How is this coin still below $27?

Yesterday Salt confirmed that you can pay off loans with the token. So biz buy now at 14$ and sell them at 27,50$ on the salt platform

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Shut the fuck up.

Because whole market is down

This will be one of the coins that first get pumped

No buy them at $16 and now panic sell at 14

Dont even shill this, just let it naturally grow, people will find out about SALT eventually and will be interested.

so you're saying i can buy this poece of shit right now for $14 and sell it somewhere else for $27

how in the fuck does that work ?

You can already arbitrage SALT loans for free money because of the price difference.

I haven't done it because I'm too lazy and my stack is barely 5 figures, but it seems legit to me to do.

It’s already making me money went all in the dip to $13

Did you even check their website?? There's no way you can sell SALT back to them, you can only buy them or use it to pay for membership.

"We will be initially providing loans (US dollar denominated and backed by Bitcoin or Ethereum) first to Enterprise members, followed by Premier members, and then to Base members."

Buy now and register as a base member

"As a thank you to our community, we will be allowing members to repay both their principal and interest with SALT (valued at retail price) instead of US dollars."

Sell the tip, it's coming back down in a second
Buy back in below 98K sats

>haven't done it
>seems legit

Sell now, give me your bags

You cut off the last sentence there faggot

already did, but I'm at a huge gain. Even if it does go up a bit, it won't rocket upwards since people are afraid of the artificial limit.

wrong u can use them to pay back the loans u take out, at 27$ - see the medium post

Btw I recommend watching SALT on multiple exchanges at the same time. Gives you heads up when big movements are happening. Lots of big swings to grab tons of money from

Hahaha pajeet is angry. Be happy i posted a link, this isnt a stupid shill

I can't believe this is not at least $25 already.

Yeah, my biz brothers should profit from this

Lots of the weak hands salt yesterday, also stupid whales who didn't understand the project are constantly crashing it with 20k sells just to take a little profit

Everyone keeps saying to just arb it, but I can't for the life of me see how. Loan $1000, buy salt at 15, pay back salt @ worth of 27.50? Take out bigger loan repeat?

Exactly. I think the reason it isn't nearing $27 on the exchange yet is no one has been able to actually PROVE you can do this. Once the first round of invites go out and the big boys can take out 100k loans and then buy Salt at $15 on an exchange to pay it off at $27 on the platform, you'll see it rise.

You do realize that this is a loan process right?
You don't just "take out a loan" like a payday loan

>my biz brothers

Yes you have to put up $1000 worth of collateral and you pay 1 salt for the 10k membership but hypothetically you could

Loan $2750 usd.
Buy 196 salt with that.
Sell 100 salt back to them to pay off the principal

Profit close to $1400.

This is only a limited time though and obviously When people realize this the price is going to go up and Bauer only going to take salt to pay off interested not principal so get in while it’s hot

Yes, you'll need to go through the proper steps but it doesn't change the fact that you're able to pay it off with SALT at a rate of 27.50.

but when will be able to do this? will it be too late by time every loan is up

You dumbasses they aren't gonna let you pay it right back in the meantime they will make even more off YOUR bitcoin. It's a ponzi scheme

It's a ponzi

>you wont be able to pay it right back
Most likely true. Which means people can use it for its intended purpose while being able to pay off the principal easier.

wheres my lambo???

no movement and there gains elsewhere... hands getting weak

You can pay it back anytime

Join here bro

Stop spamming this pajeet discord group

I'm I having a stroke or is it starting to moon?

Of course, just sold my 500 SALT so that I can buy back lower, given my track record that's definitely the point where it moons!

I feel your pain.

Stop shilling this shit and let it do its thing ffs.

so I could buy SALT from binance,
Send it to SALT
sell it on their platform for a profit?


You can't "sell" it but you could use it to purchase items from their shop, or pay back a loan. So you could essentially take out a loan, spend half of it in on SALT & pay the loan back keeping the rest (& your crypto collateral).

do something shitcoin

taking off right now

if I borrow money on their platform, how do I transfer it out of there

Not going to FOMO back in at my sell price, just hoping that some whale is going to move the price below my buy order again. :)

So I have 10000 worth of SALT at market value I take a 10k loan I pay it back with my SALT at retail value and keep the change ??

And there was the dump, netting me a sweet 20 additional SALT and a small heart-attack.

gg wp

you get a bank deposit. Before you could only pay back with fiat but they said yesterday you can pay back with salt now too, at 27.50 per coin

yeah once people start getting loans the exchange price will match it

Lotta SALT shills today thinking 5% movement is a moon

I'll give you some advice
Sell around now, it'll be coming down in a bit.
Buy back around 100k-102k

Watch the 103k buy wall on Bittrex, that's what you should look out for after you sell.
If it doesn't break after 10 minutes, buy back in

you're not gonna make it

I literally already called this in this thread and anyone who listened made a free 5-6%
The order book and charts make this pretty clear, it'll be coming down again before it makes another major run

no he won't. those buy/sell wall are no more than piece of art on a unregulated exchange. bs

you really nailing this

>goes up 50 cents
omg strap in boys we Pluto now.
I’ve spent a good chunk of time on this board over the past month and I can truly say that Its absolute garbage.

