MTG Standard: What deck are you running? Ixalan edition

Currently torn between building G/B energy or Abzan tokens.

Other urls found in this thread:

Running GB energy once I get my rotated cards out of the deck. Wanted to do sultai energy but fuck paying for scarab gods and hostage takers

U/G Merfolk


Jeskai approach, the addition of carnage tyrant to the local meta had me replace hour of devastation with fumigates, probably going to just shift all the way to uw now for settle the wreckage

waiting for the rest of my vampire stuff to arrive
>tfw shipping from uk to eastern europe takes 14 days

deck list if anyone cares

Building red green dinos with either burning sun's avatar or charging monstrosaur in place of carnage tyrant.
How much will the cards I need fluctuate in the coming weeks?

Thinking about running this at FNM:

4x Adorned Pouncer
2x Crested Sunmare
4x Feral Prowler
4x Pride Sovereign
2x Prowling Serpopard
2x Regal Caracal
4x Sacred Cat

4x Attune with Aether
3x Heroic Intervention
2x Settle the Wreckage
3x Anointed Procession
2x Arcane Adaptation
2x Authority of the Consuls

4x Aether hub
4x Sunpetal Grove
6x each Plains and Forest
2x Glacial Fortress

Haven't decided on a sideboard yet. Thoughts?
They'll probably all go down. Otepec and Drover might be slower, though. And I'd personally go for monstrosaur over avatar for a carnage replacement.

Would personally run metallic mimic over the horse desu. I also feel like you have too many 2ofs, but I can't pinpoint what I'd cut and add so you do you

Been playing this

4x Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons
4x Festering Mummy
4x Exemplar of Strength
4x Channeler Initiate
4x Obelisk Spider
4x Ammit Eternal
2x Hapatra's Mark
4x Nest of Scarabs
4x Grind // Dust
4x Bone Splinters
4x that desert you that can give black mana and be sacrificed into -1/-1 counters
9x Forest
9x Swamp

I've actually fared pretty well and had fun. Bone splinters isn't standard legal anymore? Also exemplar of strength and hapatra's mark haven't really done much. Any budget suggestions for replacemens to improve the deck a bit more?

It'd probably be better to run Mimics but I have 2 Sunmares already and no Mimics. I feel comfortable dropping Heroic since Sunmare + Arcane gives me indestructible cats but I have no clue what to replace them with.
I ran Jund Hapatra for a while. Consuming Fervor is borderline broken on Ammit Eternal and you can farm Channeler each turn no matter what with it. I also got good use out of Blur of Blades, Crocodile of the Crossing, and a couple of sideboard Claim for removal heavy decks. Bone splinters rotated out last month.

Why is it so hard to find consistent standard discussion anywhere on the internet?

Have that many people lost interest in it over the past year or two?

Consuming Fervor with Ammit Eternal is an interesting interaction I never thought about. I can't imagine Hapatra living long, however, considering she dies to every piece of removal in the format and is such a vital part of the deck.

people are waiting for the world championship this weekend, to see what the format will look like.
Also, i assume most people who are building decks like me, didn't get their cards yet.

Well, I mean discussion in general. Standard threads are sparse on Veeky Forums and move slowly. It's the same thing on other websites; standard falls by the wayside to modern, commander, etc.
It's annoying because I need to find a group of people to play with.

In my LGS, standard only happens every other week, and even then it's like 4 people at best. They usually play commander.

Continuing from the Favorable Winds meme, I'm not sure what other colour to splash. Red has more reach with shocks and lightning strikes and enigma drake, Black has some hand disruption and fliers, white has some nice fliers and dusk//dawn, green also has a few things, and mono-U is just as fine as I see.

Go for black

>dinos have one deck in a field of 46
Pic related
Anyways, how viable do y'all think tribal dinosaurs will be this standard?

>Why is it so hard to find consistent standard discussion anywhere on the internet?
Because standard is shit.
You have a regular rare of a set currently released and being drafted have a cards cost $20+. Most players aren't going to pay $30 for carnage tyrant, a staple of an archetype of this set.
Why the fuck would you spend 50+ dollars for a playset of cardboard ( and possibly multiple times because standard decks are almost entirely made up of chase rares ), much less cardboard that isn't actually good in an eternal format so you can use them effectively forever but will plummet to worthlessness as soon as it cycles out of standard.

