Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Decorate your own cover Edition.

>Warhammer Community news (check it daily and YOU might know what's what in today's Warhammer)

>Daily Duncan Playlist (Update the link before you paste, or I will take a chisel to your face)

>GW FAQs (1.1):

>FW FAQs (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Adeptus Mechanicus codex (thank you Vladimir)

>/WIP/ Thread (experimental link)

Holy shit, I thought Guard and FW were cancer. Imagine my shock at how cancerous FW Guard players are...

You're paying huge sums of money for unique models while your army gets the best rules and then you throw a little bitch fest because the rules are not 100% in your favour.

This all but confirms that Krieg, Elysian and what else players started it because they had a rules advantage, not because 'they looked cool'. So you not only have FW and Guard you mix in WAAC too. Oh and most of these Krieg fanboys are the type who collect Nazi memorabilia and pretend they aren't racist asshats.

FW, Guard, WAAC and /polfags/. All in one place. I'm sickened.

NL user here with a prototype list for my Malice Night Lords. The list is exactly 2000pts, and 11 units, which is apparently the sacred number for Malal/Malice, which I thought was neat.

Night Lords - 2000pts 7CP
>Battalion +3CP

>General - Lord of Terror
Lord w/Jump Pack, Lightning Claw x2, Claws of the Black Hunt

Sorcerer w/Jump Pack, Force Staff, Bolt PIstol
Warp Time, Prescience

Chaos Marines x10 w/chainswords
Plasma Pistol, Flamer, Icon
Champ w/Plasma Pistol and Powerfist

Chaos Marines x5 w/Plasma and Combi-Plasma
Chaos Marines x5 w/Plasma and Combi-Plasma

Warp Talons x5

Havocs x7 w/Autocannons x4

Rhino w/Combi-Flamer and Havoc launcher

>Vanguard Detachment +1
Daemon Prince w/Wings, Sword, and Warp Bolter
Demonic Strength

Hellforged Contemptor w/Chainclaw, Combi-Bolter, K-Asscannon, and Havoc

Terminators x10 w/Combi-Plasma, Lightning Claw x6, Power Axe x4

Chosen x5 w/Combi-Bolters

Basically, the termies do a lot of the heavy lifting with some shock and awe when they drop down while the rest of the squads run about being shutting batmans. The havocs chill in the back, and more than likely the 10 man squad of Marines ride in the rhino.

3rd for necrons will be the most op race during 8th

>source: my ass

More pasta for the spam filter

Holy shit, I thought the Emperor's faithlessness and Imperial Truth were cancer. Imagine my shock at how cancerous the Ruinous Powers are...

You're paying huge chunks of your soul for "unique" powers while your army gets turned to dust and then you throw a little bitch fest because you're pledged to the Blood God and it's all you ever do.

This all but confirms that Imperials, Loyalist Astartes, and what else started it because they had an advantage, not because 'they looked cool'. So you not only have more guys and the best technology you mix in WAAC too. Oh and most of these Emperor fanboys are the type who quietly cover up their heresy and still pretend they aren't traitors.

The Emperor, loyalists, Chaos Gods and fucking Horus. All in one place. I'm sickened.

Reece says they're perfectly fine as is. RIP space kings, going the way of the tomb kings

Don't take the bait folks, report, ignore and move on. So, which is your favourite model, and why?

Anyone know what I should do if I want an ex-deathwatch Captain? Should the Deathwatch Pauldron go on the right or the left shoulder?

I really dig the new Leman Russ. I liked the old one, but the new kit having all the weapons options in plastic and included is awesome. If they included the bloody accessory sprue with it like they used to it'd be 11/10.

I want to get more into 40k but don't have the money for a lot of books or games
what are some of the best low budget things that I can do?

The vyper jetbike. Because, well, I think it looks cool. That's as technical as it gets I'm afraid.

Did any AdMech user here come up with a decent list including Stygies VIII and Dragoons with the idea of going melee? I saw a talk few threads back and curious if someone came up with that up now.

Juan Diaz Daemonette sculpt.

trawling ebay for used models. But even then it'll never truly be cheap.

check the mega in the OP to get the books fellow, it's poorfags option to skip them at first. Check ebay for minis, maybe some trading board in your (F)LGS

The Triaros has grown on me quite a bit.

Honestly, given that Lorgar abandoned his emperor worship for chaos in the face of monarchia, then the heresy was objectively a stupid clusterfuck for everyone involved, then he canonically spent ten thousand fucking years sulking but immortal and undying...

