/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

Previous thread: >Pastebin:
>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
*blocks your path*
>5th edition cliffnotes
>New Deviant preview

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Beast Supremacy

*teleports behind you*
*turns you into a lawn chair*
Nothing personal, kindred.

New monday meeting notes

Why bother when there's never anything good

I pray for the revival of this thread

Oh, Komodo Lord, DaveB. If you would grace us with your presence and answer a humble plea:

I recently read a discussion on what parts of the Soul would the spirit arcana affect, given its subtle and a necessary arcana in theoretical soul making. So, how does spirit interact with souls? What properties of the soul os it capable of compeling, ruling, veiling, patterning, etc. ?

To please you, here follows a mighty komodo exercising his dominance:

So are we going to just abandon /wodg/ and migrate back to the OPP forums?

I would rather kill myself.

Eh, I'll keep posting my Legacy updates here.
I don't care for my inability to swear there.
Also their website doesn't allow for document upload.
Also it's full of shitheads.

Same, that cesspool really isn't worth using. Its also some how harder to search than Veeky Forums, probably because RichT doesn't have his shit together there either.

>I don't care for my inability to swear there.
Not to mention being critical of the writers, or their choices, or god forbid questioning RichT is an autoban.
Its even less possible to have a conversation there than it is here, even with the mage shitposting.

It is as bad as these threads.
The shitposters on these threads literally killed them, it just took months.
I used to post here, storytime my games, ask questions about how other STs present situations, but no one actually runs games, and few play them. You can't have a general based on theorycraft and shitposts alone, it's why the 3.5 threads died.
Let this general be buried, and dug up some day when you fucks are less shit.

Once again, complaining that the other content is shit. You can just ignore shit posting and continue on with the content. Complaining about shit posting is just more shit posting. This post for example is just as worthless as the rest of the thread.

There are often decent conversations and things posted here. But often instead of responding to those, people respond to bait then complain about there being nothing posted.

I just came here to laugh at the edgy landwhale in the OP. Carry on lads and gg

I was going to start posting about my Mage The Ascension game but then m20 was a flop (and so far so are its 'supplements' of cut content) and now I have to do a ton of reading and setting building before I can run it.

The general pretty much started going to shit when OPP stopped releasing things that didn't suck. So pretty much anything post beast has just dragged us down further. There is no content to discuss how to use or implement, merely garbage to shit on. Things like thousand years of night should have elaborated on elder play and the vampiric condition. Instead its just weak sauce NPCs and powers that don't look like they were play tested.

I take 1000 K mage fag over the Sycophants and shitheads on the OPP forums. Here at least i can say that M20 is a piece of shit and Brucatto should be blacklisted.

Fuck the OPP forums, i take retarded anons over pieces of shit like Epsy or Satchel.

The mark function is your friend.

repost from the last thread as promised :

Okay I have a scenario idea for the oWoD.

>Vamps are the Main splat
>no awakened mages, only hedge madgicians , psy etc.
>werewolfs are different, not in touch with the Umbra, no real culture, deadly groups of thuggish predators (much closer to the classical legend)
>mummies don't have their elaborate background, just crazy strong noch Impossible to kill beings revived by the strongest hedge magic there is

The whole game starts as a standard Vampire game. 1910-14 or 1945 germany are the starting points not sure here. The important point is that the players are Ancillae once we hit 2015-2020.

The game up until that is pretty regular. There are occasional hints that the Giovanni are up to something big. Also it becomes harder for the Vamps the more advanced the humans become. After 9.11 the intelligence agencies slowly start realizing there are vamps

nr. 2

Initially its the same aimless stuff like in Hunters Hunted etc. Crackpot NSA agents, CIA operatives who saw a little to much in South America.

But that slowly changes. And some sensible Elders start becoming really nervous. Talk of a Second Inquisition slowly but steadily creeps into the Elysium.

The Giovanni meanwhile actually are prepared. They have their master plan of essentially dropping a spiritual nuke of enslaved ghosts on the underworld, shredding the veil.

