You can only serve and die for one
You can only serve and die for one
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How is that even a question?
Emperor of Mankind now and forever.
Can I pick 2ed Emperor?
>an autistic fedora tipping manchild
>a faggot with a hammer
I refuse both.
Okay, choice made.
>Manliest man ever elected Emperor
>a fucking corpse
hard choice there OP
Who is that on the right?
This is a mischaracterization of basically every religion described.
He's from vidya Total War: Warhammer
The father of all pains in the butt.
>40kfags in charge of theology
Sigmar>corspe "god"
So he's the urfaggot?
>*Turns you into a fleshrobot*
Is there any art with his visor down? That helmet has always been fucking awesome.
Is this a joke?
Also, iirc, back when Warhammer was cool, Karl Franz was originally a sickly king, largely bedridden. He might also have been a degenerate soft type but I forget.
The only one who deserves my loyalty is Garithos.Ever thought how his agenda and that of the Emperor are quite similar?
The Emperor is just an emperor, but Karl Franz?
OMG this.
I serve the Greater Good.
40k is for fags
space rambo 4 life
We all know the correct Veeky Forums answer
>corpse of a self absorbed deadbeat dad preoccupied with eating thousands of people a day
>pic related
Tough choice, OP
I would like this more if she didn't look like Lilith Sternin.
गलेऽवलम्ब्य लम्बितां भुजङ्गतुङ्गमालिकाम् |
चकार चण्डताण्डवं तनोतु नः शिवः शिवम्
>god empress
>not goddess
I know "goddess empress" doesn't roll off the tongue, but this isn't some degenerate tranny god like Slannesh.
I choose the True Emperor
So how do YOU find your way through the warp?
Why would a skilled artist go to all that trouble to paint something like that?
Who drew that friend?
I serve the Laughing God.
I'd follow Russ in a heartbeat:
>He could remember things that were only legends to those who lived today. But mostly what he remembered was Russ, his primarch: the roaring, roistering giant he had followed across a hundred worlds in those ancient days. By all that was sacred, had there ever been another such man? He doubted it. Russ had been a giant, and there were no more giants left.It seemed impossible to believe that such a one as Russ could die. He had burned with life and power and pride. Bjorn did not believe that he was dead. The power of the Primarch transcended mere mortality. He knew that somehow Russ would defy time and come back to the Fang one day.
- pre befouled Horus Heresy, Codex Space Wolves 2nd edition
Remember to keep the Goblin population under control.
Sigmar was much more of a bro and much less of a tyrant than the Emperor
Based comics artist addresses the non-White question using the plausible deniability offered by a fantasy setting.
I will serve all and die for none.
Because men are fucking simple.
>single mother
I'll take the Arthurian pre black library Emperor
Chaos cuck spotted
NO EMPERORS. why are White Scars so underappreciated Seems like they're the only ones who improved because of the Horus Heresy series.
Sorry, user. I don't know Hindi and am only just starting to learn Sanskrit.
The Emperor of Mankind of course,what kind of question is that even?
>You can only serve and die for one
Make it Sigmar at least.
The Emperor then, fuck Sigmar.
Goddess Imperator
Karl Franz:
>Is Prince AND emperor
>Saved the empire, and by extension, the world, multiple times
>Wields THE warhammer
>Bane of chaos & greenskins, became Sigmar incarnate
Meanwhile, 40k "emperor":
>Is a corpse
>Sits on his throne all day, does literally nothing
>Requires a 1000 good human deaths a day to support him
>Jobbed during horus heresy, is literally the reason the galaxy went to shit
>Doesn't wield a warhammer
I think the answer is clear
i serve Karl but i die for the Emperor
He's a badass and then some, but a leader in a peace time, he's not.
That Space Marine is checking out her ass.
It's not the fact that whoever wrote that was a fucking retard that gets me. It's the fact that someone (Probably the op themselves) thought it was worth taking a screen cap of that really disappoints me.
>Is a corpse
>Sits on his throne all day, does literally nothing
He literally guides mankind through the stars in every moment.
