What is the history of the empires in your world
What is the history of the empires in your world
The Gauls conquered Italy like the mongols did China, then lost north europe to the Beige, but Troy colonised britain while the eastern roman empire colonised most of russia and formed a stalwart against the actual mongols by being provided mercenaries from the other kingdoms of europe.
And the capital of the Democratic Republic of Franks has frankfurt as their capital and all the soldiers were little metal replica sausages on their helmets.
For dumb reasons, the setting takes place on a planet that was terriformed by an advanced civilization and then "seeded" with intelligent life from another galaxy for reasons unknown to the species planted there. Four species (two mammalian, one avian, and one reptilian) with a multitude of different ethnic groups were spread out over the globe. They were somewhat mixed together, but it was obvious that there were four main sectors where each dominated. This was known as the First Transportation.
A gigantic patchwork of kingdoms grew up over a few hundred years, fighting each other, growing, shrinking, falling. Some were bigger for a time, and there was no unity at all. Even among those of kindred groups, there were no large empires. The patchwork kingdoms ebbed and flowed but none grew in power. They learned to coexist in a state of constant war, but developed a respect of the merchant class that allowed their economies to function.
Then came the Second Transportation. Another wave was moved in, three new nations all dumped on a large island together. Each a different species, they were similar to those who came before, but not exactly the same. The aliens had gotten sloppy. The newcomers found themselves starving on an island together with few resources. They were surrounded by developed kingdoms and decided that they had more in common with each other than with their kin who had come earlier. The newcomers made an alliance, them against the world, and poured out over the globe, crushing the old inhabitants kingdom by kingdom (aside from one native kingdom that rose to meet them). It took nearly two millennia, but eventually, the world was left with only four nations standing.
The "Good Guy" kingdom is centrally located on the continent and generates wealth by being the largest center of Adventurer guilds, which it farms out to its neighbors knowing that the guilds will largely spend their gold at home. The "Bad Guy" empire came out of the north, and has been slowly assimilating countries as it goes, working its way ever southward over the course of centuries. Various neutral states exist in between, including a city created as a joint effort between the Good Kingdom and Evil Empire as a way to solidify their nonaggression pact- said city was overrun by the forces of undeath and wiped out, leaving both sides wondering if the other didn't secretly arrange for it to go bust.
Out to the west you have your obligatory fiercely independent steppe tribes, a small theocracy which proudly notes it has never been overrun by the evil empire despite the fact that literally no one wants their barren, resource-less, goblin-infested land, and on the farthest end are mountains containing a small tribe of very large giants, who protect their autonomy by providing an invaluable service as cargo haulers.
To the east is a great forest, said to be the capitol of the dryads, though they're certainly not telling, as some of the steppe tribes have beef with them (though they're quite popular with farmers). Under the sea is what is essentially the Vatican of the most popular religion, headed by merfolk and a frequent (if somewhat difficult) tourist destination for the pious. They have little fear of the landbound nations simply because trying to attack them would be more trouble than it's worth.
>Setting is inspired a lot by the classical period so the whole setting his pretty much empires
>not!romans ruled by 4 Emperors all descended from a demigod
>The emperors are collectively called "The Tetrarchy"
>Each Emperor basically has his own empire within the whole
>They don't civil war to much because in order for a member of the vast Imperial family to be elevated to emperor he needs to be approved by all of the other emperors, including the emperor the is going to be replacing.
>Not!Greeks had an empire at one point but they have since fractured into a dozen warring island kingdoms
>They still manage to work together whenever one of the "Barbarian" empires tries to take them over
>Not!Carthage is rich as fuck
>Hires Elephant-Centaur and Giraffe-Centaur mercenaries from the southern parts of the continent
>Hire Not!Greek Mercenaries to fight Not!Greek kings
>Pay Not!Greek kings to fight other Not!Greek kings
>Not going to get conquered by Rome this time
>Not!Egyptians are the oldest civilization
>Killed the god of the Not!Nile and brought him back with necromancy
>The river serves them now
>Use necromancy to live forever
>Guild of Necromancers has so much power that it's become the central bureaucracy of the country
>Pharaoh still gets to pretend he's an Emperor
>Not!Persians are the worst
>Fuckhuge empire of empty space
>Ruled by dozens of kings who rule dozens of tribes from dozens of cities all over the place
>King of Kings rules them all from his massive fortress city
>With the authority granted to him by a fanatic army that thinks he's a god (He's not)
>To keep up the facade of being a god no one is ever informed of when the King of Kings dies and every one since forever has had the same name (they don't even add numbers to the end)
>Even the leaders of the other empires are convinced that the King of Kings is a god
I'v never heard of Dryads having an actual civilization
can you talk about them some?
