How do you like your halflings, sir?
Fatty? Slim? With big hairy feet? Elf ears?
How do you like your halflings, sir?
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Basically children that are legal to fuck.
muscular thick with big long hair
I honestly could do completely without halflings. They had their purpose in Tolkiens works, which not all translates into other settings, while some of their characteristics and mechanics are covered by other races, and the ones they have for themselves are not that great.
Ah yes, the quintessential Elmore painting.
>undefined and contradictory light source
>idiot thief losing the valuables
>thought a tied off bag
>climbing into the ceiling as opposed through a much more accessible window
>bright red clothing, perfect for sneaking around in the dark
>caught by a guy with a flashlight
>seriously, that's the only way the light makes sense
>incorrect climbing pose
>arms as thick as her legs
>this is the most muscular halfling ever
>people will say it's great
thank you
Corpses. Halflings (and gnomes) need to be exterminated, for they are the lesser races and deserve not life.
Because dat ass.
Please don't bully smol races, they are so cute.
Genocided, as they are shit. Same as Drow, same as Dragonborn. same as Kender.
>arms as thick as her legs
her arms don't seem that off user
Fucking kill them all. This guy knows what's up with the small races (though he and I disagree on Drow).
Our threads aren't strong enough to support autism of this magnitude.
My Nigga. I like you. I run games with several cores.
Dwarves, Elves, Nymphs, Tieflings, Kobolds, and sometimes Goblins. Snowflake bullshit can be okay, but the "lol we're humans but small and smoke weeds" types that are just retarded dwarves suck. I forgot to add Gnomes to my list.
Have a portrait I'm using as my BBEG for being a good person.
>dwarves suck
Fucking elves.
Nah, I didn't say dwarves suck. But if a character race is just another smol guy but instead of ale and axes it's weed and hills, I think they suck.
I like my elves with less fantasy shit, like "lol I'm actually 500 and have magical fire tits."
naked on the bed
Barefoot on the beach
They’re clearly meant to understand fishing deserve synergy balance when boating
Like a shrunken instagram baddie Kardashian impersonator.
I don't know why gnomes exist, just give stronger magic to halflings.
My nigga. This is my kind of shortstack.
P much exactly like that pic.
You forgot the ears that look like they've been chewed on.
I would agree with your consensus of gnomes if they weren't the most powerful race in the world.
I like halflings and gnomes. So much so that I wrote this Warcraft fanfic about a guy fucking a gnome
He fucks a goblin also in chapter 2
>i'm not racist -I fuck halflings all the time
I just really wanna fuck a gnome and goblin chick. I probably am racist.
Nah, goblins are too much fucking fun.
...and about the only image of that character by that artist that is not NSFW. Not that that's a bad thing mind you.
It might just be perception, angle, or style, but that Halfling looks a fair bit taller than the 3 feet or so that they're claimed to be. Seems closer to a bit over 4 feet, actually.
>It might just be perception, angle, or style, but that Halfling looks a fair bit taller than the 3 feet or so that they're claimed to be. Seems closer to a bit over 4 feet, actually.
You've never read the entries for halflings in the monstrous compendiums, have you
Some of them get to 4 feet+.
5e has them as 3" to 3'5", I think?
Then an elf, panda and lastly whatever the priest's sister is. Keep it going you fuck
Yeah I really need to get back to typing more. I have some of chapter 6 done so far. To be honest I started writing this earlier in the year when I was unemployed, now that I have an office job where I type all day I'm a little less inclined to bash out a chapter in a few days like I could. However I do have the next two chapters pretty well planned out, so at least I'm not out of ideas. More crazy harem action.
I like my halflings like I like my coffee.
full of human jizz
Faggots like you laughed at my Goblin Assassin
they didn't laugh once their organs were swimming in a soup
Goblins are for enemies or the sexual. They're only interesting if you give them their own spin or if you relegate them to enemy or whore status. Goblins are Aspergers riddled polio dwarves who are dwarves but with bombs and green.
Here's a good pic.Orcs are good though. Orcs are good.
Sassy and thievish.
>hasbro's "Halflings" who are just scaled down humans
Completly soured me on the whole concept, just have Gnomes and no halflings.
>Goblins are Aspergers riddled polio dwarves
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Best girl.
I guess they can be fun, but it's hard to find a person who can RP them way so they aren't a novelty. There's also this autist in my FLGS who does a Junkrat impression during MTG nights, which are the same nights as open table RPG night... and he's so goddamn loud.
Have more Orcs.
You've ruined incase for me.
I miss this comic so much.
He was already bad.
I tried to fill the vacuum of fell's five with rat queens, holy fuck was that a mistake.
could she learn to love me, guys?
Either genocided at the hands of the gnomes or having genocided the gnomes at some point in thier history, the two are too similar, there should only be one
All this rich food, but the sauce is nowhere to be seen.
Fell's five.
Can anyone tell me why Halflings need to exist in any setting that has Gnomes?
