Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1782:The Revolution is Almost Over Edition

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>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread

How much FREEDOM do you have jumpers?

Reminder that if you kill a jumpmaker in a fair duel, you inherit all of their claims.

As the living embodiment of tyranny lots at the expense of everyone else.

Yeah, but how are we quantifying "fair duel?" Does it count as a fair deal if I, for example, stab them in the neck while they're sleeping?

Yes, but... There'll still have to be discounts. Things like Bloodborne and Oni Sekai where you can pick discounts for certain tiers work well for that.

If you had a reason to believe they had precognitive dreams or danger sense then yes that counts

Only if you challenged them to a duel beforehand.

More than you'd think, less than you'd hope.


Moderation in all things, including freedom.

Woe to the person that kills me, then.

Technically? You need some form of organizing discounts though, even if it is only 'one of each rank'.

All of the freedom. Also all of the oil. I'm always the President of America.

I see, I see. So break into their house, quietly whisper "I challenge you to a duel," then stab them in the neck. Gotcha.

The President of the United States of AMerica? MICHAELLLLLLLLL!

That god that faggot's gone.

Fuck off!!


Leave the drama in the last thread please. Faggot

~boisterous laughter~

Do you really think you're funny?

You too. Leave it in the last thread.

If you just have to use actionposts then at least include some text.

Oh, lamb, it's not me I'm laughing at. ~laughter~

Fair enough and easy done.

we are eight times as free as the next leading space empire.

Zero times eight is still zero.

>That god that faggot's gone.
What did he mean by that?

I find myself concerned. Dare I ask you for details, like how you can quantify 'freedom' enough to use a multiplier with it.

It's just an user not letting things go from the last few posts last thread. Just ignore him. Or laugh at him. Either or.

As much as I allow myself.

Clearly a typo.
>That god; That faggot's gone.

Clearly a militant antitheist that finally captured and killed the diety they were hunting.

>It's just an user not letting things go from the last few posts last thread. Just ignore him. Or laugh at him. Either or.
I wasn't there, I just wanted that translated. Was the first "that" supposed to be "thank"?

Post Jumps that hate Companions.

Which jumps do you go for on average within your first ten jumps? Any "always do this" jumps you care to mention and go into details about why? Are there jumps you'd like to do early on but avoid for some reason?

Any ETA on Dark Souls 2 Nubee?


"I've given you jumps, taught you writefagging, and endowed you with balance. There is nothing for me to give you. All that's left for you to take, is my life. By your own hand. One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the jumpmaking. The one who survives will inherit the title of Val and the one who inherits the title of Val will face an existence of endless jumpmaking."

>Clearly a militant antitheist that finally captured and killed the diety they were hunting.
Seems legit.

Shitposter has bad spelling. More cause for ~laughter~.

Really, any Jumps that have perks that'll keep me from going insane over the eternities.

Nah, I'm not working on it right now since DS1 took 4 months and I wanted to rip my face off during parts of it. I'm just playing with my chain right now.

>400 CP
>600 DP
>200 CP to pay for 8, 400 for huge numbers.

Nigga I think you just needy as fuck. That's enough for them to boost their magic rank, or get a capstone, and they can still do shit with their equipment.

>Offers a companion option that lets you import two for 50 cp.
>Hates Companions.
Go home user you're drunk.

~posts low effort bait~

Are you looking for a way to boost the number of .pdf files we have in this thread?

What's that?

some yoga terminology bullshit.

dunno if we really need it.

Elona. What's even the point of that import if it doesn't give any CP, or offer origins or anything?

>post ends in 88
You fucking Nazi.

B...but mah tilds?! You have forsaken me? ~extistential crisis~

>the shitposter
More likely it's just you trying to cover your ass by drawing attention to "the shitposter's" grammar/spelling. But here's the thing: No one seriously uses "hurr you spell bad" as an argument once they leave high school. No one really cares about that, especially given the prominence of secondary English speakers on this thread, and that you try to write them off because of such minor mistakes just reflects poorly on you.

If you take Evo early, how much risk is there of your sense of self and humanity being crushed under the weight of your animal instincts?

Every risk.

Now bend the fuck over.

I dunno man, but my instincts are telling me to pork that bird

~laughter~ Given how easily amused I am by the antics I'm seeing here, I guess I am acting a little immaturely. But user, if you are tickled, do you not laugh?
Also you defensiveness about this is pretty interesting. Was it your post?

Why so horny, /jc/?

>"the shitposter's"
It's alright to use 'you' here user. It's not like it isn't obvious you are talking in defence of your own post.

~begins the omnicosmic anschluss~
No Austrias left behind!

Very little. The whole point of the Sun's competition is to see who can become the most rational and non-animalistic being and therefore be worthy of his daughter. Provided you're not stupid, you'll stay plenty human.

There's your answer.

Oh, I got a new alt form recently

In order to meet the minimum requirements of being a main character they need to spend all their cp on their magic rank otherwise they can spend half their cp to be a side character or none to be a nameless mook. I think having to spend all their cp to be relevant to the plot counts as having the jump hate them.

No, just annoyed by the tendency of you or "people who act exactly like you but allegedly aren't" to act like pointing out minor mistakes is somehow sufficient to address the actual argument. And it's not my post for one reason: I don't believe you've "gone" and never have, indeed I feel you're a persistent tumor that won't just fade away naturally.

>minimum requirements
>being a main character

Oh look, it's your dumb bullshit again.

