>YFW Popeye Stompy was Confirmed a Hoax Edition

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Only retards fell for it desu senpai.

Is that a 5/5 for 2 mana?!

Those oldie cards and decks are so funny. All that ramp, all that card advantage just to pull a 5/5 that dies to removal.

>regular stompy lock and blue landbase
>flying pirates instead of sea monsters
The list posted was a hoax but it wouldnt be any worse than any other non red stompy list. could steal a few games with fast chalice/3ball plays backed up by force

Actually Popeye gave me an idea for Proliferate Stompy. Will require more polish, but here's the basic idea:
// 60 Maindeck
// 13 Artifact
4 Chalice of the Void
2 Chrome Mox
4 Tangle Wire
3 Umezawa's Jitte

// 15 Creature
3 Viral Drake
4 Skyship Plunderer
4 Thrummingbird
4 Walking Ballista

// 4 Enchantment
4 Parallax Tide

// 4 Instant
4 Force of Will

// 20 Land
14 Island
4 Ancient Tomb
2 City of Traitors

// 4 Planeswalker
4 Jace, the Mind Sculptor

Yes. yes

My eyes glaze over as soon as you mention proliferate.

Anyone meme'ing up something interesting? I don't care if it's trash, let's hear it.

there actually are some possible choices, which always is good for the deck. Tezzeret and Tamiyo (pretty good for lockout) for walkers, Hangarback Walker for creatures, Tezzeret's Gambit for draw. More creatures that put counters would be good, but i think i included all good blue ones

Someone order a steamy hot meme pile?

Beaststorm? I dig it.

I'm always wishing i could make Nourishing Lich work just a bit better. I think Plunge into Darkness in a Veteran Explorer shell has potential to do that.

Das it mane. Someone fuck me up with that mono red storm list. Is the dude jamming LEDs here?

So the pirates hype was a pump and dump by speculators?
Thinking of getting into card speculation myself. Are there ever any good speculation threads on Veeky Forums? Or is it frowned upon?
Also I know Veeky Forums exists but I'll get drowned out by memecoin threads.

Please speculate elsewhere.

Buy any good card rare at release for 1$ and hope you are not an idiot and it's a playable card.

I don't think viral drake is good, he's pretty awful actually

Manaless Dredge with LEDs. :D

Apparently people have tried it before, but maybe now is its time to shine.

I think you need more acceleration to make this work. I would run Saprazzan Skerry and Mox Diamond. City of Traitors is risky here because you need to keep a critical mass of permanents if you're running Tangle Wire.

A tangential question: how do you stop an upkeep-step Lightning Bolt from wrecking your plan?

Viral Drake feels like an odd choice. Sure, gets around Bolt, but I think you're going to want to run something cheaper like Blighted Agent. Chalice isn't a free pass to jack up the cost of everything in your deck, and it feels like without Spirit Guides or a full set of mana rocks and/or Sol lands, your curve is pretty high.

Have you considered fitting Daze into the list? Might work well with Tide and Tangle, but it might dilute the deck's threats too much because you're not running the cantrips.

All that said, I'm interested to see where this goes.

I wanna play BUG Fit with Meren, Glen Elendra and Leovold, but I know in my heart I have to have play at least a few copies of Pod and Recurring nightmare. Are the Pod/Nightmare and Nic Fit archetypes too different or will it work out?

Do you guys even use this card in Legacy? isn't it overshadowed by all the other OP shit in the format?

Yeah it's more or less unplayble

>2 mana 5/5 with a slight drawback
>I know what the deal is its just fun to use cards from older legacy metas and meme-decks sometimes

All the hype surounding pirate stompy made me start looking into other possible stompy lists. I decided to try some green prison list using Blood Moon's retarded cousin, Hall of Gemstone. Green also has Elvish Spirit Guide to help with fast mana.
It's 100% guarateed to end up being shit but I'm brewing anyways.

