Are there any good Warcraft RP servers anymore? I miss the good old days.
Are there any good Warcraft RP servers anymore? I miss the good old days
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The answer to your question is no.
>Be me
>There's no RP server in russian region
>Roleplayers choose Eversong as their hub
>Surprise-surprise, most of the roleplayers are shit
>Non-shit roleplayers gather in isolated guilds and cliques that only play with each other
>Since I'm not shit, find cliques of my own
>Eventually we move out of the game client and into chats, since griefers can't interfere, spamming our events with their trains and mammoths
>Also because chats are just better suited for roleplaying than tiny chat window in WoW, limited by like 300 symbols
>We also start ignoring huge parts of WoW canon, because WoW canon is starting to get retarded
>After a while realzie that what I actually hate WoW, and what we're doing right now might be roleplaying, but has very little to do with WoW roleplaying
>Ditch it
>Start playing DnD instead
Have a screenshot. It's from a pirate server, of course.
And here's why the answer is no, by the way.
If you're interested in stories, I've got some.
blizzard killed the warcraft RP community, maybe if vanilla legacy servers ever get released, but that isn't going to happen in your lifetime.
Anyone got the screencap of the birthing RP?
Private servers are fun, but get run into the ground by nepotism and shit. I miss Wake/Prologue.
Show me.
DESU Vanilla is kinda boring, the timeline at least. Then again Warcraft RP is kinda meh in general aside from Dorf and Trolls.
No, but I was present at one. The father was a night elven drunk, who was also a captain of Stormwind army, and the mother was a draenei vampire - like a WoD vampire, with ghouls and superpowers and shit. A red dragon in draenei form assisted with the birth, and the resulting twins later were taken to another world, where time passes much faster, and they soon returned as death knights.
Have you ever noticed that "time goes faster" shit happens A LOT in freeform RPGs when babies are concerned? I mean, it could be just mine experience, but I've seen at least four cases that I can remember right now. If I try harder, there were probably more.
No because the Warcraft setting sucks and has only gotten worse over time.
>the Warcraft setting sucks
I don't think that's debatable, but there's something about the scale of WoW's in-game world that makes it pretty memorable for roleplaying if enough effort is put into it. There's something to be said for going into the tavern of a mid-level zone and seeing a bunch of players congregating at the tables, when everyone else just passes through and ignores the zone after they've quested out of it.
>WOW rp
>not eq2
Gee, I wonder why Blizzard killed it.
Moonguard is still good!
The problem that virtually all MMORPGs suffer from is that they feel the inexplicable need to justify things like Respawns, non-lootable equipment, fast travel, instancing and other things in universe. The narrative always suffers from this because it removes all the stakes.
The only and I mean ONLY MMORPG I ever played that felt even remotely like a Role Playing Game was Everquest. That world, crude as it was, actually felt dangerous and there was risk involved. WoW and other MMORPGs like it doesn't feel like an adventure. It feels like a theme park.
Unless you want to get your rocks off, best find rp elsewhere
... Where?
Play some D&D or something dude. Text based rp in MMOs is really shit anyhow, takes hours to do even the simplest stuff + rp combat in it is just dreadful
But Dungeons and Dragons Online sucks ass.
EQ2 shits all over WOW
80 man raids
Shit attempt man. Anyhow, the tendy clock is telling me it's time for you to bugger off back to /v/
No. I've been on Wrymrest Accord NA since opening though have played on and off. The quality of rp has steadily declined. Public rp is universally trash or just people fishing for erp. If you want non-shitters you have to join a guild which are usually beset by inner drama and social cliques. A lot of them are casual social guilds masquerading as rp guilds too.
I was in a fairly old guild that has gone through 3 reformations over the years, I really miss the way things were in Cataclysm. Now I'm the last of the old guard in a guild full of strangers and the guild became more of a social one. Feelsbadman.
Cata was SHIT and WoW peaked somewhere between 6-12 months after release and WOTLK
Wrath was the peak of rp for me but I was on a different server then - Steamwheedle Cartel NA. The Horde rp community there imploded towards the end of Wrath, a lot of refugees went to Wrymrest and found new homes and good people there.
The expansion itself, though? Shit.
Ulduar was excellent
It was a disgrace that Naxx was the first raid for WOTLK
Was referring to Cata being shit, my bad. Ulduar was good fun, though I only ever got about halfway through the 10 man version. I only got serious about raiding with ICC.
RP in MMOs is usually just pure magical realm, so you are better off reading/watching porn.
This is so true.
God I wish there were more games around with that feeling. I mean there are plenty of roguelikes and even some AAA stuff that does it well but so few multiplayer games feel like a fleshed out open world that it's getting a little silly.