The history is blatantly stolen from CK2 and EU4 campaigns. Sometimes Stellaris.
The Dryads are a long-lived people to shame even the Elves, such that their eldest members still remember the demonic invasion that ended the previous Age of civilization. For this reason, they direct their strength inwards, and aim to keep the other kingdoms uninterested in their holdings to minimize the resources they need to spend on defense. This is not to say they're undefended- despite the known members being typically lithe and feminine, they're also essentially made of solid wood. Despite appearances they're all very heavy, very durable and very strong, being delicate, wispy, elegant tanks with a natural affinity for magic (of course Nature magic comes 'naturally' to them but they also hold a reverence for Fire mages as agents of the cycle of renewal, and are always sure to train any of their ranks that show promise in it). It's been implied there are male dryads as well, but they've never been seen, even by the rare few who have been allowed to enter their cities (and then allowed to leave).
Largely, any combat capabilities they have go untested because they're on very good terms with the mid-continent nations. Most forests support a small population of Dryads, who periodically appear to "bless" the crops of local farmers, ensuring gratitude bordering on reverence. Direct diplomacy with other nations is rare, partly out of lack of need, and on the occasion they require assistance in a matter their leadership generally prefers to hire a small group of adventurers to resolve the issue quietly.
The main issue comes from some of the nomadic tribes, who do not farm, who would rather see those forests gone, and who do not appreciate having their tribesmen disappeared when they venture too far into the dryads' woods. A few of the tribes worship fire spirits, and like to consume great amounts of lumber for their festivals, which caused conflict escalating to full-scale war in the past. The grudge has never entirely healed over.
Dang yo
That's pretty sick.
The main Empires, excluding the Massilician Orcs to the south and the Novorian Half-Orcs to the west (Who are both different migrations of the same pseudo-Indo-European-like people), all the Empires in the setting descend from the Ancient Lauriger Empire. The Lauriger Empire once covered the entirety of the Continent, but was broken by three hundred years of laxity and an Orcish invasion from the east. This happened in the current calender's Year 0. It then split into the humans, elves, and dwarves. Of these, the dwarves were the only to form a coherent empire at first. The Orcs went back east, becoming a nomadic people in the east when they discovered they had no interest in governance. The elves, inhabiting the rocky, sea-facing south, became a rough alliance of city-states. The humans were in one giant clusterfuck of a war for four-hundred years until they were united by Emperor Mettenachus I, that largest warlord, who gave every minor warlord an offer- pledge loyalty to him, and he will defend them with all his might. That's the simple version, it's a lot more complex. The result is that aside from a few small kingdoms, humanity united into the absolutely massive Successor States in 389. After Mettenachus died without an heir, the States threatened to lapse into civil war until Niklaus the Great seized power, and decreed a nobility to be formed, and the monarchs to be elected from and by the nobility.
This was the status quo until 745, when a second migration of orcs came from the south, destroying the Dwarven Empire with a new invention- gunpowder. The dwarves had three options- flee to the Successor States, live as slaves under the Orcs, or become castrated soldiers under the Orcs who were given great rewards. The Orcs threatened to overtake the Successor States too, but they were stopped when Emperor Frederick von Haasenplatz I beat them back. He then launched a series of crusades, all of which failed. Cont.
The youngest empire is roughly similar to the HRE, but with some spicy modern democratic principles like vetos of imperial decrees and the fact that the not!Diet can call a vote of no-confidence against an Elector or the Emperor.
The not!Carolingians are in the throes of a massive succession crisis since the High King died without an heir and all of his siblings and a few of his bastards are scrambling for the crown.
Across the metaphorical pond are a very loose coalition of trade cities that are the remnants of not!Phonecian colonies and resemble a mix of Ancient Greece and the US under the Articles of Confederation.
The two big empires are my not-scandenavian empire, who were once a bunch of feuding tribes who trough the bravery of one tribe, united diplomatically.
