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Are catachan's the best regiment now guys?

When will we get the first leaks or teases about Tyranids?

Why have I become obsessed with collecting metal Aspect Warriors?
What is wrong with me?

No, Krieg will always be best.

>plays Eldar
There's your answer.

The answer is obviously Catachan Kriegers

The best part about this codex is that it appears there isn't a single best regiment. Maybe one will appear in about a month or so, but for now almost all of them look equally, with the possible exception of the Steel Legion.

Krieg with the Armageddon Doctrine are pretty great.

Guard Codex scans when?

>3.5e codex basically becomes 8e codex
>reduce all damage by half when within synapse instead of having eternal warrior
>mutable genus comes back
>swarmlord squatted and his ability is rolled into hive tyrants
>no more s6 carnifexes
Calling it

Probably next week

I swear, this better be true...

Humorously I think they're the best ARMORED regiment. A Catachan spearhead with some hellhounds or tauroses can be a fierce ally detachment.

>rerolling number of hits for massed bombardment

WAAC is a term used when you can't win against an opponent and refuse to better yourself.


>mutable genus comes back
Pls no. It's nice in theory, but the bookkeeping made it horrible to actually play with.

>posting it-takes-an-entire-game-for-me-to-make-back-my-points Leman Russes

I mostly put it i there for shitposting reasons, i know its not coming back, it goes against GWs new design policy of "complex models, simple rules"

>When you REEE the green retards out of your trench with S4 shovels

Come on you faggots, stop holding out on me...

Wait for Putin, faggot
Vlad always delivers first
I'll estimate that it happens around 300 posts in

You should just be patient for your scans - at least until it's fucking out, eh?

user is too busy fapping all over the new Slabshield rules, now the Auxilla pages are all stuck together.

Kabalite Warriors on a Raider

Dark Lance or Splinter Cannon?

dark lance

By the way I mean asking for the Warriors, not the Raider

Anyone tried Malcador tanks in 8th edition? How are they compared to other heavy tanks?

My understanding of DE is that every unit should have Dark Lances or Blasters
and some infantry has poison

What do you mean?

All I've seen are double shooting LRs and regiments.

Anything about auxilia get gud? Are ogryn even worth their points now?

Well they are like always in between a baneblade and a leman Russ, but now both got buffed and it didn't so it sucks a lot of ass until chapter approved

Splinter cannon
Hitting on 4s suck

Don't worry, eventually I'll run out of lemon rust pictures and post baeblades instead.

Bullgryns are much better than they were in 7th, the ability to take mauls and either flavor of shield is awesome
Ogryn bodyguards are the newest meme

I haven't mathed out the consequences, but Slabshields are +2 to save rolls now, not +2 to the Sv characteristic. Not only does this mean grav weapons don't get better against Bullgryn (it's a 4+ model with +2 to save rolls, not a 2+ model), but Slabshields now buff invuln saves, which you can get from Celestine, or, if you're fielding the new Ogryn Bodyguard, the Deathmask of Ollanius (that last one on a Slabshield Bodyguard is a T5 W6 2+/2++ monster that can heal 1d3 wounds 1/game). This buffing stacks with Psychic Barrier from an Astropath, so Celestine+Astropath+Slabshield Bullgryns = counts as 4+ for grav 1+/3++.

Or you can just field Crusaders and Astropath them for 3+/2++, naturally.

I always liked the Bane mask models, but never got any.
How many you recommend in a unit?

Thanks user, you deliver.

The move to HS will be very nice once they get updated until then they and all index tanks are not worth taking compared to codex tanks

>posting i-cost-750-points-fully-equipped-and-die-to-14-lascannon-hits baneblades

You don't actually play dark eldar, do you?


Your baneblade hasn't got a 2+/5++? Stop doing it wrong.

>Or you can just field Crusaders and Astropath them for 3+/2++


What do you want me to post? Scatterbikes?

would you care if I fielded old broadsides with a single railgun instead of two? looking to turn my one old broadside into 3 and I need some opinions before I go ahead with it

4is the magic number because it maxes out a transport and let's you take 2 of each shield, which unfortunately for 2 squads means you'll have to buy 3 boxes or eBay the last two guys

Baneblade has a 3+ and that's it.

Only if he's holding it like a rifle.

Different user here.
Post Conscripts

So is the fleshmower bloat drone decent? the 4+ WS hurts but you get 9 swings which isn't too shabby

>posting i-was-so-good-no-one-bought-me-beause-they-couldn't-get-games-last-edition scatterbikes

So does that mean slabshields don't give saves against weapons with a -2 modifier?

I guess that gives the brute shields a reason to exist.

Why do guardfags refuse to stop responding to the "guard is OP" b8?

Nah, I like tonks

Hey TG I need help finding the prow bit of a Necron Ghost Ark, a basic Google search didn't give me a single bit site that had it. Pic = tribute or whatever.

I considered doing that but the gun is too thin to pass off as the modern heavy rail rifle

It feels too nice to get fluffy rules to stay quiet, and it's something to talk about. If we talk about anything else it turns to Guard being OP or WAAC anyway so it doesn't matter.

At -2 it just cancels out the bonus gained from the slabshield. At -3 the brute shield gets better. This is the same case as before. What has changed now is that slabshields allow you to build off of anything that gives you an invul save, like Celestine.