>Viral Drake feels like an odd choice. Sure, gets around Bolt, but I think you're going to want to run something cheaper like Blighted Agent. Chalice isn't a free pass to jack up the cost of everything in your deck, and it feels like without Spirit Guides or a full set of mana rocks and/or Sol lands, your curve is pretty high.
Drake was more of a method to respond to Tangle Wire at upkeep and add counters on permanents (Jitte, Parallax, Walkers, Ballista) in response to it. Basically a perfect stalling tool. You're a second person suggesting it's a bad card, so I need to consider that.
Bolt at upkeep is answered by chalice at 1. I could jam Trinisphere in, and make it more of a hard lock, but for what? Still not sure about Moxes and Trinket Mage - maybe if I cut Drake...

// 60 Maindeck
// 11 Artifact
4 Chalice of the Void
4 Tangle Wire
3 Umezawa's Jitte

// 15 Creature
3 Viral Drake
4 Skyship Plunderer
4 Thrummingbird
4 Walking Ballista

// 4 Enchantment
4 Parallax Tide

// 4 Instant
4 Force of Will

// 22 Land
14 Island
4 Ancient Tomb
4 Saprazzan Skerry

// 4 Planeswalker
2 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
2 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage

// 9 Sideboard
// 6 Artifact
SB: 3 Grafdigger's Cage
SB: 3 Pithing Needle

// 3 Creature
SB: 3 True-Name Nemesis

No idea what else to sb now. Leyline? Mindbreak Trap? Maybe I need to make a thread on big site, like Salvation, Source or even Reddit. I love you guys, but we don't really have best rate of responses here.

Ironic, no?

Yes it's unplayable but I have seen other old cards like Nether Void being played in sideboards.

>2 mana

Look . . . closelier.

I think some people on The Source are working up something with Ramunap Excavator. Might be worth checking out.

>Drake was more of a method to respond to Tangle Wire at upkeep and add counters on permanents (Jitte, Parallax, Walkers, Ballista) in response to it. Basically a perfect stalling tool. You're a second person suggesting it's a bad card, so I need to consider that.

It just strikes me that the mana cost is really steep for what it does. Maybe TNN should be in the main. You could try foregoing damage and upkeeps altogether and just jam in Smokestack and Sundial of the Infinite instead of Jitte and Drake.

>Bolt at upkeep is answered by chalice at 1.

I should have said Abrade, but that's true.

>I could jam Trinisphere in, and make it more of a hard lock, but for what? Still not sure about Moxes and Trinket Mage - maybe if I cut Drake...

Trinket Mage doesn't feel all that great because it doesn't really speed things up. It does get Ballista and Chalice, which is nice, but I feel like your big problem is going to be with resolved threats if you can't get Tangle working.

I would use the new spyglass rather than Pithing Needle, and both Needle and Cage don't work well with Chalice. You might try Mindbreak Trap to stop fast combos; on the play, they have the advantage, and four Forces might not be enough.

thanks. This is still a work in progress, so I appreciate the comments. Spyglass and Trap are definitely better, and you're right about cage - maybe Leyline of the Void would be better. I really need to take this to more experienced players (like you) and hear their opinions.

I really think the new spyglass is md material.

it's just peek + pithing
what am I missing?

Are cards with non American text handicaped when comparing market prices?

honestly they can go either way
older cards were generally printed less in other languages but in some cases, like with some italian cards, it's easier to find them than the english versions
modern cards are generally about the same price with sets within the last few years, past 8 or 9 years they can get pretty expensive. foils are extra expensive

if you use american as the baseline, youll find that nonfoils will be roughly the same, 5% wiggleroom if its low tier(spanish, french) or high tier (korean, russian). When you get into foils you will see some ludicrous price jumps for korean, russian and to a lesser extent, german ( certain, very specific cards) or japanese.

Foreign (non-english) cards rarely have the same cost as their English counterparts. Latinate languages like Spanish and French often cost less than English cards. Russian and Japanese cards often cost more

Is there a way to abuse summer bloom and asuza with ramunap excavator and a ton of land destruction? their costs work great with the stompy package, and it's harder to deal with wasteland than with blood moon.

>Athreos, God of BRAAAAAAAP

kill yourself my man

Plays well with chalice, gives information on what to pith, potential to break good hand.

Those basic forests are fantastic.

Always happy to see this list

substitutes Revoker in chalice decks.