The other, not-spanish empire did the same, except minus the diplomacy part. Straight up combined thousands of tribes trough roman esque conquest. As history goes they're kinda bland, colonial disputes, safety inside the borders, long and arduous wars that lead to nowhere and the slow corruption of the literal fairy tale country that sit between them..
The third is located in a large mass of land where the ancient evil got ancient resurrected and ancient fucked shit up, then got banished by the heroes. Which turns out fine for the rest of the world but the slaves and original inhabitants are still stuck in this hellhole: enter the ratfolk, who are the goodie little 2shoes of the setting, being naturally altruistic and united they combine forces with the dying tribes of shitholia and teach them how to survive. Later they find out that the stuff that really fucks their country up can be refined and sold for a pretty penny and so they become a driving force of good and monopolizing trade routes.
And last empire is a crumbling wizard republic, running on russian democracy. claiming that only smart people should lead, being the smartest. That of course being subjective ends up with the most powerful sorcerer kings in charge and majority of the starry eyed normie revolutionaries being left to themselves, set into labor camps to produce valuable spell components or become test subjects. Its an empire of few as most people left when they realized that people who can just will shit into existence and with the resources to keep doing so unhindered rarely care for the consequences of their position. Though they are being eaten up, unliked apprentice lords being left to their own they have almost all of the worlds magic users and could defend themselves if needed.
One, the southern Orcs were forced to become a full-blown state in order to secure their borders, becoming the Manichaen Empire. Secondly, the von Haasenplatz line became entrenched as the main royal line in the Successor States. They were elected nonstop after Frederick I, becoming the unofficial royal family of the Successor States. The technological revolution caused by the Orcs' arrival in the south led to the Elves developing non-coastal ships, through which they found the Spice Isles and Arconia. Thanks to guns, germs, and steel, the Elves conquered northern Arconia and all the Spice Isles, becoming fantastically wealthy and powerful. Meanwhile, the eastern Orcs, by now Half-Orcs because of interbreeding began to develop a civilization. Eastern traders passed through Half-Orc land, setting up cities. The Half-Orcs seized these cities and ran them, becoming fabulously wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. These cities were the vast, vast minority of the Novorian populace, but they continued to grow in power. Meanwhile, all was not right in the Successor States. The religion of the Manichaens was a kind of animism. This traveled north, becoming a religious minority in the Successor States. The Haasenplatz cracked down hard on it. Really hard. So hard that in one city, Ulm, the local population of animists rose up, killed the noble, killed the town guard, and declared themselves a Free City. They managed to win the ensuing battles, and their only request was for the nobility of the previous lord to be granted to one of their number. The Haasenplatz begrudgingly accepted. This led to the Ulmite religion, as it was called, spreading to the north and west of the Empire. This came to a head in 1204, when enough Electors in the States were Ulmites so that the Haasenplatz wouldn't be reelected. Thus began the Fifty Years War, which lasted for...fifty years, oddly enough. It drew in every single power on the continent, and resulted in millions dead. Cont.
So the Polish-Lithuanian Sejm?
The Peace of Auerburg led to the Successor States being cut in half, with half going to the Ulmites, and half going to the Haasenplatz. The Haasenplatz had declared themselves a hereditary monarchy in the war, and would remain so. The Elves and the Novorians were really the ones to prosper, both becoming fat, wealthy, and colonial powers. The Novorians used to the war to consolidate their power, conquering the countryside into one giant Empire. They enserfed the populace, which to an outside observer may as well be enslavement. The Elves, on the other hand, became fabulously wealthy selling arms. However, they devolved into a civil war shortly after, the result of which was the city-state of Zarago becoming the capital and head of all the Elvish cities and colonies. In 1299, the Ulmite League fractured into the extremist Ulmite Theocracy and the Kingdom of Auerburg, which was much more moderate. They went to war in 1301, with the Ulmites becoming a theocracy, and the Auerburgans becoming a Constitutional Monarchy. In 1336, the Auerburgans discovered the Western Continent, and colonized it. There main exports of that colony are not spices, but rather raw materials. Meanwhile, the Zaragozans finished conquering Arconia, enslaving the Dragonic peoples who lived there. This culiminated in 1478 with the slave uprising on Gamaera, which was funded by the Auerburgans. This ended in the Gamaerans winning their independence.