I'm interested in 4 color hapatra but I just hate how weak the deck feels if your board gets broken.
Figure maybe lilly can help with her revive a creature but I'm not sure.
How well does the deck do vs control? I'm sure the mono R match up is great.

not at all. They aren't big enough, and don't effect the board enough.

>carnage tyrant
>staple of an archetype of this set
it was played at most as a one-off. The card is severely overrated, because control has trouble dealing with it. In any other scenario it's just a big dumb 7/6 that dies to any death touch.

Does anyone think the green one mana enchantment that let's you draw a card when your creature get's targeted is severely underrated?

>I can't imagine Hapatra living long
It's why I ran Claim so I could pay one black and have her right back on the field.
I experimented with BRGW Hapatra but the mana base gave me too much trouble and having it just for Anointed Procession was not worth it when the board state quickly got out of control without it.
It really depends on if they draw all their gay counterspells and know what to counter. If they counter only your Hapatras and Nest of Scarabs and you can't keep up, you're fucked. Once you get it going, rarely does control have cards that can stop you and I ran Heroic Intervention to protect against board wipes. Obviously it doesn't help with counters but if you're having that much trouble it might be worth siding a couple of Prowling Serpopard.

Shapers' Sanctuary is the best card printed in the set and has uses in essentially every format

I got 4 of them during the prerelease, and am now waiting too see how they can be used, lol/

If you're a green aggro deck there's very little reason not to run 2-3. They also stack.

Favorable haven. Essentially an Amonkhet block deck with opt and winds.

I just pulled jace cunning castaway, should I sell or hold?

Scarab God and Hostage Taker's prices wont hold right?

Depends on this weekend to be honest. If they are used a lot (say, in every deck), expect the prices to rise to be honest.
The thing is, people keep saying that the scarab god is the best card in standard now, and hostage takes is a really good answer to it.

Carnage Tyrant won't hold for long. Way overhyped.

While I agree the prices are dumb, cards do stay in standard for a while. I don't really have any qualms about paying $50-60 for a playset of something I'll be able to use for a year or two. I start getting iffy when we're looking at cards that $20+ each, like Chandra, but considering how much money I piss away on other bullshit it's honestly not that much for how much enjoyment I get out of the hobby.

I also prefer standard to, say, modern, because there's always new shit to look forward to and the meta isn't defined by the same cluster of decks for years on end.

You people are tempting me with these memes. I'm considering buying a playset and some other stuff, which would be funny and sad at the same time as I already have two orders on the way - haven't been delivered yet.
I kind of want to get a playset of Heralds of Anguish and Mechanized Production, but I'm not sure if they'll see any play this weekend.
Also want to get some UB lands, but I keep hoping the prices will drop.

If the SCG event was anything to go by, they probably will hold.

I only splash hubs and use channelers for white to cast grind/dust for hazoret. Which even then grind is fine on its own so if you can't come up with white you're still fine.

Scarab God will for sure, that card is played in way too many formats and most decks than can are splashing for it.
I'm gonna guess hostage will die down when the "play my opponents deck" does.

>Does anyone think the green one mana enchantment that let's you draw a card when your creature get's targeted is severely underrated?

Not at all. It makes Walking Ballista machine gun fire on your dudes a very bad option.

>Abzan Tokens

For what purpose? Vraska? What else would you run by going into green?

It's a shit money grabbing format with poor balance, emergency bans, limited tier 1 decks and to top it off, every set pushes midrange good stuff creatures.

I hope standard dies so they introduce a new format along the lines of frontier.

I want to play WB
I don't know if I should go full Vampire tribal using Black Hellrider or WB Lifegain with Aetherflux Reservoir as a wincon

Modern format is constantly evolving and changing. We have so many tier 1 decks and the power level between tier 1 and 2 is hardly noticeable in certain mu. In standard of you don't play one of the big 3 you're just playing a handful of fun and shit cards

Think I'm just going to build a shitty tokens deck or go mono b aggro and then use the rest of my store credit to buy playsets of as many cards in standard rates/myth as I can since I really don't have a clue wtf I want to play/build

How's my deck looking so far?
4x Carnage Tyrant
4x Regisaur Alpha
4x Ripjaw Raptor
4x Rampaging Ferocidon
4x Growing Rites
2x Mountain

Sicknasty deck, if i were to tweak would go -2 pierce +1 unsummon (not sure on that tho), -1 prying blade +1 deeproot +1 branchwalker, -1 boon +1 mystic
definitely max out on those 2drop merfolk though, and 2 blade is plenty.

