I know it's not popular to compliment this comic but god damn was that a good reveal
Well, we know which party member has ranks in sense motive
Maybe they got a lucky roll. Like from the comic everyone but Durkon has terrible wisdom or maybe they got all those horrible rolls. Though I assume it's the former rather than the latter.
Oh, I better catch up then.
Roy has decent wisdom, at least. Good stats all around for him, but lol3.5fighter
Tried to Thog it but couldn't get a good flow to it. Didn't want this panel to go to waste, though.
Hayley only has "2 or more" ranks in Sense Motive, but that was almost a thousand strips ago, she could have put points into it since. She's a Rogue with 12+ INT, so she presumably has at least a few skillpoints hanging around.
Wisdom wise I'd rank them from top to bottom
I'll admit Haley and Roy can easily be swapped though from previous comic she seems a tad wiser than Roy.
It could also just be, as said previously, large numbers of skill ranks in Sense Motive on her part, compared to 0 ranks but a good stat for Roy
>I know it's not popular to compliment this comic
Go back to GitP, nerd.
He's objectively right, though. Veeky Forums treats it as their own personal LOL, right down to "improving" it.
Why the fuck is V wasting a Fly spell here of all places?
It's probably Overland Flight, cast in the morning before they arrived.
Man, Durkula must have blown a lot of spell slots on that.
Frankly I'm not too worried for the Order, they have a sword that is very effective towards the undead outfitted on a high level Fighter with Great Cleave and they come prepared with a strong spellcaster, plus they knew they'd be fighting vampires anyhow.
It'll be a trash encounter.
It'll mostly be there to show off the new dwarven fighter lady, so she can prove she's as much of a badass as hardened adventurers despite being a literal night watch(wo)man, because Burlew is an SJW.
Move along folks, this is just padding the padding, airing out a character that never needed to exist in the first place.
>trash encounter
>takes 10 strips and 3 months irl
Doesn't V know Sunburst?
>takes 10 strips and 3 months irl
Hasn't he been releasing, like, 2 a week since he finished the O-Chul story? So it'll be more like... slightly over a month.
the bird's wing in panel two morphed into a penis
Depends if Roy REEEEEEEs at them or not
which she is probably not going to be using on a thrash encounter given they're
A expecting to fight high level vampires
B have confirmation they explicitly LACK protection against sunlight
>comic posted more than six hours ago
>still no thog edit
Veeky Forums. I am disappoint
Please, I only come to these threads for thog edits and damned if I can be assed to make one myself
you forgot the LOL
I was actually surprised by that, not bad.
>Burlew still hasn't learned brevity
post top-tier thogs
>not moving
Why do this?
Make good?
Make gooder?
You realize they are PC's and one of the PCs is an evil npc now, right? Durkon's player needs a new dwarf.
>People are still following OotS
But why?
It's what? 1100 strips now? The fact it went from unrelated strips to "coherent", continous story literally killed it for me, as skipping few strips means not understanding what's going on and I don't feel like following the same series for a fucking decade just to know what's going on. went from 'unrelated strips to coherent' like five years ago. How the fuck are you still around t bitch?
I'm simply surprised it has still visible (thus implied to be strong) following, especially since it's pretty much impossible for new people to join it, as there is, you know, a decade of strips to read. Becasue the following is created by people who sticked to it for said decade (or at least half of it), meaning they are still interested in it and still waiting for new strips.
Don't know how about you, but my life changed quite drastically over past decade, so it makes me wonder how the hell it's possible to keep following it and being a devoted fan.
And before you jump to any conclusion - I have nothing against the series itself, it's fun, sometimes I even get the joke despite not following it for years, but I'm simply amazed it has fanbase that still sticks to it.
Some people like long, continuous stories, and checking up on a webcomic once a month or so is really the lowest possible amount of investment required.
Hell, some webcomics with continuous stories were longer, stupider, and still have fans years after they're over.
Some people just like serial media? And you don't need to be a dedicated fan to take two minutes at most to do a quick check on the latest page.
Your life might have changed to the point you said to yourself "I don't have time for this". That's fine. Me personally, I work a job with frequent slow periods during the day and having a roster of regular webcomics helps kill the time.
There are people out there who are willing to go through and read 1100 strips from a comic they just discovered. 1100 isn't really that many; there are a lot of comics that are longer and still get new readers.
>1100 webcomic strips
>something that requires dedicating a lot of time
I read this shit in full twice now and it never takes more than a week of casual evening read.
I honestly prefer when there's a decently sized archive to binge on. With all the comics I follow, I find that if something doesn't have a good chunk for me to read through and let carve out a space for itself in my head, I tend to quickly forget about
It went from unrelated to coherent within the first like...fifty strips or so, what are you talking about?
I joined like six months ago, dumbass. It took barely any time at all to binge read.
Yeah, but they were geared up to fight like, four vampires.
If they get to Durkon without enough resources they're fucked.
