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Enuff Dakka edition.

Last >Warhammer Community news(New FAQs for Codex: Death Guard, Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus and more)

>Daily Duncan Playlist

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Adeptus Mechanicus codex (thank you Vladimir)

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Bull shit

Can terminators be good?

Has the Defiler ever not been a piece of shit?

my dudes > your dudes

Anyone know if Scions are still troops or are back to being elites?

cant wait 4 codex

Sure. Chaos Terminators are great.

Chaos Primaris when?


Well this thread is already shit

Do assault packs work in space?

I got the Calth box on the cheap and built them all with lightning claws because they look sick. Did I fuck up or are they good with Icon of Wrath? Are they better with a Lord for re roll 1s or a Sorcerer for Warptime and Prescience?

So I took your advice Veeky Forums, and asked my guard friend to tone down his army, but it didn't go well.

Please don't elaborate.

Do Blight-Hauler cover fields stack for the purposes of determining if a unit's inside them?

Like, if I take three gross karts and space them out, stick a unit in the middle, that unit is entirely within 7" of all three, even if they're not entirely within 7" of just one.

He's a WAAC autist. I knew it.

Limited but useful kind of expensive but if you get lucky they do work generally speaking

Always take the assault cannon or Autocannon depending on your flavor.

Tartaros have done well for me this edition

havent tried assault terminators

storm shields on 2W models is god tier

claws rely on getting to charge after deep striking, which even with rerolls is unreliable without warptime

termies with guns do stuff even without the charge, and slaanesh termies with prescience and combiplas are heinous

So here's my rough plan for my Guard army, using models I already have

>No vehicles
>Several infantry blobs
>Lots of HWTs with lascannons
>So many snipers. So many.
>A single squad of Rough Riders(using Winged Hussar models)

I won't seem like a WAAC autist will I? Will I get stomped instantly?

Will it be fun?

>Friendly DEATH GUARD INFANTRY units that are entirely within 7" of a Myphitic Blight-hauler...
>within 7" of A Myphitic Blight-hauler

Reads to me that you need to be entirely within the bubble of one particular hauler

You either have cover or you don't, and it's +1 to armor saves. You could be in ruins surrounded by Blight Haulers and you get +1 to your armor saves.

still troops, even have to be their own detachment to get their new regiment bonus.

That's not what he's asking.

I think he is. he didn't like me suggesting ways to make his army less waacy.

chaos terminators are shooty first, choppy second. give them combi-plasmas and the Mark of Slaanesh. Prescience them and give them endless cacophony.

depending on what regiment you choose it "should" be fine in a casual game. Just don't burn your self out painting that many infantry.

aren't Rough Riders squatted?

Most of them are done already, thankfully. I'll probably go with Vostroyans, since I'm using historical Soviet and Finnish models.

I can see both interpretations, the way it reads to me. Mostly I was just curious if other anons had a similar thought; I'm not about to try and insist on it in a game or anything. Was kind of surprised it wasn't addressed in the FAQ to be honest.

I'd say the auras overlap for determining if a unit's in range

still rules and points in the index so they're fine.

Anyone have a good recipe for blued steel?

Have some plasma incinerators I'd like to try that on

>playing guard
>thinks he won't be ousted as a WAACfag
>especially with a new army

By this I mean the effect a barrel gets from high heat

Cocaine fueled plasma was the plan for squad 2, since Calth comes with three and the regular Chaos Termie box only comes with one if memory serves. The box was $100 at the LGS, it wasn't moving so they dropped the price by $50 and I couldn't resist. Can't put it in the Crimson Fists since their old tech was explicitly blown to hell, so it goes to the Word Bearers. I am aware Word Bearers suck dick.

Casting spells on Khorne units feels weird, but those guys are up shit creek if that charge fails.

found this youtube.com/watch?v=jIKEfVoqC5U


Like this?

Tau as a starter army for nooby? Models are badass. However I hear they might get a release in 2018 with auxiliaries? Any idea what those maybe? Or atleast atia said they're not part of the empire.

Is there any reason to run Inquisition as Guard allies?

>Warhammer painting contest of the month has the theme psykers
>Mortarion model wins

Loving Every Laugh

Not a bad starting point.
New units may be aux, may be farsight. Who knows

guard PDF when
are shotgun vets ever going to be relevant or should I just be boring and give then lasguns?


It's not even out yet
Wait for the weekend

spam crisis commanders. skip on crisis squads

i like shot guns just because i have a huge hard on for shotguns irl

The Imperial Guard are not part of a systems Planetary Defence Force.

I'm inclined to agree but that seems super good with the tri-lobe giving them BS3+. You could smuggle a decent amount of doods in the middle of some adequate anti-tank and just push up the board shooting the whole way.

well you are paying for 3 of them and the armor boost doesn't stack. probably not worth the points for 3 just to stack the aura range

I think 3 is really the only way to go, BS 4+ makes them pretty weak otherwise.

Maybe? Normal marine backpacks work like jump packs in zero g though.




>>Several infantry blobs
if your movement phases eat up half the time of a game it will get old pretty quick.

just something to consider

I just did the count, I have 42 guys with rifles(lasguns) and 24 SMGs which will be either lasguns or shotguns, haven't decided yet. So, two or three big blobs, really.

