Anyone else looking forward to getting their copy of Kingdom Death Monster in the next week or two? Here's to hoping that the wave 2 expansions are on time as well.
Kingdom Death
is this official art or something? I knew this game was kind of fetishy but this is ridiculous
Getting it? Doesn't he have to open a form for people to enter their mailing address? And once at that stage it still takes awhile because they have to wait for people to respond to it too
Why even talk to these haters?
They feed on shitting on others' excitement.
Gonna be great when it lands, poots has thankfully weathered the shitstorm of consumer entitlement and made a pivotal work even more monumental.
>kind of
Boy, there are a pair of lesbian hermaphrodites with skirts made of penises.
and their both satan
That is very important.
Do we know that it's actually shipping that soon? I would have thought we'd get an update for something that big.
>is this official art or something?
Yes, by Lokman Lam. He does the pinup art for KD, among other things. And it's all amazing. The epitome of thicc.
Yes. Going all in on the Kickstarter felt good. Lantern for life.
Fuck yes, I'm excited.
I can't wait to dish out money for shipping.
>Mfw i missed the kickstarter and might have to wait 2+ years to get it
Feels bad man.
Wasn't the shipping prepaid?
And they both Gattai into this thing.
That was last kickstarter.
It depends on what you got but the first wave should be about 10-30$ of shipping.
I went all in boys. $2000 worth of monsters, kingdoms and death.
Well the first wave is only core and expansions so that's not going to change much either way.
Assuming you have God Frogdog, waves 2-4 will run you between 48-92$ in shipping.
Aight shit I thought I had paid Poots all his money
Well Poots isn't the one seeing this money, It's the shipping companies.
Surely you accidentally spasmed and pressed the 0 one time too many?
I live in New Zealand. our currency is not great versus USD and it was something like $1500 at the time, then I thought shipping was in there so it came out at $2k
The average Pledge for this Kisckstarter was 643$, at least 2079 people pledged more than 1666$ out of 19264 backers or about 10%.
I recently bought the finale saviour, waiting to paint it. I got it cuz it looked like a newby superheroine model and that was cool. Any advice for painting it?
I'm on the fence about the game itself. It's a cool concept but I think all the pinups ruin it. Its hard to take something like the wet nurse or the lion god seriously, they are meant to be horrifying representations of human sexuality but they're placed next to stupidly sexualised and idealised sexy women.
Like pic-related
Or this one
For one, you don't have to put them next to eachother.
Two, if you are somehow conflating the two you have problems.
Three if having earnest depictions of sexuality in the same thing as twisted depictions of sexuality makes you not take something seriously, then you're either not very mature or kind of a prude.
No, its hard to take it seriously when it has horrifying depictions of human sexuality next to like, hairless impossible hourglass women unironically. I'm not saying its not still a cool setting, its just something that bothers me about it.
No. It’s made by the main artist of the team, but wasn’t commissioned by Poots. It’s basically fanart that a dude on the team made.
Except the pinups are display pieces not game content. They never touch the board. Here is what the actual game pieces look like.
You're bothered by it because you're on some fundamental level a prude.
People like you are always bothered by earnest depictions of sexuality outside of what you consider the "appropriate" context.
You don't seem to understand what I'm saying. I'm fine with sexy ladies, its just inconsistent with the tone.
>White Speaker
>Infant Sunstalker's maidens
>Twilight Knights
>Illuminated Lady
>Flower Witch
I get what you're trying to say, but no, there's plenty of examples to back up what I'm talking about.
Wait, the flower witch, the twilight knights and the infant sunstalker never appear in-game? Isn't the White Speaker a monster?
Considering the ammount of rape and feminicide in decadent settlements and the strong erotic component in serial killer profiles, /s/ is ingrained into survival/horror themes.
The Twilight knight, White Speakers, and the Sunstalker Maidens show up in events, and in artwork, but never hit the board and are never present when fighting a monster.
The flower witch shows up as an expansion monster, which means you will never see her alongside another more horrific monster because every monster is a solo fight.
The illuminated lady is not in the game at all.
The white speakers do show up as a boss in the red witches expansion, but are a much more modestly dressed variant of them, and again never show up alongside the more grotesque monsters.
There is literally not a single situation in the game where you have scantily clad women and a hideous monster on the board at the same time.
