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>Warhammer Community news(New FAQs for Codex: Death Guard, Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus and more)

>Daily Duncan Playlist

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Adeptus Mechanicus codex (thank you Vladimir)

Other urls found in this thread:


First post for chaos

What would happen if, after summoning a Tyranid Splinterfleet, the surviving Genestealer Cultists actually defeated the Tyranids that turned on them? I know the old codex mentioned that occasionally the Cults get a second wind and resist the 'gods' they summoned. What would happen if one was successful?

Working on a new job so I can actually work on my plastic

How do/would you guys model Dark Mechanicum? Ive played DG for years and wouldnt mind mech allies. Are there cool conversions that wouldnt break the bank to work out?

Still working on my 2000 pts of Dangles.

Once I finish this shoulder pad and base it, I'll have three whole models done!

Nth for Based Sicarius.


Working on a new ork army. How good are nobz with banners? I feel like 120 bolter shot equivalents hitting on 2s would be terrifying, but I could also spend that extra dosh on more boyz or something else. I am also liking the look of nobz on bikes with big choppas


Any idea on the bits on the orc hunter?


I'm still really confused as to how to build my battle forged army in 8th.

Let's admit that I want an army made out of 1 Tyranid detachment, 1 Genestealer cults detachment + 1 Astra Militarum detachment (as per the brood brothers rule), would that be feasible, or is having pure "Tyranids" and "Astra militarum" units in the same army a big no-no (even if they are in different detachments) ?

Your best bet is using Mechanicus models with a lot of chaos bits. A blasmaster, for example, looks very good on a Magos.

1k sons codex when?

What new spells?

What new strategems?

Nope. Looks like a Catachan with a Fantasy Chaos ax, but thats just a guess.

Cheers my man, thank you

Are you speaking from experience? How much of a balance do you strike between Mechanicus and Chaos? Skitarii conversions are my biggest question mark, with wanting to convert but still keeping wargear clear

They form the mutant alliance and become a faction in pic related

Actually you could go less cyber-y on the skitarii. Some IG or fantasy heads instead of hoods, for example.

If you haven't already read it I suggest the book "Dark Adeptus". Glorious descriptions of DarkMech weaponry all over.
As for conversions, I'd probably suggest some Skaven big boys like Stormfiends modded into Kastelans with new guns, filed armour and Ogryn gasmask heads, or Rat-Ogres given some kind of Kataphron loadout to serve as the trackboys. I made a regular DarkMech snake-Skitarii since I lost his legs, but for the most part my army is pretty normal.

What level of DarkMech are you aiming at? Just lots of crazy Renegade stuff or full Daemon Engine/Spikes Everywhere mentality?
Either way you're spoiled for choice in terms of kits to steal and HQ conversion options. A box or two of Dark Eldar wracks and a cable maker for greenstuff are probably mandatory for large Admech conversion projects, since you'll use everything in there a lot.



Woke up to a parcel at the door. It was my Blightspawn and Blightlord Terms, so going to building those today, and Mortarion.... Almost done swapping the terms head around for some more model variety.

Any advice for building Morty before I start???

Leave off the wings while painting if you know what's good for you.

Youre the true hero of this thread user. I was going to shoot for more of a renegade/heretical feel, and Skaven sound pretty damn close to what I was thinking of. Products of a forge world heavily in the warp more than daemons manifesting if you get where I'm coming from

I have heard that from a few people,it seems like the only issue though in dealing with his model.

Thanks user, here a Nurgling for you help.

Thanks, man. That's kind of what I'm going for with my own Admech conversions, so I had a few ideas banked. Good thing is that a lot of Skaven stuff is comparatively cheap next to Admech's relatively high prices, especially stuff that was in Island of Blood/Spire of Dawn like Clanrats.

Why do people always leave off the part where she pulls a gun?

catachan command squad banner dude + fantasy axe and ork shoulder pad.

Holy shit I just went on Dakkadakka and someone opened the salt mines there. There are multiple threads asking for IG to be banned from tournaments.

