Does anyone have any stories whey you where >That Guy
Does anyone have any stories whey you where >That Guy
>Be me
>Be playing self-insert on personality
>But with magic and shit
>Be bard
>Put a bunch of ranks in skills for plot advancement
>Take 10 for 24 total on knowledge checks. Literally cannot fail diplomacy roles
>GMs hate me.
Big dick swingin'
this makes me more mad than anything else you wrote
My GM threw a fit over that too.
While I do have some problems, I or anyone else in my group have ever really crossed into "That guy" territory. The closest we had to that was when we used to game at the store and this loud obnoxious guy would constantly hang around us with his wife beater shirt and unshaven pits constantly showing. Which is one of the reasons we now play at my house.
I'm an awful player and do all sorts of stupid shit. Burn down an entire forest to kill one guy we were hunting, murder random npcs just for the hell of it. I'm sorry but it never won't be fun to me to do this kind of stupid shit.
3.5 DnD
I made a crossbow that shot gelatinous cubes at people.
I made a fully automatic trebuchet.
I only did it for the LuLs though. My char was so OP, me and the other powergamer just picked people in the party and powerbuffed them, winner based on the kill count of your buff target.
>playing a game of 5e
>Picked rogue, arcane trickster, meant as a supportive character with his skill checks and utility magic to make dungeon crawling and adventuring easier and less dangerous.
>For some unknown reason, one of the players hates me (something something "you are a backstabbing Rogue")
>Starts to get almost none of the loot because "you are probably stealing a lot more that you aren't sharing anyway
>Neutral good, not a thief at all, never stolen anything other than a keychain from a guard, on request from the lawful good Paladin in my party.
>Keeps getting worse for no apparent reason, whenever I get a level, or the GM hands me anything in items or whatever, or even if I go shopping for simple adventuring gear like rope, they get paranoid.
>Rogue keeps trying IC to prove he isn't a bad guy, and considering he has done literally 0 illegal, or even questionable, things, it seemed like it he would have a solid case. But apparently not.
>Suddenly Holds Person me and ties me up. Doesn't want me running around during the night.
>They go to sleep in a secure area with no one keeping watch.
>I keep asking what their fucking problem is, but they act the same OOC as they do IC.
>Pretty sure they cant tell the difference, honestly.
>I am done
>I unbind myself easily
>I steal literally everything I can from them, and burries it in the ground close to the building.
>I go back in and tie myself back up.
>No one has noticed me be gone
>Everybody wakes up
>Immediately blames me when they ntoice their things are gone.
>GM asks them to roll a few rolls, and due to poor rolling, says they have no reason to believe my charavter had any way of stealing anything
>Players know, so they keep badgering my character, despite the GM telling them they dont know.
>Finally kills my character for no good in game reason.
>Asks where their gear is
>"You killed the only person who knows. Who are you asking?"
>Kicked me for being "a PVPing asshole".
>be gm
>forgot most of the rules because I haven't played that system for months
>have to look at the book and explain the rules badly, dragging the game for to long
I'm so sorry
I still talk to the GM. The "leader" of the group (which he calls himself) is the one supplying house to the while thing, and one of the players, so he does decide who stats and who doesn't. I know I was a massive asshole for ruining it instead of just leaving, but I was feeling super petty back then.
The GM said they never found their stolen gear, and he wasn't going to let them just find it after that. He says they also forgot a letter of recommendation they needed to meet the king we were supposed to request aid from, which my character carried - even when he was burned by the other characters.
>Friend runs homebrew d20 fuckery
>Shit on it constantly becausae it's always really bad idea
I wasn't wrong, just a massive asshole.
>WHFRP 2ed
>be a veteran roleplayer in a group of newbes becouse I want to try WH
>be verenian flagellant
>supposed tobplay lawfull/neutral good
>say fuck it
>become so devoted I'm basicly slicing out eyes of people who even saw chaos
>now I'm a real dick that hides behind justice and all kinds of shit
>mfw I became a christian crusader
>mfw all I do is prove people guilty just to kill them
>my party still thinks I'm lawful good
>lawfull/neutral good
Yep, that guy and legitimately retarded.
>He says they also forgot a letter of recommendation they needed to meet the king we were supposed to request aid from, which my character carried - even when he was burned by the other characters.