Even if they're never on the board at the same time, its still inconsistent tone. A lot of kingdom death artwork/atmosphere is all about how the human body is horrifying. Most of the monsters are made up of fucked up human body parts after all. So its weird for me to see these guys presented uncritically alongside highly sexualised/idealised female bodies. Like, if one of the monsters was a pinup, like an inhumanly perfect woman who was obsessed with beauty so now no-one can look at her without turning to stone, that'd be fine. But just having lots of sexy women around non-ironically bugs me. Even if they're never on the board at the same time, they're still all over the place in artwork, as models, etc.
Thanks for the clear explanations about each of those models/monsters though.
This level of getting BTFO is fucking glorious.
I hate it when SJWs who don't play games try to criticize based on lies, and seeing people lay down actual facts is great.
>its still inconsistent tone
No it really isn't, the juxtaposition of the beautiful and the grotesque is perfectly congruent with the tone.
> A lot of kingdom death artwork/atmosphere is all about how the human body is horrifying
You have taken away entirely the wrong message from this, It's just trying to convey the grotesqueness and horror of the monsters by taking what should be pleasant or neutral imagery and twisting it.
>Like, if one of the monsters was a pinup, like an inhumanly perfect woman who was obsessed with beauty
Flower Witch says hello, also the Scribe and the Golden entitiy to a greater degree though they only exist in the lore.
>But just having lots of sexy women around non-ironically bugs me.
What would you like it more if they did it ironically?
At the end of the day you're still a prude.
Looking forward to seems like a bit of an understatement.
>But just having lots of sexy women around non-ironically bugs me.
this is a sign of social disorder user, get therapy
But the PC's are not even real actual humans.
I'm not too deep into the lore, since I don't want to spoil the fun too hard, but as far as I know, the humans you play, the ones that wake up at the plane of faces are being written into existance by this smug fucker right here.
And he seems all kind of vain.
Oh I get it, that's supposed to be a sexy version of that frog girl from Boku no Academia. Kind of like how the game also has alternate versions of Guts and Kamina.
>You're taking away entirely the wrong message from this, It's just trying to convey the grotesqueness and horror of the monsters by taking what should be pleasant or neutral imagery and twisting it.
Yes, so presenting entirely pleasant bodies alongside this is inconsistent.
>Flower Witch says hello
I meant if there was ONE model like that it'd be an interesting take on body horror. With all the other perfect hourglass bodies on display it loses its impact.
>The juxtaposition
That works for say, the Scribe model, which actually juxtaposes his perfection with his cruelty. Not with say, the Flower Witch or the White Speaker, who are just sexy ladies with nothing to be juxtaposed against. As you said, they never appear on the board with the ugly monsters.
It's more like a combo of Tomoko and Hex Maniac.
No-one plays kingdom death user. You just stay up all night to try and buy the game when it gets released, and sob quietly to yourself when its sold out before you can put your credit card info in.
No wonder I love her
>Yes, so presenting entirely pleasant bodies alongside this is inconsistent.
Except we already established that they don't strictly appear next to eachother, they merely exist within the sam universe.
>I meant if there was ONE model like that it'd be an interesting take on body horror. With all the other perfect hourglass bodies on display it loses its impact.
It's not supposed to be about body horror, to quote the lore:
>Above all else, the Flower Witch teaches the disciples about ego and the beauty of life and death. Cultivating immaculate beauty at the precipice of destruction strengthens the ego needed to wield the Flower Witch’s powers and maintain her knowledge.
>Not with say, the Flower Witch
Not about body horror and not juztaposed against enything, she's about ego and beauty as already established.
>or the White Speaker
White speakers derive their power from something that is by nature quite sexual, that being period blood.
They're generally also about very sexual themes, with strong BDSM overtones especially with the gimp suits in the Red Witches expansion and the fact that they need to be bound up when telling their stories because of the seizures.
A work of fiction is allowed to have more than one theme, in the case of Kingdom Death it isn't just about body horror it's about sexuality as well, and where those two things meet but also about each individually.
user they do appear next to each other because they exist in the same universe!
And you're not getting what I'm talking about with the flower witch. If she was the only impossible hourglass figure, then the whole "immaculate beauty" schtick would be a lot more meaningful and thematic. But when there are plenty of other impossibly beautiful women running around it loses a lot of its impact.