How do I take a loan? I am a member.

If you believe in the lending crypto get ethLEND as well. 10% of the mrktcap of SALT

time take take off

Just look at the daily, salt has been slow organic growth for weeks, if you want to chase moons go for it, salt is peace of mind

That wasn't his point, he's giving reasonable advice on how to gain from whale movement.

>realize the bantz potential if SALT ever gained mass adoption
>".002 SALT has been deposited to your account"
Just went all in.

Sure, he was right this time, but 102k is pretty low looking at a longer time frame, the pattern always repeats until it doesn't

Yeah, I'm in for another dump, but 102k is a bit too optimistic to my liking, I wouldn't aim for that. And sure, SALT growth is definitely a given, if one can't live with the chance to miss out on 30-40% gains because of chasing 5% gains, that's totally fine ( and probably the more reasonable choice )

Too good to be true. God knows when they will be actually lending money out and in the meantime we are all holding bags of SALT

Back to where I bought yesterday at the ATH.

Thank god I hodled

enterprise member here. as soon as my loan functionality opens, ill be staking enough btc for 1mil, and then immediately paying it off with salt. will post results when i can, but who knows when

the short to mid term for this is just up up and away, dude. if you want to hold something, salt is a top contender no doubt. however, definitely get back in to btc when it starts pumping, and then back to salt when its at a nice high point (probably 30-40k)

You got time before you can get out even and buy back cheaper when BTC crashes this market SELL SELL SELL

because they will go bankrupt once everyone default on their "loans" and they take your coins with them

w-when's the dip fampai?

they aren't lending the money it's peer to peer


How would they go bankrupt? Cryptos have been appreciating so quickly that they would profit when they took the collateral coins.

They would only go bankrupt if BTC and ETH crashed for an extended period of time (years.)


it dipped for like 20 hours


with your bank

Within the SALT system, tokens are valued at $27.50 (formerly $25). But, with the launch of the platform SALT announced they will accept the SALT token as payment for both interest and principal. Furthermore, they will accept the tokens at the full retail value. I’m assuming they are doing this to market their business and to get more tokens out of circulation back into their platform. They will resell them for $27.50.

So what does this mean to you? Well if you haven’t noticed $SALT is currently trading around $14–15 per token (at the time of this writing). Has the light bulb gone off yet? This means you can buy tokens for $15 and pay off a loan at $25. Simple steps:

1) Buy $15,000 worth of SALT tokens on the open market
2) Take out a loan for $25,000 from SALT
3) Pay off the loan with your tokens (they only cost $15,000 but are valued at $25,000)
4) Pocket $10,000 USD profit, ala arbitrage from a loan

You can request a loan now

just fomo'd at $17 how fucked am i?


Not feeling too confident about selling at 0.022 ETH to buy back cheaper. JUST

Probably pretty fucked in the short term desu, you will be alright if you can hold 2 days

it will unironically return to ~1010 before breaking 1200

get a loan as described here
for immediate profit

>immediate profit
the loans take a few days to process, hence why salt isnt $27 yet

Fuck yes.

hi, can anyone tell me what you mean by 100k etc?

how do you send Salt to the Salt platform??

not that guy, but im in the process right now. well see how this goes lol. applied for a mil

One Bitcoin equals 100.000.000 Satoshis. So if SALT is being sold for 0.001 BTC that's 100.000 = 100k Satoshis.

do you have that much money to pay back if it doesn't work lol

if you werent a deluded biztard or linkie you bought this at 3 bucks instead of chasing your shitcoins, now you have to buy at 14 for only a 2x LOL

i have enough btc to stake 1.2mil like they want (120%), and ~34k salt to pay it back with at platform price, all right now. im actually gonna ask the loan specialist if they can just skip the btc stake part to save btc fees and just take the salt.

>held a shitcoin for 1 day
Get out normalfag

does it make you nervous about what it would take for SALT specialists to realize as they're discussing the finer details they're basically negotiating how they'll be robed, like, ... I just do not get it. When you have those kinds of volumes do people just only think in their distant long term prerogatives? You don't have to answer any of this. I'm just flapping the old gums.

SALT is mooning. When do I sell to maximize day trading??

They aren't being robbed. If enough people do this it will raise the price of Salt

The arbitrage won't be able to be "abused" for long and is one of the mechanisms to ensure that exchanges catch up with their own retail price. So they have to take some of those hits right now.