And at some point in 2015-2020 they have enough enslaved to just do it. .

This completely wracks the Underworld and drives most souls instantly mad. With nothing holding them back these feral souls start taking over bodies. Only the very recently dead. These Returned are not your typical Zombie. They are able to use simple tools, they can work together and they appear as normal Human beings. They don't rot and they like torturing as much as they like killing.

After a while this leads to a collapse of modern civilization.


The Giovanni don't really have control about them though. They are able to protect certain places with rituals repelling the Returned and they can control groups of them. Controlling all of the Returned (their number is growing fast, especially initially) is far beyond their power though.

Oh and every soul that dies undergoes the same process. Also Haunted places go up 10000% (most souls want a body though).

The oldest and strongest souls are able to remain sane. They are your intelligent Undead. They mostly hide from Giovanni Necromants trying to enslave them or try to find a decent life somwhere, often going full hedonist. The could be allies just aswell

So the Giovanni protect some cities and start ruling the Humans openly. Their official propaganda version is that other Evil Vamps and the Government started the plague and that only the Giovanni saved them.

Giovanni Cities are a weird mix of Stasi-nightmares, old Rome and Venice.

The Giovanni are the undisputed top dogs, ruling from their Luxury inner city lofts. "Adopted Vamps" are the upper managment and Ghouls are the lower managment. Most stuff is now happening in the night. Collaborateurs have a better live and there is the possibility of becoming a Ghoul or even receive the Embrace...

On the other side there are the remnants of military, governments and intelligence agencies. They are on secure fleet bases, military bases secured with firepower and fences etc.

They could easily nuke the Giovanni but that would turn the cities into slaughter houses.

Instead they desperately for a way to control the Returned. Expeditions to Egypt trying to learn ancient Necromancy etc.

The Camarillia has a few cities. Either protected by Necromancy or firepower.

They are looking for a way to control the Returned and to kill the Giovanni. Maybe they could form a temporary alliance with the Military but fully ending the Returned would mean facing a Second Inquisition on crack.


The Sabbath started all out attacks on the Giovanni and recieved catastrophic losses. They are essentially reduced to individual marauding packs.

Anarchs are either living in Camarillia cities, servin the Giovanni or doing the Sabbath thing.

Rome, Mekka etc. are hotspots of True Faith were the Returned can't exist. So you have a Theocracy or two aswell. Needless to say the Leopoldsgesellschaft is bigger and stronger than ever. They have taken control of the Swiss guard essentially forming a Papal Army to hunt demons.

And you have your typical end of the world stuff. Biker gangs, preppers,territorial werewolves etc.

>no awakened mages, only hedge madgicians , psy etc.

You lost me

>>no awakened mages, only hedge madgicians , psy etc.
>>werewolfs are different, not in touch with the Umbra, no real culture, deadly groups of thuggish predators (much closer to the classical legend)

What system are you gonna use for both? The one in vampire to construct woofs and mages with vampires rules?

Awakened mages are to powerful and have their own thematic focus that isn't fitting.

Wolves are gutted and Changeling and Demons don't exist. Its mainly a Vamp thing.

Probably yes.

Magic is going to be GM fiat to a degree and hedge magic, psy etc.

Wolves are just going to be quick and strong regenerating creatures. The ones from the antagonist section of Vampire probably will be enough.

Other splats aren't really a focus.

Great stuff, user ! Keep up the good work
I might steal some of it

Well if you have questions just ask.

And I am not totally happy. My not!Zombies are not perfect imho.

What are they like ? Giovanni revenants ?

Sounds fun.
Did you at least somewhat have the ending from the beginning? Or did things just naturally end up there?

I haven't been on here in months. The LARP I was running ended in August.