Even Runescape captured that feeling back in the say, even up to near 2008 or so, but every game seems like it's losing the interactivity of characters, instead opting for interactivity of players. Don't get me wrong, I love MTG style mind games and the fact that blizzard is really making cool worlds along with their stuff, but the fact is they aren't as immersive as any tabletop roleplaying game, even though there are definitely single player games like that out there (looking at you Caves of Qud)
>thread about rp
>extols a game based on raids
To be fair, I hear a similar problem the other way: people get annoyed when the lore in the game conveniently ignores how all the players get access to respawns and fast travel and things like that, making the entire setting feel like it's built up on false premises because there's a dissonance between the stakes of the real world (people die) and the game (people die, but they respawn).
There are examples of MMOs that don't have any of that, or very little of it.
But you are right, without danger, there is very little at stake, and it removes a lot of the immersion the game could have when you focus less on surviving in a world of danger and mystery, and more on maximizing profit by abusing mechanics.
As archaic as it might seem there are tons of forum/chatroom based RP all over the internet.
The problem is they usually have little-no gameplay mechanics and is pure fluff wank, and tends to be overrun by cringy kids.
Unironically the only MMO that has ever been made that makes you actually fulfill a role within the game's universe is EVE.
Even if you're just a rank in file mook who presses F1 in a massive blob, you're affecting the universe in some way.
Even if it isn't super immersive, its pretty nifty all the stories of betrayal, theft, backstabbing, as well as acts of bravery and stupidity
I thought EVE was more like working a second job.
Hence most text based rp being complete and utter shit. Seriously, just get some guys together, crack open 5e since it's so simple to use and play. Disc or irl. Premade adventures mean whoever you hoist up to DM requires little prep time.
Finding good rp in text based setting like shitting a 5kg diamond - coming from someone who spent 4 years rp'ing on forums and wow before finally deciding to find some fun rp
RP declined because all rules that protected RP servers from griefing was removed, and people wouldn't get banned from RP servers due to community outcry anymore as well.
I have had semi-good experiences with text-only games on roll20
Sadly it's infested with flakes
Only if you want it to be.
I myself play as a merc and grief/troll people until they either pay me to stop or give in to my contractor's demands.
Once I cleared out an entire region of player owned citidels by telling them that I was under contract by a big alliance who wanted the region to set up an industrial sector and they had to evacuate or else.
They said no, declared war on them, the guy paniced and convo'd me and we worked out the 'details' of how I was going to liquidate all his citidels for him all he had to do was transfer control, and I just stole everything.
I think the worst thing to happen to rp servers was crossplay. Yeah you sometimes got people from other rp servers show up, but you got a shitload more griefers and normies which diluted the community a good deal. Kinda like what happened to the base game when the LFG tool was introduced. Convenient, but ultimately unhealthy.
it's a shame that haven has such a large time investment to get anything done
See that does sound cool
Im still waiting for a new world to start up again.
The credo system seems fun, but the map looks like an utter clusterfuck, and the new Cave Hermit credo seems fun as fuck.
Indeed, the only problem is that you're still communicating person to person, not character to character.
Its immersive as FUCK but you can feel like a complete ass afterwards, as any interaction between players skirts the line of RL and IG constantly.
Sanctioned botting is still really bad yeah?
I'm not going back until they have some kind of system to approve custom clients. Last I played it was either join a top village to get access to their private client, write your own bot or sit on the side and be easily out-competed by the factions that do.
>If you're interested in stories, I've got some.
Go for it, man. The worse it is, the better.
Botting will always be a problem in MMOs.
To let that hinder your fun (even if it does so directly) will just ruin the entire genre for you.
IMO H&Hs botting isn't that big of a problem, especially now with Credos requiring you to complete quests, even if you make a new bot, you have to spend hours doing quests to get that bot all the parks to make them good at w/e you have them doing.
It's the overwhelming botting I have a problem with, not the existence of it per se.
If the goal of an open client is to improve the UI/automate tedious clicks so the devs can focus on other features then those improved clients should be available to all players, especially with the advantage they provide. Remember they had to nuke W4 (or was it W5? I can't remember anymore) and introduce curios because the botting got so out of control, so there's obviously a limit for even the devs.
I just dont understand why many mmo's dont follow the style of EvE, I dont mean the spreadsheet meme, but the way economy and travel works etc. The game itself has pretty minor issues with bots
EVE has a ton of problem with bots, any system in EVE that is easily botted is generally not profitable unless you mass bot.
But EVE has more lucrative ventures, as well as full on PVP, most games cant survive with full on PVP, though we don't really have any good examples of games that tried to do full on PVP proper.
