Is Pennywise basically a minor warp entity?
Is Pennywise basically a minor warp entity?
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No, he's just a projection of a projection of a dimension that could eat the Warp for breakfast.
>minor warp entities
The Chaos Gods are mites next to It.
Here, I drew a diagram last month.
No, retard.
Fuck 40K and fuck you.
this is both fucking hilarious and incredibly accurate.
That's... accurate, indeed.
accurate. das some high quality clowning right there
A sort of Keeper of secrets, quite minor despite its claims to the contrary
That's about right. The power scale is way off, though -- pretty much nothing in 40k can compare to the origin entity that Pennywise is a projection of a projection of, like what said.
I get that for 40kids, having the biggest and strongest things is important, but there's really no competing here.
>literal gods who have, by their very nature, always been, even before their creation, that feed and grow from the natural desires and ideas of all living creatures
>less powerful than a clown that steals a few brats
Nigga did you even read the thread
Pennywise is a tiny piece of a tiny piece of a much larger cosmic entity that surrounds the universe
Not that I have a dog in this fight but... what makes the Deadlights so scary, exactly? It made a clown that was killed by a bunch of grade schoolers who weren't afraid of it. What exactly is to be feared here? That it'll just keep coming back and doing the creepy monster bit?
if we have this thread one more time this month we get a free one.
>clown that gets killed by some little kids
It's a clown that is a projection of some monster white lights that drive people insane that leak in from outside existance.
That's pretty damn small scale.
I'm not seeing the issue here.
Clown is a projection to lure people in.
Spider is the true form/nearest people can grasp without their brains melting.
Deadlights are what it really is, and drive people crazy/brain mush.
Deadlights come from outside reality.
That's pretty...minor, really.
No, but he would be a interesting approach for a fear themed demon / minor god. Unironically, I would be interested how he would fare in 40k, maybe a small hive sector or something. I guess, the basic fears, like clowns, diseases and stuff would be the same, but I would be interrested how the Childs Indoctrination in the Imperial Cult would change the game. To point clear, I would go for childs of the Imperium "Middle Class", If you will. Childs of Adminstrators, Techadepts, Arbites etc.
He is a smaller warp entity than the chaos gods.
However, he can project more of itself into the materium than the chaos gods can, as per The gods themselves could no doubt crush the warp. In the materium, they can't fully manifest.
>children report clowns appearing and stealing people in the sector
>inquistion investigates because it's probably clown eldar
Inquistion v IT when?
Pretty sure he's just a clown.
Have you read a what if daleks cross over to 40k thread. thos Who fans get butthurt beyond believe at the mere mention that 40k would stand the slightest chance. Even more cancerous than thesde King fans
Okay so.
Yes, in the book he comes from the 'macro verse' around ours.
Macroverse! Penny v our verse's warp counterpart gods would probably lead to...well, nightmare fuel.
Penny, as he can manifest in this reality, v the warp gods? He's toast.
Sure, he might be all powerful compared. But he can only fit the tip of his dick in. And the warp is a hornet nest. He might be stronger, but he can't bring it to bare. So he's gonna get fucked up
Doctor Who fan here:
Daleks get destroyed by shit a lot of the time. Warp gods feed off anger. Daleks only have hate.
Daleks would end up bringing Malal back into existance, imo.
You missed a step.
Shhh... Shhh... It's okay, it's fine, 40k is the strongest setting, nobody thinks otherwise, shhh.... That's my big boy, shhh... Let's get you back to bed now. Big boys need their sleep!
The daleks are defeated every episode they appear in. Daleks have been destroyed by baseball bats, ak-47 fire, tank shells, homemade dynamite, A FUCKING BOW AND ARROW, and every laser weapon ever.
their offensive capabilities? a medium tier energy shield, and a 'static electricity death ray'.
I used to be *really* into dr who when I was little but come on
daleks will get raped by minor xenos factions
Honk honk, motherfucker.
Depends on the dalek type.
Early ones are shit.
Time war ones can be op.
Newer ones can be op, or shit.
Doesn't help they they temporally jump about like a fucking jackrabbit, so you can't really measure the linear development of their weapons and armour.
Here's the thing about the warp
>do you think of him as a minor warp entity?
>if so, congratulations he is
Not so much a minor warp entity as a lazy one.
As awesome as that sounds, the main problem would be, that the adults don't see Pennywise or know of his existence. The only thing, they could to would hire some teenagers as acolytes or interregators. Not that a teen or a youngster could carry a boltgun. But I guess, I think atleast the could make the Holy Metal Rods, to beat the shit out of him.