While it did have a coheriebt story line pretty much from the get go it didn't take itself seriously. There were a lot of wall breaks that made fun of the system itself, the dice gods being cruel bastards, how op spellcasters are, it even for a few moments made fun of lawful stupid paladin's while reflecting on at the time current social issues before the writer swallowed a bottle of blue pills.
> like five years ago
Plot started to happen pretty early on.
Like back in 2004.
Are you wordswordswords-user?
To be fair to Haley, she's usually the one who figures this shit out, like with the 3 Xykons bit.
Haley's the practical-thinking OOTS member, so when something's presented that seems to make perfect sense, but is flimsy when you look at it from an angle other than the one you're meant to view it from, she catches on.
It's a character trait.
I guess the stipulations sell it.
>but lol3.5fighter
With a 13-15 in mental and way more in physical and enough splatbooks you can build a fun 3.5 fighter but in practical terms is never going to happen.
Is... is that /co/?
The jokes still happen, pretty much once per page. The OP spellcasters and stupid paladins debacle happened in the middle of the most serious shit happening arc in the series.
You just want to whine about the author like the bitch you are.
>1100 strips
>a decade
It would take you that long to catch up if you read at a rate of approximately 3.3 days per comic strip.
Looks like Eminem. Or that one douchey blonde guy from that webcomic /co/ used to mock.
Neet or on a medical leave?
Nigga you can read that thing twice in six months without being either. Stop being so bad at basic reading
>The nigger who can't read more than 10 words a minute is back
Dude it takes literally 2 minutes to read the whole thing if you are a very careful reader, are you really complaining that people once every week spend 2 minutes of their life looking at something? You're trying to play it cool like you outgrew the series by presenting yourself as a drooling retard, I hope you see how ineffective that is.
If you think that reading 1100 pages of comics strips demands any kind of effort and a long time then how the fuck are you able to read Veeky Forums? Do you have a caretaker that reads and posts for you? Because you are illiterate.
I like the comic, I miss the older, less focused storytelling.
>liking pointless side-stories about horny half-orcs
Don't look at me like that. Thog needs love too.
No, I'm pretty sure that's The Spirit, who /co/ 's design was based off of.
It's a comic, you could blow through this on a lazy weekend or two
I'm a long time fan of OoTS but I've never connected empowered sunburst with actual sunshine. It's one of the negative sides of never having played DnD
Well those people are wrong and don't understand what webcomics are for.
This is the only reason I pay attention to this shit comic.
The reveal was good, but the knowledge that this is going to be the next dozen strips fills me with resentment.
So which spell?
Whatever spell Malack initially used to raise Durkon as a thrall immediately rather than waiting the couple of days it would have taken normally. I'm not sure it's a real spell.
In his shoes, I would have too since it would basically be free converts to Hel and a useful army given circumstances.
I jumped in maybe a year back, I caught up in no time.
So... are they going to be saved by Hilgya controlling her past paramour with the power bestowed on her by Loki, or just not yet?
I'm expecting that, tbqh. Burlew said that she didn't pop back up in the Arena fight because he "forgot about her" but that's a lie. If there's one thing he can do DAMN well it's set up shit way in advance; there's no way he forgot about Durkon's original dwarven counterpart in the Linear Guild who just-so-happens to be a cleric of one of the two biggest gods opposing Hel.
It really shouldn't surprise you, considering that there are ink and paper comics that run on for decades with dedicated fanbases.
>Everybody who likes the most popular examples of the medium is having badwrongfun.
So tell us, what is the proper way to enjoy webcomics?
To put this in perspective, Schlock Mercenary has updated every single day for seventeen fucking years.
/co/nrad is cosplaying as The Spirit because The Spirit is incredibly rad
There's an RPG of that coming out.
Also Schlock Mercenary is pretty great (though I thought the most recent 'book' was a bit all over the place), good balance of plots, puns, running jokes and 1-page gags.
>set shit up way in advance
Holy shit this. I love Burlew's storytelling and worldbuilding abilities so I might be a bit biased, but this is definitely his strongest suit. I wouldn't be surprised if OotS was fully planned out 10 years ago.
Are you that user from a few years ago who claimed it took like hours to read one strip?
Wait, why would she have been around in the arena, again?
Because Nale had time and impetus to bring the Linear guild back together. He certainly would have had the ability to look up Hilgya and drag her back in.
Because it was supposed to be the grand reappearance of the Linear Guild. He even had ZZ'drit or whatever that drow's name was show up again after like ten years.
I actually liked the Zz-drit reveal.
Oh, so did I. It was a really good payoff, especially with the "parody is protected speech" line. But there's no way he remembered the drow and not the dwarf he actually put character development into.
Seriously, I want to find the person who poisoned him with their retarded ideology and commit a hate crime on their gay transqueer mayonnaise-gendered ass.
This man sees the truth.
Nah that makes too much sense.
There aren't players, though.