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Alright, how do I round out this team? Yeah, it's me again.
Symphogear v1.1.0 (updated from v1.0.3) Changelog:
>Reduced Ignite Module cost to 100cp and removed the discount for Researcher
>Added Researcher discounted Symphogear upgrade 'Beat Master'
>Added undiscounted Symphogear upgrade 'Faust Robe', 'Philosophical Weapon'
>Moved the origins to a different page because it got too cramped
>Added new origin 'Alchemist' with 100/100/200/200/400/400/600 and boosted version
>Removed 'Symphonic Manipulation' from Researcher and added it to Alchemist as 'Basic Alchemy' for 100
>Replaced Researcher 400 perk with 'VERy Advanced Science'
>Added two new Alchemist Symphogears 'Bajiaoshan' and 'Quetzalcoatl'
>Added new drawbacks 'Veeky Forumsgeah', 'Being X Is Suffering', 'I'M THE HERO'
>Added new 'CD Collection', 'Edgy Hoodie', 'Costume Switches', 'Shell Corporation', 'BUSHIMO', 'Perfect Human Body' items
>Added two new book items, discounted to Alchemist
>Added new undiscounted perks 'Pagan wardrobe', 'Yukine-Kazanari Syndrome', 'Nana Wills It', 'THE SCREAMING MAKES ME STRONGER', 'An Actually Useful UN', 'Smug'
>Added 'Backstreet Illuminati' companion
>Slapped a fancy pic on the first page so it didn't look so bare
>Reworded 'Power of Holding Hands' so it applied to your entire body, versus just your hands
>Renamed the Lance of Longinus to the Left Hand of Christ because FUCKING GUNGNIR IS APPARENTLY ALSO LONGINUS NOW
>An Actually Useful UN
Now that's just breaking suspension of disbelief
Get a Knight in there somewhere, perhaps. Maybe Heart, Mind or Hope.
Look man, the UN has the authority to nuke and invade Japan apparently without authorization from it's member countries for whatever reason.
Suspension of disbelief is already in tatters.
Does anyone even have it at the moment? Was that one of the ones Heavens had before he stopped?
Also why is the US an antagonist several times in a story that's less about politics than it is about singing while beating up monsters with things that belong in museums?
So, which of the Fate magic systems would be best to represent Taoist magic?
High-Speed Sutra Chanting like Xuanzang, or Witchcraft like Tamamo?
Same reason why the British are often the antagonist in several films about hostage situations I suppose
>I still reserve the right to add even stupider Gears to future updates, though.
I hope you exercise your right
On the one hand, I remember part of Witchcraft's lore is cycling magical energy in the casters body, which might be closer to taoist alchemy.
On the other hand Tamamo is Literally Amaterasu and Sanzang can banish spirits as well as punch down walls, so there's a case to be made that her thing is more shinto.
The Tohsaka specialty of Energy Flows is more or less what Taoist Traditions focuses on, especially since Tohsaka Nagato also used Bajiquan(iirc). Search for "Flowing and Transfer of Power".
Xuanzang uses Buddhist Scriptures.
Unfortunate cut feature of the update was an entire new round of Gears so everybody could have three, but I felt a release date of July 2018 might have been a bit too long of a wait.
>July 2018
Oh jeez.
Quick question, does Power of Holding Hands also apply to Telekinesis?
Nope. It must be a physical object that you can wield in order to work. Plus... I'm not sure how it could help? Because, if you had telekinesis which could be applied to your hands to amplify the power of their blows or whatever, why not just apply it without using the perk?
Psitanium from Psychonauts.
Can people other then the person who made it use the benefits of Territory Creation?
I'm building a crafting Jumper, there are some VERY useful tools I found in other jumps, but I don't want to wear or use them manually since they are gauntlets and generally unwieldy to use in crafting delicate things. So I've looking for something that can transfer the qualities of the Gauntlet into my telekinetic powers.