It was fine until it became haremshit you fucking hack!
gnomes and gnomelvoers as hit
I liked the first two trades of Rat Queens, but man the third just plummeted in quality.
The writing got worse and the art got so lazy. Whole scenes are drawn with just coloured gradients in the background because the new artist couldn't be bothered to draw the scene around the characters while they talk. There is normally a panel or two establishing the scene and the colour palette and then more than a dozen with just the characters in front of nothing.
It also got kinda insufferable with the girl power thing. Girl power chest beating was in the first two trades as well, but for the most part done well so that it wasn't cringey pandering.
Just a huge shame.
>vaguely thief themed fantasy pin up is not trying to accurately portray thievery
Well no fucking shit.
>I don't know why gnomes exist, just give stronger magic to halflings.
Halflings are pygmy humans, gnomes are pygmy elves.
No, it's a picture for halflings
There is no such race. "Halfling" is a slur aimed at gnomes, particularly short elves and skinny dwarves.
Tfw you have a bbw shortstack fetish, so little art available
Define BBW, if you mean literal pile of pizza dough, then yeah you'll have problems. But moderately pudgy I.E. Midna, then you'll have an easier time.
RIP Bandit
>a troupe of Halfling fisters
Yes. I agree 100%. I loved the first two as guilty pleasures, but I couldn't stomach the third. For a long time /co/ was my homeboard, so I'm used to art changes, but this was just such a disaster.
>fucking gnome-chucks
She'll be okay, there's healing potions around.
Yeah. Art changes happen, and often for the worse. But there is a difference between "worse" and "is now hot garbage"
Shouldn't a halfling be half as short as a regular person?
As part of a triad of races.
Elf + Human = Half-elf.
Elf + Dwarf = Gnome.
Dwarf + Human = Halfling.
After about two or three generations of intermingling, halflings have more or less bred true in the hills along Dorfkrag Ridge.
.... also, they make decent jockeys/Gryphon cavaliers. Seriously, am I the only one who sees the military application of these guys? Get some cliffside aviary construction, a decent dragonrider or knight for a riding instructor, and the dwarves would love to help their cousins learn how to properly forge some armor since they're the same height (though the proportions need some THICCening).
Do halflings breed halfling sized griffins and hunt coincidentally halfling sized rabbits?
Would it work better if they did? Originally, it was going to be full-size gryphons with halfling riders.
It would make your image work better
I am not above following through on the pygmy/pony gryphon idea. Although I am now contemplating the nature of a Clydesdale hippogriff.
For the ogre-blooded BBEG. Or should I go wyvern for him?
Ears are too small.
I want to bully a cute halfling girl.
dibs on true blue
So, query; since we have historical evidence that, in D&D, halflings can produce new substrains by mating with other races - witness the Stouts, who have the toughness of their dwarven parents, and Tallfellows, who have the grave and wilderness aptitude of their elven parents - what do you think a human-blooded halfling strain would be like?
I figure a lot more driven, assertive and outgoing than normal halflings, personally.
In Tolkien, it was the Stoors that were most like men. They were the second tallest, the thickest built, and didn't have much of the common hobbit fears. They enjoyed the ocean and rivers, wore shoes, and grew beards.
In DnD most of their traits got absorbed by the Stouts who were given a dwarf connection, whereas in Tolkien it was the Harfoots, the smallest and most subterranean breed, that got on with dwarves. So really it's hard to tell. Assertive, driven and outgoing are good guesses though. I'm not sure how connected humans in DnD are to the water, in Tolkien they are very closely bound to it in their hearts because of Ulmo, so I dunno if you can take the river folk thing from the Stoors.
Huh; fact is, halflings got reinvented as river-trekking, swamp-inhabiting traders and caravan-runners in 4e - looks like they weren't as alien to Tolkien as everybody complained.
Gnomes aight!
Fat though.
basically three-and-a-half foot tall humans with pointed ears, a light touch, and a quick tongue.
Stoors are mostly a historical thing. Their blood lived on in Buckland, but pretty much all kinds of Hobbits had been absorbed into the Harfoot majority at that point. So people's view of Hobbits is that of the Harfoots, cowardly, agrarian, subterranean, water-hating, and sessile. Not like the outgoing, water-loving, and man-friendly Stoors.
Though it's worth nothing that most of the hobbit characters in the series have Stoor blood. Frodo (who also has some Fallohide, the elf-like ones), Merry, and Pippin all do, which is why they're all relatively adventurous and don't complain about the water. Sam is the only one who is pure Harfoot through and through. The only pureblooded Stoor that shows up in the series is Smeagol.
How do you like your noose op? Extra strength?
Plumper than Midna, but not an amorphous mass.
Yeah sorry I am a bit of a hack. I just went with what the audience on /aco/ wanted.
Why do elves exist in a setting that has dwarves?
I really don't get why people draw the line at one small race. Why do you need more than one medium sized race?