Characters involved in a Beckett-related 'meta event' where they went to Kaymakli came back to town, being followed by something that was claiming to be/they thought was Lasombra.
It was really Lasombra, who had been following them from LA.
The players had stumbled upon some Thaumaturgy warding rituals that use ley lines that they were trying to use to keep out things of a certain power scale in light of Gehenna happening.
One player finally revealed himself as the Last Daughter of Eve (they had previously been involved in the killing or elimination of the REAL one, as well as her Magi such as Ferrox the Gargoyle and Smiling Jack).
They got their shit together and their internal fighting almost overcame their desire to have a 'safe place' to exist in light of Gehenna.
They worked on the ritual, even to the point that Troile (NPCed by a player whose character died two games prior), in the guise of the Gangrel Lizzie 'Borden' Hartwell, was helping to deal with Lasombra.
Multiple PCs died, but they got the ritual off, which ended up creating a zone that would harm anything that was above a certain 'pay grade' (IE: rampaging Antediluvians). It drove out Lasombra and Troile.
Our players got to declare their epilogues over the next 50 years as our game ended with the 'Caine rules for 1000 years' Gehenna ending, The Camarilla collapsed, the Sabbat eventually collapsed, the Nephtali became the rebellion against the rule of the 'sane' Antediluvians.... and our epilogue went very much Vampire Hunter D in the way the world works.
It feels good to not have to deal with writing and building things for the LARP any more, but also sad.

This is the first LARP we've ever had a 'set ending' to. A little more than 4 years. I think we had a good run.

Our plan was to play through to Gehenna and allow players to influence it. Sadly, some decisions and things that they could have succeeded on didn't go their way, and so Gehenna still happened, but not as horribly as it could have. They stopped half of the Sixth Great Maelstrom (which didn't nuke the Shadowlands), they managed to seal away Grandmother (thus preventing the rest of the events of Orpheus), the PCs were involved in building new vampire and human society in the vein of Vampire Hunter D.

All in all, everyone had an excellent game.

I've always wanted to play in a LARP with a meaningful story arc and ending, but everyone around here only runs games that are intended to go on forever. They also never do anything about how that impacts XP and player power levels and makes it difficult for new people to get into the games and be able to do anything meaningful.

Well I am not sure.

Essentially they are supposed to be possesed corpses. The souls possesing them have become mad because the underworld was spirtually nuked.

They are interested in torturing and killing living beings.

They have rudimentary intelligence, enough to use basic tools and to form packs.

These packs fight for territory occassionally.

Destroying the brain doesn't really kill them but the body becomes unusable for the soul so it leaves. Same goes for crushing the spine etc.

>Awakened mages are to powerful

Sorry to burst your bubble, but no. In Ascension magic is *hard* as balls to get off.
There's nothing really justifying you leaving them out. Hedge magic is also practically the same as true magic.

Good god just let it go man, it's just a matter of personal preference.
Grow up.

After 4 years our most XP-full character had... I think 370-something? That's a lot, but it's not the end of the world. We did a lot of letting players develop Techniques and Rituals and such to spend their points on, giving them breadth rather than just 'Imma find someone to teach me Vicissitude/Obtenebration/Valeran/Obeah' type situation.

I think the funniest situation in the fight was Lasombra using Shadowstep to move around the battlefield, leaving little avatars of people he'd consumed here and there. Troile had a converted Gentle Rebuke which was knockback steps equal to your total Potence powers. So she'd knock people 15 steps with a punt to the lower back, since she knew if Lasombra won here she'd not be able to influence any of the local events or kill the people she was actually after.

Also, if you have any specific questions I'll be happy to answer.

Which System were you running the game on?

Also how much setting building/npc creation/city flushing out did you do before starting the game?


>justifying leaving them out

I don't want them in ? Thats justification enough.

Why don't you want justification for leaving out shapeshifters or demons?

With the lore changes it would hardly be mage anyway. Also I just don't think full crossovers work? Why is that bothering you?

We were using the By Night Studios MET VtM game, though initially we were playing using Laws of the Night for about eight months before MET VtM came out in 2013.

And we did a fair number. I had the vampiric history of the city written up, the starting NPCs (Prince and Primogen, major Elders, etc.).

Here's the PDF of our starting stuff.

