Can someone please confirm that Portugal officially regards crypto as non-taxable?
Can someone please confirm that Portugal officially regards crypto as non-taxable?
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That link is based on a letter written by the director of AT. You dont pay taxes on crypto unless you do it professionally. Thats it. Enjoy.
Just find a country with no capital gains tax at all if you're into that sort of thing. There are plenty of them.
every country is non-taxable if you're brave enough
>When your country is a shithole with no jobs and doomed to pay debt forever but it's okay because you don't pay taxes on crypto
It's like they WANT us to be NEETs.
There are jobs, you're just paid like a fucking slave, so..
That is if you are lucky enough to get paid. Once a company asked me if it's okay to work for free and just pay for my subway monthly pass lmao
Se um dia for milionário vou comprar um terreno grande ao pe da galiza e vou construir uma muralha.. depois vou comecar a construir tuneis subterraneos e a contruir casas, convido as pessoas mais inteligentes e bacanas que conheco para irem para la viver e com sorte terem muitos filhos e formar familia sem terem que pagar merdas ao estado.
Vou formar uma tribo, ter que pagar impostos para este pais ate enjoa.
>ter que pagar impostos para este pais ate enjoa.
Podes crer. Os bancos falidos haviam de ir todos com o caralho como na Islândia. Faliram, temos pena. Agora a malta andar a penar por causa de má gestão mete nojo.
Depois não te esqueças de me convidar!
tfw have Portuguese 2nd citizenship
but it barely matters because I dont have to pay any gains taxes from my main citizenship either
Tugas do caralho que andam por aqui.
Qual é o vosso portofolio?
Quanto têm investido?
Não se esqueçam de fazer cashout este ano, porque nunca se sabe o que vem ai no futuro. Pelo menos os rendimentos deste ano sao limpinhos eheh
BNTY e CRED siga caralho
10 euros em cada?
Cloak, Monero, LTC (33%, 17%, 50%)
Comecei com 300 paus e já vou em 1700
is there an official notice confirming that? where can I see the official letter?
and what does it mean to do it professionally? if I occasionally buy and sell memecoins does that count?
1) Go to Portugal
2) Open up bank account
3) Go to Kraken and convert Bitcoin into fiat and send it to my Portuguese bank account
4) Go back to my country
5) Withdraw cash from Portuguese bank account without paying taxes
Is this correct or do I miss something?
>inb4 IRS will come after you
I'm not a burger
t. Alberto Barbosa
do you have a company that is related in anyway to bitcoin?
yes? you are a professional.
no? you are not.
there is no letter. but this is government information.
also there is simply no law about it.
depends of the taxes of your country. this is for citizens who report their taxes in portugal
nice meme
You need to go to the finance department to open a bank account and I am pretty sure you need residence here for that.
Assuming you'll be able to open a Portugese bank account (you'll probably need to have your residency in Portugal/Portugese citizenship/Portugese real estate/Portugese job/etc.), you will get taxed with your country tax, not with the Portugese one. If you don't declare having a foreign bank account you can evade those taxes but it's illegal. In some countries it's illegal to hold foreign bank accounts at all.
I live in Galicia, can I just go a bit south and cash out then?
I guess I could open a Portuguese bank account since I speak fluent portuguese as well
Then just throw it on coinbase and withdraw normally?
volta pra padaria joaquim
acabou o intervalo, hora de suar o bigode pra pagar a (((merkel)))
>GDAX, actually
fodasse desde quando é que somos tantos aqui?
Eu andava já com planos de ir para a holanda para levantar os ganhos e entretanto surgiu aquela noticia veio mesmo a calhar
so it's not required then for Portuguese individuals to report their crypto assets and gains at all? Is that your personal experience as well?
You'd have to live here for at least 6 months. Otherwise you'd still be taxed by your home country.
I have Brazilian, Russian and Spanish citizenships, maybe I can just meddle around somehow?
I've been living in Galicia for a long time, not even a 2 hour drive from Porto
I'll do it for you guys, but I want a commission.
why pay taxes when XMR literally exists
commission for what?
tax evasion is still a thing
How I still have to declare how and when I did trades when I cash out and report tax. How is monero helping me?
I'm Portuguese, you withdrawal to my pt account, and you have your money tax-free.
Nice just send 100k
Estou enterrado com 20mil xlm e 40mil trx. Os Stellar não os largo, o Tron fodasse estou mortinho por cagar neles mas só em lucro
Nice caralhooo
how is galicia mate?
my family has a castle there since we fought the moors, i'm thinking of visiting.
>fodasse desde quando é que somos tantos aqui?
Nao sei, que outros boards. frequentam, o que fazem?
/fit /lit aqui, a trabalhar antes de ir para a uni para o ano.
/news /biz /b /x
Comfiest place I've ever been, you should definitely visit
Dizme uma coisa concordas com isto :
any particular spots I should see?
You can't not go to Santiago and A Coruña, the rest is just comfy rural lands all around the province
Sim. Uma parte dos problemas sociais são causa de construcção à pato-bravo. Mas o gajo fala de gostos e estilos, a merda não está ai, está no mau ou inexistente urbanismo ditado pela ganancia de lobbys ligados a presidentes de camaras fiscais e patos bravos, aliados a muita covardia. Criam não-lugares sem identidade, ou guetos com identidades distorcidas por odios. Basicamente, sou a favor da casinha com terreno, do edificio de habitação com comercio no res do chão e uma praça arejada em frente. Mas isto dava para muito e como estamos no Veeky Forums, há que não esquecer o Taveira. Um freakshow, anedota entre nós, apoiado por maçonarias e merdas manhosas que sabemos
how is it tax free for you though? how do you explain to the authorities that you suddenly have 100k in your account?
also I find it hard to believe that day trading isn't taxed as income even for crypto
Day trading is taxed.
Listen, I simply won't declare nothing to the IRS. It's legal. There's a legal vacuum in Portugal like it's says in the article.
Bairro do Condado
The housing complex projected by Taveira in Marvila, Lisbon was scheduled for partial demolition. The main reason behind this municipal decision was urban and social degeneration caused by uncontrollable drug use and traffic, increased crime rates and juvenile delinquency. The building complex proved to be quite propitious to such behaviours as it included quite a lot of underused, marginal spaces with difficult possibilities of natural surveillance.
Claro.. fds diz-me estes gajos criam projetos feios de proposito para irritar as pessoas ou sao pessoas que nao tem gosto e nao tinham mais nada para estudar?
Filho da puta este gajo ate mete nojo
>Criam não-lugares sem identidade, ou guetos com identidades distorcidas por odios.
Also, o que quiseste dizer com isto?
alright thanks!
so you're relying on a temporary legal vacuum right now and nothing solid then? I was contemplating moving to Portugal myself if this is the case but I take it that it could change at any moment based on what you're saying?
Tanto tuga caralho.
This guy is the worst exemple of post-modern architect that I know. The thind about “nao-lugares” and guetos with distorted identities are those exemples that you show there. Bad design and bad urban planing bring disconfort, no relations ir bad with neighbors, closed mentalities and so on. The thing is, you see cases like this all around the world. But there is exelent modern and post modern architecture, go to Berlin an you see it, and here in Portugal also we have some exemples. Basically bad architecture is bad for business (low land value) and bad for social living.
my point is how do you not declare anything to the IRS but at the same time explain away the sudden appearance of large sums of money in your bank account?
I will say that it was an investment.
And to answer your previous question, I doubt this will change soon, based on what I read on the article.
Obrigado pela explicação