Hello there anons

My local gaming shop has failed me and didn't deliver on the age of sigmar product for my friends birthsday. He wanted to get some models to start his gateway to wargaming. I know I won't be able to get those AoS sets so I want to try 40k instead.

He often told me his great love was building tanks so IG seems like the obvious choice. I found a nice looking second hand collecton consisting of baneblade (shadowsword) valkyrie, IG commander , possibly a chimera and a drop pod (for myself) for almost100$. Can any IG players suggest a better set or a good starting one to add to the above or in case my seller bails on me. I never played IG and without the old army builder I don't know how much are these units worth.

Generally, how do people feel about using IGs with shotguns as proxy Breachers in a Tau army? I'm fluffing and painting them as gue'vesa of course.

Anyone having experience with chaos hellbrutes? Thinking about coming back to the game but haven't played since 5e. I love the hellbrutes model and would like to run multiple in an alpha legion army. Would this be competitive?

Got any links?
I could use a chuckle.

I knew the tears alone would sustain me during 8th.

Does anyone have any tips or tutorials on how to paint camo on vehicles?

I hate IG as much as anyone, even before 8E when they would act like faggots on Veeky Forums and blame it on marinefags, but if Tau and even Eldar weren't banned, there's no way IG will be.

Even WD Daemons which was a literal tier zero list that was "play the broken White Dwarf codex Flamers build or lose" in 6E wasn't banned, but tournaments were slower and more rigid back then.

Plastic sisters when???

I actually have an exact date for you right here....

Lies we all know Celestine was the plastic release for SoB till we change our dating system.

Don't know what you're smoking, but pass it around. I've met maybe like, three or four Tau or Eldar players during 7th ed that did not intensely regret how OP their faction was during this time, and all of those players I found at tournies.

Playing against an OP faction is shitty user, but so is playing one yourself as you are obviously now discovering. Dark Eldar player here btw, who arguably weathered the worst of 7th after Orks and Nids.

>play SoB since 2nd
>same models since 3rd
>other players talk about suffering
We just luck out that flamers, melta and bolter have never been utter shit.

Hey man, no ones denying how fucked Sisters are. It's no suffering dick measuring contest tho my dude. It is criminal what your faction goes through though.

Here's hoping for plastic sisters soon, user.

In the internet it is always a dick measuring contest.

A: They don't believe that the Tyranids were the REAL gods and keep lying in wait.
Thus, a genestealer cult may even become a chaos cult.
This can only happen if the Patriarch has somehow been killed, since he knows the truth and can communicate it to his subjects if alive.
B: Disillusioned by the falsity of their faith, their strong bond falls apart. They splinter into subgroups and are either eaten by the genestealers they will give birth to, or be discovered by any faction, whoever it may be, and killed quite easily due to their weakened state.

Only if you choose to make it that way, user.

Any idea on how to build the Miasman Redcowl? They'd look great next to martian Ad-Mech.

You know the beak head on the Chaos Cultist with the autogun? Can you get something similiar to those? I wanna get GSC mining suits and put thise beak heads in to build my own Shriven.

Guess I'll post it here aswell since we have two generals.

How does this look for a 1000pt Deldar list?
The wracks get the venom, the archon goes with the squad of 9 kabalites and the haemonculus goes with the grots. I have spare points. Should I give a grot a venomblade or something?

At least I got Celestine...

Hey Dipshit Daniel, your personal anecdote doesn't mean shit. I can go to the archive right fucking now and pull over ten times as many people as you claim who defended Tau on Veeky Forums. They even spawned a copy pasta about X's TEQ.

Best Tank Rules the battlefield once more!

Whats a good color scheme for a DKK regimental standard?

Are there any Kult of Speed builds for Orks that are tourney-viable or is it all just green tides?

We really need a 40k anime.
It would be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever, either way, it would be glorious.

Since we are bitching.

Suggestions for my SoB list? Till IG codex it has perform rather well.

>people who play 40k
>on Veeky Forums

Nice try, my alliterative user. No but seriously, you really think that trolls who actively try to raise people's dander at all compares to the average player of those factions? Or that it's somehow different/going to be different in your faction?