The most interesting direction for him at this point is probably complete nihilism, cheerfully preaching ending it all. It's pointless, everthing is doomed to failure. Full final fantasy villain rhetoric.

The emperor failed to give him what he wanted, chaos failed to give him what he wanted, so he ultimately just wants to die but can't.

facebook groups are also a goldmine , you'll also tend to fin a lot more unpainted plastics there


2x20 Fulgurites, unit of 4 Dragoons, Prime Hermeticon Warlord Trait to reroll all the Fulgurite attacks and Anzion's for more melee attacks. Add in Arquebi and Dunecrawlers to exterminate Punishers and such that would grind through the priests and Commissars and other morale characters so you can jump on them. Add in some Kastelans and such and maybe a couple Vanguard squads to screen, but keep unit count low so you can get best odds on those T1 guaranteed charges.

are fulgurites really that great? I was thinking about addind some punchy kastellans into the mix to rush them in with the stygies trait. I don't really trust the fulgurites right now.
Also, wouldn't a split of 2/2 dragoons be better? Or is 4 in on unit a proven thing to be worthy? Anzion's sounds great, love it.

Arquebi and Crawlers are already on my list. How many would you run? I though of 1-2 5 squad rangers and 2-3 crawlers.

Stygies fulgurites can certainly pay off well at least.

Punchy Kastellan infiltration is hilarious except when you don't get first turn and they eat a deredere and dev squad's worth of lascannon

I still feel like Stygies is self defeating for a melee list. You're moving units into range where you lose your Dogma bonus and if you use the stratagem then you probably won't even benefit from the dogma on those units so they're kinda fucked if you don't go turn one.

Well, never hassled with them just yet. I'll try them out one time.

Oh yea, I always forget you come in on the opponent's turn when you don't get first turn. Shame

I was already thinking about this. It feels strange, like a patchwork kinda. You get infiltration, but you have to be 12" away to get your dogma? That just feels wrong.

What is it?

Looks like it's probably for the Aelves and in AoS

dwarven melta bomb

Battle of macragge scenery

Favorite model is the Cadian Plasmagunner. He's short, wide (fucking heroic scale), and he's got the heart of a lion. At the end of the day, though he's been ferried through hell on a ship that's ten thousand years old to some Emperor-cursed, war-torn rock. Though he is one of ten million men and women snatched from his homeworld to fight a war he barely understands; though he has been given a gun that may annihilate him as he fires because the knowledge of how it functions has been lost; and though he wages war against devouring hiveminds, ravenous demons and hordes of hyper-advanced aliens with strange technologies and sorceries he never dreamed existed; no one will remember his sacrifice, there will be no records of his deeds, no glorious parades in his honor, and no remembrance of his name. All he will earn is a shallow, unmarked grave on a forgotten world untold light years from home.
Yet for all this thankless sacrifice a Guardsman is a man. He has no millennia-old genetic engineering, no prophetic leader, no miracles of faith. He has his lasgun, his orders, and those beside him - and he will hold the line.

Does the mortal wound from a sniper apply to a single model or can it be spread across a squad?

It's applied the same way every other mortal wound is applied. So yes, it can spill over. You apply mortal wounds after the initial damage.

okay so this may be a bit crazy to pull off but I was looking through the psychic disciplines in the middle of the night and had a thought:

what about death guard possessed buffed by veterans of the long war, putrescent vitality, blades of purification, and maybe even virulent blessing from a herald or something,

20 of them making up to 3 attacks each at 7str(if near herald) with +3 to wound rolls, each wound roll of 7+(4 on dice) doing double damage, and ap-2

also you'll get death to the false emperor fighting against imperium, with each wound roll of 6+(3 on dice) generating an additional attack

maybe I'm just sleepy

I go for 2x2 Arquebi with Omnispex and 2 Neutronagers, although 3 is fine.

