 miles away from the place of their birth. Just like everybody else.
Maybe the middle-aged guy didn't feel the call to adventure until he was forty. Maybe THIS is his mid-life crisis.
I'm a newbie DM, I'd love to let my player play a rock that fell into a life-giving lake, became a rock golem, and then went to fight the empire that blew up his home mountain (actual concept a player gave me). As creative as it is, fuck if I know how I'd handle it crunch and fluff-wise, not to mention somehow fitting that rock-person into the module I want to run. yet.
I can sorta see the problem with two guns. Unless we're heavily segregating fluff and crunch (which sounds like a bad idea) you can, for example, fire each gun at a separate target, right? Which doubles the amount of foes you can target in a round. Against weak enemies this is going to be pretty powerful. I think GM wouldn't be entirely out of his mind if he decided to disallow it.
>everyone is nearly done with their characters
>"Hey, how much have you gotten done?"
>"Still trying to figure out what class to pick."
*expert, natch
stupid-ass broken p key
The town guard of a small hamlet routinely gets wiped by goblins, only possibly surviving because of numbers and fortifications.
You can wait 30 years before getting a level in fighter or whatever.
Or are you saying every 45 year old should be 8th level?
re: how do I make two guns mechanically seem like one weapon
While this example is silly because I've never seen a game with pistols but not the option to have 2 pistols (even if it's pirate style and you shoot one, then holster it and shoot the other a turn later), I actually side with the GM.
Almost every homebrew class or player option I've had to turn down has just been a preexisting class, only with a special feature that lets them ignore a limitation of that class or ignore a limitation of the game.
Sometimes it's just not an option in the game and that's okay. If I'm running D&D, I'm running D&D, not D&D + homebrew class that lets a player ignore dual wield limitations or whatever.
>Not having a christmas cake fighter protecting a young sorcerer while teasing him
If you start at level 1 you shouldn't be anything beyond cabin boy/underage army drummer
could be an anxiety disorder
a lot of the time if you have clinical anxiety, making a choice is harder and scarier than being told to jump off the roof of your house and having no choice
is a woman playing a man really just as bad?
what if my character is a master of the obvious?
If D&D 5e
> "I'm playing a sorcerer"
> "I'm playing a warlock"
> "I'm playing a tiefling"
> "I'm using a race/class from DandDwiki. That's fine right?"
... that's how it's done by raw...,
>I don't know what I want to play
>you can play a fighter rouge wizard.
>yes I know what I can play. It's what I WANT to play.
>not having the DM roll your dice
No better witness than the DM, and if he/she gets along with you he/she probably fudges a little when they roll poorly.
>not having all the players roll together and then letting each of them choose which array to use
But the player was literally saying it would require no rules changes and would be treated exactly like it were a single gun, just that in roleplay he would use two. He even said he'd take the crunch hit of having to purchase and maintain both weapons while only ever using 1, just for the flavor of it.
Eh, I prefer closer ages for my wank material, but SS is far from the worst.
Please just make a normal character, save everyone the headache
ss is trash and so are you
the only thing in that realm that's close to good is ll
Discussion threads on front two pages:
Complaint threads on front two pages:
Cry me a fucking river.
well, that IS what this thread is for.
>I don't know what I want to play
>Okay, well everyone else does and I'm ready to start the game, so why don't you sit out this session, you're free to watch tv or play some video games or whatever, have an idea by next session and we'll work you in
I assume filename is the name of the source? Is it good? I've been wanting to watch an anime western and I don't want to watch Trigun again
it's an anime western... JRPG
You play it.
It is highly reviewed, but the chibi models kind of upset me.