Use a bit of common sense and empathy friend. Or y'know, if you're a troll, eat a dick or something I guess.

Any cool table ideas? I mean, the generic city and field terrains on my shop's tabletop are nice, but I feel like they're kind of repetitive.
>Right Angles, Tight Corridors, Everyone gets +1 save, and the dice keep getting caught in the goddamn gutters.
>Wide open, no LOS blockage, random scattered terrain, and one hill in the corners or center.

What other battlefield tables could I build for my LGS that would be worthwhile?

Taufags, remove blueberry, leave Eldar pussy.

Are we likely to get IG codex leaks/pdfs before Saturday?

Hello /40kg/.
Where would one start with learning the lore of 40k?
Is there any go to starting spot?

I keep refreshing the mega for a pdf of the codex. It's...like a drug.

>don't ban Tau or Eldar which literally deleted armies
the fucking state of DD

And people thought Whineseer was salty. Top kek


As much as xenos players will whine, the Imperium of man is central to the setting of 40k afterwards start reading about all the sub factions, the horus heresy and the Emperor of Man

any pics?

Everything is basically known already

In a friendly game would you rather play against FW R&H army or a counts as Guard Codex R&H?

They're OP

In a friendly game, I'd let the opponent play whoever they damn well please. However, I'd personally want to go up against refluffed guard, mostly because I like games under 1000 points and R&H really don't shine unless they ally with CSM and bring expensive cool shit.

The list is pretty boring: lots of guard/cultists, three russes, quad-mortars, spawn/sentinal, ogryns, lots of commissars/enforcers and as much magic as I can squeeze in.

Honestly GW can fix all this just by hiking relevant points costs. They simply underestimated the value of simply having a GEQ body across multiple armies. The Guard codex have pretty good internal balance, just make its shit more expensive via Chapter Approved. That will even reduce the CP spam.

>Be Me
>Wake up laying on the dorrito hills
>Wade accross the mountain dew fountains causing shockwaves that shake the very foundations of the house
>Access the computer clossing thousands of hentai tabs to reach Veeky Forums
>See latest guard rumours
>Suddenly feel an itch under one of my many hundred chins
>Feel under neck fold
>Suddenly hair sprouts from the neck
>There is a tremendous roar as this beard starts to wildly shoot out
>Nature revolts, animals flee and park strips fall to ruin.
>There is an earthquake that topples buildings killing thousands
>A tsunami is triggered and beloved Nippon is destroyed
>Look down and and the neck beard has grown to magnificent levels.
>Leave your basement for the first time in decades
>See parents dead hanging from the ceiling
>Better have left hot-pockets
>Find my prized fedora
>Promised I had retired but the world needs me.
>Waddle to my motorised trolley and squeeze in.
>Speed down the path at 2m/h
>The ground buckles as it knows that I am here for a purpose
>Fulfilling a destiny
>Burst through the door of the FLGS shattering the glass, spraying cucks in glass and crushing children under foot.
>See FW and guard playing on table.
>Flip table causing thousands of dollars in damage.
>Slap manager for allowing such degeneracy
>Not the hero the hobby deserves
>Hero the hobby needs

Working on some miniatures from the Dark Souls board game. What do you guys think?

Stupid question here. In new edition the Sister of Battle Immolator now costs 68 points not including wargear. And it's equipped standard with an immolation flamer. So I'm thinking I shouldn't have to pay 35 points for an immolation flamer since it already has it. But that would mean an Immolator costs less than a Sisters' rhino which is starts at 73 points! Am I missing something?

I think you're in the wrong thread kid.

Been out of the loop for awhile.

Any Ork rumors yet?

It says Points (not including wargear) because the point value does not include the point values of all the wargear a model might have. You need to add the points of the weapons there are on the model to its point cost.

Yes it is an extremely stupid question.

The only models who have weapons included in their base cost are special characters.

Nope. Still just Eldar/Nids next. That's it.