I don't think you're quite understanding what I'm saying user, so allow me to rephrase it so you'll find easier to grasp: It's hard for me to take Kingdom Death's horror aspects seriously when there are comfy top-tier waifus like 's pic related rubbing shoulders with the horrible monsters.
>It's hard for me to take Kingdom Death's horror aspects seriously when there are comfy top-tier waifus like #'s pic related rubbing shoulders with the horrible monsters.
Are you telling me that beauty can't exist in the same universe as horror?
Ignoring that that's a non canonical pin-up, the game very clearly depicts the beauty and serenity that exists in the world despite its horrors.
>Are you telling me that beauty can't exist in the same universe as horror?
Just because they CAN go together doesn't mean that throwing them together is guaranteed to work.
Beauty can exist in the same universe as horror. but you can't tell me the a horror movie doesn't suffer when they spend most of their time focusing on sexy ladies. Look at Piranha - good as a funny B-movie, shit as a horror movie.
It's the same with this setting. And you're kinda right - a few moments of stolen intimacy/love doesn't really disrupt the setting, heck the overall grimness magnifies it. It's just that has nothing to do with the disruptions to the tone caused by constantly parading scantily clad women with flawless hourglass bodies in front of us.
Is this neofeminist still trying to cut down on a perfectly implemented asethetic?
Everything is hypersexualized including the monsters because humans are hypersexualized, the game is a Freudian nightmare involving our primal drives including: eating, shitting, fear of death/ageing and, get this, sex.
Want the big revel? Like in real life all the monsters are actually people.
>constantly parading scantily clad women with flawless hourglass bodies in front of us.
If that were the case, you might be right.
But that just isn't the case.
>user they do appear next to each other because they exist in the same universe!
I'm fairly sure Warhammer Fantasy is different from Warhammer 40k.
Things that exist within the same universe can be different. Especially when it comes to culture. Simply going to another country will blast you with an entirely separate system of values and ideas about the human body.
None of which you will actually see (barring the Flower Witch and White Speakers) because they're for fun, non-canonical promo miniatures.
They're making a pin-up manhunter for fucks sake, you'd have to be ignorant or insane to take them seriously.
Is it two different Satans like in some versions of the Bible or is it just double dose of just a same single Satan?
One being two bodies.
Even if you discount the pinups, which is a big if because they pretty much make up 2/3rds of what these guys put out, there's still the flower witch and the white speakers.
user Kingdom Death isn't a real universe. It's a piece of media created for consumption, an idea meant to sell you bits of plastic. I'm saying the idea contradicts itself when half of the art/bits of plastic resembles impossibly sexy ladies with perfect bodies that are to be desired and the other half are inhuman monsters meant to show how horrifying and repulsive human bodies are.
user, are you attracted to monsters like pic-related? I'm fairly certain you should stop reading your monster hentai if you are. It's melting your brain.
Are they each half a Satan then, or are they both the same Satan simultaneously?
What's the story on the Pathfinder characters being in the Kingdom Death universe? Is it plane-hopping shenanigans?.
Something like that.
I'm waiting until Black Friday.
Th-they are gonna do a reprint and have a Black Friday sale this year, right?
This games art is incredible. Shame the game doesn't look too fun.
>there's still the flower witch and the white speakers.
Which I already explained the thematic significance of and that you even admited would be fine on their own.
And so what they make a lot of pin-up?
They're still not part of the campaign and you won't ever see them during gameplay unless you go out of your way to get them.
There are officially licensed sexy Freddy Krueger anime figures, does their mere existence make Nightmare on Elm Street less of a horror movie?
>I'm saying the idea contradicts itself when half of the art/bits of plastic resembles impossibly sexy ladies with perfect bodies that are to be desired and the other half are inhuman monsters meant to show how horrifying and repulsive human bodies are.
How is that a contradiction? Beauty existing alongside horror is a theme as old as time.
>user, are you attracted to monsters like pic-related? I'm fairly certain you should stop reading your monster hentai if you are. It's melting your brain.
No but it embodies something raw and primal.
Yes the Flower Witch would be fine on her own, but she's not on her own. Her beauty magic thing doesn't work when there's other women who look just as impossible as she does without that magic.