I hereby submit my submission for the next general image

Still better than everyone making the buzz lightyear face


General images are for fags

t. Meme image master race

Haven't played a game since the start of 5th Ed. Just about finished my 500 point army of renegade/heretics using the gsc and Tyranid indexes. Plan on playing fun casual games. This is my list. I have no idea if I can even come close too winning a game with it or how can I use it so advice and feedback are appreciated


10x neophytes w/ shotguns. 2x flamers, cult icon and power mail





So what faction is intended to be the king of shooting? I saw some mech players complaining guard took that title away from them.

Tau are supposed to be.

I don't really think there's intended to just be one king of shooting, more just different types. AdMech with their weird and powerful guns, Guard with massed fire, Tau with their gunlines and advanced tech.

Imperial Guard arty party, accept no substitutes.

I'm not sure that describes Tau. Gunline is more guard isn't it?

Man, with vehicle construction rules pending in chapter approved, I am half tempted to resurrect the Stormhammer. Just explode everything around it, one hell of an anvil. Though the Shadowsword is tempting to just pick up, punch a hole right through an thing that stands in your way.

"Gunline" just describes a largely static army that blows you off the board on turn 2-3. Tau are known for gunline because of their long range infantry weapons, tanks, and the Tidewall terrain deal. Guard can do it too, and Space Marines ran gunlines all through 6 and 7e IIRC, lots of Thunderfire cannons.

Own any shotguns?

Do you guys think that the undivided legions will get primarchs? I want to run Alpharius in 40k

I really can't come up with a better way to describe Tau and it seemed appropriate with their whole thing seeming to be their ability to support each other with overwatch and such atm.

I can't tell if this bait or you're genuinely retarded

Alpharius is unlikely on account of being super-dead. He's up there with Ferrus and Sanguinis

The only thing getting custom vehicle rules this year is Land Raiders.

>super dead
Considering he's died 4 times to different people I doubt that he's actually dead

Current progress on some plasma incinerators, I went with a red plasma glow this time.

I tried the steel heating effect on the 3 on the outside of the pic


The humidity around here is bad hence the bumpy primer, I've done about all I can do to fix it.

I am genuinely retarded

He's straight up confirmed dead in Praetorian of Dorn with Omegon even sensing his death and taking up his identity.

Most of them are dead, though I do secretly hope that Batman returns as a headless DP of Malice/Malal

That's how Death Guard are meant to be played, user.

source on that it will be exclusive to Land Raiders?

No amount of denial will bring him back, chaoscuck. Omegon is supposedly alive but Alpharius is the deadest anyone has ever been.
Thanks to primarch powers Dorn felt it when he killed his ass, Omegon felt it when it happened etc.
He's fucking dead, Jim

What's better, toughness 8 with a 2+ armor save, or toughness 7 with a 2+/5++ armor save?

It's in the announcement

>We are going to trial some new rules to allow you to design your very own Land Raider variants and field these behemoths on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium.

>on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium
But it is the 42nd Millennium.

Ah, thanks, hopefully they feel it is good enough to expand it to baneblades. Had missed it was limited, good to have updated info.

Looks neat, though a red glow indicates less heat radiation.
Red light has a longer wavelength than blue, and contains less energy. If your plasmaguns are made from the same material as all others, then your are simply less hot.

What units are you choosing between

But T8 does cross the threshold for making S4 need 6s to wound, and you need the rare AP-4 before that 2+ save gets reduced to worse than a 5+

I'll stick with my toughness 8 w/ 2+/5++/6+++, thank you very much

It's simply to not be blue like every other plasma weapon lol.

It was either red or purple.

Ty tho

Ironclad Dreadnought vs Contemptor Dreadnought

It's also the difference between a meltagun wounding on 3s and one wounding on 4s.


depends on the army, particularly with the new militarum book coming. If you are running with any of the stuff that can increase saves just the fact that you have that 5++ can be a big deal, since you can then bump it down to a 4++ or even a 3++

So I found this floating around, person who posted it claims it was from some children's book they found, anyone care to translate?


I think it has more to do with the emission spectra of the gas being used like in a tube sign.. Neon(orange), hydrogen (red), helium (yellow), carbon dioxide (white), and mercury (blue).

I'm doing a Salamander's Dreadnought army.
At 1000 points.

My friends won't let me take Ashmantle in the 1000pts list, so I'm taking a Chaplain dread instead with the Salamander's Mantle relic so he's toughness 8 with a 5+ invuln.

I don't know what to spend the rest of my points on yet though, but I'm going to be half of an imperium force in a 2v2 game.
1000pts of Sisters and Grey Knights and 1000pts of Salamanders vs 1000pts of Emperor's Children and 1000pts of Iron Warriors.

I want to have at least one long range fire support unit.
Thinking a Relic Contemptor, either with two twin lascannons, two twin autocannons or one of each, or maybe taking a Relic Deredeo Dreadnought. Don't know what to put on the Deredeo though.
Or maybe a normal Venerable Dreadnought with either two twin autocannons, or one twin autocannon and one twin lascannon.

Then I'd like to have one or two units to flank the Chaplain dreadnought who will be my warlord, and I wasn't sure if I wanted them to be Ironclad dreadnoughts or assault cannon carrying Contemptors.