...Yeah, no. It doesn't work in reverse, sadly. Although that might be an interesting perk to see.
I don't see why not, if the Servant who made it let you. Especially not if they're your Servant.
Aww, okay, thanks for the Jump though, it's a fun little thing!
There's plenty of places that can help you out with that. Journey to the West lets you extract enchantments from one item and apply them to another, Dark Cloud/Recettear lets you crystallize an object and transfer one quality over to another item of your choice, etc. Just need to know where to look.
Do the notes that come with Perfect Human Body tell you how to make more lilies?
Yeah, sorry if that wasn't clear. They're the research notes used to create them in the first place.
Are there junkyards in japan?
About the Implanted Relic, since it's an upgrade to the Relic, I take I have to buy the Relic first then apply the cost of Implanting it?
Thanks for the jump, any chance of us being able to buy more then 1 implanted relic?
Now all I need to do is figure out how to apply this with magic.
Should be doable.
I already came up with a solution for that, I basically created a Magic Crest that absorbs items into each one of its circuits, then whenever I activate the relevant circuit, I can use it as a spell to either add the qualities of the Circuit to another independent spell or telekinesis or another object.
It's iffy as fuck, but relatively consistent with the magic systems I used to create the thing.
No, actually. It used to be split up but the gear section was a complete mess, so it all got merged together again. You'll notice that at the bottom of the description there's a bit about paying extra to take a Gear outside of your origin, like with the Basic Relic, which was supposed to indicate it.
>multiple implanted Relics
Yeah, it'd be possible. I just have no fucking clue what would happen. An alternative route would be to use the Fused Gear option a the top of the Gear section to combine the two Gears you want.
...Man, the organization of the Gear section is more of a mess than I thought.
>apply this with magic
Depending on how you view 'alchemical energy', they may gain a pretty good magical capacity along with it. It's not explained very well, though, so it's kinda fanwank territory.
There's gotta be, right? Unless they export all of their scrap from the country.
[Petals of Reincarnation]
Drawbacks: The Jumper Hunters, To Be Continued, Born Without It (1600)
Cave Entrance
Independant, age 17
Slasher Skills (Free)
Natural Genius (1300)
Simply Perfect (700)
Halfway There (100)
Soldier Do (Free)
Import (0):
-Sunny, Elodie: Independant, Slasher Skills (Free), Fists of Modern Fury (500), Natural Genius (200), Getting Together a Team (0), Soldier Do (Free)
Well, there goes the macrobe-moat. They'll be breaching the Morass any second now.
Guys, how're those clone armies coming along?
"Well, mine's already finished" scoffed Ange. "I mean, I don't know how well they'll hold up when they're held together by garbage and literal wishful thinking but there's a LOT of them. And it is OUR garbage, after all"
"All dopplebots are functional. Mi-mi-mi. Yes, the songstone's resonating well" said GLaDOS. "Can we finish testing soon? I've got a baking competition to win against the other AIs"
"Shouldn't be long, the perimeter's already gone down" asked Ultimecia. "Really, was all this work necessary? I just fired up a Grail, and added a little concentrated fear"
Nah. These people don't know when to quit until they're beaten at their own game.
And so the army of fakers and snobs found themselves dogpiled by varying armies of cloned historical figures. Actualised Servant Hitler, who is also half-dragon and half-truck. Cyberghost Sargon of Akkad, constantly weeping tears of burning static. Possibly A Metaphor For Social Stagnation Edgar Allen Poe, who looks improbably stylish even while throwing ravens at people.
"Dad" said Sunny, "next time can you just be nice and beat everyone up yourself instead?"
Where's the finesse in that, sweetie?
>in the background, a berserk Andrew Jackson is beating a man to death with his own gun
>Insane Keyword Logic
>When the loli is mass produced
>Perfect Human Body
...what HAPPENED this season?
What kind of random benefits do perfectly mass produced lolis tend to generate?
