Repostan list in new bread.
The Divisio Genetor have insignia and ranks now, so I decided to make a 3k list for them for me to work towards. Not using the "Magos Biologis" trait despite fluffiness because it's kinda terrible and I'm up against Primarchspam, though. List can turn into 2.5k extremely easily by ditching the Marauder, becoming a Brigade and maybe tossing a minor upgrade or two on.
Things I'm wondering about:
Do I ditch an Enginseer, split the Dragoons up into singles or one double to fill FA slots and run a full Brigade, or do I stick with the two battalions? 3CP and 52 spare points vs. not being able to Infiltrate or mass-Conqueror my chickenwalkers.
What would be the neatest loadout for a combat Dominus? He's probably infiltrating alongside the Fulgurites to provide mass rerolls, so I decided to go full close quarters with 3 Axe, D6 S4 AP1 Shred and 5 BS2+ Bolt Pistol attacks in melee, rerollable.
- Battalion 1, Stygies:
Magos Dominus w/ Eradication Ray and Macrostubber, Anzion's Psuedogenetor and 6" Chaplain Bubble wtrait (141)
Enginseer (52)
5 Rangers, 2 Arquebi, Omnispex (97)
5 Rangers, 2 Arquebi, Omnispex (97)
3 KatDs, Grav/Phosphor (219)
Datasmith (52)
20 Fulgurites (340)
20 Fulgurites (340)
4 Dragoons (272)
2 DaKastelans (220)
Neutroncrawler with Stubber (145)
Neutroncrawler with Stubber (145)
- Battalion 2, Stygies:
Enginseer (52)
Enginseer (52)
10 Vanguard, 3 plasma, Omnispex (139)
10 Vanguard, 3 plasma. (132)
5 Vanguard (45)
- Superheavy Detachment, Aeronautica Imperialis:
Marauder Destroyer w/ 8 Hellstrikes (460)
Yeah, that's my anti-Primarch solution in a nutshell. It is really damn strong, though, and in more friendly games I'll probably swap her out for another Dunecrawler and some Sicarians because they're neat but bad. I'm not just buying it off FW, I'm turning pic related into a glorious space whale weapon platform and the MD is about the right size.