4 Dragoons in one sledgehammer is better because you can supercharge the whole unit with the 1CP Conqueror Protocols instead of only half of them, and that charge will oneshot Guilliman or any Rhino-chassis.
Fulgurites are really good with Stygies because a T1 charge well aimed will almost certainly get them their 3++ save, even against the larger horde units. Weaken Conscripts or big Terminator squads first, but they'll wipe out vehicles, Primarchs and elite infantry all day while absorbing all the enemy fire for a turn or so. If they're the only targets without -1BS dogma they'll get shot up a lot, but if you already jumped someone they can take it. They're risky, since you can get shot off the board if you lack T1, but you have better odds than just trying a 9" charge. Half the time you'll go first and take a 35/36 charge, whereas with regular deepstrike 9" charge you only have a 28% chance of making it and if you fail you're going to get shot anyway. Also, with Stygies you know whether all your melee is dead before you allocate your supporting fire, so you won't nicely weaken a couple frontline units only to fail charge and die instead of just annihilating a tank or something after not getting T1.

But why? Re releasing scenery?

self explanatory, GOOOOOOOLD!

Death to the False Emperor triggers on hit rolls, not wound rolls.

>Be Reece's Pieces
>Be 7th edition
>Having a game against Necrons
>Get fucking REKT because I'm the only person who couldn't learn to counter Necrons
>Phone rings
>GW wants me to play test new edition of 40k
>Of course, I say yes
>Made to play test Necrons
>Can't be fucked because I hate them, and can't bring myself to act professionally
>Wonder what will happen if I just keep telling GW that they are too powerful?

>Be months later
>8th edition drops
>Open Xenos index
>MFW I got an entire faction completely decimated
>Long after the argument is over I double down on my pettiness
>Necrons are still soooo powerful, guys!
>MFW I can say whatever I want, no matter how full if shit I am, and I will be defending and parroted by thousands of loyal subjects

Of course I have no proof of this. It's just the most likely scenario.

That can also work on Mortarion himself

oh yeah that's more sane

Sounds fair. I thought about getting a list with enough CP to use the explode strategem often, thinking about running wild with chickens and blowing them up whenever necessary (truly suicide squad techniques).

You seem like you might have a list. Could you copy/paste it here please? Thanks in advance.

t. newbie AdMech player

>d3 Attacks

Also, how are you delivering 20 Possessed to the frontlines? They're not crazy fast or durable. Just seems like a lot of eggs in one basket.

Anons Need suggestions for good paints to use for the 252nd Kauravan Regiment from DOW Soulstorm

I don't know.
GW is not know for being smart.

I got a box today that made me triple nazi cancer

>leman russ vanquisher

I then proceeded to stand up and shout MEIN FUHRER I CAN VALK before invading Poland

Did we find out what the last week's eagle teaser was from? The one people thought looked like Rogal Dorn's shoulder pad?

forgot to mention Pic Related is the Color Scheme from The Game

After the Mechanicus and the Guard books, I'll believe anything.

It was a Stormcast Eternals Stormeagle Thunderbird's Birdthunder Hawkbow

rhinox hide armour
castalan/catachan green robes

Hell yeah, I would pay buku money for those shield generator/sensor fences. Crashed Aquila lander was neat too.

I'm fairly sure it was a Storrmbird's Thundereagle Eternal Stormbird Thunderbow

The armor looks kinda like skavenblight dinge with an agrax wash.

I didn't see what happened to the Mechanicus book coming. I seriously thought they were going to fix them, judging by how quickly they released the book.

>bugmans glow
>reikland fleshshade
>cadian fleshtone
After that I dunno.

Skavenblight Dinge I think for the armour.

could use cloud of flies to limit any losses from moving around, however personally I'm thinking I would mostly use this early game to counter a friend's newfound love for deepstriking kastellans and electropriests so that would be less of an issue

Dryad Bark, Agrax, Gorthor Brown
Castellan Green, Athonian Camoshade, Loren Forest, Straken Green.

My man, that is a perfectly good reason for liking a model. Personally my favourite is either: the Reaver Jetbike (with the blank helm), the wraithlord or the Solitaire.

Purely because they all just look so awesome

>I'm fairly sure it was a Storrmbird's Thundereagle Eternal Stormbird Thunderbow

I'm not 100% convinced that it's a Storrmbird's Thundereagle Eternal Stormbird Thunderbow

At this point I'm convinced that 8th is going to be a wild ride. The only question remaining is wheter or not Eldar are going to be S+ tier again.

Thanks Anons I'll experiment with the colors soon.

>tfw these will never be in 40k
Why has GW left the admech so limited?

>The only question remaining is wheter or not Eldar are going to be S+ tier again.

After what we have seen, I'm guessing they are going to get the Mechanicus treatment. And then they will buff the fuck out of Tau, and we'll be stuck fighting Rapetide spam again.

Kommando Nob.
Just Oozes undiluted Orkyness.

