How do we fix Yugioh?
How do we fix Yugioh?
porn game
Complete reconstruction. Way too many cards that target specific cards over card types.
moar digital bugs
Start over. Just declare the game over and start Yugioh 2.
In it:
- less shitty card frame
- larger text box so that you don't have to use 3 point eye-strain font
- give cards tribes/types so that they don't constantly refer to each other by name
- limit special summons to 1 per turn
- limit spells to 1 per turn
- track damage on monsters instead of just killing the one who has a smaller number
- if a monster is in defense position, you can't attack any in attack position before it's dead
DAMN, god bless based japs with their top tier milf waifus
Go back to rules that allow you to lay out creatures without sacrificing
Go back to card designs of the first few eras before motorcycles.
By naming her SPYRAL Misty because it's archetype breaking
link monsters saved yugioh from extra deck bulshit.
So basically steal from magic even harder, except for the part that makes the ability to do multiple things in a turn balanced
Go back to ancient Egypt aesthetic.
Too many generic splashable links (see:r4nk) that don't conform to some kind of archetype as is, I would've preferred if they rounded out the mastarboy/missus radiant lineup (a nice throwback and favors non-goodstuff decks) for each attribute first instead of stuff like firewall dragon
Ban every card except pot of greed
Magic works at least.
Just end it all.
The biggest change necessary is fixing Swiss army cards. There are too many cases with multiple effects but negligible cost. Take De-Spell and Remove Trap as some of the oldest examples. One destroys a spell card and the other destroys face-up trap cards. Neither has a cost and they can only be played during your main phase.
Then Konami releases Mystical Space Typhoon, which destroys any spell or trap card with no restriction and can be played at any time during your turn and at any time during your opponent's turn if you set it beforehand, all for no cost.
As someone who was there since the American launch with the two starter decks and legends of blue eyes boosters..... this game is done.
The constant powercreep and bannings shows this.
If you were really an oldfag like you claim to be, you would know that the game has always been an unbalanced piece of shit since day one.
For fucks sake! The very first Starter Deck had Dark Hole, Monster Reborn, Change of Heart, Last Will, Card Destruction and fucking Ultimate Offering in it.
Unban dragon rulers at full force and let's see whos the most broken thing
>- limit special summons to 1 per turn
>- limit spells to 1 per turn
Fuck RIGHT off.
>less shitty card frame when the card frame is fine
>Being blind to not read the cards
And even then, the cards with stupidly long text were cards from before PSCT
>What are archetypes for 100
>mfw i can OTK with a single special summon
>same as using one spell
go back
You seem upset
enough aving
why ban that card? what does it do?
Did your brain broke?
Also nice trips
De-Spell and Remove Trap were NEVER good you fucking pavement ape.
Soundwave go home.
more goukis HH
rata here
>still no card for him
tfw hasn't been relevant in show since duel
I'm not even in that discord and even then, i'm just hovering here because i like Veeky Forums's ignorance and every suggestion trying to limit special summoning when some decks (including mine) don't even need to special summon (true dracos, monarchs) to do stupid plays.
Oh and i like how people say that synchros started the extra deck bullshit when a short time before synchros, we had fusions breaking people's backs.
>Oh and i like how people say that synchros started the extra deck bullshit when a short time before synchros, we had fusions breaking people's backs.
Who here remembers Power Bond + Cyber End Dragon + Limiter Removal OTK?
I remember cyber stein dropping Cyber Twin and go for high damage
Ban Exodia
he better come back, goukis need a couple more cards to make them a decent deck that doesn't rely on engines and shit
I'll limit it to just 10 things to conserve my autism:
1. Put out a banlist at a REGULAR and PROPER fucking schedule.
2. Prioritize the health of the game and its consumers rather than trying to jew the fuck out of them at every opportunity.
3. Stop ruining card names and lore with localization for the sake of a stupid pun or alliteration.
4. Usage of more key terms instead of having to use 2-3 lines just to denote a basic action.
5. Denoting a monster's Level or Rank with a number in a Star instead of just copypasting the same Star.
6. Fire Tewart and Julia. The former has done nothing but harm for the game while the latter makes the Judge program a fucking joke and embarrassment of a system.