Pennywise is something as old as Tak and the King, user.
Thankfully you can beat him with weird sex.
What part of growing up makes it so adults can't see him?
If you give a child biontic eyes, can they see him? If you transmit the images, to an adult, can they see him?
If you have a psker looking through a child's eyes or memory, can they see him?
Can a child that has been turned into a servitor see him?
Can those baby flying skulls see him?
(Also, they make boltguns for the Guard. Teens could probably use that, or a laspistol. Or a chainsword)
I've never been into Dr.Who but everyone says daleks are OP. Why are they so? Nobody has ever explained. What i've seen, they look almost harmless and slightly goofy.
Only if enough people do.
So...basically a daemon? Daemons are type fragments of the warp gods that can manifest in our reality
It's not a Warp entity.
Todash Dark ain't the Warp. It's a much grander, more all-encompassing and alien concept than the Warp, which is simply the real of thought.
I think as a projection, he only appears by 'writing' himself into the minds of kids
so everything with an intact and functioning kiddie mind (that's what he's interested in after all, kids) could probably see him. her.
Long story short:
World has an eternal war. Crazy science man forces homeless people into radioactive waste and shit to see what all the crap from the war is gonna do to the people.
Turns out they turn into mutant blob things. He edits the dna to remove emotions bar hate. Gives them mobile travel cases and weapons. Said things rebel and kill all the originals.
Said tiny, angry, genius mutants in their travel shells spend a lot of time developing new weapons and armour in order to kill other things better.
Time travelers try to wipe them out, their agent gets cold feet and doesn't. Daleks spend a few thousand years sciencing the shit out of their weapons and armour, then invade the time vortex to kill said time travelers.
TLDR: Angry nazi scientist mutants locked in a machine from birth to death that can only feel hatred.
If he wrote himself into the mind, it could be detected by a trained psyker, no?
(Also, what defines a 'kiddie' mind?)
Because 1)they just want to kill you because you are vermin
2)There's no level they won't go to in order to survive
They're basically evil nazi madmen in mini tanks that have cockroach tier survival
He isn't the ENTIRE fucking todash darkness you mong.
He is just a creature of it.
>What part of growing up makes it so adults can't see him?
Children are more susceptible to the things that wait between the walls because for them, reality hasn't yet solidified like it has for adults. Things like Pennywise or the Monday Man tend to be only beatable by opposing them with extremely powerful positive emotion and fragments of cosmic good and shit. And in the Monday Man's case, beating him to death with a holy baseball bat.
The problem is that psykers might be exposed to the real shape of IT, 'the deadlights', which is lovecraft-esque incomprehensible to humans and breaks their mind
but strong sorcerers or those guys who expose themselves to deamons to get immunity from the warp would probably be fine
>reality hasn't solidfied
er...I'm not sure how much that's gonna be true for 40k verse.
e.g. the 'the world works in a certain way and I don't believe that other stuff could pop out'.
Pretty sure chaos cultists and radical quistors would be able to see it from that view
Are the deadlights Pennywise's full expression, or are they just what's sitting behind him? Because Pennywise itself supposedly arrived on Earth in physical form way back before humans were a thing. I don't think Pennywise is the deadlights, he's better expressed as a route through which the deadlights are visible.
In other words, Pennywise doesn't come through the hole, he is the hole.
>Is [insert concept] basically a [Warhammer 40,000 concept]?
No, it's just that you obsess over 40k to the point that you see it in every single thing around you.
>Pretty sure chaos cultists and radical quistors would be able to see it from that view
Yeah probably, especially radical Inquisitors. The adult protagonists of the shared King universe tend to either be open-minded (or unhinged) too, either due to an early brush with outer things, a brain injury, alcohol, or just being fucken weird..
>Who is stronger, one of the Chaos Gods or a giant spider who gets banished when a group of normal people push it over and tear its heart out?
I'm pretty sure IT *is* the deadlights and that lives in some fucked up universe of darkness
Why do people keep forgetting about the weird sex
How many spiders can we fit into her butt?
How many spiders can a spider fit into its butt?
Because that is a drider. they have lots of spider butt.
Probably because it was really weird, out they just watched the movies.
I think the sex train thing isn't even in every version of the book
I definitely remember reading about it the first time but in the book I have now I can't find it
Basically the Doctor Who universe is actually H.P Lovecraft fanfiction that takes place after Azathoth wakes up and instead of exploding, it implodes and takes a good number of synonymous Outer Gods with it, but not all, and some Great Old ones survive.