Predominantly cadian torso arms, backpack looks like the scion one and the head is a skitarii ranger. The big issue is that the legs; those are odf the cadian company commander and theyre essentially monopose (you can see them used in some of the others in your pick).

I made a plan for them though:
>Buy box of cadians
>Buy anvil industries long greatcoat legs
>Buy skitarii rangers box, steal the cowls, but the box is still useful for building skitarii vangaurd so on sell it
Not sure what to do about backpacks though...

Ok. Thank you.

Hold on WTF just happened to battlescribe mobile?

Hey, anyone up for a battle report? Black Legion vs. Salamanders Dreadnought army.

God speed

Working on two squads of scions with four custom hot shot volley guns, why? Got plasma vets from before scions were a thing and I'm not WAAC. Also far more fun to just dump them in some terrain and just watch as I dump 16 shots of fuck you out per turn. If I needed more plasma I'd just switch to conscripts and start taking special weapons teams and a company command squad.

What if, what if, WHAT. IF.

Space Marines modeled after Samurai. Space Samurai.

>The Blademasters
>Homeworld is a pseudo-feudal world, with anachronistic technology and a government that is ruled by the Chapter themselves.
>Each Company is assigned a region to govern, where the Captain acts as a sort of clan leader
>Each Company has a unique coat of arms, that every marine carries into battle on a sashimono(those little flags that ashigaru and samurai had strapped to their backs).
>The Chapter is obsessed and consumed with inter-company rivalry. Most of it is good-natured competition, but some times through out their history there is bad blood.
>usually, this manifests in Honor Trials. Honor trials are essentially a fight to incapacitate, rarely resulting in mortal wounds. Those that are to the death are usually the subject of most heinous crimes and rivalries.
>In battle, The Blademasters prefer close combat supported by artillery, with Whirlwinds and other heavy guns destroying the weaker enemies so that the marines can test their mettle against only the most worthy of foes.

It's funny, because leaving it out makes Sicarius look like a total asshole, but people actually celebrate that. So something that might be used to defame him actually makes people cheer for him, because the kind of people who like characters like Sicarius get off to brutality against civilians as long as they're from a faction they don't like.

If you go for maximum synergy, a ten man Rubric squad (8 Bolters, 1 Pistol, 1 Soulreaper) with Prescience, re-roll 1's to Hit, and VotLW, you're looking at an average 6.81 Mortal Wounds on top of your normal damage, which is pretty much enough to guarantee that anything smaller than a Land Raider is dead.

Compare it to Nurgle's Rot, which is 3CP AND once per game. Sure, that has the potential to do a ton of mortal wounds, but that's reliant on the enemy clustering (not that that's an unlikely situation in this edition) and it only does D3 to a unit. Soul Blaze has the potential to just completely eradicate enemy units with some luck. Frankly, I think SB might be too strong.

The copy pasta was by a Guard user, genius.

You mean 2 squads of 10?

WAAC is what people use when they can't figure out how to win. So instead of bettering themselves they try to shame others into losing and become WAAC themselves.

Sure. Do you have the Black Legion list? I've got a bunch of Legion that I mothballed years ago, and I'm curious to see what a decent Legion list looks like nowadays.

Lexicanum for facts (ish), 1d4chan for (outdated) memes.

I have a handy dandy pdf for you, my friend.

>Space Marines modeled after Samurai. Space Samurai.
already been done both by Veeky Forums (Rising Sons) and by GW themselves (Emporers Shadows)

Hey, how viable would a full psyker Tyranid list be? Doable at all?

Sure. Iron Hands use "companies" (clans) as the primary level of organization. Space Wolves have some similar traditions. And Sashimono look cool.

One of the third party bits manufacturers (Kromlech maybe?) does Samurai helmets, swords, and shoulders for marines.

What have you guys worked on today?

Magnetized my crisis suits. Generic fusion blade melee suits when?

Lovely Leman Russ!

That said, there's always that fucker who wants to play power points so he can use every single most expensive option on every single one of his most expensive units to cream unsuspecting newcomers.

Not very, unless you just wanted to spam hive tyrants.