What do yall think, it's for the upcoming DnD game with my friends from work. About 1cm is about 30 miles.
Rate my map
What's up with Jim?
The village set ups are too linear.
They were meant to be linear. The county planner thought it'd be better if they were all within a single road of each other for carts and trade to come by faster.
Jim's a sea serpent.
Why and and where did God run off to?
He took one look at the people inhabiting that part of the forest and ran off to Australia to make it habitable.
Roads generally aren't completely straight, they have to compensate for natural features like woodland, hills, dips and shit, even Roman roads weren't 100% so unnervingly linear.
Why do emos need an entire forest to themselves? I thought emo was out of fashion.
With the exception of the hills and Jim's River, most of the land has a pretty flat surface with a gradual decline southward. They made them as linear as they could.
It used to be called the Forest of Happy Pixies, but once Emos fell out of fashion they needed a place to call home and write bad poetry.
That's nice, it still doesn't make sense and sounds like you're justifying poor design.
Well if you have a problem with it you can go to the Linber City Hall and take it up to Bobbert the head of Country Planning.
>A line of cities
>They're not along the river
Really activates my almonds. 0/10 see me after Geography OP.
what tool?
I'll let Bobbert know.
The river looks a bit...phallic.
There's even a sperm swimming out of it!
Planned cities are almost universally failures
Why are these villages situated where they are?
Well you see, they wanted to keep the Villages in a central line so that trade could be conducted easier once the roads were properly established. The ones across the bank were destroyed by the wizard of the Humming Tower for being an eyesore so they decided to stay out of that side of the river. And they can't set up on the river because Jim has some ability to crawl on land and could wreck the place.
Isn't this just a lazy attempt to recreate the shitty map thread from the other night?
Looks that way
I'm taking it up with you, you lazy waste of space
>This way, you'll be able to drive carts better
>Because you're apparently total retards who can't manage turns
>Never mind the fact that you now don't have proper access to the obvious source of fresh water in the region
The map is really subtle about where the evil people live, 10/10 would be intellectually challenged again
so did these people come over and settle here recently, or did they have a country planner from the moment they started getting together as tribal societies first settling?
Rivers don't really work that way.
Surely settlements would want to be closer to rivers (which are not naturally straight) unless Jim doesn't like that?
Also they do look a little too linear, I understand your reasoning, but size of flat terrain, hills, rocks, woodland etc.... force cities to be built in more habitable areas.
I wanted to expand on this. There are two basic things to keep in mind when drawing rivers:
- Rivers flow from elevated ground to lower ground, and eventually into a larger body of water
- small rivers flow INTO bigger ones, not OUT OF them.
Looking at your map, I can accept the large river having its spring outside the picture, and even the weird bifurcation. All the rest is a no.
The area is a plains, what are those smaller rivers coming out of it? It's not lightning! And they cannot even be tributaries, since they would spring out of nothing.
Also, the pond where Jim lives is too small to be a lake considering the dimension of the river coming in, and if it's supposed to be a starting point then the river is flowing the wrong way.
You can handwave everything away with fantasy bullshit, if you want (like Jim is a magic monster that creates water out of nothing) but outside of that your map is fundamentally wrong.
Sorry OP, but the "Forest of Emos" isn't *DARK* enough...
Inkarnate ftw
Is he a nice sea serpent?
Logical, I accept it.
They're still too straight, and I hope there is at least a water source within half a mile of that line, but at least you've got a justification for them not being on the bank of the great river.
Can this be an actual map thread? What do you think of my world Veeky Forums?
I did a thing, it's probably a terrible thing. neat tool though.
That island in the central sea had damn well better be a volcano. Otherwise, pretty decent.
Not sure what all the colors mean, though.
Just a guess but
Light Green is plains
Dark Green is forest
Orange is mountains
Yellow is beach/desert
White is snow
Yellow Snow is tundra/arctic
i want to pet jim
>lost oasis
I found it
I wouldn't even bother with a scale, just make up distances on the fly
Did you just entirely forget how rivers work or where civilizations pop up?
>Forest of Emos
You had the chance to make it the Forest of Emus but you didn't take the chance
That layout is extremely inefficient. It would be better to clump the cities closer together.
>Not enjoying an adventure in a forest controlled by shamanistic necromancers who sacrifice children to ancient gods to fuel their vile powers
Your coasts are too clean. Your rivers are a bit weird (the ocean is very close to the source, why doesn't the rivers go towards the sea?). Only use hexes if you can line up the landmasses to the hexes, roughly.
All in all, it's okay.
rivers dont work like that.
I might not know how rivers work mostly. For the big lake in the middle I was thinking that it's mostly runoff from the mountains around it. The lake then eventually found a direction to overflow in and that eventually carved a river valley through the hills to the north. I guess the land between the ocean and mountains should probably be either really swampy, or just sheer cliffs. The left side is supposed to be swampy, what with all the little rivers spidering away from the mountains. I'll take another crack at it, I wish wish the tool offered more room to work, everything seems a lot smaller than I want it to be.
That oasis doensn't look very lost.
My map feel free to steal, every hex is 3 miles or 5 km for my metric bros
This. Cities naturally develop in good positions.
>Near places of easy trade and access to water (ie. rivers)
>Near defensible locations (ie. hills and natural harbours)
>Near larger cities (ie. suburbs)
>Near valuable resources (ie. near a coal vein or in a place where gambling or prostitution are legal)