Some fun facts about early games...
* One of our first plots, Dr. Baum had lost his Malkavian Madness and was trying to recover it; he turned to infernalism to recover it, and was destroyed in the conflict.

* Dhamon Kendrick was assassinated by a Gargoyle brought in by an unlikely party, Alexandra Markham, who ascended to the Princeship shortly after. Seneschal Miriam and Taylor Malloy were killed during this conflict as well.

* Alexandra was never found out about this publically, though she eventually lost favor when a PC Tremere took Praxis.

* Karissa led the Biker Bitches, a Gangrel biker gang composed of PC Gangrels, four in total, all with female players. Karissa eventually left town on a wanderlust binge, making a PC the Gangrel Primogen.

* Timothy lived to the point where all the Tremere exploded into a puddle due to a fucked-up ritual to turn them human. He was just reassigned outside of the city.

How was the transition between rule sets? Did you have any trouble with people not being a fan of the 'flatter' power scale present in BNS? Or even converting characters in general.

So did you run it in the city you play in? Did you ever have issues with players assuming details from the real world that didn't match up to the fictionalized version?

I mean it's not like it matters since I doubt he intends for Mages to be playable. Gonna take a wild leap here and say that he probably intends to run Vampire games.

IT was fine. Myself and another player did a rough 'XP conversion'. Some players lost some things, as we were also going from an MES chronicle to a troupe game. But people were fine with it. We turned it into our fiirst long-term plot, where a Ravnos Methuselah was sleeping way deep in the underground under the city, which went over very well with our players (and let us use the Eye of Hazimel event as a local event, and the players got to fight a Toreador, really a Tremere Antitribu, possessed by the Eye (which is the remnant of a powerful Ravnos) to go eat his ancestor. They got to fight alongside Xaviar the Gangrel Justicar, which went over REALLY well.

We played in our home city, yes. we had a pretty good fictionalized version and we leaned on a lot of 'what we know' about the town, changing up certain things (and if players had a cool idea, we would often integrate it). So didnt have a lot of problems with it.

How to make me not only, "NOT!" want to talk about a game system, but be associated with it in anyway, shape, or form.

Other stuff we did...

* We had an Assamite player who got to go participate in the Assamite Schism, and I got to write up a fifteen page writeup of the whole conflict at Alamut.

* We had two Ravnos players who got to play through the Week of Nightmares. Neither of them survived; one died that night, one died shortly after.

* A couple of our Anarchs went to LA and got to participate in the events of VtM Bloodlines, and LA became a 'home away from home' for a few of our PCs, and a major point of travel for later events.

* The players got to decide the outcome of the Second Gargoyle Uprising, which became the Gargoyle Emancipation.

* Two PCs (a Toreador and a Daughter of Cacophony) were uplifted to Archon positions (the Toreador early on when he had to move, but he got to play him a few more times when visiting) and the DoC near the end (so she just played through the last month and a half of game).

* We had a special Sabbat event where the players got to play Sabbat for a weekend and decide how the Sabbat evolved. They stopped Melinda Galbraith's assassination (or failed in assassinating her, depending on the faction/goal) and the Sabbat became a super organized army afterwards...

Plenty of fun...

How many players did you average in a typical game?

How did you handle down times and the like? Did you have forums or other kinda of communication lines in place?

What do you folks use as a 'quest' reward?

What do you mean? Typically playing a game results in access to contacts, allies, resources, and other social merits. You don't generally have a 'do thing, receive mechanical reward' structure for story games.

We started out with about 15, we topped out and had a consistent attendance from about a year in until the end of 25-30, sometimes more if we had a few out of towners.

For downtimes and influence, we had dedicated emails for both DTS and Influence (and for influence, we had a specific ST that ran and catalogued all influence). We always had staff meeting on the Wednesday before LARP where we did all the downtimes, and a Facebook account for people to do 'soft RP' scenes with the staff copied on it (so my damn phone didn't blow up!). We did it at staff meeting so that when people attacked each other, did things that affected others, or relied on info from others... we had it all in one spot. And I can't count the number of times we got a DT that was 'X helps me by providing Y...' and it was never run by staff at game, and wasn't in X's DTs. We ran super smoothly on that front.