The Time Stream is literally the spaghetti part of Yog-Sothoth's being cut off from the hub of his body, the Incandescent Orbs as they are referred. What remains is the Great Intelligence, (No longer as all-knowing as before as it cannot observe reality from outside of space and time) which is what is left of the literal cosmic taxi service that is the Dunwhich Horror maker.
Shub-Niggurath made a shitload of kids, such as the plastic shapeshifters and other stuff, and Hastur fucking survived but got it's shit fucked up so hard he becomes a furry possessing Nubile Aryan British boys with his own bargain bin Deep Ones to seal the deal. There's some other stuff but basically Nyralathotep Jewed everyone to death and got away with it.
Anyhow, the Timelords show up and master the Time stream, (Yog-sothoths discarding dimensional spanning cock) granting them stupid Elf levels of prestige, power and snobbery, and then one day they all come up with the brilliant idea of making their own Great Old Ones because they read it in what was left of the Necromonicon spread out and memed and 3rd partied writered to death by memetic bullshit caused by the sundering of god from the nucleus of reality.
You see, the Time lords were so ELF that they thought no one could reach their level and then they got fucked for it, so then, they brought back their megaHitler and things were going great, but due to horrible PostPozBritish bullshit, everything cool and British about this war was retconned for the ultimate defeatist race-traitor Cuckold to decide to say no one wins and then promptly kills his entire species and the Daleks in one fell move, repeating this shit so much, that his enemies (Everyone) pretty much see him as metaphorical Great Old One.
So everything revolves around this disgusting tyrannical race-traitor !everyreason why Britishyouth want everyone older than them dead cunt going on adventures and forcing people to adhere to his disgusting standards, and doing everything that truly makes people hate the British to their core beyond space and time, and also maybe saving the world a few times, next to him wanting to be forgiven for his omnicide and because again, he is a tosspot.
But yeah, the entire premise is some crazy shit and nothing about it is worth mention other than the idea that the entire flow of time, progression and the world as we know it is basically determined by an omnicidal self-depreciating insane freak who by some is seen as a shapeshifter, which makes sense because post regeneration scycle his kind become body-hopping possessive space-slime and in effect, the Doctor honestly seems to have all the redeeming Qualities of Nyralathotep itself, which makes TOO much sense given how many companions he's worked through and people he's fucked up.
Also, the TARDIS is actually a shape-shifting eldritch Bio-Mech construct similar to the gunships from Half-life 2 if that's any idea as to what it actually is, next to them also beign Great Old Ones of their own right, because you know your species is the ultimate ELF bullshit when you start engineering Great Old ones for shits and giggles. Living planets, sentient timeline devourers, Mega Omnicide "Lets fuck the rules of the universe like it's D&D 3.5" shit, Time-Lords are basically the maddness of the British Combined with Elves in their final form.
because dr. who is bullshit and they needed something that is said to be bullshit strong but at the same time get its shit kicked in by the doctor every time to show how much more bullshit strong he is. Dr. Who is a dumbed down version of what a 40k fan thinks about his universe
Oh right, and the Ood are Circumcised Illithid. There is literally nothing different between Ood and Illithid, they're the same fucking species, right down to cerebromorphis.
And Satan is sort of real, but he's Angra Mainyu tier and in actual fact basically a cosmic regurgitating shitpost of everything sentient beings consider to be evil and his body was shoved into mars and his mind put elsewhere.
This is important. In the Dark Tower, we see another creature like It, of the same species.
Some faggot spider, just run it over with a tank.
Kill it as a joke.
Do we? I don't remember when or what it was, is it in the main DT serie? Is it the Red King?
He's a minor entity that can be shot and killed with basic fire arms or killed by other conventional weapons. Hell, he can be killed with belief. All of his reality warping shenanigans are merely psychic projections based on the fears of his victims.
Never seen it but if you think le wacky clown man is more powerful than a god you are mentally subnormal.
They kinda evolve... and they've been about a long time.
Originaly they couldn't move about without a special magnetic floor that they levitated over... then they couldn't do stairs... then they could hover a bit. Now they can fly.
Next they'll all be Trump supporters, but that's just because the BBC has gone full retard now...
>Hell, he can be killed with belief
Belief with the proper conduit is stronger than small arms fire in both the universes under discussion user.
I think one of the few cases where mundane means beats belief is in Salem's Lot, where Barlow beats Callahan in a faith-off and cuts him off from God pretty much forever, but our main characters just stake that nigga and set the town on fire because stakes are fine too.
>read the read
Pennywise isnt a man.
Do you remember the last time they teamed up with a human? It was an up-jumped lout of a real estate developer from New York.