>Scarab God will for sure, that card is played in way too many formats

what? which formats besides standard and edh?

Going off mtggoldfish but basically, yes. I think she's actually really good and for 6 mana (assuming you have anointed pro out) gets you 8 loyalty and 2 menace pirates. Seems pretty good to me desu

Not Standard

What do you think my Pauper deck for a local friends pauper tournament.

>haven't looked at scarab god price in a while
>my foil has doubled in value
Did Hostage Taker, Duress and Opt really do such things for dimir?

Wrong thread bozo. Least post it in modern. Standard players can't get into eternal formats. They much prefer to spend 15+ dollar on a standard staple than spend the same amount on a modern staple and actually be able to use or sell that card in 2 years.

Here's hoping mtg arena follow some a similar pattern to the olemon

It's not played in dimir. It's in sultai energy and 4 color energy.

>Buying $15+ staples in any format

>being poor

Just getting into standard, so I wouldn't mind tips

Vraska, Relic Seeker
Obelisk Spider x2
Ironclad Revolutionary
Kitesail Freebooter
Jade Guardian x2
Carnage Tyrant
Bitterbow Sharpshooters
Emporer's Vanguard
Prowling Serpopard
Dusk Legion Dreadnought
Heart of Kiran
Spreading Rot x4
Contract Killing x3
Gift of Paradise x2
Trespasser's Curse
Primal Amulet
Prying Blade
Thaumatic Compass
Treasure Map
Dissenter's Deliverance
Blinding Fog
Cobbled Wings x2
Life Goes On
Dark Nourishment
Mark of the Vampire
Without Weakness
Vanquish the Weak
Never to Return
Field of Ruin
Forest x10
Swamp x12

Literally get a job. Move out of your mums house and you'll be able to play any type of magic you want.

Holy shit. You really need to learn some basics before you get into standard. Your best bet is to do some googling about how standard works, and how to build standard decks. Maybe look at some standard decks and read about why they are the way they are.

It doesn't have anything to do with being poor or not
I just don't feel the need to spend 15+ dollars on a small piece of cardboard when I could buy 20 pieces for the same price and still have as much fun

Actually. His best be there is to play limited. Build up a collection. Sell cards to shitty standard players who are willing to spend 20+ on a card that will see mo play in 2 years Andrew then start getting modern staples.

Seeing as fun is subjective I'll just take your word that you have fun playing poorly optimised decks and losing.

I guess I could buy 1000 cards for 15 dollars and have the same amount of fun as you right.

I think if i'm going to be playing Abzan colours I may as well play the BGx constrictor type decks rather than tokens, however I wouldn't rule Vraska out so i'll give her a whirl but at the moment currently finding the two colour base a more stable option.

If that's what you want to do, go for it. I do have to say though, that Esper Tokens is much more powerful. Being able to make copies of Champion of Wits and Scarab God tokens is such a huge advantage

But what if the Standard staple IS a Modern staple?

But vraska is in constrictor colours. You don't have to go all in on the token theme to build with vraska. Is argue she is hardly a token Pw anyway. Seeing as we have so few anthems for tokens and all she does is make a single 2/2.

Basically if you're in BG and have a few spare slots with a decent curve you can just chuck her in there. In my opinion.

So fatal push and possibly opt. The only staples to see modern play in how many years.

Collective Brutality, Spell Queller, Vizier of Remedies, Tireless Tracker, Liliana the Last Hope, Walking Ballista. Plenty of other cards too.

Well I was cryptically inferring to Collective Brutality. I mean technically it is a Modern staple card and a was a Standard legal card at the same time.

- Vizier

Nulamog, Hour of Promise.

Chandra ToD and all of the fucking pushed eldrazi don't count?

Add Shapers' Sanctuary remove Prying Blade

Chandra isn't used that much. She was way overhyped.

Who uses Hour of Promise?

Standard players don't understand what staple means. Here's a hint. Playable means it's played. Staple means it sees play in several decks. Please tell me how these niche cards are played in several decks.