7. Make it worth a damn to attend anything beyond locals. The best you can get from Regionals is a fucking mat. From YCS/UDS, a fucking mat, a booster box and other useless shit that you'll have to hope some idiot buys off you in order to make any semblance of profit off this game.
8. Stop making blatantly shit cards on purpose. Archetypes like Destiny HEROS, Digital Bugs, and Red-Eyes have no right to be the fucking joke that they are given the sheer number of times Konami has released Tier 1 and 0 Archetypes.
9. Allow players to use both TCG and OCG cards in all regions. It's retarded that OCG players can use TCG cards, but not vice-versa.
10. Stop breaking up card rulings by regions. It's the dumbest shit on the planet when a card can work in 3 different ways just because you happen to be playing on a different area of the planet.
Just merge the TCG and OCG, then we don't have to deal with all the stupidity of worlds having an imaginary format or decks getting screwed out of meta relevancy (see: DDD) because imports don't arrive.
he actually did ice barriers the absolute madman haha
There are three major things I would say, but they basically require dialing back the clock and starting fresh
1. Put Ritual monsters in the extra deck where they belong, and generally make sure that extra deck monsters aren't quite as easy to vomit out en masse.
2. Make effect monsters have noticeably lower attack for their level. There are far too many monsters that have 1800 or 1900 while also having a solid bonus on top of that. Effect monsters at level 4 should really cap towards 1400 or 1500, aside from those whose effect is simply a downside or restriction in exchange for higher power.
3. Make things focused on type or attribute rather than specific archetypes. If you have a card like OP's that is focused on bouncing your own Spys, perhaps that should work for Dark monsters in general instead. While it may work better within the specific archetype, being able to use older cards with newer ones helps prevent things from becoming as obsolete. It also means that new effects have to be considered more carefully and they can't just print one overpowered card to make people buy a new archetype.
>5. Denoting a monster's Level or Rank with a number in a Star instead of just copypasting the same Star
I disagree here, the way level stars are laid out has been like that since hell, the first time the card game was referenced in the very original YGO manga, this is just breaking tradition and the level stars aren't even part of a card's text.
And the 4th point is debatable, key terms like piercing damage is ok but naming effects after specific monsters (example, call Utopia the Lightning's effect be "this card has Armades Battling" or something stupid with armades on its name) seems silly, i don't think stuff like Returning to the hand or Shuffle that card into the deck should be shortened into a single key term, that and after graveyard being shortened into GY made me think key terms is just stupid.
Fuck you, that's what makes ritual monstars REALLY different from everything else
>1. Put Ritual monsters in the extra deck where they belong,
Yeah, let's make ritual support like Preparation of Rites or Pre-preparation of rites become useless. Might as well make a new mechanic since rituals don't need any fix, they just need better cards but not as good as Nekroz because this format was retarded
> and generally make sure that extra deck monsters aren't quite as easy to vomit out en masse.
Blame it on the speed of some main decks
>Effect monsters at level 4 should really cap towards 1400 or 1500, aside from those whose effect is simply a downside or restriction in exchange for higher power
ATK points don't matter for the most part, a monster can be a normal summoneable 2100 beater and still be shit because there are a lot of ways to deal with it
> Make things focused on type or attribute rather than specific archetypes
Generic support is something that enables a fuckton of degeneracy, archetypes were made just to avoid mistakes like making decks full of goodstuff
Archetypes were a mistake.
They've already done that though. Look how much easier the card on the right is to read just because they actually gave a keyword of 'piercing battle damage' to the old style Fairy Meteor Crush effect.
It's really basic shit when they have an effect that takes up so many words to say over and over and over again that making it something quick like 'Banish' saves so much space on their already cluttered cards.
>naming effects after specific monsters (example, call Utopia the Lightning's effect be "this card has Armades Battling" or something stupid with armades on its name) seems silly
Which one do you think is cooler, user:
>"My Decode Talker gains 500 ATK for each monster linked to him."