In 1609, the Ulmite Theocracy collapsed after three continuous years of famine. The people established the First Republic, following the Gamaeran example. This began a civil war in the Republic, which lasted for twenty years. In 1629, General James Blythe, head of a minor faction in the civil war began to win victory after victory, before finally seizing Ulm itself. There he crowned himself Consul, establishing the Second "Republic". Cont
In response, the Novorians and Zaragozans ended their cold war and invited the Haasenplatz to the Grand Alliance, to try and form a defensive buffer against the enemy. The Haasenplatz, at this point ruled by an inbred who couldn't look at anything without getting a headache, and so wore a cloth in front of his eyes, agreed. Then he immediately changed his mind and marched on the Second Republic with his entire army. Alone. The Haasenplatz showed up with 70,000 men. The Ulmites showed up with 160,000. The Emperor was killed by a cannonade with all his advisors during the battle, forcing the generals left to sign a surrender. The terms destroyed the Haasenplatz army, forbid them from building new ships or repairing old ones, and ceded the Phyrain mountains to the Second Republic. This left the Haasenplatz without a natural western border.
Now, with no heir, they look to be on the brink. The Elves and Novorians are holding their breathes. The Auerburgans are watching from the sidelines, waiting to see who to support. And the Manichaens are just trying to keep from falling apart due to Dwarven slave revolts.
Thank you kindly.
While there are numerous post-Collapse writings about the history of humanity during the near mythological “Imperial Era”, much of the information comes from third hand sources and retellings of retellings that have caused the history of mankind to become very muddled. Prior to humanity’s arrival on the shores of southern Giperboreyia, mankind had, for an unclear period of time, been unified under the rule of the Chernov dynasty. Reports of existence under the Chernov dynasty vary widely in these accounts of the empire, but generally it is agreed that the Chernov emperors were absolute monarchs backed by the authority of the Dualitate Church, a strong concept of Caesaropapism, and by an imperial tradition that predated the unification of the continent under their rule, suggesting that the Chernov era was not the first time humanity in its totality had been ruled by a single monarch. Beyond a multitude of post-Collapse writing about the Human Empire, the Elvish travel writer Tansar Safari wrote of the empire as encompassing a South westerly oriented continent between three to four times larger than the entire continent of Giperboreyia.
Between 100 and 200 years prior to the “Collapse”, the first human sailors from Chelovekyia sailed far enough to the north east to come upon the fisheries of south western Giperboreyia. Upon the southern shores of Giperboreyia, mankind came across the first race that was not its own. They were separated from the bulk of Giperboreyia and its various peoples by massive mountains and a wide desert that had formed in the mountains’ rain shadow. In this isolated corner of the continent, the native Halflings had built a collection of city-states that were organized into several competing leagues, each dominated by one or two main cities, that traded border cities in skirmishes every war season. The Halflings cared little for the knew arrivals, but the odd spices that the Halflings cultivated made their way south to the Chelovekyia and quickly became a status symbol for the ultra wealthy to be served with meals since they could not be cultivated in the chilly lands of the empire.
While there would be a few colonies that would emerge on the coast of Giperboreyia and a few conflicts between the Halflings and men, it was not until the Collapse that men departed from their homeland in droves and the first wave of human conquest began.
Volcanoes had been observed by men for some time, writings about the Burning Isles and the Sulfur Sea demonstrate this fact, but nothing like the Collapse had ever been seen before. No one that saw the catastrophe lived to write about it, but those that lived along the coasts told of how ash covered the land in the wake of the catastrophe. The ash poisoned the lands that weren’t in the immediate path of the eruptions destruction and it blotted out the sun so that Spring never came. The Empire attempted to maintain some semblance of order, but with its backbone broken by the Collapse and the majority of the royal family annihilated, the continent fell into chaos. The first few refugees were all connected to the coastal colonies, but soon more and more began to try and flee. It was disorganized and few could afford the travel fees, but a few dozen became a few hundred and a few hundred became thousands and soon the Halflings began to take notice of the invaders from the sea. Though the ash never fell on the Giperboreyia, the weather turned colder and drier. The equatorial lands of the Brownies began to feel only slightly more temperate than the most northerly lands of Chelolovekyia. Crops were failing and humans began pouring into the lands. Seeing the dangers that the invaders presented to them, the competing Halfling leagues put aside their differences for a time and began a campaign to drive humanity into the sea.