Haha haha. Yes. GM seems to fully understand they're assholes for that. Small victories and all that.
They tried to say they'd obviously remove it first, but GM is pretty much known for his "No backsies" policy - you didn't "obviously" do anything. That's not how it works. If you are in doubt, you are free to ask what your character is supposed to know, but not for these things that basically play out in real time.
I feel like he sorta enabled me more than he should, but he is still a good GM. I played another campaign with him that went a lot better. Strict but fair, in my opinion.
Once I killed the party's beloved NPC because she was against my character's moral code.
No, I didn't tell anyone what I was planning. Literally:
>NPC: Alright everyone, we doin good?
>My Character: *BRRAP*
>There are no allignments in whfrp2e
>You're supposed to play 'grey' characters
>Flagellants are crazy for their god,
I don't know how removing the eyes of chaos witnesses has anything to do with Verenas theme of justice but there's nothing wrong with bat-shit crazy Flagellants.
You evil sonabitch
When I was a child a friend and I collected Warhammer. Our first language is not English, so learning the rules was very difficult. I tried, though, but because I was just a kid and because I was always a sore loser (back then), I ended up completely trashing him every time we tried to play.
I still feel sort of bad about it.
Teehee Maccaroni is the bane of my fucking existence.
Every fucking campaign that my GM runs inevitably at some point involves running into an NPC named "Teehee Maccaroni," who the GM affectionately describes as "an epic level sorcerer who's also a retarded nudist gnome."
Teehee Maccaroni wander the countryside with a unique Rod of Wonders powered by "retard magic" shoved up his anus, and he casts the Rod of Wonders by diddling his penis. He says nothing but his own name in different inflections and the phrase "I like-a the goodberry, gimme gimme the goodberry." The GM thinks it's hilarious to have this character show up during the middle of encounters we're struggling at and start jerking off magic everywhere.
But the worst part is his chant. He wanders around chanting his name, so when he's about to show up the GM will start low;
Tee-hee-hee, Maccaroni Maccaroni
Tee-hee-hee, Maccaroni Maccaroni
And then get louder and louder until he's fucking shouting
And the table loves it! The other guys I play with think this is the best shit! Teehee Maccaroni has been our table's de-facto inside joke, our signature "running gag" for six years now. When that chant starts up, everyone else joins in like a ritual; the whole table is expected to start chanting "TEE HEE HEE, MACCARONI MACCARONI" by the end, and every fucking time I refuse because this is some embarrassing circa-2002 Penguin of Doom shit, it's always the same thing; "There goes user again! No fun allowed around user! user's just a big grouch who's getting angry because we're making him touch Teehee Maccaroni's penis again! Why won't you just let us have fun with this character, he's just here for dumb fun, you stick-in-the mud!"
These motherfuckers are all over 25 years old.
Teehee Maccaroni is going to be the death of me.
Well, it was bait, but at least it was bait that was fun to read. Here's your (you).
It's a copypasta.
So was his reply.
>Shadowrun 5e
>Make a decker because I thought it would be fun
>About 20ish sessions in and still need to be guided with my rolls
I'm just gonna stick with Adepts and Sammies from now on.
You shave your armpits?
It's been used in print since 1795. I think by now it's firmly part of colloquial vernacular.
I'm sorry but what kind of faggot shaves their armpits?
Girls, user.
I don't understand. You won fair and square?
The post literally says guy, you smug, passive aggressive bitch.
sadly I haven't had the opportunity. Most of the time I'm playing it's with a group that can't resist being fucking retarded. One guy who only plays a character whose sole trait is "I'm a big important man", another one who doesn't RP, just acts like a jackass, waving a gun around constantly like a screaming violent autist.
I've told it before, but yeah, I was part of a recurring LGS shit group of That Guys who delighted in ruining prospective GM's campaigns. I largely got cured of it by a guy who was probably a little That GM himself punishing me into a better class of player. I suppose I can tell the story again, but I've said it before.