>"My Decode Talker activates it's POWER INTEGRATION!"
i agree actually, rituals can only be good when they have ridiculous search cards and what not and should've always been in the extra
wouldn't change anything. stats are basically irrelevant in yugioh now and many extremely powerful monsters have shitty stats for their level
what's the point in that? it'd just lower the variety in the game
>Yeah, let's make ritual support like Preparation of Rites or Pre-preparation of rites become useless
>but they basically require dialing back the clock and starting fresh
Obviously not every card would survive a rules overhaul like this
>Generic support is something that enables a fuckton of degeneracy
Yeah, because Yugioh currently has no degeneracy going on. The designers certainly aren't secure in their knowledge that they can print out a tier 0 archetype that can win in one turn with ease, make tons of money off of it due to collector tins, and then ban the key component of the archetype rendering it all worthless.
Making it based off of types and attributes would be better IF the designers can help themselves by not purposeful making overpowered shit
>what's the point in that? it'd just lower the variety in the game
What variety in the game? The variety of the game is basically a Standard format in all but name because the newest decks are the best decks thanks to constant bans and power creep.
Being able to slap a Dark Magician into the new hot Spellcaster deck and have it actually work increases variety, not the other way around.
When did they introduce piercing as a concept?
It would lower the variety of archetypes.
Words nigga
>making everything generic and turning it all into goodstuff.dek magically increases variety
What? By making it so that your Earth attribute dinos aren't entirely useless when a cool new Fire Dino deck is introduced, letting you run one, the other, or both?
>Dark Magician
you've gotten enough already
time to move on to gx legacy
they even gave a solution to the self raigeki
>Yeah, because Yugioh currently has no degeneracy going on.
Never denied this and even then, most of the decks that were meta abused something that was generic, an example i can think of is Dracopals, an entire deck abusing Ignister who is somewhat generic (needs a pendulum non tuner of which you can find anywhere) or ANYTHING with Level Eater (Lord Omega is generic). Card of Demise is technically generic drawpower with a fuckton of drawbacks and even this thing made True Dracos faster than they already were
>. The designers certainly aren't secure in their knowledge that they can print out a tier 0 archetype
Oh THEY are secure, buddy. If konami wants an archetype to be good, they make it good, like real fucking good and
>make tons of money off of it
This is why, besides, putting key cards from an archetype in the banlist is an easier way to handle the game on the long term because you're only hurting the archetype, a generic card that boosted a fuckton of decks getting banned results in said fuckton of decks getting made useless
>Making it based off of types and attributes would be better IF the designers can help themselves by not purposeful making overpowered shit
And here is the problem i have with the game, or well, the people in general.
Right after True Dracos and Zoodiacs got fucked up in the OCG, we had a stupidly diverse format just because in COTD and CIBR there weren't overpowered as shit cards printed in these sets, if anything it was just a couple of new tech cards and i see the comments of "garbage sets low sales links suck" just because some decks were still powerful despite MR4 "killing yugioh" and now that SPYRALs are tier 0 in the OCG, people are back into the "waaah overpowered shit" and even then overpowered for me is just a buzzword that people throw when they don't like anything.
The card frame is not fine. The card frame looks like AIDS.
you act like you can't mix archetypes together, and that konami wouldn't just do what they do right now and make the newest deck that got support the best
And leave forever.
>time to move on to gx legacy
Oh fuck off, there's plenty of that shit.
You really can't. Or at least not to the degree where it's efficient. It'd be better to have the cards care about these universal things that are going to stick around, and then have the actual synergy of an archetype come from the deck strategy.
I mean, just because Lightsworn cards would work on any light monster instead wouldn't mean you would go for goodstuff over an actual focused mill strategy.
But again, I'm talking about a full overhaul reset here, rather than just scratching off the archetype names on all existing cards and writing the appropriate type and attribute on it. This is the sort of thing that would need to be done in mind from the very beginning.
>You really can't. Or at least not to the degree where it's efficient.
Then explain why the deck that won Worlds was a mash-up of two different archetypes (Yang Zings and True Kings) along with a generic type (Dinosaurs).
Remake the entire game
Not like that though
>just started
its nothing like the amount of dm that's been forced for years
You really can't. Or at least not to the degree where it's efficient.
great job on exposing yourself as a shitter. at least do some research before you say retarded shit like that.
because the worlds format is a joke
It was also a legitimate meta deck, but okay.
Well, considering that the True Kings are really big splashy bombs that work with Wyrm type monsters, which Yang Zings include, I'm going to guess it has something to do with that.