>Pennywise the Dancing Clown
>not a man
He is clearly a friendly entertainer for all ages, user.
Read the books, stop using the movie as your basis.
The insetting reason is that because they jump thru time, you can run into daleks at different levels of their technological development, and as the Doctor became better at being a problem, the more powerful daleks began to gun for him.
Rolled 17 (1d20)
I roll to seduce the female clown.
>anything more than a vehicle for SK to dabble in kiddie sex
>(read the book, in the end all the 9yr old boys fuck the lone 9yr old girl of the group in the sewers... for no apparent reason)
The book was written before the shared universe expanded to the scope it is now, though. Pennywise actually got smaller (so to speak) as the outer dark expanded.
In terms of threat, for example, he's nowhere near as a pervasive presence as Randall Flagg or the Crimson King, and he's not as overtly malevolent and godlike as Tak.
Aren't they 12-13?
Sure that's still young, too young, but not inconceivable.
Shhh, they think they are trolling. Let them dream.
>anything more than a vehicle for SK to dabble in kiddie sex
Are you implying he needed a vehicle
Like every second book has it
>Is Pennywise basically a minor warp entity?
No. Warp entities are acausal, being born from emotion despite predating it.
Things like Pennywise feed on emotion but aren't, apparently, born from it. He's a completely different kind of being and appears to obey linear time, unlike warp entities.
Im just reporting what I read. It usually boils down to 'muh timebombs' though
check passed
>pennywise blushes,
>suddenly you are dressed as a clown too
>'senpai, lets float' she says as she licks your massive red clown shoes.
Would a Daemon be able to perceive him? If so what would they think of one another?
>Would a Daemon be able to perceive him?
Only if Pennywise worked by 40k rules, rather than the rules of the setting it is from.
>would they think
The daemon would be scared to death of this think that is a shadow of something completely outside of it's comprehension, on top of being far mightier.
>Warp entities are acausal, being born from emotion despite predating it.
Where do you get this?
I think you are just trying to fill your mouth with big words, but it's simply not true. Slaanesh, for example, did not exist before the Fall. She's just effect, not cause and effect in one and not independent from either.
Is this canon?
New lore
It's kinda shit
>I think you are just trying to fill your mouth with big words, but it's simply not true. Slaanesh, for example, did not exist before the Fall. She's just effect, not cause and effect in one and not independent from either
Nah dude they retconned the chaos gods to be eternal in both directions, it's super dumb
Current fluff says otherwise, Slaanesh has always existed in the warp but did not exist in the material realm until the fall. This is mostly due to time not flowing in a linear fashion in the warp. Now I'm not saying this is good but that is the current lore. It's also confirmed to be the same warp from AoS so make of that what you will.
Like I said, new lore
It's kinda shit, but it's what we've got
>new lore
Hasn't that been the case since 4e?
That the Empereal Realm never followed linear time, so something in the warp exists outside it, and that is why warp jumps can put you centuries after, or centuries before, your projected time?
It will probably be retconned again when the next rotation of writers show up and pick a new faction to wank.
>Hasn't that been the case since 4e?
I thought it was more that time in the warp was also linear, it's just that the line was all fucked up and folded in some places which is why you could use warp travel and arrive twenty years early to the war you were being sent out to join
Like that it doesn't necessarily coincide with material shit
What does the clown do in the movie? pull people into a drain or something?
Wow so scary definitely more powerful than a diety. An average citizen in 40k could kill a clown, just blow his brains out. Who watches this gay shit anyway?
>time in the warp
It's astounding.
Time is fleeting.
Madness takes its toll.
Eh, eats kids every 27 years, goes to sleep, seasons kids by scaring them into hyperventilation via taking on the forms of their worst fears in order to increase chemical activity in the blood to make it sticky, and has a massive field of effect over the town due to it being a supernatural hotspot for other fucked up shit in Stephen kings universe that causes people to pay it no mind.
It'd be capable of much worse, but it serves little function beyond being more than an animal.
It'd be good for a rogue trader session, but it's not a cosmic threat unless potentially rosued to be so due to it's shapeshifting. Case in point, it's probably a fucking BEAST if you beset it upon the Kreig Regiment because of what those guardsmen are.
It's old hat, user, find a new way to shitpost here.
Can't be, not since at least 3e, since nonlinear time was used to explain traitor astartes surviving for millenia within the Eye.
But a daemon of a entirely different, more primal dimension.
The warp is just the emotions projected from sapient beings made manifest. That's why chaos gods, no matter how much you hype them will only ever be little "g".
We are talking unmoved mover bullshit.