If they're coming to then yea, it could maybe work. My experiences with DG possessed have not been positive, but godspeed


It feels like I'm back in 6th/7th Edition WHFB and Ward is writing the book again.
>Don't care for the faction
>Lol gonna phone it in and fuck it up the ass
>Like the faction
>Well according to the fluff they are SUPPOSED to be powerful!

So i gave my Deffskulls list a solid chopping to make it somewhat more effective.

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Orks) [115 PL, 1998pts] ++

+ HQ +

Warboss on Bike [5 PL, 99pts]: Attack Squig, Big Choppa, Kustom Shoota

Weirdboy [4 PL, 62pts]: 3. Da Jump

+ Troops +

Boyz [13 PL, 165pts]
. Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga
. 25x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa

Boyz [9 PL, 133pts]
. Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Kustom Shoota
. 19x Ork Boy W/ Shoota

Boyz [9 PL, 133pts]
. Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Kustom Shoota
. 19x Ork Boy W/ Shoota

+ Elites +

Meganobz [10 PL, 189pts]
. Boss Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)

Meganobz [10 PL, 189pts]
. Boss Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)
. Meganob w/ Saws: Killsaws (Pair)

+ Fast Attack +

Skorcha Buggy [10 PL, 198pts]
. 3x Skorcha: 3x Skorcha

+ Heavy Support +

Battlewagon W/ Supa-Kannon [13 PL, 213pts]: 'ard Case, Deff Rolla, Supa-Kannon

Battlewagon W/ Supa-Kannon [13 PL, 213pts]: 'ard Case, Deff Rolla, Supa-Kannon

Meka-Dread [12 PL, 256pts]: Mega Charga, Rattler Kannon, Rippa Klaw

+ Flyer +

Dakkajet [7 PL, 148pts]: 6x Supa Shoota

++ Total: [115 PL, 1998pts] ++

Not to mention the 8th ed HE book which he wrote as well

Suiciding chickens was my idea too, but they only do 1MW and their explosion is kinda pitiful, so not really worth it unless there's some damaged Terminators or something sitting on you. Good for a last-second snipe on a 5W character who just survived your charge, though.

My 2k list I'm putting together:

Dominus, Anzions, Hermeticon. Volkite, Macrostubber (135)

Enginseer (52)

5 Rangers, two Arquebi, 'spex (97)
5 Rangers, two Arquebi, 'spex (97)
5 Vanguard (45)

Neutronager w/ stubber (145)
Neutronager w/ stubber (145)

4 Dragoons w/ pistols and lances (296)

20 Fulgurites (340)
20 Fulgurites (340)

Second Battalion

Enginseer (52)
Enginseer (52)

5 Vanguard, plascal (59)
5 Vanguard, plascal (59)
5 Vanguard (45)

At 2.5k I add some Kastelans, bulk up the 2nd set of Vanguard squads to max with all specials and swap the ones in the first detachment for 3 Destroyers to coordinate the Kastelans. I have a second detachment to fuel the Fulgurites and Dragoons drinking CP for Conqueror sledgehammers and maybe a second Fight phase, and because after Infiltrate I have 6CP left for combat and will probably sink a couple into the Dragoons to double their damage.
My 2.5k list could also be a Brigade if I split the Dragoons up and use them as skirmishers instead of DPS now I've enhanced my shooty a lot, which is probably the best bet.
At 3k I just add a Knight or Marauder Destroyer, so no real subtlety there.

They'll hold the Kastelans, certainly. Not sure about the electros. With the usual reroll priest nearby a successful charge will kill 15 of them straight up. They won't get their 3++ if you die to morale, but that's still a lot of casualties even if he doesn't weaken the squad first to score the kill.

I don't know whether they have any defensive buffs like DR or how much they cost, though. If they get 5+++ they'll hold them easily after losing only 10 dudes.

So is allying in Grey Knights for my deepstrike needs a good idea? (Space Marines)
I've never actually played GK but to me it feels like Space Marine deep strike has been nerfed by the high cost of drop pods.

>It feels like I'm back in 6th/7th Edition

I wouldn't go quite that far to say it's like that. But I'll be reserving my final judgement for after all if the Codex books are released.

I still think the issue was the play testers. I think they got a bunch of untrustworthy people to do the testing, and that's why we are seeing this shit.

I really wish Dragoons could fire their serpentas like pistols in assault, or that they at least had some sort of synergy like they did in 7th.