New Dunc.


>should I cut up out-of-production models
Generally speaking, no. Unless you're absolutely, positively sure you'll never regret taking apart a model you can't get back.

No. A Bodyguard in flak armour with a Slabshield against an AP-2 weapon still rolls his saves, he just has a 7+ - the AP and the Slabshield will simply stack for a net effect of 0.

Is that a new model?!

Well too bad, that's the only reason I'd accept it. Also worth noting that the new profile lists his railgun as a single weapon with two shots.

inb4 FW hate
I assume Elysians can use IG stratagems but can they use wargear?

I feel like a lot of Veeky Forums's, and furchins in general, excuses stem from "well we've got nothing better to do!"
Go outside, work on your models for people that actually play this game, play some vidya, there's plenty better to do than feed trolls and watch them react.

But I'm sure this has been said a billion times on this site so what's everyone working on? My daemon prince/alpharius is all ready to be sprayed but I just realize I'm all out of black primer

>that ridiculous anime stance that powers the profile by half an inch

Cover-hunting blueberries...

fuck me

I had no intention of permanently diddling it. I was just going to remove the railguns and mount each one on another old crisis suit so I end up with 1 missilefist and 2 railsides, I was just wondering if fielding them would cause an issue for most people

Yes, but not regimental relics - same answer for warlord traits and stratagems. The only regimental rule they can raid is doctrines (and they can apply Tallarn's doctrine to Valkyries and Vendettas, and should do so liberally).

Yes to both.

at least clean up the shit that guy's standing on, geez

trying to paint some death guard. Failing horribly

As I said, only the universal heirlooms.

>new model
>new Catachan models instead of one of the five regiments they just gave rules for that still don't have plastic
I'd fucking hope not.

Nah, just a dude converted with parts comming straight from the catachan command squad sprue.

Post ultrasperg pasta

Nope, they just model the really old kits really well so they don't look like ass, notice they didn't use any of the longshank arm bits from the kit

Let's at least see what you're working on too user, also that was pretty purposeful, it's supposed to be ruins, of course I'll shave shit like the GW logo off

Most seem to disagree on doctrines tho



>possible exception of Steel Legion
What, exactly, is good about anything they have?

Most are wrong. Not only does the Codex spell out how Doctrines work on Doctrineless regiments in plain English, GW posted on Facebook confirming what the Codex already says.

>thinking GW wont be in ruins in 38,000 years

Krieg + Armageddon Doctrine = 18" double-tap hot-shot lasgun grenadiers.

Is there a reason why or are you pulling my chain? also it being a single weapon with two shots is what brought the idea to mind, it would abide by WYSIWYG when finished as well

I don't know, but I'm definitely going to be using them primarily because of S4. I'm going to have 6 infantry squads, Straken, 2 Commanders, 3 Ogryn Bodyguards, 6 Bullgryn, some psykers, mounted Vets and Crusaders, and maybe some tanks if I have some points.

I mean their doctrines aren't bad, their order and strategem are okay if pretty gimmicky, unfortunately they are just outclassed because every other regiment is amazing

Thanks for having my back senpai, that Tallarn doctrine sure would help

That list needs a priest like Doomrider needs cocaine.

How does this effect Renegade do they get doctrines as well, or do we just get the covenants of chaos?

>spare shoulderpad WITHOUT the arm inside
>helmet propped up nicely on the stone
Did Alpharius break into an Armory or something?
I bet he just wants a cool new helmet cause he's jelly of that Crest.

The reason is that a single railgun dangling from one arm look like ass. If you're going to model for advantage it had better look good enough to not offend your opponents.

Vosty get 15" double tap, plus 6" max range on every heavy and rapid fire gun, plus the ability to shoot into combat with those guns.

Orks +Catachan doctrines= S5 Boys

Oh yeah you're right, I had 2 Priests in there too. I was going off what I remembered writing down. Good catch. Might do 3 so I can have 2 on foot and 1 with the Crusaders and Vets.

I don't think they have the Astra Militarum keyword, and I seriously doubt (but don't know) if they have a keyword. I'd feel pretty uncomfortable trying to claim they had any access to Imperial Guard Codex rules.

>not playing the new edition of "Battlemace 80 billion"

They're the best for a straight up fight.

You wanna be tricky? Go Tallern with the Knife of T-bone.

Take a unit (remember the squadron rule!) of two Demolisher Russes, A tank commander punisher, a second tank commander punisher with the knife, and two infantry units of your choice. Everything else should be infantry gun lines to anchor the strategy.

Now remember the Tallern special strategem.

Now you can deploy two BS3 tank commanders ordering two Demolishers and an infantry screen each anywhere on the table (sorta; within 7" of the board edge for 3 of the tanks and one infantry) on your turn. No Alpha Strike for you!

Not on hot-shots they don't.


shit compared to vostroyan, the chimera armor "buff" applies to a small fraction of weapons in the game and only improves save by 1.

is shit. reroll 1s on a single unit, which must have disembarked? Your whole army should be disembarking, but hey 1 CP for 1 unit getting a buff you could get from an order anyway.

Sure, mount up all those troops and leave your officers behind to get assaulted. Seems legit.