[Shin Gojira]
Drawbacks: World of Monsters, Who Will Know, Making My Way Downtown, Cheaply Made Society (2000)
Monster, age 29 (1700)
Land Shark (Free)
Physics Ain’t Got Shit On Me (Free)
Winter Stores (1600)
Atomic Abomination (1400)
Remember The Beast (1200)
Heart of Green Fire (900)
Tragedy (300)
Shin (0)
Oh, shit. Don't move! You've got blisters on your, well-your everything really.
Shh. Shhhh. Don't you overheat on me. C'mon, let's get you into the Medbay while you still fit.
It's going to be okay, friend. Lie back and think about toho.
>Breaking news: Shimagawa-kun abducted?
I spent a solid few months doing physiotherapy with the patient. Core exercises, hydrotherapy, meditation, applied psychonautics, genjutsu-the whole nine yards. There's some injuries you just can't fix with a medi-gun.
He's got a lot of memories as a fish, but the head on his tail keeps mumbling about things only Dr. Maki would know. Deep inside his subconsciousness we found some other memories of a tatarigami writhing in radioactive fallout.
We relocated to one of my offshore islands. Didn't want anymore bad press.
>Breaking news: "Kamata-kun" witnessed cooperating with unknown entity. JASDF preparing for full mobilisation
We met Shin Mothra and Gamera a few weeks later. Shin was still bitter at humanity, but also grateful not to be alone. He didn't accept there were any humans worth protecting, but he didn't want to be a monster either.
Of all people, Malfeas and Isidoros offered to help with physiotherapy when Shin started entering his next form.
>EMERGENCY: Massive JASDF casualties from ambient radiation! Multiple radioactive lifeforms seen living in a giant brass city that appeared overnight! Is "Shin Gojira" truly the king of all monstesr?!
>Breaking news: UN contacted by mysterious alien offering military aid. Codenamed "Orochi", this being is widely hailed as a savior against the kaiju menace
The UN withdrew once they realised they were on the losing side of MAD. Mothra's cult rejoiced to see their goddess starting to slowly heal, the kids Gamera raised made a pact to keep his secret as they grew up.
As for Shin-once he finished evolving his hide of brass and bones of black iron, we went surfing, and scared the crap out of some cruiseliners from a distance.
>EMERGENCY: Two secret American projects revealed to be based on Maki's research revealed! One is an irradiated ape, in a relationship with the scientist who engineered him. The other, a cybernetic prosthesis built around [DATA EXPUNGED]-
>EMERGENCY: Aerial lifeform seen destroys commercial liner, researchers believe that it's physiology is similar to [DATA EXPUNGED]-
>EMERGENCY: Experts say unprecedented pollution in Africa is caused by [DATA EXPUNGED]-
>Breaking news: On behalf of the United Nations, Orochi has vowed to defeat all enemies of Earth! Everyone, please lend him your strength!
Shin didn't owe the world a damn thing. He did, however, care for the few kaiju he called family. And once Rodin painted the seas with Gamera's blood-this meant war.
I mostly just stayed on the island and operated the portals. Ironically, Malfean essence was what stabilised his transformation from a sick patient to divine wrath. His clones sloughed off by the hundreds-and the dozen who survived were often a quarter the size of their opponents, buying Shin just enough time to overload their cores with his breath.
Only once, was he utterly overwhelmed by another beast that seemed to know his every move until his allies arrived to drive it off. A beast with the full support of every military on Earth.
A beast seen not long after kaiju corpses started washing up on beaches across the world.
>Everything is fine
>Do not adjust your set
>All hail God-Emperor Ghidorah
Kong was the last to fall. By then, Shin could speak better than most men.
"I bet your nation taught you that you mean something. That you're here for a reason" he growled. "My nation taught me a different lesson, dying in the ocean for no reason at all. And my benefactor-he taught me the world only makes sense if you force it to"
"You were never a king. You were never even a Kong"
And the ape gasped "You're letting HIM...kill Mothra!"