Companions are second to the Jumper. They should not, shall not, and will not ever get the same degree of preference as Jumper.

Fuck off for the final time.

>minimum requirements of being a main character
Well there's your fucking problem. Just accept that not every jump will hand you everything on a silver platter.

>Companions are second to the Jumper.
Reminder to beat your companions every night, and to beat them extra hard if they ask for anything.

Nice strawmanning.

What's your ideal companion option like?

Guess what, Fuckboy. Taking what I say out of context just makes you look like a bitch.

But that's a flaw in the jumpmaking process, and such makers who adhere to that are unfit for their duties.

>to act like pointing out minor mistakes is somehow sufficient to address the actual argument
~incredulous laughter~
Yeah, if you read my post you'd see I never did that. I just found a spelling error amusing, that's all. What are you, the humour police?
And your only justification for it not being your post is your maligning me, that's just so hilariously stupid. Thank you. I take the 'humour police' thing back, instead you're a clown.
Also, I don't believe you. Post a screenshot as proof and I'll believe you. No screeching of photoshop, I'll take your evidence at face value, that is, if you can present it. Will you?

So you're saying jumpmakers like Val are unfit for duties? Boy are you about to get a massive shitstorm.

Please stop encouraging him, the longer you two keep it up the more likely copycat shitposters will pop up.

Companion Import for 0cp, companions get 1000cp.
Jumpers get 400cp instead of 1000. No Jumper, you are the waifu.

>obvious face-saving samefagging
Not even involved and even I can see it.

Well, I appreciate your submissive tendencies and maybe you'd like to grab dinner sometime?

Remember when you were content to have the chance to go to the setting, at all, and affect the plot if you were smart and combo'd out-of-context abilities?

~laughter~ Taking to yourself is a disturbing sign, user. Maybe you should go lie down or seek professional help?

Thank you, but you do realise he's just going to accuse us of samefagging now, right?

You know what I take back what I said about wanting an ounce of faith.
You're right. There's no faith to be had here.

You'll have to excuse me if I find that to be a case of rose-tinted goggles.

Fine. Here you go, user. And you've done it several times before, if not in this exact instance.

Then Valeria found that to be terrible, and now here we are.

Do you ever get tired? Do these constant shitposts ever make you want to jump off a building? Because that is the exact emotion I am experiencing right now.

Oh great are we on the shitposters accusing everyone of samefagging part of the programming now?

Then you're getting way too emotionally attached to this place, and need to take a substantial break.

Feels like that's all there is anymore. Just endless shitposting and fanclubs arguing with each other. It's impossible to even figure out a reason without getting shit on because how dare you assume we're not in a perfect community right now?

>~laughter~ Taking to yourself is a disturbing sign, user. Maybe you should go lie down or seek professional help?
Man, can you change how you express emotion? I'm not involved in this, I'm just getting really annoyed by this "~description~" stuff. Which I'm sure is the point, you're trying to annoy the person you're arguing with, but everyone else in this thread that has to scroll past your posts sees it too.

user, don't get me wrong. I'm not curling up with my plushies and crying into my pillow. I'm just exhausted of every other thread derailing into meta-shitposting and 4D chess.

It's mostly just Valeria's fanclub arguing against everybody else.

Okay, so let's find ourselves something new to discuss.

Jumpers, are you a jock, nerd, punk, goth, or prep?

I hate to tell you this, but there's actually only 2 people in this entire thread.


Wasn't going that far with the accusation. I'm just saying - this place gets retarded, and occasionally? You need to take a break.

I know, I know. That's a fucking retarded thing to say in regards to an online "hobby," but believe me. It's not going to get better.

Jock-goth is the patrician choice.


Nerd or Goth, I guess. I'm not really smart or studious enough to be a nerd and I'm not really dark enough to be a goth, but I'm enough of those things to get close. I'm so far away from the others though that I might as well be on another planet.

List the jumps you wish would come out, but will never see the light of day.

I'm a Neep (Nerd and a Prep)

It's just a few people out of the 60-90 we're likely to have posting in this thread. Just scroll past the occasional family spat we're having

Ah, yes. "Samefagging". And now that I mention it, I'll request the same of you, to prove that's not your post up there, under the same conditions.

That loser who claims to be an alien, only for everyone to find out they really are an alien. One who takes more than one bullet, and a lot more than a poisoned hangover cure, to put down.

Black Crusade.

Hellboy. Sort of the same as Hellblazer, it's just too obscure and all over the place.

Lost Universe.

So you aren't the author of the post but you are someone who just randomly accused people of samefagging? Good to know.
So instead you're just an user getting annoyed someone else found some other user's spelling mistake funny. And that struck a nerve with you enough to baselessly make accusations of my 'true identity'. Funny, really funny. That is, funny as in wierd not humourous.
Were you really so bored that shitposting like that was something you just had to do?

Eh, I'll stop using it when I get ~bored~. Until then you'll just have to deal. You do know you can hide posts, right? Select the arrow next to the post number and in the drop-down box select hide post.

Aberrant would be amazing.
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter would be great for... catharsis.

Which post would you like, honey.

>too obscure
>sort of the same as Hellblazer
user, what the fuck? Nothing you are saying now makes sense.

Darth Bane
Cykl wiedźmiński
Whatever else I'm typing up at the moment

>4D chess
That sounds like something fun. I must have missed when the game started...
That said, I'm curious... Is the first move last, in the middle, or somewhere in prehistory?