As the tens of thousands of humans refugees came under the threat of annihilation, the last vestiges of the Empire from Chelovekyia arrived to save mankind. The grand Imperial Fleet ferried thousands troops hardened by the civil war that occurred after the extinction of the Chernov dynasty, northwards creating a population that could not be easily destroyed and the arrival of the new Vasiliev Tsar on the shores of Giperboreyia galvanized the people and rallied them to a united cause, if only temporarily. Against the armies of this Second Empire, the armies of the Halfling city-states were crushed, their cities sacked, and their peoples either slaughtered or enslaved. Thier armies destroyed on the battlefield the Halfling leagues collapsed into feuding as the petty differences of old reemerged as they blamed each other for their loses. The great Ziggurats and stone cities in the jungles were set upon by the empire and fell one after the other. Still, the vestigial empire could not survive the peace that followed its victory over the Halflings.
Though Alexei Vasiliev had gained great admiration for his victory over the Brownies, his untimely death plunged the imperial remnant into chaos. Already nobles that had fled northwards were arguing over what part of the new realm would be handed to them, but with Alexei’s death the commanders that took the lands refused to hand it over to the old nobility. Commanders of troops set themselves up as lords of the cities they held and in the countryside the refugees wrought havoc upon the land like an uncontrollable horde.
Were originally run by Immortals (dragons, giants and other directly created by the Gods), called the Immortal Dynasties, but eventually assassination and intrigue whittled down the number of Immortals (who were not invunrable) until the mortals rose up and killed the last of them.
The rebelling mortals split the Dynasties into the Myraid Kingdoms, which battled over the remains until they were united by the Grand Emperor, who created the Eternal Empire.
The Eternal Empire and its rulers attempted to recreate the majesty of the Immortals Dynasties using the "Divine Mandate", a how-to guide of rulership created by recovered Immortal lore.
Eventually the Titans, twice exiled Gods, came back to wipe the Mortal Realms clean and start again, piloting the rotten remains of Heaven. The Empire fought back, eventually invading Heaven and slaughtering the Titans, enslaving those they did not kill.
At that point the Emperor and his court relocated to Heaven becoming a new pantheon, the Divinities, leaving mortal affairs to their satraps and becoming "obscured from the Mortal Realms".
The empire dissolved when Heaven split in half and fell onto the Realms and that was pretty much that. I haven't decided if any new empires sprung up afterwards.
North of the mountains and east of the Atar Desert, the Elvish Shah learned of the fate that had befallen the Halflings and of the arrival of the barbarian horde from across the see. Shah Narshen was not troubled by the fall of the Halflings, nor was he particularly worried about the barbarian monsters that now ruled over the lands the Halflings once called home. The savages were fractured and too busy killing each other and the Halflings to trouble the Sublime Empire of Ishtakarian Elves. So it came to pass that the only empire that could have dome something about the humans, chose to do nothing. And so, like vermin, the multiplied and prospered in their new lands, they warred with one another for centuries, but even still, their population grew more and more, until they could not be contained by the great mountains that separated the subcontinent they'd arrived on from the rest of Giperboreyia. Driven by overpopulation, religious zealotry, and the pursuit of wealth, mankind began to spread outwards into the lands of the Swamp Elves in the Shattered Shore, into the Atar Dester, and the most western provinces of the Ishtakarian Empire.
>The Treaty of Verdun split apart Charlemagne's empire
>Louis the Lion failed to retain the throne of England long enough to also inherit France
>East Roman Empire fell
>Charles V couldn't keep his empire united due to Pr*testants
>Louis XIV never became Holy Roman Emperor
>Spain's European holdings got divided and destroyed after the War of the Spanish Succession
>Napoleon's army melted away in Russia
>Germany destroyed Europe and its colonial empires twice, and is now going for a hattrick
>De Gaulle's "Europe of the Nations" which aimed at closer integration of the original six member states has been replaced by a "too big to fail" model that can only seek to retain itself by actively destroying national identities and is already beginning to collapse at the seams because nobody has any fucking idea how empire building works anymore
Everything except the last two was good.
>t. Turk
>Background: Magic in this world came from 5 primordial dragons known as the Ley-Drakes, five abusrdly huge dragons that essentially radiated and kept magic in circulation with their movements. The ley-lines in this setting kept the boundaries between other planes strong and relied on the magic from the drakes. The mortals managed to slay one of them and it through everything out of whack and weakened the others enough for them to be taken down progressively more easily. The last one to be slain used the equivalent of a magical WMD as a last hurrah and blew the giant crater in the middle of the continent which made things even worse.