You lot also called modern stale and now think every set brings fresh meat to modern. What is it?

Sorry. These cards see play in what decks. Tireless tracker? Lol.

Chandra actually sees play all the way back to Legacy.

Being legal in standard does not make it a staple for standard. I don't remember many decks running copies of it.

>Who uses Hour of Promise?
Every valakut deck.

Company decks.

Seeing play does not make it a staple.

wait, you think walking ballista isn't a modern staple?

It was a pretty common sideboard card in many Bx decks including Zombies.

It is literally a staple in every Dragon/Blood Moon Stompy deck in Legacy.

How many DIFFERENT decks does it see play in? If I want to come into the format will this be a card I must buy?

Let's look at some actual staples.
Path to exile. Almost every white deck in modern will play this card. Snapcaster for blue. Thoughtseoze for black. I'll conced that ballista is actually decent and sees play in several decks. But the original point that standard is a waste of money when carnage tyrant and the likes are 20+ dollars and for the same price you'll be able to get a card that will Retain value and isn't a one trick pony.

Standard is more expensive than modern and a bigger waste of money. Sure you're first standard deck is cheap. Soon you get hit by rotation. Does your deck survive unchanged. Lucky you. Do you need to make some updates. Well that's another 20-30 dollars. Or did your deck fall to pieces. Now that's a whole new deck to buy and you have 75 cards that are nearly worthless.

Not him but here goes:

>Collective Brutality
Literally every black based deck in Modern runs this. From Death's Shadow decks(Grixis/Jund), Abzan midrange, Dredge and Smallpox just to name a few.
>Spell Queller
It's become a dedicated slot in Bant Knightfall and shows up in Counters company decks.
>Vizier of Remedies
This one is really only the centrepiece of one deck(Counters company) and the sideplan wincon of another deck(Elves). Card is a common anyway and dirt cheap.
>Tireless Tracker
Scapeshift decks run it, every other BGx midrange deck, Bant Knightfall, Company decks. Pretty sure Lands.dec runs it in Legacy now as the best sideplan when the Dark Depths plan fails.
>Liliana the last Hope
This one is going to increase in play in all the BGx decks from a singleton to more copies now that the change to the planeswalker rules allow two Lili's in play.
>Walking Ballista
This card sees all the way back to Vintage. Eldrazi decks run it in Legacy and also has slots in Counters company decks.

And we all know Bx died off pretty quickly after the ban and zombies are now unplayable.

I think you're going to have trouble casting anything with only two mountains

Never played standard before, but I'm interested in playing that stupid mimic thing that was posted.

Turning treasures into creatures with Life Crafter's Awakening is just way too funny to pass up.

Any tips?

I agree that Standard is a sinkhole but a card doesn't have to see play in many different decks to be a staple. It just has to be strong enough to be considered a dedicated slot to be a staple in that particular deck. Chandra ToD is pretty much a locked slot in all the Blood Moon Stompy decks now. I think some Scapeshift decks play it a bit as well but either way it's strong enough to be considered maindeck slots in the decks that want to run it. I wouldn't use the argument of Path, Snap or Thoughtseize as the go to cards to determine what are staples(not saying they aren't good cards because they are) since those cards are extremely cheap on mana costs and can quite literally be splashed for. Decks aren't going to splash for Chandra ToD but the decks that do have the mana base to cast her reliably are going to put her in.

Either way I always play like cheap ass tier 2 decks in Standard anyway that i more or less always acquire 90% of in drafts. B/W tokens is fucking hilarious because two Anointed Processions means 4 lifelinking vampire tokens off a single Adanto, First Fort activation.

The ban didn't really matter and Zombies only unplayable because of rotation. Time for me to move these Amalgams to DREDGE anyway.

Trying to make mono-black control work in standard but in testing it always seems like the shell would do better with a blue or white splash.

Current list:

If you're literally trying to play Standard "8 rack" you should add Dreamstealer and Miasmic Mummy to your list. I'd remove Torment of Hailfire from your sideboard because in what matchup are you ever going to need to run 4x copies.

Running Temur energy without the black splash until I find out a deck a really want to play. I'm finding that I'm having issues with gods, once they table I usually lose. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of running essence scatter. Is this a good idea?