For the record, I am referring to the more heavily specific archetype support where any card that isn't a part of them just slows you down.
>lets make generic support, they will definitely be balanced
Try and deny it all you want, but there's one archetype that's more bloated than any other, and certainly ain't from DM.
(you) know exactly what I mean. But sure, enjoy y
Why y'all niggers so against any change that would help the game? It's like Konami has you people by the balls.
Google Nigga
Because they can only view suggestions in the context of the current insane game we've ended up with, rather than what it might look like with a different direction entirely.
Good thing that they are all garbage.
>from the era vs support for the show after the fact
>You really can't.
Were you not there for HAT or Windvoked or Metalfoes being in every single archetype that floats?
> I'm talking about a full overhaul reset here
Then by that point it becomes making an entirely new game which is a stupid comment that appears in every "how to fix ygo" thread. Yugioh doesn't need fixing, at least in the game doesn't because being able to have the freedom to do whatever the fuck you want feels good instead of worrying about your mana and other gay shit like that. You just be a manly player and fuck everyone's faces with whatever deck you fucking want to play and even beat the meta with your petdeck, i've done it.
The only thing this game needs to be fixed is replacing the entire staff of Konami of America because for the most part we have a bunch of bullshit like
-having OCG exclusives get imported in a spin the wheel formula instead of pulling an Extra pack of OCG cards, the OCG has a yearly dedicated set for TCG imports, the TCG should have this.
-Judge system being a joke, rulings change randomly because we don't have a fucking ruling database in the TCG but the OCG does and even at the world championship, the game is played with OCG rulings, just merge both rulings, TCG and OCG in a single format with no special snowflakes on either sides. Same goes for having the same PSCT (OCG has numbered effects, this is a godsend)
-Removing the imbecile that keeps changing the names into stupid shit like Toadally awesome, i'm not saying the game should keep the direct translations of OCG names but at least have standards when localizing shit.
>further results
>I want muh goodstuff back
The entire point of the game is that the lack of restrictions or a resource system combined with the versatility and nuances of the cards allows for fast and fluid gameplay with lots of player interaction.
It makes Yugioh into a unique card game that very few others have managed to copy. What you're proposing goes against all of that.
Most of the changes proposed here are fucking retarded. What's the point of making Rituals ED monsters and making them inherently worse Fusions? What's the point of making level 4 effect monsters weaker when straight beatdown hasn't been relevant for years? What's the point of removing archetype restrictions and making everything just goodstuff? I could understand if there were actual decent suggestions here (turn down the quickplay negation/popping, along with handtraps' ridiculous power, and reduce the ugre to just slap immunity onto something and call it a day), but they aren't being made.
Most people who play Yugioh actually want the game to be retarded and broken. That is why they play a retarded and broken game in the first place, instead of doing what most people did, taking one look at it and going "fuck that".
you never played this, do you?
>fast and fluid gameplay with lots of player interaction
Really? I thought it was "I hope to have my instant win combo in my opening hand and also hope you don't have an answer to it in yours, and if that plan doesn't work I'll scoop because there's fuck all else I can do".
I've played Duel Links and that game is absolutely retarded. Yes, I know DL rules are slightly different from regular Yugioh, but I don't believe for a second that doubling the life total and increasing the slots from 3 to 5 could suddenly turn the game from pure concentrated stupidity to strategic.
>I have not taken the time to learn how to play the game and do not fully understand what it is I'm talking about, but shitposting is fun
Any deck that's that inconsistent and easily disrupted isn't competitive.
considering the completely different cardpool it does
How does anyone consider Duel Links ridiculous? It's literally just straight beatdown with a side of Enemy Controller/Sphere Kuriboh/other battle position changer.
>The entire point of the game is that the lack of restrictions or a resource system combined with the versatility and nuances of the cards allows for fast and fluid gameplay with lots of player interaction.
Is this supposed to be a bonus?
you're acting like he actually knows anything about the game
Why wouldn't it be?
goggle HAT format and GOAT format
the strongest deck in the current format is about creating consistently powerful boards, flexibility in dealing with different situations, and disrupting your opponent. aka pendulum mages.
More ritual monster archetypes and more support for older ritual monster archetypes.