Did you have your meeting as the cutoff time for downtime submissions? How often were you running games? Weekly, biweekly, monthly?

I'm sure the story elements are actually far more interesting to talk about (and work on), but the logistics of managing that many people I've always found fascinating.

>what parts of the Soul would the spirit arcana affect

The Death Arcanum affects the soul.

However, you might be interested in the Mage / Mummy crossover material in Dark Eras Companion that describes what parts of the soul correspond to each of the Subtle Arcana.


Essentially how generous you are with your players with contacts, allies, resources, equipment, weapons, armor, etc.

That they'll run into during the course of play.

Heh. Our logistics were apparently better than a LOT of the boffer games that some of our players attended.

Our cutoff was midnight on Tuesday prior to LARP, that way everyone had them in ahead of time. We'd give some leeway for a little after midnight, and if players needed a couple hour extension (which happened a few times when our businessmen players were out of town with work), we were accomodating.

We ran game 1st and 3rd weekends, from 6p-12p, roughly. 6-7 was checkin. 7-11:30p was typically game, with crash after 11:30, though we'd sometimes go later if need-be based on things going on. We lucked out in that, the hotel was the VERY LAST one I went to on a Wednesday afternoon at 6pm, not really expecting their meeting staff to be there. I lucked out and we got a super deal, which we're maintaining as other players are starting up an Apocalypse game in place of Vampire, and another player is designing a Sabbat game for when Werewolf ends/if Werewolf tanks.

We rented a hotel convention room, for $100 for the half-day rental; we took donations from our players and typically got enough money to cover it, or be close enough to cover it that myself or staff could chuck 20 or so at it to finish it up.

We also kept all character sheets and documents with us. We bought a document box and kept folders for each character, folders with status cards, item cards, nametag blanks, NPCs and such all in one spot.

We either supervised, or wrote down, all the XP updates for sheets during staff meeting. In this manner, we kept a LOT of the problematic issues out of play (like people futzing with sheets between games, which I had happen in a Requiem LARP about 10 years ago). Players wold either tell us what they wanted to buy at the start or end of session, or include it in DTs (especially if it required a DT to buy/learn, like learning Disciplines from other vampires).

Staff meeting was typically dinner and staff meeting, from about 6 til 9 or so, depending on how many DTs and how complex they were.

Did you have any other costs?
How much decoration and what not did you do to set the scene?
Did you have rooms mapped out as specific areas in game?

Vampire politics. Which Covenant is the best for younger vampires to join? Which has the coolest merits and powers? I've always loved the Coils.

When we first started we played on campus and had a whole classroom floor, and so we did that there. Sadly, we had an issue with a player with some seizure issues and that, combined with the unreliability of the college gaming club, made us look for other options. At the hotel, we have one good-sized room which was the 'main space,' typically a gathering place or an Elysium depending on things going on. The hotel we rent is a full convention space, so there are little nooks and crannies and function space that we had full access to, and we used it liberally. It worked really well for our group. We also had an outside area and patio were we could take big combats and such if we had to.

We have even shared the hotel space with people and there are no problems; many times they'll watch and give good compliments on costumes. Especially the drunk darts tournament people. They were fun.

We did deco when appropriate; I have a lot of lights, electric tea lights, plenty of table topping like candelabras and candlesticks. So we'd try to deco as best we could for various events, with big things being more detailed. I had been running LARPs on and off since 2006, so we had plenty of table deco, candelabras, and players donated items too. I think the most expensive thing I spent money on prop-wise was an etched wine glass with the Sabbat symbol, and that's more for personal use but it worked well in our few Sabbat special events.

I'd say the biggest costs would be printing costs (I bought a new HP laser printer, which I use for other things, just because it was easier to print sheets and blanks and such), and a few times early on where we had a lot of last-minute cancellations and a large chunk of the site fee came out of my pocket (we transitioned from an all-day $200 bigger room, to an all day $150 room, and then when Changeling the Lost LARP died off in the afternoon, we went to the $100 for evening cost)..