>So you want Year Zero? I bet you're a blast to play Magic with.
I have literally no idea what you are implying here. I guess year zero means all decks are either combo/prison decks or decks that interact against combo/prison decks? Why the fuck would I want to have a large section of the metagame not interact with another large section of the metagame? The only two consistent positions if you want decks to interact are to largely ban combo/prison (pauper) or to advocate in some fashion for what I think you mean by year zero.
>Why in hell would you want to play a nerfed version of a nerfed format that won't allow people to play good cards?
The problem with formats is NEVER simply that they are too strong or too weak. I could go into my disagreements about the modern ban list or its problems as a format, but its not as simple as 'they banned powerful cards'. It would be stupid if they banned fatal push from modern for instance, does that necessarily mean that fatal push makes modern better? claiming that every powerful card makes a format better so long as it's not broken is ridiculous.

anyone see this deck-tech?

Channel Mengucci - Legacy Sultai Nic Fit

anyone have a recent demon stompy list?

>tfw not sure if I should just play Rhino fit or make it even more memey

You now realise that gurmag angler is just a 5/5 that dies to removal.

How long until we have a top tier deck that has no "old" cards (mirrordin onwards) ?

Is that really just The Rock with white splash?

never, brainstorm is too good

>playing gurmag angler
I bet ya play dredge as well, lol rip :^)

And FoW

i think old engines were better and cheaper - astral slide, tortured existence, survival, even Pestilence, Only one that compares is Pod. SInce old spells were better, you could make some kind of new frame aggro, which i think would come fastest

The second best Stompy is Black Stompy with Abyssal Persecutor and LotV.

I actually used to win often with Greenstorm before Miracles.

You don't need a brain to speculate in MtG, it's unregulated and unregulated markets can't be fixed. Just buy a shit-ton or whatever hard to reprint old card and you'll spike it just by buying it.

Economically speaking this pile's too expensive for what it does and you'd be better off building Junk Deathblade if what you want is a memedeck that does well at small tournaments.
Strategically speaking it looks worse than Jund Nic Fit, Punishing Fire is that retarded.

Also Wasteland, and Hymn and StP.

Define top tier.
Manaless only runs one card that hasn't been reprinted recently.

Lotus petal, rituals, tendrils, the list goes on.

Use Archdemon of Paliano

i built grixis delver and it is not even that good

beat it with my bogles shitbrew

beat it with my mono b pauper shitbrew

beat it with soul sisters

but it can be nasty sometimes

>Giving up Trample
It's like you don't want to win.

Why dont y'all just play old school? Its exactly the type of gameplay you seem to enjoy. Old cards, old art, no pushed creatures and best of all none of WotCs terrible design mistakes and bans or lack there of of needed bans.

Or better yet why not just build a Legacy cube? You can go powerless or with power and proxies are totally allowed as long as you dont want to sanction it at your LGS. Its literally the best way of playing Magic. You get to play with all the best cards, you get to always play a new deck, your friends get in on the drafting action and they are really fun to pimp out. Also no bans or meta problems and things never get stale in a large cube since seeing the same deck is super rare.

It's like you want your opponent to not lose.

It like you're not playing black.

And the award for the stupidest buyout yet goes to...

(Non-reserved list, sitting at $138 now after an +8,263.64% price spike...)

>there's unlimited ones sitting on tcgplayer right now at $40....

I like playing with lotus petals and fixed moxen.

>he doesn't know
Lmao hope you boys bought your copies, this is going to be dominating Legacy longer than Top ever did.

Cool, you should check out the deck "Scryb the Decks" it went 15-and-0 at Grand Prix Pyongyang in 8 of the top 8. Mark my words, this will be an Over $9000 card in a year.

Fuck this made me remember homelands and their retarded tribes.

You're missing 1 sideboard card

Serious question: is MTG going to die in the next decade?

As much as it pains me if they insist on not reprinting RL shit, they either ban it from Legacy or Paper Legacy dies. There's zero new players and a bunch of the old players are selling their shit because they never get to play it.

path in legacy

I don't ever want to see path.