Shin raged. But he listened. All too late, he heard the beating of golden wings.
"Find him! Save....MOTHRA!"
>Breaking news: 95% of the Earth is uninhabitable. 9 out of ten religious experts agree that Judgement Day has come
Shin crashed into Everast, swearing. He found Gamera roaring at the golden beast atop the burning Himalayas.
"She with you?"
Gamera roared, meaning that he thought Mothra was, in fact, with Shin.
With a thunderclap, she hurtled from the sky-stunning Ghidorah long enough to topple him from his makeshift throne. Only to crash-wings and thorax melting from a dozen wounds, tumbling into a deep snowbank.
I was not there as the remaining kaiju pounced on the invader, burning and pummeling while he still thrashed in indignity. I was not there when Gamera collapsed reflecting the full force of Ghidorah's own breath against him, at peace even as his bones started to melt. I was not there when like an avenging angel, Shin lunged into the stunned monster-and this time, his interstellar propulsion worked properly.
Only as he was about to go critical, did the Necrosword pierce his nuclear heart.
We looked upon the planet. Every military had exhausted itself. Every nation was too wracked with radiation to rebuild.
At last, there was peace on Earth.
>Breaking news: God-Emperor Ghidorah died for our sins. Join us tonight for a commemorative Fuck Gojira silence. No gratitude to monsters, even in the face of armageddon
>An alternative route would be to use the Fused Gear
I did not see that, awww it says I couldn't have both the bow and the spear/lance.
>No, actually. It used to be split up but the gear section was a complete mess, so it all got merged together again. You'll notice that at the bottom of the description there's a bit about paying extra to take a Gear outside of your origin, like with the Basic Relic, which was supposed to indicate it
Ah, aight. I'm so fuckin' glad I asked. Thanks for the answer!
>you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
I can't believe I got memed on like this.
Skill Transference from Lost Odyssey lets you absorb properties from items and turn them into inherent abilities.
You have no idea.
It's actually a bit of GX/S3 stuff as well, just only added in now because I thought Alchemy was going to be a one off thing.
The antagonist of GX used an automated clone thing to make clones of herself that she would then implant copies of her memories into as a form of backup immortality. But, due to how memories in Symphogear are an immaterial thing she can't exactly copy without expending a huge amount of energy, the clone couldn't come online without her actually dying first.
Elfnein is a clone of her that she created as a sort of pesudo sleeper agent, but ended up merging the scraps of her psyche into her at the end of the season after combusting all of her memories at once.
>Perfect Human Body
Traps evolved into real women. That's what happened.
Ah, but user, you can! This is supposed to be fun after all, I even put down some examples in the notes about how you could go about fusions. Something like a bow that shoots spears would totally be reasonable- and, hell, you could probably just use the spear straight if you wanted to.
>I can't believe I got memed on like this.
My feelings exactly when I realized they fucking made that canon.
Hey ASA, I was waiting for you to show up! I was hoping to get your input on an idea I had but was stuck on for various reasons. How would you go about making an artificial Throne of Heroes with the utility of the Servant Summoning stuff built in? It doesn't really need any of the metaphysical afterlife stuff, I'm just talking about being a container for spirits of powerful people that can be pulled out or just copied/replicated on the cheap.
>they may gain a pretty good magical capacity along with it.
Come to think of it, having the research notes should make adding some additional parts (Linker core) to the body possible.
That's perfect! Thanks user!!
Now to the Playthrough section of Youtube!
Fourze is coming back in the new Rider movie for anyone that cares
Good to see you around Battler-user.
>Breaking news: God-Emperor Ghidorah died for our sins. Join us tonight for a commemorative Fuck Gojira silence. No gratitude to monsters, even in the face of armageddon
Man, fuck humans.
Rolled 3 (1d8)
Just rolling for my Jump location.
