With all the specialty games making a return is there hope for a return?
Battlefleet Gothic
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Yes, probably after Titanicus.
No but stay tuned for Dreadfleet gothic with EIGHT ships (one for each race) as a grand alliance of ORDER (Eldar, Tau, Rogue Trader/Imperial, Necron) go against the forces of DISORDER (Ork, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Tyranids) in an epic(tm) clash(tm) of epic(c) proportions ((c)(tm))
GW already said they intended to bring it back in a year or two. Now that they're accelerating their production schedule even further, it could be sooner than that.
You'll need better bait than that, user. Here there be Void Whales.
>mfw remembering that Dreadfleet was a thing and what happened to it.
The last rumor I heard said it might be set in the Horus Heresy.
Very-very doubt
Go to bed grandpa.
But Armada is verifiably shit.
It's popular and competition with Armada will ends as previous competition between FFG and ForgeWorld.
>and competition with Armada will ends as previous competition between FFG and ForgeWorld.
Come back when you have taken another few semesters of English.
Okay I try to rephrase it, BFG vs Armada = X-wing vs Aeronautica
I hope its not. Is there any interest in Horus heresy besides lore or fluff?
It's on their wish list.
The real question is if it'll go the route of all the other specialist games released over the past year, get support for the first month or so, and then never even spoken of again by GW.
Nope. Gw is too busy promoting age of Shitmar.
If they do some limited run of plastic ships i would be happy.
But is it that bad with specialsystem? Thought they at least support they standard miniatures.
Hasn't Blood Bowl been getting regular new stuff?
At least Forgeworld makes new stuff.
technically, Shadow War still gets support
after all, it uses the regular 40k minis
Just from Forge World.
But it doesn't get any new unit options.
>Mfw that was the last official Chaos Dwarf model GW put out
The two games weren't contemporaneous.
Yes but I fully expect it to be Horus Heresy flavoured.
It wouldn't surprise me, Gothic was an excellent game.
Damn, those are some lovely minis
Is this the single greatest piece of art GW has produced?
Good on ya mate
Turns out I lied. IIRC Forgeworld was nixing a lot of poorly selling ranges at the time though, I doubt X-Wing factored much into that.
Already confirmed to be coming back alongside Epic/Titanicus
And Aeronautica was dead long before X-wing came to the scene.
Pretty high up there.
So I was initially correct. What were the years? Going by forum posts after some cursory research I thought maybe there had been a slight crossover.
2006 and I believe they finally killed it when HH became a thing in 2011-12 but it was dead before that.
I have a game this Sunday with my newly scratch built nids
It's not Epic, it's just Titans.
Its Adeptus Titanicus!.
Fucking nice. Just got done doing a planetary assault with my IN fleet vs my friend's necrons (unfortunately the crons were paper cutouts as he doesn't have any BFG models yet) as a preliminary game to our 40k campaign. He loved the hell out of it and is going to try and get some minis.
Damn those are nice. I just bought a huge nid bit Box off Ebay to do something like this.
Wip Chaos Fleet unrelated
As long as they're still kings of void combat
Interesting ships. Besides the Glorianas, you have some weird one of a kind ships. The Dark Sovereign from the DAs, then that cruiser of theirs with the void cannon that did support fire for the Dreadwing...
First Legion hogged all the early fleet assets, I guess. Fuck knows what unique old shit they lost in the Rangdan Xenocides.
Nobody will believe me but Nottsfag here, I have some buddies that work at Warhammer World and one that writes shorts for BL. Battlefleet Gothic is definitely on the list of specialist games that are getting the big box game with lots if plastics followed by limited support in plastic from GW, extended support in resin from FW treatment a la blood bowl.
Was it ever actually alive?
We don't need to believe you - that stuff has all already been said officially.
They are sweet.
Sounds not very interesting. But i wasnt a fan of horus heresy besides being lore for 40k.
All magnetised too so I can WYSIWYG the loadouts
What's a good starter fleet for Imperium? I like the look of Vanguard Miniature's "Battlegroup Helios" ships, but want a small, cohesive team of them to try my hand at painting space ships.
Thats even better. But somehow i prefer to have glued on weapons. Even if its limiting.
I would say Cobras and Firestorms are good as starter escorts. Gladius can hit hard, but they are easily destroyed and for me weaponbatteries with many points work better. I mean they can work better even if they shift.
For cruisers, i always found Overlord, Tyrant are good weaponbatterie cruiser as the backbone with Gothic cruisers additional firepower.
