What are the best enchantments to have on a weapon.
Vague conversation starter
Fire for both damage and utility.
Assuming 3.5 - literally anything that isn't +X to attack and damage.
The reason being that if you can afford a +3 sword, you can also afford a +1 Shocking Merciful sword and have your friendly party wizard cast Greater Magic Weapon on it - Tada, now you have a +3 Shocking Merciful sword.
Whereas if we're in 4E, it depends a hell of a lot on your class - but if you're an Implement Caster, a Staff enchanted with Ruin is often a good bet - especially if you are a Dual Implement Caster and can hold the staff in your off-hand.
Is that shopped? Why is he using a map of my country as a nodachi
>Is that shopped
I wonder....
+1 Weaboo
>Is that shopped?
He's actually using your country as a nodachi. Every time he swings his weapon a earthquake happens in Chile.
"Best" probably isn't what you want to be asking; seeing as no setting or system is given, there are no presented limitations on what can constitute and enchantment. "Makes-You-A-God" would probably be a pretty useful enchantment.
As far as stereotypic ones, things like are pretty good, as are ones that might inflict some sort of status effect.
It deals frost damage
+5 DM fiat.
Up to (your total DM fiat score) times per session, if your character fails at something, roll 1d10. If it's lower or equal to your total DM fiat, the DM has to think of a bullshit reason why your character failing at X is a good thing, e.g. X fails but as a result Y happens and that's good. Player missed the hundred-mawed horror when swinging his sword? Luckily this carries him past the monster in such a way that it can't hit him on its next attack either!
life-leech in any system using hitpoints
Vorpal is a timeless classic
followed by various deliberating effects - paralysis, blindness, etc.
Anyone hit with it is teleported to a random location in the world.
But only south Chile is chilly.
Maybe you are a non-native English speaker- the pronunciation of the country 'Chile' in English sounds like the word 'Chilly'.
In 5th Edition, with the way bounded accuracy keeps everything babby tier, so the big scary numbers don't frighten new players, a +3 weapon is pretty dang powerful.
Barring that, Vorpal weapons are pretty neat.
has anyone ever done a weapon where every time you hit with it it has a random different enchantment
A lot of roguelikes have these weapons.
That image makes me lose my shit every time.
+1 Helicopter damage against Communist enemies
jajajajaja puta la wea fome po wn ql