Are there any good Bow weapons in chain? I need some long range options and I like Bows.
> fucking forgot the pic
Exalted Sidereals has a box that is also a sword somehow. Symphogear used to have a Bramastra-type relic thing but I haven't looked at the new version yet to see whether it's still there.
Bow of the Beloved from Exalted Lunars.
It transforms fired arrows into essence bolts, making them harder to dodge.
When you use it to defend someone it creates arrows of moonlight that strike immaterial targets and inflict extra damage, it can shoot down any projectiles from arrows to artillery fire, has a range of "line of sight" and when the moon's up you can hit any target that is illuminated by moonlight, no matter the distance.
An artificial throne of heroes? I think one of the Kamen Rider jumps has something almost exactly that actually. Neo Hessei Part 2, The Rituals and White Science (capstone perk and item), to be specific.
Are you looking for a setup that works retroactively, or starts storing heroes from the get-go? The former is a bit trickier, it's probably possible if you're a Skyfather and God of Stories from Marvel Magic since there's a spell for infusing the spirits of Asgardians into clay, so in theory all you'd have to do is keep going back in time and binding the souls of heroes to an appropriate vessel. Very time consuming though. Other options include high-mania projects from Genius: The Transgression, combining Karmatron Dynamics (GUNNM) and Gem Science For You (Steven Universe) with various Mannikin creation techniques (Dissidia Final Fantasy) to generate crystal-light physical vessels for memories of heroes or stacking The Magic Found in Stories (Innstrad), Writ of Worlds (Infernals) and Ensoul (Cardcaptor Sakura) to generate physical incarnations of legends.
If not, Last Hope from Drakengard would useful since it lets you partition the essence of souls into storable formats. If you had something like FF6's Magitek Mastery you could probably create a larger piece of infrastructure to automate the process. You'd probably find the cube technology from Sekai Oni useful too, though it'd be best to be a Cheshire so you can rewire the clones to do things other than attack people; there might be a different way to create summons since one girl apparently wished back her bird as a dude. The Savior perkline from FF13-3 is all about using Eradia which can create a simulacrum of life energy out of an ally, and the cloning technology that's a capstone in FF13-2 is technologically based on the systems they used to clone a fal'cie so with both of those you might be able to create Eradia-images of champions.
Tortall has the Godbow which is rather great and scales with your strength.
Could I use Hedrons from Zendikar to Bind Scion in Worm?
because this perk seem to imply I can, with some research.
>Network Notes, 400cp, Scholar A truly massive collection of pages worn with age. Scattered and in no discernible order is a combination of diagrams showing the flow of mana, various theoretical notes on the intersection between lithomancy, some form of life magic, various esoteric colourless magics, various pieces of Eldrazi biology and theories regarding their greater bodies and feeding habits. These yellowed pages hold the secrets to the Hedron Network - the system used to bind the titans to the plane, and with it you could reseal them or with some little adaption bind similar entities to physical realms through their avatars or simply in their entirety.
Has there been any talk about/consideration of a Pokémon Go jump?
Gentarou is back to befriend the SHIT out of you!
>Captcha: RIGHT friend
... All right, fine, I understand universe. No need to beat me over the head with it.
My planned 11th Jump is being hijacked for Kamen Rider fun times.
>Has there been any talk about/consideration of a Pokémon Go jump?
That's just a Pokemon Jump though
More like the real world with Pokémon added
Just barely woke up, churning out Local perks right now. Re-posting last two perk trees from last thread, hoping for critique. Probably won't get it, but no sense in not trying.
I know nothing about the setting, but the fluffs tone is nice and consistent
>traps evolved into real women
Also the more I try to understand alchemy, the more confusing and hilarious it sounds. Why does one of the villains even NEED an anti-deity weapon? Are gods running around somewhere now?
>ended up merging the scraps of her psyche into her at the end of the season
That's Fiiiiiiiiiiine
They had big golden statues up of Ghidorah proudly waving the American/Chinese/Russian flag and everything.