One of our players is a seamstress so she did a lot of help with staff-needed costumes for characters. She also made a really nice red-on-black Camarilla ankh banner that we would use for Camarilla gatherings, and her boyfriend (fellow head staff) found a really cheap Sabbat robe in a boffer costume sale. In general, we had a lot of costumes that ranged from really epic to simple but functional (the Gangrel biker chicks all wore variations of jeans, boots, skull-themed shirts and leather jackets; we had a Ravnos who had tons of flowy skirts and peasant tops, and one Ventrue always wore a jabot with his outfit).

Did each staff member have their own NPCs that they handled? Or were all the staff members comfortable playing all the NPCs?
What sort of NPC numbers did you have? I see the 10 in your pdf, were those all the 'major' players present? Was your approach generally to minimize the number of major NPCs present in the city? It sounds like as the game went on you (or the players) transitioned them out?

Each of the staff had a number of NPCs we were comfortable doing (with me being headstaff doing the most); the ones in the PDF were the NPC court at the start of game, but there were anywhere from 3 to 6 additional NPCs of Neonate and Ancilla rank for most of the clans, though those numbers fluctuated (we got 3 Assamite NPCs after the schism, and the nearby town of Louisville was controlled in total by the Giovanni so we had some Giovanni NPCs show up here and there).

And we had NPCs transition in and out. Some of the NPCs transitioned out as we got bigger to allow PCs to fill those leadership spots (for the drama, naturally, but also so we'd have a more viable Status game), The other staff had PCs that they could do stuff with and play, but they were regularly plot-unimportant so they could exit scene so they could do staff stuff.

Tell me about the BBEG of your current chronicle (player or ST).

Or, if there's no BBEG, tell me about antagonists you're using


Moros Adept forming an unruly alliance with the local Strix in two of my most recent Requiem Chronicles.

>Bringing in more support people to help developers finish projects and get back to normal timeframes.
Good. We're in severe need of some decent fucking content.

Right. We're only, what, 3 years behind on Wraith20?

Who wants to bet that WW told them to shape up and fulfill past due commitments?

Whatever happened to V5? I remember those shitty mobile phone VN things, but not anything after that.

And fuck with their focus on their shitty Mouseguard rip-off?

A playtest was dropped. Haven't really heard anything beyond that.

Is Wraith20 a WW thing or an OPP thing? I know the divide isn't always as simple as CofD v WoD.

V5 has had an alpha playtest recently at Gencon. They recently hired Matthew 'Gentleman Gamer' Dawkins as a consultant and lore writer, on top of the other staff. They have a release date of Q2 2018. Barring problems, they may actually hit it, since they're actually developing.

Any 20th Anniversary stuff is being developed by OPP, licensed from WW. OPP does not own anything but Scion, Aberrant and Trinity (I think maybe one other, but I try to avoid as much OPP as possible recently, the last two VtR books they released were awful).

They have stated at one point that once V5 drops, they will no longer be developing any 20th Anniversary lines, but will be able to put out anything they had already had in the pipe.

Did your players ever try to diablerize each other?

Too lewd

Lucky sonofabitch.

A couple of times; the Ravnos tried during the Week of Nightmares, one of our Gangrel tried to before the most epic Gangrel flight form battle every (a hawk grabbing an owl from VEEEERY high up in the sky, using a Tremere-provided Stone of the True Form on the owl, changing back herself and suplexing him, the diablerist, from 500 feet up).

There was a lot of backroom alliances and most of the CvC (Char vs. Char, I loathe the term PvP) was done via Influence, Downtime and sometimes a boot squad.

I count myself lucky that I didn't have a game that devolved into the typical Vampire fare, we had a lot of good players (even our couple of really socially awkward young gamers), and that we got to play all the way to the end. I love running Vampire, and this LARP reaffirmed my love for it, really.

Legendary story-time to surpass 2D's when?

Clarify? You want me to storytime the Gangrel sky-suplex?