The Not!roman wizardly empire was hit by a serious rebellion that effectively cut the nation in two. The rebels formed a republic that strictly controls it's mages and the territories to the north now cut off from the empire geographically have devolved into city-states just trying to stay afloat.
To the south in the desert is powerful multi-racial theocracy and a number of nomadic desert tribes, unbeknownst to the general populace the government has been hijacked by liches masquerading as demi-gods.
Far to the east the high elf kingdom once dominated the continent but they've been locked in an unending war with an invasion of creatures from the Shadowfell and are too proud to seek help, subsequently many wood-elf tribes have splintered away and are doing their own thing while an opportunisitc magocracy steals territory to the north and seafaring dwarves steal it to the south.
Europe being a fractured mess was one of the reasons it pulled ahead of everyone else in military theory and technology, so a pre-Victorian unitary state just delays industrialisation.
If you mean the ERE falling, the difficulty trading with the Orient drove thesearch for an alternative route to Asia, which meant both the discovery of the New World and refinement of naval technology in maintaining shipping around the Cape.
Sounds like garbage
>Kingdom run by gold dragon that told old evil empire to get wrecked. Loved by people but doesn't let other dragons into the land
>Religious (true neutral) nation that's very Victorian
>Gothic nation secretly run by vampires that are themselves puppets of an ancient Nosferatu
>Nation that has Gunslinger Knights and a Gunslinger King
>Bugbear Pharos
>"Fuck science, let's use magic!"
(And my personal favorite)
>The conquered lands of the "Queen in the North" a powerful winter hag with an army consisting of frost Giants, Wikkawaks, snow goblins, a white dragon, and wights
this has got to be the worst looking map I've ever seen in my entire life
>Takes place in Bronze/early Iron Age, with lots of sapient monsters crawling around
Pretty much undergoes the Late Bronze Age collapse every couple of generations. One empire rises, gets burned down by a dragon or sacrifices itself to a demon masquerading as a god, another one rises in its place, repeat ad infinitum. That doesn't even take the usual human warfare into account, and considering the nature of warfare at the time, it's not pretty. Only the most powerful of kings or heroes can make things last, and even then things can fall apart as easily as they're built.
>how do you protect the rhine?
>what's that fucking panhandle off the DRF?
>what are the Franks doing over there?
>what are the Romans doing over there?
>why do borders look like broken glass?
>Scandinavia, but it's not Scandinavia
You truly make me wonder what constitutes sapient life.
There's several
The high elven dominion-think Hellenistic Greece united under one rule also has some humans and sea elves.
The lizardman empire-dragon worshippers that's like the Umayad and Abbasid caliphates which also includes a number of other races like dark elves orcs dwarves ogres and goblins living in it.
The not HRE-made up of humans dwarves halfings centaur goblins ice giants minotaur and orcs. It's on the same side as the elven dominion.
The birdmen empire which is a federation kingdoms united under beings of light.
Not China which is made up of humans and dark elves united under dragons of wind but has brought dragons of the other elemental broods into it. It's aligned with the lizardman empire.
There's nascent empire of catmen that could arise in the west that's opposed to the birds
There was another lizardman empire and an elven empire made up of all the elves in the past era but they were wrecked by a cataclysmic event known as the storm.
Sounds great. My main empire is also based on the tetrarchy.
That coffee stain bothers me.
After the 5 Tribes first emerged from the Cradle Cities, the Great War started.
Velitan thought Hura were dumb savages, Hura were quickly spreading, going down even into caves of Mue, at which point Mue felt threatened by the surface dwellers and then the stuck up Jin entered the stage and all hell broke loose.
After decades of senseless conflict, the Four Wise Kings finally put the end to war, established The Law and after 100 years of restoration and progress achieved ultimate peace.
Now Hura are free to grow and build new cities in which all other Families are free to live.
The steppe belongs to Velitan but all are free to enter as long as you don't make yourself a problem.
Everything below the surface belongs to the Mue, but exceptions can be made as long as you ask for permission.
Absolutely no one can enter the Jin's peninsula, in exchange, they'll make sure The Law is followed by all.
Oh, and Shoo just wondered everywhere and spooked everyone a bunch like they always do.