>Unearthed Arcana: Eladrin and Gith
October's UA postponed until the 9th
>Resources Pastebin:
Previously, on /5eg/
Mearls should stay out of promo videos
>Unearthed Arcana: Eladrin and Gith
October's UA postponed until the 9th
>Resources Pastebin:
Previously, on /5eg/
Mearls should stay out of promo videos
Other urls found in this thread:
>The Samurai has the shortest hype video yet.
he actually has a "hand grasping chin" nervous tick holy shit
mike is a qt
I'm doing an adventure for Halloween and I need a decent mansion map. Does anyone know of any good ones?
>mike is a qt
He looks like he has down syndrome
>I love any movie about transitions
Of course you do, Mearls.
Literally Death House
he looks like otto von bismarck fucked a chick with down's
DDAL04003 The marionette
real lizards can do that
what's the difference between the two Tomb of Annihilation PDFs in the trove?
One is finished the other is a roll20 rip
is the roll20 rip somewhat incomplete?
yeah it's missing some pages
Last one is on page 10.
>Samurai as an actual sub-class
But humans can't.
unless they're wizards!
or bards...or warlocks
And what spell exactly does that?
True Polymorph
Alter Self.
Temperarily, True Polymorph does it permanently
Until dispelled
It becomes permanent if concentration is maintained for the duration
It doesn't say you can change genders, faggot.
Is that...
A 3.pf spell description
>the new form can be any kind you choose
That's still not 'immediate'
Actually, I don't believe the original wording is 'immediate'. I believe the wording is that you make an attack as part of casting the spell, and when you use your reaction to activate the spell effects you can't re-cast the spell to use that effect.
I was wrong, but you are more wrong
>turn a creature into another kind of creature
>implying women aren't "another kind of creature"
Yeah, any kind of CREATURE. Stop taking part of the sentence out of context so you can fulfill your trap fantasies. I already had this shit with Reincarnation, some chucklefucks tried to convince me it switched genders so the dwarf is now a female human. Stupidest shit ever and it basically ruined the character. If anyone tried to change into a different gender I would tell them fuck no. The book doesn't say you can do it. By that logic, Locate City Bomb works in 3.5, and so does healing-by-drowning, and you can't say shit about it.
Why am I wrong?
Do they have a separate entry in the fucking monster manual? Are they a different species? Maybe to a virgin nerd loser like you, but they aren't. It's a kind OF CREATURE. Read the ENTIRE sentence, and stop cherrypicking.
Would you prefer it to be creature to object?
Why are you so bootyblasted by the way other people want to play? I can't tell if you're memeing or not.
>Maybe to a virgin nerd loser like you
Can i make a teleporting rogue in 5e?
Christ, calm down.
Yeah, far as I know. Haven't played a rogue yet but iirc there are some options that allow for pretty much that. Way of the Shadow monk has a similar feature.
Arcane Trickster take Misty Step
>any kind of creature
>any kind
You're analyzing the wrong word dumbass.
I plan on remaking the 4e Warden for 5e with it's guardian forms being it's Central ability. Pray for me.
Play 4e you faggot
You seem rather bothered.
While you are technically correct, there are a limited number of Dungeon Masters who wouldn't allow gender-change via True Polymorph anyway.
Plus there remains Alter Self.
And this as a whole is irrelevant to the original point, which is that some real world lizards (and other animals, too) can change sex, so it is not unreasonable that kobolds can as well. The advantage of being able to do so is obvious, as well, in a species that is practically defined by the fact that they get killed off in droves by adventurers.
>Why are you so bootyblasted by the way other people want to play?
This has to do with the rules, not how other people want to play. If other people want to make transsexual degenerate shit characters and play them, that's fine. They can do that. I can't stop them. But the rules do not allow it, and if you try to do that shit in my game you will be shut the fuck down by said rules.
A woman is not an object. Explain what you are talking about in clear words, or else fuck off with your doublespeak. Stop trying to blur the line between gender and species. "Kind of creature" means a type of creature. A human is a kind of creature. A woman is a kind of human. That is how taxonomy works. Fucking deal with it.
6 Shadow Monk/12 Rogue whatever
I was making a joke you humorless faggot
>and if you try to do that shit in my game you will be shut the fuck down by said rules.
look at this guy pretending he runs games. Adorable.
A. Woman. Is. A. Kind. Of. Human. Not. A. Kind. Of. Creature.
Do I need to spell it out for you any more clearly you stupid fucking faggot? Do I need to draw a fucking diagram to show you how taxonomy works? "Human woman" is not a kind of creature. "Human" is a kind of creature.