>Requires a 1000 good human deaths a day to support him
Implying psykers are human, also they're largely unstable maniacs. A miniscule price to pay for protecting humanity as a whole. Your average Hive World has like 300 billion people on it.
>Jobbed during horus heresy, is literally the reason the galaxy went to shit
Unchecked scientific progress and warpshit had humanity hit the dirt, he brought order and stability through the galaxy, uplifiting humanity from the divided brink of destruction to a united Imperium that still stands thousands and thousands of years later.
>Doesn't wield a warhammer
Could if he wanted to, fag.
If you're not loyal to Papa Emps you're not loyal to humanity, which means you're either a xeno cocksucker or a chaosfag plaything of the ruinous powers.
I'm actually quite happy with
>Custodes being diplomats/scholars/ninjas and not just giant golden beatsticks (fuck you MoM and your silly "guuuuh Custodes autism")
>Ultramarines being half-traitor pragmatics instead of perfectly loyal mary sues. Too bad the Imperium Secundus story arc was a bit too long.
>Perturabo being some kind of psycho spess Da Vinci.
But you're absolutely right user, Chris Wraight made them fucking cool.
I believe it is related to this:
>Implying psykers are human, also they're largely unstable maniacs.
If psykers aren't human then the emperor's the biggest not human psyker and is a fucking hypocrite. You fucking retard.
>Your average Hive World has like 300 billion people on it.
What sort of humanity do you think is worth saving when it creates and then throws away humans like bacteria?
I'd rather have a system that didn't treat its people like so much waste to be discarded. That, to me, is the greatest inhumanity there is.
Why would I serve four narcissistic, retarded faggots if I can't stand the thought of serving one?
fits pretty well, though I contend that the Emperor also despises humanity, given his goal of a humanity rid of its imperfections
Hinduism has many competing ideas about the nature of humanity, though. Hell, Kashmir Shaivism teaches that everything *is* Shiva, including you and me, and that recognizing that one is, in essence, God (Shiva, who is Brahman) is how one achieves enlightenment. That is, in that philosophy, one does not *become* holy, one always was and is, and needs only to see past the distractions to this truth.
There are obviously also philosophies less optimistic about this sort of thing, but to claim that all of Hinduism teaches that the world as a whole is suffering and misery is incorrect. Translating "maya" as suffering is really not accurate to begin with.
Also, the concept of humanity in some kinds of Christianity is more complicated than that, too.
true we did get some good out of it but at the same time we also got shit like perpetuals, the emperor not caring at all when it was once a critical part of his character that he couldn't strike his favored son, and makes his other actions like letting angron live come off as less being concerned with family and more just being a distopian moron.
Granted I kinda like Pious not liking the emperor and still laying down his life for him, but that could have been done better by either not having the emperor use his charisma all that much instead of him being immortal. granted I also like him being the last catholic too... but thats just my own tastes there
I pick number 4
would you prefer extinction? because thats the ONLY alternative that doesn't involve being the disposable cum rags of chaos gods
yeah I was saying his misinformed nature on faith was what fit, personally if I had to pick a fictional god I'd pick the one from no game no life
>Malcador tho
Gork (or was it Mork?)
Seconded, I really like this.
Would like to know who made this.
Quads do not lie.
Hail the Empress, for she is the strongest.
Why did you describe Karl twice
The true Phoenix king is also a valid choice
Depending on which chaos invasion you consider canon, it was either Grimgor who stopped it, or fucking no one
"god" can simply refer to any being with divinity.
Lowercase g
Capital G God refers to the big guy himself
Yes, but a "god" can refer to any divine being. Horus and Freyja were gods. Kali and Wiracocha were gods.
Yes, I was just elaborating on the correct information that had already been provided
Even still "God" is just a translation of the Hebrew phrase for "god" (Elohim). Just like how "Adonai" means "Lord". The name of the Judaeo-christian god is four characters that translate directly as "YHWH", which is taken to mean as "I am/I was/ I will be" or "That which is/That which was/That which will be" (due to the word not having any specificity on the tense).
Goddess Imperatrix