>playing a decker
>kinda large group so I tend to get glossed over by other party members
>decide to go over the handbook to familiarize myself with tech possibilities
>group finally needs a decker
>im spiteful so i tell them im hiding in my house reading a book
>another party member breaks into my house and drags me through the yard while i am still reading to my book
>asks if im gonna cooperate, i say no
>puts a bullet in my stomach
>visits me in the hospital and asks if i will play ball now
>even more spiteful now, i tell him no
>comes back with another party member
>puts a pillow over my face and a bullet in my head while other party member slices a nurses throat and murders a child for no real reason
>they end up in jail, my character is dead, the entire campaign is derailed.
its hard to say who exactly is That Guy in our group because we just seem to be That Group
Stop posting this in every thread.
Nah, name's Samuel, but deckers are crazy shit.
>our group, 3 about 16 year olds, who recently got into tabletop (5e)
>GM is really putting in some work and passion for his campaign and setting
>we constantly ruin it, because we're dicks
>we come to a fortress
>it's a fort made of wood and inhabitated by orcs lead by a wise young shaman orc (hello WC3 I guess)
>we are granted a stay for the night and food, because we killed common enemies earlier
>all I do is trying to set the whole thing on fire to loot the burnt remains
>GM gets pissed
>we get lost in a forest
>we meet two hunters on horses, who kindly show us the way to the next settlement
>I kill them both and rob them of the little copper they're carrying
another one
>we come to a village
>we ask some guy in the streets about the name of the village
>GM obviously doesn't know and improvises
>we figure out the village is just for flavor and plays no bigger part in our current quest
>we burn the whole place down after killing everyone
God bless our GM's patience. We're all still playing 5e together
And he human race has been stupid for much longer. Doesn't make it right or acceptable
I was That Guy once, in the sense that I found myself with a playstyle that was different from the rest of the group and became disruptive to the game. I can't greentext for shit so bear with me.
>be young and eager player
>think my GM is great, good storyteller
>Long-running game
>The GM starts taking longer and longer pauses from the game
>Basically we play for a couple of months a year
>Still going because I had a lot of investment in the characters and the game
In the meanwhile, I started GMing, playing with other people, spending a lot of time in forums. My powerlevel had grown exponentially.
>Old GM gathers the party again
>It's the last months of 3.5
>I'm not a CharOp guy but I've been redpilled
>Realize that we are playing characters that are barely functional within the rules
>ask the GM to adjust things for the party
>GM agrees then screws us over
Basically we went through a very hard dungeon in order to raise funds, which was half a TPK, then the GM takes all our loot away in a trial that boiled down to a single die roll with no roleplay
>Another player' GM's pet, is playing a different character
>His new character turns traitor and his old one shows up and one-shots him
>Realize that it was just a huge railroad all along
>Realize that all our characters had always been on the sidelines of their power fantasy
>Ask the GM if I can adjust my character too
>GM agrees
>Turn up with a Cheater of Mystra
(In my defense, it was a perfect fit for all the background and the lore of the character)
>Play a short game in which I don't really get to do anything special
>GM's pet gives me the stink eye all the time
>The next day, GM calls me and tells me that my behavior has upset the other players and that I should do better
>Tell him to fuck off and never play with them again
My thoughts in the next post.
>unshaven armpits
wtf are you talking about?
what guy shaves his armpits?
Looking back, I was a bit of a back-seat GM and a moderate CharOpper, both things that I try my best not to do anymore. On the other hand, that group's style of gaming was OK when I was a beginner, but by the time of the facts it was stale, and I don't approve the unequal treatment of players in a cooperative game (it was kinda pathetic, looking at them).
I've since become a ForeverGM and a very different kind of one, and I'm happier this way.
what was the NPC and what was your character's moral code?
>GM tells us it will be a standard fantasy adventure, and to make simple archetypal characters
>I create a rogue
>GM introduces all the players, I'm a thief stalking the rest of the party, a group of naive travellers from a rural area
>Do my best "follow me to that dark alleyway, good sirs, I got a deal that's to die for" routine, so that we can all get together.
>Thugs from my crime ring pop out of nowhere and ambush them, I can't intervene without pissing the entire mafia in the city since I got small debts everywhere.
>Leg it and go find new targets
>TPK (minus me)
I know that "but it's what my character would do" is a shitty excuse, but honestly, what was I supposed to do?
You're not a That Guy, in fact you're probably a slightly above average GM that at least feels sorry for running the game poorly.