Today I learned magically turning yourself into an owlbear is more reasonable than turning yourself into a woman
>I don't know the TRANSitive property: The post
Almost got TPK, GM gave us flaws with a small upside to make up for the terrible penalties we were going to get. After the almost-TPK, we had a years downtime to explain some of these changes.
>Wizard has to test a DC5 Con save to keep concentration any time he has a concentration spell running, but can never have a higher difficulty than DC10 on any concentration save. (He has 14 Con, it can fail, technically)
>Sorcerer is completely mute and unable to speak, but with free access to Meta Magic subtle spell
>Fighter has a severe leg injury that healed up wrong, reducing his speed by 10ft, (But he is a wood elf) but got proficiency in 2 skills of his choice and expertise in an existing skill.
>Bladelock lost his arm, but his Patron gave him an arm as a pact weapon, which deals 1d8 damage + Charisma and cannot be disarmed and taken away from him under any circumstances, ans basically just counts as a super arm that cannot be hurt. Also got +1 AC because of the arm.
How would you rank these? I can't shake the feeling I got the short end of the stick here.
Meant for
>Yeah, any kind of CREATURE
A female human is a kind of creature.
And, let's say you True Polymorphed a sword into a human. By your reading, where you can't choose the gender of the form you're polymorphing someone into when you cast the spell, what is the sword's form like? Completely sexless? That doesn't really fit the criteria of 'human' does it?
But if you're going to be this fucking autistic, I'll just get my simulacrum to cast Wish on me.
you know what, I'll bite.
Hypothetical scenario:
Takes place in Faerun:
You find a gelatinous Ooze, you polymorph it into a human. What kind of human will it be?
More importantly, what KIND of human will it be?
Calishite? Chondathan? Damaran? Illuskan? Mulan? Rashemi? Shou? Tethyrian? Turami?
I've run a 5e game for the past year or so. Biweekly. We just finished session #29, they just finished beating a vrock summoned by some demon cultists. Sure you can laugh at me for having shit campaign ideas, but I run games you idiot fucker.
>Today I learned magically turning yourself into an owlbear is more reasonable than turning yourself into a woman
Yes, because that's what the spell does. Is it "reasonable" that invisibility turns off as soon as you stab someone? No, that makes zero fucking sense and contradicts a lot of how invisibility is portrayed in media. Personally I think invisibility should be deleted and greater invisibility renamed invisibility because invisibility fucks rogues, but that's another argument for another day. It has nothing to do with what your brainwashed mind thinks is "reasonable," and everything to do with what the fucking book says and what the fucking words mean. Stop with the doublespeak so you can live out your sick fucking fantasies of being a woman.
Humans are creatures. A human female is a kind of human.
Your autism is showing.
>sorcerer can no longer use any metamagic
Was your GM touched by a sorcerer as a child?
>I've run a 5e game for the past year or so. Biweekly. We just finished session #29, they just finished beating a vrock summoned by some demon cultists. Sure you can laugh at me for having shit campaign ideas, but I run games you idiot fucker.
I can make shit up too, user. Just the other day, I ran into Jackie Chan, and I kicked that fucker square in the face. Fucker was holding a ladder and a baby, too. He didn't want trabble, but he got trabble.
>It can turn you into a Half Dragon Phlump Celestial
>But a penis is impossible
>Was your GM touched by a sorcerer as a child?
Can still use the other meta magics. All spells are just innately cast as subtle magic (so casting is actually possible in the first place)
What are some highly recommended 2nd Level Wizard spells?
Bladelock got it good.
To be fair, that's gender, not biological sex changes. A chair is feminine and a vagina is masculine.
Male/Female doesn't change CR, so yeah you can.
>in current year
Also, I'd like to go back to the spell description for 5e:
Creature into Creature. If you turn a creature into another kind of creature, the new form can be any kind you choose whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the target's [,,,].
That means I can take a male Human, TP him into a female Elf, and then TP her back into a female Human.
A human female is not a KIND of creature you fucking idiot. It's a kind of human. You just defeated your own fucking argument. The spell says you change into a different KIND of creature. Idiot nigger. Alter Self changes you into a different KIND of human, but that can't change gender either, for reason I will show in a moment.
>But if you're going to be this fucking autistic, I'll just get my simulacrum to cast Wish on me.
