Alright Veeky Forums, here's a nice easy one.
What are some of the banned words you have at your gaming club / DM table / FLGS?
What words does Veeky Forums consider forbidden?
Alright Veeky Forums, here's a nice easy one.
What are some of the banned words you have at your gaming club / DM table / FLGS?
What words does Veeky Forums consider forbidden?
Other urls found in this thread:
Never again.
Never again shall that despicable word be uttered at the table
Memes and Democrats. One for lolsorandumb, other for butthurt.
Eldrazi, Jace, Infect
Someone at our FLGS complained about our group being racist because the gm described someone has having "Brown skin".
Our game no longer has brown skinned people. Instead they are now red skinned because nobody will complain about the native American gm being racist for saying "red skinned".
Leave that gaming table or vote the person out who said that.
Sorry, I meant complained about it.
It was someone outside of our group. We play in our FLGS for convenience since its such a central location and we typically meet up right from work. In all my years going there I've never heard anyone complain about any if the foul language or anything. But apparently someone got upset by the word brown. But this is Canada where adjectives are basically hate speech so whatever.
Honestly it was probably just some one time customer who bitched and the staff just let our gm know about it. But we decided to have fun with it anyway.
Ah, well that's fine then. What a faggot. Anyway, no words would be banned at a table I played at or I wouldn't be playing at it. Although, if I had pick any single action it would be any other player commenting on another player's actions while they are in the midst of performing them. Don't fuck with player agency, don't "CO-DM," don't META game, your PC isn't psychic and even if they are, there's a fucking turn order for a goddamn reason.
All swearing and potentially offensive language is banned until 8pm, when the middle schoolers get kicked out of the store and the beer is broken out.
After that, we don't ban words, we just ban people who do badwrong things. Such as with words.
Veeky Forums and reddit, especially if they the sentence starts with "But on"
If you can't formulate your own thoughts based on what you've read instead of quoting some random shmuck on the internet who probably regurgitated it from another shmuck and then rephrased it out of context so that it sounds like something they wanted to hear.
>If you can't formulate your own thoughts based on what you've read instead of quoting some random shmuck on the internet who probably regurgitated it from another shmuck and then rephrased it out of context so that it sounds like something they wanted to hear.
I'm going to quote this.
Also while we don't have words banned at my playgroup (even though we don't swear and stuff) it is kinda taboo to say "the game"
This. I'd actually be more pissed off at hearing someone say Veeky Forums than Reddit, to be honest. I expect Redditors to not understand how to keep the tubes separate from meatspace. Ignorance is their excuse.
We can't swear while the host's kid is awake, so for about half our game time.
>tee hee hee
You're not allowed to say "antiquestfag" or "quests belong on Veeky Forums".
>If you can't formulate your own thoughts based on what you've read instead of quoting some random shmuck on the internet who probably regurgitated it from another shmuck and then rephrased it out of context so that it sounds like something they wanted to hear
...then, what?
Found the Redditor.
>Calling things that long predate Reddit, "Reddit"
Found the newfag.
maybe not completely related but I dropped a nigger after he kept going MMMM HE MUST BE GETTING HIS WIFE ANGRY BECAUSE THE SEX IS BETTER TEEHEE for 30 minutes straight because my wife got mad her armor got ruined in game, since I was the GM.
I wouldn't worry about it user
>the game
What a blast from the past.
Thanks bro, had gone for nearly a year.
He has surpassed Oldfag, he is now a demi-fag, a deathless monstrosity from ancient days.
I'm actually 18 and I found Veeky Forums two years ago thanks to imgur but I like your story better
You fucker! I will find you, hold you down, and tickle you until you give me your dog. Then I will love that dog for the rest of my life and feed him treats and give him walkies.
I'm so glad Monty Python stopped being the default "I'm so nerdy lol" show. Say what you will about Rick and Morty, at least R&M fans actually watch it instead of watching the Pickle Rick episode plus a couple famous scenes on Youtube and declaring themselves "biggest fan EVAR"
Not him, but that term goes back at least to usenet
We have a no politics rule at the table. Not because we disagree, but because we all agree and end up circle jerking one another with increasing volume.
No one is allowed to say Skinwalker anymore.
Realism, realistic, realistically, and variations on it are banned at my table.
Not the act of metagaming, just the word. For some reason it always turns into a debate over what the word actually means and whether this situation or that situation counts as metagaming.
Munchkin. I have never seen it once used constructively. It's only used to silence someone for playing the game different. Call him a libtard, or a cuckservative, or a nigger, or a shitlord, I don't care. You call someone a munchkin and you pack your shit and leave
Politics in general.
Immediately, it's a problem. Immediately, it leaks over into the excuse that politics is about important things. And important things are important enough to make a big deal about.
And... and they just never shut up from that point on.
So just cut them off before they even start.
We don't have any "banned" words, topics, etc, because we are mature adults who don't get butthurt when somebody disagrees with them in one way or another, or when somebody says something in a clearly joking fashion.
The word sand is heavily frowned upon for the excessive amount of star wars jokes. Also if anyone says the phrase "Ive got this" it is almost always followed by a character death.
>double spacing
Found the redditor.
>using punctuation and capital letters
about as reddit as you can possibly be desu
>sng vwls
Ctlly kll yrslf rddtr
I banned any quotes from the skit "Dungeons & Dragons: Satan's Game" from my table in high school. My group found a remix of it using characters from the shitty early PS2 game Summoner and would not stop it with "WHERE ARE THE CHEETOS?!" and "I attack the darkness!"
facebook, google and mcdonalds
.......You're joking, right?
Pickle Rick marks the turning point where that's exactly what the fans are now.
"But realistically if we keep seducing all the cultists we get our own cult"
My group has wonderful quotes.