First session of my first game ever I bang another PC
First session of another game with some literal world building ruleset I made an island with 7 foot tall hermaphroditic amazons. I don't think they heard me though.
Even if your group was faithfully roleplaying their characters, performing actions that they know would end up causing the campaign to end without a Deus ex Machina is stupid and should be discouraged.
I had a gnome psion in 4e with like 50 passive insight, due to that feat that gave you a bonus for every language you knew.
A later character that was a hulking fighter kept her in his jacket pocket. She became my pocket psion.
>the prologue of this "idealistic" sci-fi campaign starts with Alien Race A abducting a few dozen humans, including my PC.
>Rescued by Alien Race B, who give my PC funds, toys, and the powers of a privateer... Because they can't let me go back to Earth
>I try and fail to convince Alien Race B to do the right thing
>I sow the seeds of the collapse of Alien Race B's civilization, including exposing their crimes against Alien Race C
>GM calls me an edgelord
>play EDH magic every week at pub
>make a cool Jeleva deck focused on copying spells and stealing, try it out.
>forget playmat
>place everyone elses card on my board, a beer soaked, unprotected table.
Does completely fucking up an arc right at the beginning count?
Me and my friends have done that a couple of times.
>be GMing Shadowrun for some people
>some of them start up Edge of the Empire alongside to play on different nights
>get invited
>roll up squishy Rodian who's good with guns and good at talking
>tasked with investigating some smuggler hideout
>"I got this, wait here, I'll just fast-talk the guard into showing me everything"
>manage to convince the guard to lead me to the gang leader
>manage to convince him to show me around because I'm considering joining up with them
>"now it's time to bear the mark of our group"
>leader gets a branding iron
>bend over and drop pants down to get branded on the ass
>meanwhile furiously leafing through rule book and char sheet to find something that will let me escape this situation without burnt buttocks
>oh right, Rodians smell bad
>proceed to describe to GM how I spread my Rodian ass cheeks and stun the gang leader and guard with a mighty fart
>get a lucky shot off and instagib the gang leader, then get halfway dead by guards before team members come rushing in
I thought it was the most awesome shit back then but in retrospect, that was pretty dumb. Also my roleplaying was basically imitating Skeletor's voice and adding lots of SWEU swear words like "kriff". Both the SR and EotE groups died shortly after, or I got dropped. Can't blame them 2bh.
Oh yeah, the SR campaign wasn't set in Seattle, but some special snowflake setting I made up because I didn't want to bother reading into some setting that the players would know better than me. Not the best decision ever, either.
Hey you weren't "that" bad, yeah stealing in the middle of the night isn't cool, but the guy had it coming, there's so much shit one can take until you flip. Besides you were going to return the gear back the them... right?
>Early me as a DM
>used only random tables
>roll to breathe/walk up or down stairs
>nat 20/critical fail worship
>thought GMing is like 100% improvisation
>what are encounter tables
>what is a plot
>what is coherence
>what is actually understanding the rules of the game you're playing
>what is actually reading the material you're gonna use
>what the fuck is wrong with you
>you're the one person who has to know the rules
>why did you do this
>you tard
>you killed the interest so many people had in tabletop games
One of my characters is a rowdy dumbass pirate triton bitch with drinking and anger problems and that gets overly thirsty when she gets drunk.
The others told me to not hold back on that when RPing her amd just go all out.
We're level 3 and have already been kicked out of both taverns we visited and the others constantly have to literally drag me along because she takes peasents in the center of the continent looking at her weirdly as an insult and tries to beat them up.
>first time playing DnD, well, Burning Wheel, actually, but whatever
>first scene, I hire a guy on a horse to take me to the city, see he has a wanted poster with my picture on it
>freak out, murder him
>plot immediately and completely derailed
>his horse has tons of drugs on it
>ride to the city, start looking for someone to sell the drugs too
>get into a bunch of shenanigans with the local hobo populations, who are hopelessly addicted to the drugs
>hijinks continue, on the run, we burn down the entire city's drug farms, everyone in the city really high, DM ends the campaign
sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the campaign :(
>>roll to breathe/walk up or down stairs
wew lad
>untying yourself and actually stealing their stuff, effectively proving them right
>not leaning into the abuse and revealing your rogue isn't a rogue because they like stealing shit but because they're into S&M from which came a natural interest in sensitive spots, finesse weapons like whips, and leather armor
>not moaning IC as they tied you up
>not leaning into the humiliation when they berated you for crimes you didn't do
missed opportunity desu
>game is about hacking shit and stealing shit
>the rest of the group hacks shit and steals shit
>user makes a character that doesn't want to hack shit or steal shit
>"it's hard to say who exactly is That Guy in our group..."