Our PR was so bad, everyone decided Ghidorah was in the right long after he straight up explained that he was probably going to destroy the planet once he was done fighting the other monsters.
Because he said he wanted Shin dead first.
Wuxia and-I think Desolate Era has Houyi's Bow? I'm not sure if either can shoot down suns, though. Not to mention in the mythology the suns were shiny god crows instead of actual masses of burning hydrogen, I think.
Speaking of Desolate Era though-does anyone know what the special chaos syrup taste like?
I don't see why not. Unlike the Entities, the Eldrazi are more inchoate energy than biomass and seem to be able to create more avatars of themselves without exerting too hard.
Not to mention that it's been while, but I think someone said the planes they eat exude infinite reality-fields, although the actual physical mass of the plane itself is usually smaller than Earth? It was a bit confusing.
Maybe a 100CP undiscounted perk for having everyone refer to you by some name or title that you choose?
>Speaking of Desolate Era though-does anyone know what the special chaos syrup taste like?
I don't think it ever comes up. As concentrated everything I imagine it would have a complex flavour.
>one of the villains
Unfortunately, the people toting around the anti-god weapon are the protagonists because Gungnir is secretly Longinus which is why I had to rename it.
Do you ever try to classify your Jumps into different "seasons" or arcs, to give a bit more structure to your Chain?
that's really nice to hear he got cheated in the last couple of movies
Yeah I tried, didn't stick tho.
Yes, I use early chain,mid chain and end chain
What is going on with that show?
I've got nothing to critique on these perks. They all seem worth the points without being overpowered and they have a nice flavor to them without being overfluffed. You've got a good sense of balance.
>Wait Staff
>I'm Just The Staff
The wording on this one is a little awkward, especially the first two sentences. Not that it's incomprehensible or anything. Just that the pacing of the sentences reads awkwardly. Maybe something more like:
>You'll find clients can be quite judgmental at first, often for the strangest of reasons. Sometimes you will experience prejudice due to your race, your background, of even just your looks. Or perhaps a secret once hidden was suddenly revealed that caused scorn and hate to pile down upon you. Poor Aletta and her horns can attest to that. So here, I give you the gift of tolerance. Those who would normally judge you simply because of these petty details will find themselves instead viewing your good qualities instead. They won't see your horns, they'll see the professionalism in your service. They won't see your low birth, they'll see your determination. In short, from heron out you will be judged on your merits. I leave it to you to prove yourself.
The other three look absolutely great. You're already making it hard to decide which tree I want to go for.
Whether you're talking about GuP or Symphogear, the answer is the same.
I don't know but if I did know I could do great things.
Well it's more like he was too busy being one of Japan's top actors to be able to make an appearance
oh that's the case? Good for him then!
Yup. I find it makes things more interesting.
Can the Faust Robe still be powered by Phonic Gain?
What is a Philosopher's Stone? Does it ever run out of energy like a battery?
Does a Faust Robe also contain a Relic fragment?
I was wondering on that. Thanks for pointing that one out, it was written I want to say about just before 1 in the morning.
I love your suggestion, but I'll take a moment to try and rewrite it myself before seeing if I need to borrow it. Thanks again Yoro!
I love suggestions, so thank you - I'll see if I can slip that in after Local's perks - but I'm mostly just looking for critique on those perks I do have finished right now.
>My feelings exactly when I realized they fucking made that canon.
As someone who knows nothing of this show what happened?
Happy to help!
You would have to get to his real body first, if it was possible
Found the perk I thought was in the Carmen Sandiego jump. Turns out it is actually in the 8Bit Theatre jump.
(600 CP) Everything Not Nailed Down Or On Fire
You can rob a man blind. Literally! Well, maybe. You can, however,
definitely rob a house down to its foundations and can outright steal
the clothes off of a man. When in the process of theft you are near
impossible to see and incredibly quick. You could walk through a
castle surrounded by guards and still manage to strip the gold paint
off the walls, bundle up the paintings, and stash the loot without
The ones you have now look fine.
