Nagasaki said we can have one meta thread
How do we fix Veeky Forums?
Nagasaki said we can have one meta thread
How do we fix Veeky Forums?
Meta threads sure as fuck are not helping.
Raise the standard of discussion.
I.e. resign yourself to the futility of such an undertaking and just ignore the incessant shitposting.
Remove everything that I don't like, bring back whatever I like that has gotten removed during the years.
First we have to ban skub and skub posters.
Skub and based skubfags are the only things that keep the spirit of old Veeky Forums still alive, to oppose them is to admit that you're a newfag who wishes to turn this place into mixture of /pol/ and reddit.
>How do we fix Veeky Forums?
We might get rid off your picrelated.
This guy gets it, Blood Ravens ruin everything.
Move generals to their own board.
Wordfilter the phrase "MAGE SUPREMACY" to "I HAVE A LUVERLY BUNCH OF COCONUTS (diddly-dee)"
Sounds like a good way to make sure Veeky Forums has zero traditional games-related content left.
>How do we fix Veeky Forums?
You can fuck off for a start.
By not having a meta shitposting thread and using it to stir up crap non fa/tg/uts can't understand due to not accommodating them.
Split off worldbuilding threads and other threads with no direct, meaningful reference to the fluff or crunch of a specific game (arms and armour threads, character art dumps, etc) into their own board.
Not because they're bad, but because they're only related to a board-, card-, war- or other tabletop game if you kind of squint and don't ask too many questions. It sets the wrong kind of precedent, even if they're quality threads.
Once they're safely housed in their own board, Veeky Forums's mods can start purging threads that either aren't related to any traditional game, or that only drop a few cursory references to whatever game in order to cheat the system.
That seems like it would just create two dead boards.
That's his plan, he's a butthurt quest- and creativity-fag.
If it does, then Veeky Forums has no right to exist and needs to be replaced by a board dedicated to fictional worlds.
I don't think it would be that bleak. Whether or not you like general threads, they're specifically game-related and pretty active. They're what Veeky Forums should be, condensed into single threads.
Worldbuilding threads and threads about fantasy, sci-fi, fiction in general or history are fairly vibrant as well, but they're only tangentially related to traditional games.
As long as these threads feature prominently on Veeky Forums, it sends a strong signal that you can get away with pretty much anything as long as your thread refers to elves, swords or laser guns.
>. Whether or not you like general threads, they're specifically game-related and pretty active.
They are filled with shit, literally only two generals which wasn't endless shitposting were Infinity and Star Wars. Stop sucking corporative cocks, user.
Stop splitting boards.
Veeky Forums is fine.
Don't fix what isn't broken.
Veeky Forums is as fine as a Veeky Forums board can be. "Fixing" it means having more things that "fix Veeky Forums" OP likes and removing things he doesn't like.
Ban generals.
I'm not saying they couldn't be split up into separate threads about specific questions, rules, and other game-related subjects.
I'm saying they're a perfect example of Veeky Forums-related content. You need to ignore specific shitposters' shitty shitposts, but that's no different from any other thread on any other board.
>I'm saying they're a perfect example of Veeky Forums-related content.
Bring back quests.
We all have to put in more effort to create quality OC an discussions.
>How do we fix Veeky Forums?
Bring back quests.
Why would questfags want to ruin other people's fun?
They're salty because of quests receiving their own whole board. Anyone sane would regard this as a great boon and kindness, but questfags instead see it as an offensive attack on them, depriving them of the right to annoy the shit out of the rest of Veeky Forums with their threads and wank.
>. Anyone sane would regard this as a great boon and kindness,
Then let's give such kidness to warhammer fans
They don't deserve it.
>implying 40kfags are sane
But really, if you think they'd screech and wail one tenth as much as the questfags over getting a board all to themselves, you're an idiot. It just wouldn't make any sense to do that, since warhams is one of the biggest traditional games whether you like it or not, and it would either become impossible to suggest or refer to one of the best known, most popular traditional games on Veeky Forums, which is an absurdity, or Warhammer threads would still be allowed, making the separate board pointless.
Quests on the other hand are their own whole unrelated thing, so they could be easily cut out and moved.
This is one of the worst things you can do
We need a Holocaust-level purge of the teenagers, Tumblristas, and Redditors.