Eh, I wouldn't lay it all on them. I think they lack a unified vision of what they actually want the game to be like.

Tbh I feel like the worst part is the community at large, or at least the most vocal parts, seems to love the codexes and any criticism of them is met with "Don't be so salty! The codex is amazing! I win every game at my store!".

Not the guy you where talking to, but I'd run this:


Dominous and tech priest enginseer.

1 Arquebus rangersquad with omnispex
2 vanguard squads, 2 plasma each

20 fulgurates
20 corpuscarii

2x2 dragoons
3 dakkabots
2 neutron onagers

Its 13 units, you could go smaller with a 1 vanguard and 1 spearhead, and by combining the dragoon units, but its a pain moving them around as 1 unit and the vanguard are nice to have around to throw at stuff. Corpuscarii arent as good in a fight but they put out a FUCKING LUDICROUS amount of dakka and would support they're hated rivals very well. I tried the brigade route with a similar list and my opponent got first turn and deleted all my fulgurates, but the zappy priests and dragoons performed beautifully.

okay guys, let's ignore the elysian doctrine bullshit for a second and tell me: does the 'advisers and auxilla' rule work with a militarum tempestus detachment?

Thanks anons, really appreciating this!

That's over $300 of electro-priests. There really should be 10 in a box.

It mostly reeks of Ivory Tower Design bullshit. Which is, honestly, how GW has always been. They exist in their little Nottingham bubble with like eight dudes playing only utter softball games. If they looked at tournament results and any community discussions at all, they'd have a clue where to start. Instead they just do whatever the fuck and it feels like they are completely closed off from anyone scrutinizing the rules closely.

With this list you could also either make the dominous you warlord and kit him out as CC and support for the electros or you could keep him with the onagers/beepboops and send off the enginseer to fill that role.

Hard to pick a favorite but the new Cypher model looks great, the mkii armor and the ancient mastercrafted pistols are pretty damn detailed and its a great improvement over his legacy model. I hope they can get their shit together and come up with a decent consistent look for The Lion if they do intend on bringing him back. Whats your favorite model?

I wish. Sadly I am a poorfag and the priest heavy list I tried was with some proxys because of that.

Just watched a astra militarum batrep. I haven't been this bored in ages. How do people like this army?

I converted mine. Given I had all the other spares already they were only £30 for 20. Can't make any more since I'm almost completely out of melee weapons and cyborg heads.

You forgot raptors.

They like winning

The normally "play" historicals


Those myrmidon destructors would be so much fun if their performances in 30k batreps are any indication...

4 Grav shots isn't quite as devastating in 8e than it was with 7e grav and in Power Armour and Primarchs: The Game, but they'd still be good given their power fists basically make them Breachers done right.

As far as I can tell they would be more durable than breachers as well. They're supposedly able to give terminators a run for their money.

With as good as plasma is atm a squad full of plasma-fusils would fuck pretty much any heavy elite unit.

They're T5 W2 3+ 5++ with Preferred Enemy Power Fists and gigantic guns. Forget Terminators, they're shooty Custodes.

Also pretty badass on lore. In Master of Mankind one of them kills five or six Emperor's Children by himself, and a few of them get the jump on Alaric's squad in Dark Adeptus and kill/cripple three Grey Knights with photon thrusters.

Personally I'm thinking Volkite might be pretty cool. 12 shots that are S6 D2 and cause Mortal Wounds on 6+ on a BS2+ and possibly Relentless model is a good Terminator killer with excellent range.

Combine with Wrath of Mars to kill three and a half Termies with a 180pt squad at range.

That or Irradiation Engines. 16" AP-2 flamer that always wounds on 2+, but probably wouldn't outshine the plasma weapons.

So GW is going to tone down the IG codes, right? Surely it was a mistake releasing it in the state it is, right? I mean they said they'd try to watch out for power creep this time around, right?


The real truth is far simpler.

No one gives a shit about Necrons, either on GWs design team or among the playtesters. They're the blandest, most boring, most pointless army in the game.

So they get no effort, they're just a phoned in afterthought. That's it. That's the whole thing. It's not some big conspiracy by playtesters who hate them - no one even remembers Necrons exist often enough to hate them. T'au - that was a work of hate. Necrons are just forgotten.

Yes, user, calm down.

Considering a squad of destroyers is 200+ points I doubt they'd remain just 180 points. They'd probably be in the ballpark of 250 or so, if not more.