To what? Turn into a woman? Okay, you do. You are now a man with a vagina. Oh, and you also get stage IV breast cancer, because you didn't specify not being a woman with stage IV breast cancer. You go to the cleric to get remove disease cast on you and he won't do it cause you're a degenerate transsexual fuck.
You should probably specify that then, since by RAW you can't apply more than one metamagic to a spell
I'm actually kinda hyped for the Cavalier.
So there's nothing called "rules as implied" to you? Everything needs to be explicitly spelled out?
still waiting on the answer to this
D&D will become /d/&/d/
The answer is whatever kind of human you want. The other guy is retarded because he is thinking surface level.
alt-shit plz go
>You go to the cleric to get remove disease cast on you and he won't do it cause you're a degenerate transsexual fuck.
Why would I need to go to a Cleric, I can use Wish.
>Implying it hasn't been since the day that succubi were statblocked
If they maintain features from the Knight, then me too.
I knew he's retarded, that's why I want to see what sort of retarded answer he gives to that.
A human female is both a kind of creature, a kind of human, a kind of vertebrate, and many other things.
That does not make a human female a non-creature.
>Can turn you into a fucking Yak or a totally different order of creature
>Altering a chromosome is too much tho
Can't wait to have the BBEG have an army of succubi with 6 foot cocks.
>Humans are creatures
Logic isn't your strong suit. You should stop trying so hard.
Why would I want Mage Armour if I'm proficient with light armour? Is there any reason for this?
The way I see it, I can spend some gold for 12 + dex, or a spell slot for 13 + dex, and one of these is more important than the other
>FOOLS! I said I wanted 6 foot CLOCKS! CLOCKS DAMMIT! Great big grandfather clocks!
>Male/Female doesn't change CR, so yeah you can.
No. You. Fucking. Cannot.
It says a KIND of creature. A KIND of creature is ogre, elf, dwarf, owlbear, fucking balor, whatever. A male / female is a KIND of that creature. A man is a KIND of human.
>running a 5e D&D game is less plausible than meeting jackie chan
>everyone I disagree with has never run the game
Transexuals are degenerates who belong in a lethal injection chamber.
>Creature into Creature. If you turn a creature into another kind of creature, the new form can be any kind you choose whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the target's
Any kind of CREATURE. Do you not understand this? It is implied by the sentence. It says "can be any kind" ... of what? Object? No, it means kind of creature. It is talking about the kind of creature you are changing them into.
>That means I can take a male Human, TP him into a female Elf, and then TP her back into a female Human.
No, nigger. It would change into a male elf, then back into a male human. Stop projecting your degenerate fucking fantasies into D&D.
>Homebrewing classes
Holy shit, you sure are especial.
with the duration on mage armor, the spell tax is very insignificant after 5th level.
Well, there's a simple solution:
Male human > female elf (or whatever)
Female elf > female human
So two castings of the spell, which should work under the rules as written since a female elf is a kind of elf. Although frankly I don't know why you wouldn't want to stop at "female elf", since, y'know, you're still humanoid but now probably quintupled your lifespan.
Are you genuinely this retarded or are you just pretending, though?
still waiting.
>implying there's a difference.
Nah, they're more like an object
Not that user, but personally I'd randomly roll for sex, while the ethnicity would match that of the caster.
>I don't know why you wouldn't want to stop at "female elf", since, y'know, you're still humanoid but now probably quintupled your lifespan.
I might be a tranny but I don't wanna be a knife-eared faggot.
yeah but you sound reasonable, I want to know what the retard thinks.
Fuck dude now I want to have a player accidentally give themselves Down's and recreate that scene from Quantum Leap
Okay. The easiest way to cure your breast cancer, is to remove your entire breast and leave a gaping hole. in your chest where blood is leaking into and slowly killing you. Also, it's metastasized to your lungs. Running out of diamond dust, yet, faggot?
Not an argument.
>So there's nothing called "rules as implied" to you?
Oh I know that the D&D devs want the game to be as "progressive" as possible (see pic related). Crawford decided to be subtle with his shilling, and I will fight it at every turn.
No. A human is a kind of creature. A vertebrate is a kind of creature. A human is a kind of vertebrate. A female is a kind of human. A human female is a kind of human. But "human female" is not a kind of creature.
>game where you can bend reality
>invisibility only lasts until you attack for ??? reasons
>you can smash doors though
>it's totally not arbitrary
>not at all
Yes. Humans are creatures. They used to have them in a monster manual even. That was back before your day, though, I am sure.