It's you. You were That Guy. Do you have any idea how much of a fucking chore it is when you're trying to run a game and some half-witted imbecile goes, "I made a character who doesn't do [thing characters do in this game]!" It's not original, it's not fucking funny, and it makes me want to kick you in the teeth before I kick you from the table.
Go ahead and make a reluctant character. Make a character who's forced to do [thing characters do in this game] by circumstances beyond their control. You can't sneeze in a Shadowrun group without hitting three people with addictions for Christ's sake! Fantasy? Dude, I love the Hobbit, I'll fucking help you come up with why you have to be there. Just ASK. As a GM, I want people to play roles and have fun. But if the game is about a characters in a group, do not make a character who cannot interact even nominally with such a group, or I will take it as a clear indication that you do not want to play, and I will remove you from the game. Plain and simple.
Your reading comprehension is poor and you sound like a microdick that'd beta out the moment one of your players laughs at you.
Pfft, shows you buddy, one of my players laughed at me once and I only cried for like ten minutes! Seriously though,
>poor reading comprehension
What did I miss? Sure, the rest of the group killed his ass for not cooperating, which was dumb, but the situation would've been avoided if user weren't retarded. Was it that he still didn't understand the rules for decking and was still reading the rulebook? Why not just admit OOC that you're not super comfortable with the mechanics yet like a fucking adult instead of refusing to play the game you signed up for? It's a bad mistake on his part either way. It's not like you'll get shot for breaking character FFS.
Now you know how he feels at every game he goes to.
Are you retarded?
Not last time I checked.
In one of my first sessions of D&D, our group was running away or something and we decided that we wanted to kill some horses our pursuers owned.
I remember thinking that I wanted to try some kind of complications that would come from "roleplaying" so I arbitrarily decided that my character really liked horses and that he was opposed to killing them.
Eventually I think we wound up just stealing them instead. Either that, or they killed 'em anyway and jokingly called my character a horsefucker. Either way it was a pretty stupid way to try and complicate things for the group in exchange for some pretty mediocre roleplaying, but in fairness I was new to the whole thing.
I guess low int would cause low modifiers to your Investigation skill check.
Well, you tried. That's more than a lot of people.
Well, if you're not going to argue anything, I guess I'll do it.
See, I played a character like that once (a pacifist in a hack'n'slash, essentially, who disliked adventures) when I was newer to the hobby, and it also ruined a campaign. I felt bad about that because it was a dumb thing to do: the Refusal of the Call can't be your whole character. I've heard plenty of stories from other people on here with similar experiences with similar characters. So to me it seems pretty straightforward by this point that making characters that simply don't want to get involved with the group seems like a bad way to get involved in the group. And if that's the point of the game, then, well, why bother?
Another thing that bothered me was that he seemed to roleplay this way not out of a desire to emulate a common trope, like I did, but out of spite. Why would you game with people you're spiteful towards in the first place? No game is better than a bad game, isn't it? I just don't get that. Maybe that does makes me retarded. Maybe it just makes me not an spiteful asshole. Either way, I feel pretty comfortable calling user an immature dipshit based on the information I have.
Your character has a change of heart and begins a heroic journey. When he sees these thugs attack these innocent poeple with lethal force it forces him to put perspetive on his life and think about the person he wants to be.
Or you can plausibly deny helping them kill the mafioso and steal shit from the corpses to buy whores and ale.
I have to agree with user, though, that does seem like a very specific decision necessary for the character to make in order to join the party. I don't think the second possible motivation works out as well if the character is supposed to already have an advantageous relationship with those mafioso. Why would he kill & loot them with strangers?
>remembering rpg stories from your teenage years
Heh, mine weren't so bad. My favorite classes are mundane, so I almost always played non-casters, almost always human, male --
>13 years old me: Hey, I know, I'll play as a half-elf princess this time! That'll change things up! And she'll be really fun to roleplay!