Easy. This requires you to know that I veer into That Guy territory a bit
>Honestly, to be honest
Anyone who uses that as an emphasis is to not be trusted. "To be honest, blah blah" so you were lying to me before?
>Basically, Essentially
90% of the time, redundant. You're not reducing a complicated concept into a more understandable one, you're just pontificating and wanting your shit to sound nicer.
>To be fair
Just say you're playing devil's advocate if you're representing the dissenting side and want to cover your ass.
>pretty decent, awesome, cool
You have an entire language available to you. You can use synonyms that define things better than just "cool." Don't say your character is pretty decent, you could they're suitable, adequate, servicible, generally dependable, etc. Don't say that looking over a canyon at sunset is "awesome," call it majestic, magnificent, inspiring, staggering.
Yeah this
Who has to make rules like that?
we have a GM that uses "relative" with every adjective he uses to describe something or building mood.
it doesn't build mood. ever.
he does it, because so no one can call him out of something he said if he changed his mind 20 seconds later.
it's annoying as fuck.
I'm not sure we have banned words, but my DM pretends to slap me in the face whenever I say
>that's what she said.
All of you are newfags. Believe me, it's easy to tell. "The Game" was an awful meme that had a life span of about a week. In fact, the only people that ever used it were Newfags. Then, and especially now. When people google some of the more "memorable" AKA as "shit" that floated out of here. No, there's some legit shit that would prove your an old fag, but only old fags know it, and even then. We are too embarrassed to admit it, so it should never be used by anyone, ever.
>so you were lying to me before?
No, you incredible cunt. It's called idiom. He's emphasizing that he's not mincing words in whatever comes next.
>Just say you're playing devil's advocate if you're representing the dissenting side and want to cover your ass.
Don't say THIS phrase we recognize as meaning X, say THAT phrase we recognize as meaning X.
>call it majestic, magnificent, inspiring, staggering.
Don't use THIS adjective, use THAT adjective.
Yeah nah, you're just an arrogant snob who needs to exclude others based on completely arbitrary grounds in order to feel like a worthwhile human being. I can tell you right now that you're not.
Yikes, this is a lot of projection. You triggered, buddy?
On the defensive already? What's wrong, sport?
KYS, faggots.
Wow I bet you've been on here a long time. At least since 2016.
No u, cockmongler.
Get rid of the one, and take two off the six, and you'll have my time range. Also, KYS faggot for thinking that gives you any "street cred."
>bitches about arbitary grounds
>uses arbitrary grounds
>trashes me about being a worthwhile human
>while pretending to be a worthwhile human
What did he mean by this?
My group's banned 'firebolt' [the cantrip] for anyone who doesn't have it prepared. Really the cause is one dude who's not only bad at RPing but unaware enough that when the GM asks him what he wants to do, he can't think of anything and says 'firebolt?'
He's also individually banned from saying 'bacon,' but that goes back before I knew him.
>actually still not getting it
Throw him in front of the nearest city bus and do the world a favor.
Bro, he outright tells you he is That Guy. Why are you so surprised and upset at the things he says?
I think he meant he deals with a lot of That Guys. Which is probably what That Guy would think.
>I'm not That Guy, everyone else is!
Look at this guy with all the REAL street cred. Being on Veeky Forums so long really is an accomplishment to be envied.
What's considered badwrongfun in your FLGS?
Stealth faps at the table.
That's my point, retard. Your length on this stupid forum isn't a bragging point, but still. It's fucking gay when you call yourself an old fag.
I was also jerking it to sexual fetish bullshit when you could only find it on creepy, obscure google and geosite groups.
longcat is loooooong
It's time to stop.
No shit, no one likes people sneaking around. You gotta be open with that shit.
Heil Hitler
But only before 10pm
Stand up proud and shout out loud:
I ask you good sir
Who is this man and what does he do
Jesus christ, it's been so long since I've seen that face it actually startled me to see it again.
Man, those were the days. There was even stuff in those groups that isn't really available these days.
>DM table
Why... he enjoys T-Rexes and discussing the... No, he sucks cock.
Does anybody remember the word "chanology"? I wish I didn't.
to be honest, seeing a bunch of idiots "protesting" outside scientologist buildings wearing guy fawkes masks was pretty funny
You sound like a cunt.
>communicating entirely in smug anime girls and greentext
the true mark of Veeky Forums
Everytime i have to repair or buy a new table.
>banning words
Get a room.
>I banned any quotes from the skit "Dungeons & Dragons: Satan's Game" from my table in high school. My group found a remix of it using characters from the shitty early PS2 game Summoner and would not stop it with "WHERE ARE THE CHEETOS?!" and "I attack the darkness!"
Jeez, it's probably been 15 years since I watched that.
>I'm so glad Monty Python stopped being the default "I'm so nerdy lol" show.
I'm not. I mean, it has funny japes and comical nonsense, but it also has pretty spot-on satire.
Why is Grinman so happy anyway?
My LGS is the epicentre of the Planeswalkers for Diversity movement, so I'm not allowed to scream NIGGER or KEK at people when they topdeck their outs.
Anything involving politics, identity politics, MMORPGs, or MOBAs.
It's a warning, then final, then punted. When someone gets punted, all witnesses are put to final warning
>this fucking guy exists in real life
Not a word, but I try to put the kibosh on any Game of Thrones talk.
Kek is whatever, but I'd hope most LGSs would frown on you screaming nigger randomly.
It's so we can have some more /pol/ threads on Veeky Forums.
user tried to write "cuck" but he doesn't know that the wordfilter changes the all-caps version to "KEK".
Just let it sink in for a moment that user is upset over the fact that he'll be judged by those around him for shouting "cuck" in a game store.
To be fair, I basically think you're a literal faggot, by which I mean an awesome bundle of sticks.