I always liked the flexibility of the Mars without going full retard with the over-valued (and somewhat rare) Oberon; with escorts acting as super-ordnance, I was almost at a Chaos level of BEES
I like him as a support cruiser. He is a good range with a strong defend ability if enemies get too near.
So out of this product range, I'd be looking for Cobras and Firestorm counts-as (Escort Frigate and Assault Frigate respectively, or are those more cruiser-sized?), as well as the big ship counting as an Overlord or Mars class Battlecruiser.
Mars sounds like a good all-rounder, with smaller support ships helping to augment the spread of weapons it has at all ranges. Although maybe I should just focus on going Overlord and have it as a hammer in my fleet that drives hits home hard.
It seem that the Helian assault frigate is like Firestorm.
Helian corvette is like Cobra, has only one turret, the other has 3 turrets and stand in as gladius.
The other big ships can be either cruiser with a nova cannon, like the mars or Oberon. The others can be used for torpedos prow.
that means no crons
So some Helian AFs as Firestorms, some Corvettes as Cobras, and maybe Helian EFs as Gladius? Mars/Oberon has a big prow-cannon, and the others have flat/torpedo-tube prows?
Okay, so I've got a map for the counts-as, since I'm a complete newbie to BFG in every respect. Just have to wait for those big ships to come back in stock, now...
Any good spread for those ships for a small starting fleet?
If that would mean Imperium vs Chaos. Maybe Eldar and Orks as additional factions.
You mean ship stats? Or what the best ships are for the fleet?
I won't worry. The original game was set specifically in the Gothic War, where Necrons, Tyranids, Tau, Dark Eldar, and Craftworld Eldar did not make an appearance - but the expansion that added them (Armada) didn't have a specific setting. So a Heresy starting set wouldn't necessarily prevent a 40k expansion.
I just want more DLC for Armada, or at least mod support. I mean, it's all in Unity right? Do I need to hack the game to find out how to add mods like revamping the crew training or improving the campaign?
Like, what if in the Campaign the individual worlds had different effects if you lost them, instead of just %-based modifiers? Take Ortho, a hive world in the Port Maw subsector. What if losing that world gave you a +20% to escort ship point cost? But losing Cherys in the Gethsemane subsector gave you a +10% chance of additional Chaos fleets appearing instead? Then each campaign would evolve differently for players, and there'd be some real replayability involved at higher difficulties as the course of the campaign swung in different ways.
Frigate are escorts… but I think all the Helios ships are 30% bigger than their GW equivalents.
Fleet composition.
Really? That might throw a wrench in the counts-as idea. I think some of those ships have lengths listed, though.
How do I tyranid? Making the ships is no problem but what does a decent list for a standard game size contain?
>was retarded and annoyingly hyperactive teenage ork player back when bfg came out
>the kind that unironically yells WAAAAAAAGH! when charging his boyz in 40k
>sees bfg come out, not impressed at first
>see brute ramships or whatever they were called
>build almost entire fleet out of ramboyz
>single handedly ruin fun of every single game
>surprised that interest in bfg dies out
Did...did I kill BFG guys?
They should had git gud
And maybe add new races. Or new classes. Open for mods would have given that game a longer life. It doesnt seem that the producers want to support or go anywhere with the game since the dlc. And games with mods can be a steady money influx, thats at least the model for many games. minecraft or skyrim are still popular and seem to make profit.
Im not a tyranid player, but i guess you will rely on torpedos, ordnance and pyro, maybe some hiveship with long range. They seem to be nasty and thanks to the flowchart you will end in shortrange fights.
It also means no difference between chaos and imperium fleets.
That sounds rather fun. I guess if i play 10 times in a row against your ramships, than yes, but otherwise no.
i hope not. HH is interesting for a story but boring for a 40k wargame by limiting it to only human vs humans.
Can anyone tell me how Deldar player? I know they were all about speed, and ramming, but I was always interested in just how they played since looking at stat sheets can't tell you that.
for now. They've stated they'll be adding infantry and tanks down the line. Assuming the game doesn't just tank immediately. They've already shown test minis of dreadnoughts and marines.
Suppose not. I'd just hate to miss out on the chance to see more Necron ships, they're super cool.
Just test printed a Cobra Destroyer of my crapy Budget 3d printer. The Detail is a bit better in Person. It's kinda messy but it think at tabletop distance its ok
Sry for the big file
They're also broken AF.