It's inconsistent when they're saying "hey look at this hot lady she has a hot body you like to look at" at the same time as they're saying "hey look at this gross penis monster! or this bird that only closer examination has human-y bits! aren't human bodies gross and horrifying?"
Nightmare on Elm Street's horror was about how inescapable Freddy Krueger was and how his victims were helpless to stop him - they have to go to sleep eventually and adults or police won't believe them. Kingdom's Death Horror is Body Horror, with a helping of Cosmic Horror. They're very different, sexy Freddy Krueger doesn't really contradict his movie's tone. It's still a shameless cashgrab, don't get me wrong. For something similar for the Freddy Krueger franchise, you'd have to have, say, a videogame or movie where krueger was vulnerable and easily defeated.
It embodies you needing to get out and fuck a real woman user.
The reprint is currently in production, so you can expect pre-orders to be available on Black Friday, and the run should be significantly larger than the first edition, so it shouldn't sell out instantly either.
>Are they each half a Satan then, or are they both the same Satan simultaneously?
Satan was madly enamored with himself, so he split into two so he could fuck himself.
>who look just as impossible as she does without that magic
White Speakers also use magic to look perfect.
>It's inconsistent when they're saying "hey look at this hot lady she has a hot body you like to look at" at the same time as they're saying "hey look at this gross penis monster! or this bird that only closer examination has human-y bits! aren't human bodies gross and horrifying?"
That's not at all what they're saying, you are completely misreading the themes of the game. It's more like "look at the beauty of the human form, now watch as these monsters corrupt and twist that sanctity, aren't these monsters horrifying?".
Having the sexy alongside the horrifying is perfectly in line with body horror.
Monster Hunter, mixed with low-level Civilization, mixed with Dark Souls...
May I ask what mechanics you do not like?
It is a little RNG heavy sometimes, but v1.5 is trying to address that, as it was a major "complaint" from the original version.
What is this reprint people are talking about?
A chance for us plebs to pick up ver 1.5 or is it a reprint of 1.0 ?
And you can go shove that ad hominem up your ass if that's the level of discourse we're going to have.
Alright, its clear we disagree on what the basic themes of KD are. It's late here, so I'm going to bed.
Ok that's cool.
It is a printing of v1.5 of the game, a completely new Core Box, those who own the v1.0 can get the upgrade box to v1.5
So yes, those who didn't back the KS will be able to buy complete editions of v1.5
Yes and your interpretation is self evidently wrong and almost certainly stems from your sexual repression, you quitter.
Thank the gods!
When is the exact date/time so i can set up a sacrifice and make sure i'm on the computer.
Google gives me nothing!
user put down the monster hentai. Giant monster bird man is not hypersexualised. If you look at the monsters and feel a powerful stirring in your loins its because you need to go visit a strip club or at least watch some live-action porn. Giant monster bird man isn't real and he will never be able to love you the way a real human being can.
Yes clearly. I am very sorry. I will go away now and whip myself for thinking impure thoughts.
pin ups do not exist withing the KD:M universe. they only exist as part of the miniature line of kingdom death.
kingdom death does not depict human bodies as icky. it does the opposite. and monsters use these familiar parts to use to become more horrifying.
No need sir. We got the loli survivor to do it for you.
>the game is a Freudian nightmare involving our primal drives including: eating, shitting, fear of death/ageing and, get this, sex.
>eating, shitting, fear of death/ageing
Reading comprehension my man.
So these days if I wanted every bit of gameplay related content, but no pinups, how much would this set me back?
You and I both, user. You and I both.
About 2000+ dollars, seeing as you missed the kick starter.
just get the corebox and 1 year 1 monster man. if you really like it get expansions
Is there a way to buy the game now? Or i am fucked until 2020?
There'll probably be some limited copies available during black Friday, so best to try for then.
will probably have a stock to last a year. he printed like 10k copies extra
>ever coming out
It's been out for some time now.
like 2-3 years in fact
also shipping is starting in a month. we didnt even have to wait that long. only 3-5 months delay.
fucking mage sleeve kickstarter has a waaay longer delay
Isn't shipping supposed to start early October? Or did he put out another update?
Adam generally does a Black Friday sale, so I imagine Pre-orders will go live at that time.
As for delivery, there have been some delays already (on the KS), so expect sometime next year I suppose.
this image is like 1 second before it becomes hardcore guro