Path is fine in Nicfit, Most Legacy decks don't have 2+ basics, so after a Veteran Explorer Trigger it's a STP with no downside, literally: "W, Exile target creature"

Without reprints Legacy will eventually go the way of Vintage. We are basically where Vintage was around 2003, rapidly getting more expensive with very few people joining while others are selling out because of lack of ability to play and being unable to justify having $4k+ sitting around in decks. Honestly, the only hope I have for Legacy on the decade time scale is large numbers of people moving to online play to keep it alive.

Disregard that I suck cosk

fakes are getting better every batch my friend. Soon all legacy decks will be

>0-2 against storm, do nothing turn 1, lose turn 2
>2-0 grixis delver, managed to fight DRS, he didn't draw any of his hate so it was P easy
>0-2 red prison, almost won game one but I exiled my only main deck out to ensnaring bridge. game 2 had lethal but again, bridge
feels dredge man

Truly the knuckleball of decks. That's what I love and hate about it.

This worries me quite a bit. I have never taken the online plunge, and I really don't want to, but it's getting ridiculous how hard it is to buy into the format. I know that I likely will never play Legacy prison decks or All-Duals'n'Fetches Value because I won't have any incentive to spend the money on the manabase—no crossover value or too much money for an archetype I don't like much. And what said may be true, but I don't trust Wizards not to either ban everything on the reserved list (because fuck us, right?) or start deck-checking everyone at the door and effectively locking out tournaments for everyone but the Good Old Boys. That's what's happened with Vintage, and I can't speak for anyone else, but if I'd bought into power, that would drive me up the wall. I feel bad for people who threw down for Vintage staples but can't find anyone else to play in a sanctioned tournament, and I worry very much that Legacy's going the same direction.

With that said, at some point, the secondary market's going to tank on RL cards. Then—if there aren't corporate card-buyouts—the formats might become accessible to curious people and enthusiasts, and Wizards might not have any reason to abide by the reserved list.

To be honest, I'm surprised it's not only still around, but growing. (Anyone else play Dragon Dice back in '95?) Around the Onslaught years, I'd never have assumed I'd be playing Magic in 2017, and I wouldn't have dreamed I'd now be playing Legacy three years ago.

The thing about competitive decks is that they're built to beat other competitive decks, not to tackle anything and everything anyone could come up with from the XY,000-card library of MtG cards. That's why Eldrazi truncheoned everything good for about six months then disappeared: it bossed all over the top decks, but got crapped on by Painter, Poops, and Darklands.

I remember there used to be a steamy green storm list in the google doc that used to be in the OP of these threads. Used Gaea's Touch for mana ramping. I miss that thing, I should have written the decklists down.

Don't believe you. Grixis decks many times play Liliana etc. sac effects against SnT/Reanimator, which completely fucks Bogles.

Mono b pauper shitbrew is essentially control. Grixis delver is very, very effecient tempo deck with good spell management, I don't believe it's magically trainwreck for delver.

Soul sister is do nothing shit, how exactly can they outrace pyromancer/cabal therapy.

I dunno man there are some pretty hefty contenders

Just remove dual lands from reserved list and everything is fine

Yeah, not like old school isn't broken fucking mess.

>just to pull a 5/5 that dies to removal
dies to pretty much only disk, wrath, stp, two lightning bolts or fireball for 5. remember that pretty much all the black removal stipulated nonblack creatures.
here's a much better 5/5 for 6. this card will kill you the fuck dead and there isn't shit you can do about it.

This is an interesting idea.

Metalworker in legacy?

>Immune to Swords
>Immune to Bolt
>Immune to Push
>Immune to Decay
>Is hit by Dismember, which everyone has dropped in favor of Push
>Homelands spiciness

I wonder if it could be a decent finisher in some kind of Jank Control deck... Maybe a Deadguy Ale or The Rock brew.

just play tnn lmao just turn your brain off


Has anybody tried a counterspell heavy parfait? I think it would be fun to just draw counters and swords for days and when opponent runs out of steam just helm them to oblivion.

remember that at the time it didn't die to wrath

Wouldn't that just be Miracles?

>He doesnt know about that competitive edh mistform ultimus tech
Zurgo burn got banned out super hard, my time to shine