If you have a good set of hobby files to smooth down some of the rough bits it would look pretty good
Only if you don't use the senario rules. Which are pretty good so why would you do that?
They're masters of void conbat afterall
As i read, deldar player rely on shadow lances and ordnance. The impaler is short but fucks up the enemy ships.
Wasnt there some "retreat" for crippled ships rules? Thought this can counter them alittle bit.
Like your print. Maybe you can use liquid green stuff to fill or even the surface.
will do that on bigger ships. will post results in next BFG thread.
if there is one ever again
>next one
I think the last one i saw was one month ago. But sure you could make a new one an maybe it will stay a short time to talk the important stuff.
I'm having g fun just figuring out what bits you used. Nice shit man.
All just random bits from gaunt/tervigon sprues
Thats what makes tyranids great. Everything fits, even random bits.
Those hive ships are extremely sexy
My nigga
Wait, on the right ship, is the deck without paint or is this grey?
Looks far too light to be bare plastic.
A few Horus Heresy podcasts are trying to revive BFG. Age of Darkness went through the basic rules in their last episode, and Varangian Heresy talks about it quite a lot too.
I think that's why there's a decent chance of the next game being set in M31, just because that's the player base that's been asking about BFG the most.
>I think that's why there's a decent chance of the next game being set in M31
Its not about the fanbase, FW explicitly said that if BFG would come back it would be set during the Heresy. TItanicus should be the next game after Necromunda and it will also be set during M31.
Of course that does not stop GW from putting out an expansion for non imperial 40k ships.
>Of course that does not stop GW from putting out an expansion for non imperial 40k ships
that or hopefully the system is close enough that you can just use the old BFG rules for the rest of the factions. kinda like necromunda and shadowwar. My hivefleet is itching for more games.
Dont know, if you look at the turret holdings there is darker and light grey. I assumed thats lighting that the grey is light or dark
>FW explicitly said that if BFG would come back it would be set during the Heresy.
That was really just wishlisting during an interview... though it was FW's boss doing the wishlisting so I guess it has more weight than usual.
The old split between Imperial and Chaos ships was great in-game because it gave each fleet a look and character of its own, but the fluff justification was never very strong. And it falls apart completely in an M31 setting. Curious to see how they handle it.
In terms of rules I can see them getting rid of the gunnery table. GW thought it was a good idea in the late '90s and used it in Epic 40,000, but I'm not sure it was ever popular. I like it, though. It's really just taking a large number of firepower dice and rolling to hit as if you had BS3 and the default case was shooting at a capital ship moving away. Each column shift is a +1 or -1 to the to-hit roll. The table just assumes you got an average number of hits, and you then roll that quantity of to-wound rolls.
I would like to see some miniatures to be rereleased. Other than Imperium or Chaos.
To be honest, the fluff that chaos had old ships or developed their own blueprints was ok for me.
>Gunnery table
I liked that too. And everyone i knew liked that mechanic, the whole "dang now i have half the dice" was always a part of "i move there for more dices".
I really dont see that they would ex that. They would loose one unique way of having different weapons.
>To be honest, the fluff that chaos had old ships or developed their own blueprints was ok for me.
I went through the main rulebook and Armada - just the ship profiles, so I'm sure I'm missing some fluff in the other sections. I left out the classes that didn't have any clues as to when they entered production. Here they are, grouped by size classification. It doesn't clarify as much as I hoped.
Emperor - pre-Great Crusade, new ones being built during M30
Retribution - "earliest days of the Imperium"
Apocalypse - precursor to the Retribution
Oberon - "very early variant of the Emperor class"
Despoiler - developed M36, using plans from Heresy-era Terminus Est
Desolator - "dates back to the very founding of the Imperium"
Vengeance - marked the transition to the armored prow (no date)
Repulsive - M34
Mars - production ended in late M39
Overlord - based on the Acheron, which is bizarre (only one Acheron built, only dorsal weapons are shared)
Tyrant - late M38
Dictator - based on Lunar (Lunar's age unknown)
Defiant - "recent development of the Endeavour"
Styx - unknown, but popular in M32 & M33
Murder - unknown, but lots built M33-M37
Slaughter - unknown, but in production by M34
Firestorm - recent (at least in Battlefleet Obscuras)
Cobra - shown in FW's Horus Heresy Book 3
Falchion - M41, after Infidel's plans were stolen
Two Chaos escorts got left off:
Idolator - unknown, built by Xana II, presumably after the Horus Heresy when it fell into the Warp
Infidel - M40