The entire game from start to finish. I need some good Veeky Forums shit.

Oh lord, dude. I'd have to pastebin that shit after a couple of hours of writing, we have 4 years worth of LARP shenanigans. A couple of stand-outs...

* During the early low-membership days of the LARP, we had a player who played the ghoul of another player, who played a Brujah. She had her domitor's Potecnce. While chasing a Sabbat who was experimenting to make 'super ghouls' and using people in town as guinea pigs, he picked her up, and chucked her at the fleeing Sabbat. She hit him with a successful athletics test and pounded him into the pavement. She became nicknamed Javelin. Eventually, Javelin was Embraced and ran away to join the Sabbat, however.

* At one point, a mother had attempted to use hedge magic to summon back the soul of her child, who was killed by Sabbat during the same event mentioned above. She sumoned back a demon who possessed the corpse of her daughter. The vampires ended up getting involved tangetially and the Brujah mentioned above uppercutted the little girl into a lake. He never lived that down. The demon eventually bodyjumped and was integral in the above-mentioned Malkavian Primogen getting Infernal access.

* A Russian Gangrel was a troublemaker in town; he had designs on the Praxis and, if he couldn't get it, he planned to cause as much trouble as possible with his Influence and Allies. He was doing well and got found out through creative use of Influence and DTs (and someone in Obfuscate overhearing him). This culminated in him being chased trough part of the city in flight form, followed by the then-Gangrel Primogen, the biker chick leader. She did the aforementioned sky-suplex, torporing both of them when they hit the ground with a mighty splat.

* Javelin returned with her Sabbat pack, intending to take her 'abusive sire' to the Sabbat, both to get vengeance on him and to get rid of a strong Brujah from the city's defenders. Brujah Sire got made into a suitcase for a while.


* The above mentioned Sabbat invasion also led to the torporing of the Prince at the time, a Tremere PC, by the Sabbat... and then his replacement by a Vicissituded doppelgange, a Son of Discord who had been in love with the Tremere when they were in France. The Son was able to almost flawlessly mimic the Prince (the Prince's player also PLAYED the NPC, with enough quirks that observant people could pick out the differences; a couple of people did, but couldn't get enough evidence). The Prince was awake and attempting to find out the Sabbat's plan and was captive for at least a month. He only jumped to action when a Caitiff he was close with was captured by the Sabbat, which led to 'Tremere burning Sabbat in his boxers'.

* The fight against the effectively 5th Generation Ravnos/Eye of Hazimel, which was also led into by a fight with church hunters the players' actions had dragged to town. The fight was our first big, mass combat... one player got drawn and quartered by Horrid Reality phantom tentacles, a poor Gangrel neonate. Through sheer effort and numbers, along with the 5th Generation Gangrel Xaviar, they ended up winning the fight, though a lot of characters were near-death from the fight.

* Our Giovanni Emissary got involved with a Lasombra Antitribu who turned out to be of the Iconnu, and eventually found full Gehenna Said Giovanni was also heavily involved in stopping one of the bombs from going off in the canon location in the Shadowlands, stopping the 6th Great Maelstrom from happening in it's entirety. It was also in this conflict that the above-mentioned Brujah PC was killed, as was nearly four other PCs.

Hrm. What other neat shit went on? Any specific requests?

How did the Brujah escape being a meat suitcase?

He was rescued by the Caitiff (which is what put her on the Sabbat's radar to eliminate), a Ravnos and a Toreador. The Caitiff was a tech-savvy young woman who had Influence in a number of city services, so she got into some traffic cameras after they found the Brujah's Irish bar with some stuff broken (she knew the Brujah well). They Spirit's Touched the wreckage, saw Javelin, and went to town trying to track her. It was a most of the last half of the night side-scene a couple of games after the kidnapping.

>I think maybe one other

Let's see...

* During the Gargoyle Uprising, the local Anarchs went to Berlin (which was split between the Camarilla and Anarchs almost evenly) and, using the cover of the Gargoyles wrecking Camarilla shit, helped the Anarch Movement 'annex' the remainder of Berlin, making it an Anarch Free State.