What other origins are you going to have? Is there going to be a customer or restaurant mascot perk line?
Local's the last of them, and then I've got a few undiscounted. Local's going to be basically "you're a denizen of The Other World with easy access to a place that the Nekoya door manifests in every Day of Satur."
does the CP gift in old friends include the 400 for importing all eight?
Is there going to a specific Drop-In option?
Nope, mostly as I can't think of what to offer for a specific Drop-In - so right now there's a freebie perk (optional) for having a set of background memories or not.
Warrior of Matter?
on a note, shit. Gotta go run errands, will miss questions for the next few hours.
Great, thanks.
Not ancilla but time for: Symphogear AXZ, in very fast summary
>Main conflict is the symphogear users vs the Bavarian Illuminati, mostly consisting of the alchemists Germain, Prelati, and Cagalistro. Oh also Adam but lets put him off to the side for a second
>Small aside but they've been converting people into "The Power of God" which is sorta a shitton of energy that also has funky ass properties when converted into a Divine Weapon (a beast formed of god energy and human emotions, like creating a giant south american god dragon), like having an infinite number of parallel universe selves to regenerate out from
>Skip over to about episode 10/11 , Adam activated his master plan to open the Divine Gate, originally planning on using Japan's leylines, but using the energy from the stars of Orion because he has enough magicalBS power to actually do that because of another thing
>Anywho Hibiki and Germain tag team to stop Adam since he's been long backstabbing Germain, which results in the autoscorer Tiki to absorb the power of god to become a gigantic god power divine weapon Kaiju stomping around japan
>Oh right also in mid fight, Adam is revealed to be a robot. More specifically he was a prototype of humanity made by the Custodians (the precursor race that Fine had a prehistoric level thirst for, or at least one of them), which is why Adam was busted as all hell
>At this point Gungnir turns out to have also been Longinus at this point, in which belief in Longinus turned Gungnir into a philosophical armament that when coupled with Hibiki's personality to reach and connect with others, can destroy the infinite copies of the Divine Weapon
>After a resounding fisting of Tiki, all the leftover god power ends up flowing into Hibiki and she becomes a mindless angry divine weapon kaiju after a cocooning period
>Anywho the gears/div2 get Ultraman Bikki back to normal, fight Adam, win and all that stuff
>Then the cliffhanger/stinger for this season was that Bikki was God Power compatible because being blasted by her girlfriend's magical mirror lesbian love lasers (no really) back in the second season, and said lasers were so powerful to wipe the Original Sin from the Ruins of Balal from her body
>Also hinting that other organizations/governments might try to take bikki's girlfriend to try and get The Power of God that way since she was also blasted with her own lasers
Imagine a Symphogear is made up of two pieces: a fragment of a relic, and a power source. Now, a completed Relic would have it's own power source that functions on it's own, but since that's shot to hell, they replace it with a Phonic Gain system, which acts as substitute power.
A Faust Robe takes out the Phonic Gain system and replaces it with a Philosopher Stone, which is basically an eternal dynamo made out of the 'life energy of the entire world' without killing everyone, somehow. That means no singing, but also no benefits from singing, including - presumably - no X-Drive without an external power source, like additional Philosopher Stones.
tl;dr - No, see above, no, yes
Basically, dicks are pretty much incompatible with everything except Symphogears, but most of the conceptual bullshit involved in Symphogear upgrades excludes dicks. An alchemist scientifically prove that female bodies are superior and turned two male colleagues of hers into women to prove it.
You get eight free at the beginning, but you can pay 400cp for a total of 16. Any CP you want to gift to those 16 companions you'll have to pay after that.
Knight of Hope it is, thanks!
Is there a list of jump with armor/power armor/mecha and weapon customization?
There will be if you make one.