I mean in old school korean MMOs with PVP you could simply kill someone you suspected of botting.
But yeah, looking at EVE you have mining, the most easily botted/multiboxed thing in the game, and people do it -constantly- and because of that the ISK per hour is the lowest in the game.
Paragon-WoW is ran by a cucked british guy who bans any dissenters, and has been for sometime.
RPH is the Moon Guard of Private WoW RP. Unless you're looking for an easy wank or want to see what happens when Munchkin players aren't given any sort of boundaries ('I HAVE AN EPIC LEVEL 40 SPELLSEED THAT COUNTERS YOUR COUNTER TO MY COUNTERSPELL!'), avoid it.
Wyrmrest Accord US on retail is a shitpile where, if you don't RP in the 'XD OMG YAOI SO KAWAII >///
hello cathan
Moonguard hasn't been good for 9 years now user. It's the most populous sure but it's also ground zero for Pornshire.
Because this story... is a FAKE!
Pepitoz and his wife are still alive and they're raiding three nights a week with a ret paladin who doesn't understand his classes purpose but he will stay that spec because... he's a jerk!
None of the RP servers have been good for years now.
Years of phasing ruined any world RP, and the removal of anti-griefing rules on RP servers flooded them with trolls.
Black Desert Online or SWTOR are pretty much super densely populated with all tiers of Roleplay.
Too bad both MMOs are so incredibly unimmersive that it ruins the experience all together and the RP is just chatroom wank.
And those points right there are why I quit for good right after WoD landed. Six of us were all that was left of a 40 player heavy RP guild by that point, we held it together all through Magical Kung Fu Panda Island but nothing could save the community after WOD. Nothing.
>game based on raids
>thousands of people who played wow would say the game is based on raiding
>implying people didn't rp in EQ or EQ2
>being poo poo head
It sucks that I can't say your wrong and give you better alternatives.
Don't worry im just being a bitter cunt.
I want a new immersive RP heavy MMO to come out, but everyone keeps insisting on copying the worst aspects of WOW and never the good parts that made it so immersive and RP heavy when it came out.
Yup. It's literally all erp now.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's mostly -bad- erp. Even if you're into it, you would probably be better off elsewhere.
No there aren't.
Honestly, the Crafting Survival genre feel more like RPGs to me than the so-called MMORPGs.
All these years later, and Minecraft is still a better RPG than the thousands of WoW rip offs that have come out over the years.
This is true, if you compare modern MMOs to older MMOs.
Survival crafting games are psudo-MMOs, but they lack the advantage that MMOs have, a persistent open world, but AAA MMOs have also been getting rid of their persistant open worlds in favor of more single player oriented questlines that phase players away from one another and instance everyone into their own private version of the world.
There are some gems you can find that are both immersive and open world that allows for player interaction outside of minigames or metagames but they're rare.
>tfw I literally named my RP paladin Dorn and nobody caught on
Did you always consult your magic pain glove?
Nothing so overt. Played him as a grim, experienced paladin with a stick up his ass. Borrowed his blunt honesty, too.
So you played a paladin
>DESU Vanilla is kinda boring
It's perfect for RP, basically all pre-Cata WoW was oerfect for RP.
I thought was obvious.
Anywhere where flight was restricted was perfect for RP.
Neverwinter Nights still has some good RP servers.
It's not even flights, pre-Cata wasn't so much story-driven locations, so it was a nice sandbox place for everything
Right but the botting isnt something destabilizes the game in any major way like player/player conflict does
Dark Age of Camelot was where it was at. It was definitely very punishing to people who weren't careful.
That being said, I can't remember Everquest well, I was young when I played it. I do remember reading this a fair bit later, gave me a good chuckle.
look into WoW: Acension
NWN2 persistent worlds are superior to any kind of online roleplaying server you had in wow
Probably, but NWN2 played like ass.
I'm sort of interested in playing in one of those, but too cheap to drop 11 bucks on a game I may only play for a few hours before growing bored. Do you know if the online would still work with a pirated copy, and if not, is it worth paying full price?
but NWN1 is superior to NWN2.
Been thinking on working on a coding/game project after the semester ends, wondering how much work it would be to get a bare bones MORPG from scratch, never worked with netcode before.
I dunno. I Roleplay on the Moon Guard US server, and I'm having a shit ton of fun. The Tournament of Ages shit that happened was perhaps one of the best times I've had in a long, long time.
I play on Moon Guard US. I'm having a fun time. I'll even post my Bnet if you want.
Tournament of the Ages is also the first time blizzard disabled phasing.