* The Gargoyle who slew the Prince, Seneschal and one of the Primogen took most of the city to take out. Tremere with Movement of the and Path of Conjuration were deeply involved in the taking down of it, bringing it in for questioning and debriefing.

* A mortal had been messing with leylines and accidentally created a door to a parallel timeline, where a number of characters and NPCs existed, but changed. A notable Tremere Elder was a Brujah Ancilla in the alternate timeline, for example. There was some Fringe-esque accidental duplicate shenanigans before they wrecked the house where the door was, which was the 'anchor' and left the gate flowing around town on the leylines, where it eventually stuck in a rock quarry and they found it later.

* A group went to LA and played in the middle point of Bloodlines, where they got to play with The Protagonist and Beckett just after the Sabbat warehouse bombings. One Anarch player got WAAAAAAY deep into getting to know the Bloodlines NPCs, especially Nines and Damsel.

* The beginnings of court verified the Tremere as the new reigning Prince of the Domain. A number of disparate events continued. Investigation into the sewers and leads a Toreador, the Nos Primogen and an Assamite into a hidden room, where three torpid Kindred are discovered. This leads to a very heated discussion with Nyx, the prior Nosferatu Primogen, about her Methuselah's Thirst. At the same time, a local Anarch Malkavian leads a number of individuals to a cave full of odd mushrooms and other magical oddness. And a lead into the potential magical uses of the Aztec mask and daggers that were stolen leads to something very mundane.

And with that, I'm off to bed. I'll confer with my other headstaffer at work tomorrow and see what he recalls that I don't (there were a lot of small, one session plots that he ran that I wasn't part of directly, so I only have baselines on after-action reports on them).

Hope you guys enjoyed the storytime.

I certainly enjoyed it. And thanks of answering all of my asinine logistical questions.

>* A group went to LA and played in the middle point of Bloodlines, where they got to play with The Protagonist and Beckett just after the Sabbat warehouse bombings. One Anarch player got WAAAAAAY deep into getting to know the Bloodlines NPCs, especially Nines and Damsel.
How deep?

What happened to those stereotype sidebars? They are not in second edition. I really liked those.

Its to discourage crossover.

They're in Beast and Werewolf. Mage doesn't have them.

Vampire doesn't either.

They got ditched in the better, more recent books.
I think it's better, as it discourages crossovers, and retarded stereotypes.

The Beast one are fucking AWFUL
"Hur dur, Demons need covers, what are you if I strip yours away?"
"Other than unbelievably pissed off? A power stat 10 abomination with nothing to lose."

I rather liked the Anakim's view on mages
>When I say "not all giants tower", It's these guys I'm talking about

But you're not wrong. They're mostly crap.

That sounds like it must have been a lot of fun.

This is the one that sticks with me the most:

>Mysteries, you say. The uglier and more horrifying the better? Well, my place or yours?

Awful. And I searched through Beast to get the exact wording, and in the process got reminded of exactly how much I despise it and why. It's fucking Cringe: the Book. Beasts will never exist in my setting. And why exactly do Demons not get Kinship? Why do Beasts hate them?

Nevermind, looked through the book. Apparently it's a "Nobody knows!" situation with regards to why they're hostile to each other, and apparently Beasts don't like that Demons apparently don't descend from the Dark Mother like all the other splats.

There is no conspiracy to make traditional games politically correct. Characters in fiction and gaming communities simply change with respect to the latest cultural values. But you fedora-tipping cancerous fucks always blame imaginary SocJus boogeymen when people start hating you for the shit that you do. As long as you continue to refuse act like decent human beings, people will keep noticing.

But of course, you will keep blaming imaginary "SJWs", "poseurs" and "normies" when you the public hates you for the scum you are. And let's not even get started on how you all react to games becoming more popular and easily accessible.

y r u here

Not again...

Are you a Sabbat dumbass, a woke Cammie, a brain dead Anarch, or an alpha caitiff?