Hostage taker is almost exactly as good as glorybringer. If you wouldn't pay 15 for a glorybringer, wait for HT to drop back to a reasonable price as packs are being popped daily and it's otherwise simply a decent two color rare.

It was absolutely a staple. The reason you don't remember a lot of standard decks running it is a) you didn't face any UB/UBG/UBW reanimator. b) It was an eight dollar rare most Black decks would have liked but could be substituted for a dozen .25c commons/uncommons as long as you knew your meta.

Consider adding Gonti or if your going to splash blue Hostage Taker.

I hope Hostage Taker goes to 5 bucks. I feel like I wasted money on my Glorybringers, even though I got good play out if them.

>Standard rotation won't be for another year, decks cost 60 bucks.
>"I won't buy a new modern deck for over 1.5 years" where the decks cost 300+
>"I won't buy a new legacy deck ever" where the decks cost 900+

Standard is cheaper in all regards UNLESS you're looking to play a deck for years and years in competitive play. I just had my ENTIRE deck rotate and my new one cost 20 bucks.

You're a faggot and you should feel bad.

I feel you're mew deck costs 20 it's the same as playing a modern deck for 100.

Except I can play modern and legacy for years and years to come. Once you hit the five ear period in standard you could of bought a modern deck. You're probably a poorfag who can't afford the initial purchase into a real format but able to scrape by in standard with 20 dollar decks.

Will give both these a try. Cheers.

Standard can't 'die.' It's how WotC makes money.

Nothing wrong with playing fun jank at FNM. I'm also not so sure about your assertion that it's constantly evolving. There's what, about 8-10 tier decks that rotate around depending on the meta? On occasion a new deck will emerge, sure, but it usually winds up being a replacement of sorts for another deck.

Personally, I don't want to play against tron, jund, etc, every week for an eternity. Modern is big at my LGS and everyone always brings the same exact deck. There's one dude who has been playing the same elf deck for over a year.

I like variety. So even if standard is a waste of money (muh investments) and the pool of competitive decks is narrower, I know when a new set comes out people will be playing new decks.

Opinions and all.

Why are you in this thread if you dislike standard so much?

I see what you're going for here, but I don't think you're going to be able to keep someone locked down long enough for your choice cards to start winning the game.

I'd also recommend moving Duress and Harsh Scrutiny to the sideboard and bring them in depending on the match up. Harsh Scrutiny, for example, is going to be the deadest fucking drawn against WU approach and most token decks.
Duress is a little better overall, but against decks like monored or dinos it has a good chance to whiff.

"Nothing wrong with jank"
Sure. And you can play jank in modern. There are 1000s of viable decks. The options available allow no jund or Tron list to be exactly not the same. The meta Ian always in swirl so each deck is dependant on the type of meta you're involved in. I completely understand why the appeal for standard is to brew a fun deck but it's the same as facing against Tron or jund every week. If your deck is shit you won't ha e fun. I for one didn't like going to fnm to go against Mardu vajocles 3 games in a row. Or saheeli cat. Or GBx with Emmy. A couple months ago every deck was RR. Now it's looking to be temur or sultai energy. Until wotc learns how to balance a format standard is a bit of shit show.

Tier 2 in modern can compete against tier 1 in modern. Some decks even have insane positive match ups. Tier 2 in standard means you might be able to beat one of the tier 1 decks and lose to the other 2

Not that user but in the past year modern has had a fair few decks creep up tier 1 and 2. Jund is in a bad place now and sees little play. Tron is a nightmare still but there are literally 5 variants of.

I just think you have way less options available to you in standard than you do in modern. I've even brewed a shitty Mardu tokens in modern and made top 8 at fnm. The card pool is just so immense literally anything can happen.

The idea that a format with 100s of viable decks would get samey and a format with literally 3 decks wouldn't get stale is something I can't wrap my head around.

What do you guys think of my box pulls?

Sell those Carnage Tyrants now. Prices are already nose-diving hard.

I've tried the -1/-1 counters deck before. It's fun when it works but as soon as I went up against a control deck it completely fell apart. No creatures to put the counters on makes the deck just die on the spot

Sell it all. You might be able to sell all of that to an unsuspecting standard player and actually get hold of some decent cards for w/e eternal format you want to get into.