Elves - beautiful humans

>elves - beautiful humans
>dwarves - grumpy uderground humans
>halflings - small humans
>gnomes - small smart humans

Can we stop this lazy bullshit already and remove these "le totally different races" from games?

Other urls found in this thread:


Thread died for this meta crap. Quite possibly it was another meta crap thread made by the same faggot.

But having dark skin or slightly slanted eyes is enough to mark different races. Therefore roid raging midgets or pointy eared people do count as different races.

This is why all my races are just mutant human subspecies. They act like humans because they are human.

Or you could try being original and not having your races be the most stereotypical versions of themselves ever.

I hate Tolkien so fucking much, he basically ruined fantasy genre forever.

Rate my dwarves:

Dwarven kind's "lust for gold" is quite literal. Dwarves have no sexes and are a single monolithic species. They are not born, and instead are built. An individual or a community will carve a new dwarf out of metal, stone, or gem and set them life using often poorly understood old rituals. One's material will often decide one's caste throughout life. Dwarven rich will carve their children of gold and gems, this creates a luxury for the rich of having a child as they can afford to pay for the materials of a child alone. Clans and communities otherwise will often come together to pool resources when creating a new dwarf. This is why clans exist, groups who come together to finance new dwarves as well as 'children of the community' where the new dwarf's 'parents' is every member of a town who pitched in. Dwarves will often be created for specific tasks, when new workers or soldiers are required. Dwarven society has strong laws detailing how a new child must pay off the worth of their body to their creator. The poorest of dwarves can be made of materials like brick, slate, or even concrete. These urban poor dwarves are seen as disgusting creatures by their brethren often, and such dwarves are most common among populations living outside of dwarven territory. Rich dwarves seldom travel due to the inherent wealth of their bodies. Even if they carry no riches a golden dwarf represents half a ton of gold to the would be highway man. Using a dwarf's body after death is sacrilege, and dead dwarves are enshrined in their base parts. Old dwarven clans will have rooms and vaults full of gems harvested from their ancestors.

Dwarves however have no natural maximum lifespan and dwarven death only comes in the form of dwarves who died in violence, accidents, or of diseases that effect their kind. Because of the need for precious metals the dwarven economy does not use gold as a means of standard wealth as a morbid example it would be equivalent to a human using a literal 'pound of flesh'. Now instead the majority of autonomous dwarven cultures use labor as a common commodity standard for gauging wealth. The largest dwarven nation uses an economy where currency is backed in a fiat system with state owned dwarves. The dwarves are created from iron by the state and pay themsleves off by essentially being government owned laborers to back the currency. Dwarves lack many of the required comforts and commodities a human needs. They do not thirst nor hunger, and therefore had no need to develop a agricultural industry. They do not require to bathe except when heavily dirtied, though many of the rich keep themselves gaudily polished there is a stereotype among dwarves for 'tumbled stones' which are stone dwarves who rose to wealth and polished their stone bodies to a sheen. This meant dwarves focused far more heavily on the pursuit of luxuries and craftsmanship. Dwarves not only can live forever but have relatively unique minds in the fact they are able to set themselves to a repetitive task and continue without rest for days at a time. Unlike humans they do not bore at repetitive work, and even among different dwarven cultures they share the ability to enter a introspective state while working. Prospectors and other dwarves who often work alone and for months or years at a time without contact often stay in this state for weeks and give rise to the great dwarven philosophers, slow monolithic thoughts moving through minds in a state of disconnected rest.

How does Veeky Forums feel about completely original no human settings? I'm talking new rules for magic, new gods, completely new original races, and new land masses. I'm currently working on a new setting, but I'm afraid that my group won't give a shit about it and want to play what's familiar.

Hi Derek.

I don't see any reason why a no human setting couldn't work.
People say that you need humans so that the experience is relatable, but most fantasy races are basically humans anyway

So this is the reason, in my setting, all races are psychologically similar.

The gods who created mortals are psychologically similar to humans, or in this case, humans were created to be psychologically similar to their creators. Elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, orcs, etc. were all simply creations of the gods. All races bear psychologically similarities to their creators, who, on a whole, are psychologically identical to humans. They look like humans because the other gods simply stole their ideas from whoever began creating mortals first. Early prototype races and later races are stranger because either the gods were feeling out what mortals should be or conventions of creating mortals became more avant-garde as the mortal races became saturated in the same old things.

These fall into the issue a lot of the time of being interesting but impossible to play in as the players have no analogs to draw from in order to gauge the consequences of their actions.

I like these boys, but it seems to me if they're immortal and can work for days on end, what's to stop one from finding a gold vein and making a golden child himself? Just societal taboos or what?

That elf is ridiculous.

You are fucking retarded OP, if you write your characters of different races and have them all act the same, you're a moron. You see thats the thing that annoys me in DnD lately, it tries to hard to mix everyone up so the players wouldnt feel bad about having different races in the same group when it should be completely different, players should be giving a godamn good excuse for having an almost immortal elf running some petty errands with a rag tag group of other races. Or why the hell would a Dwarf abandon their mountains, society and politics just to smack around some shit goblins for the local human town.

Different races should act accordingly to their differences and they definitely shouldnt be randomly showing up in places like that. With my players want to play different races on a group I usually ask them their motivations, why wouldnt they follow the life of the normal member of his race? Why would he want to leave the comfort of his community to venture into a different world away from every thing his race deems valuable. And most of the time we have a group with the same races or at least races that make sense, like a group of dwarfs with a halfling or a gnome, humans with a elf representative who came to warn the kingdom and assist in the name of an old alliance. And so on, I never allow them to just pick whatever the fuck they want for no reason just for bonus stats.

The sheer rarity of gold is the main reason. Many dwarves do go into seclusion for years to find the materials to construct a child for themselves, chasing word of gold, gems, or other materials.

I think we had several of this kind of thread today. Someone is just shitposting and baiting.

>OP - gay human

>savage orc barbarians, arrogant magocratic elves, dour industrial dwarves
>wow bullshit it's just different colored humans with stereotypes attached to them

>savage HUMAN barbarians, arrogant magocratic HUMANS, dour industrial HUMANS
>wow, what a great original setting, such fresh factions

Why the shit do you care? What difference does it make? Play a human if you want to, leave more options to people who want to play them. It's just stupid HFY contrarianism at this point.

>That elf is ridiculous.
Well, old editions of D&D had elves max out at 5 feet tall in most published settings, but apparently it's not enough to be a human+, you need to be taller than the other PCs as well.


No, fuck off.

>hur dur dur Tolkien is responsible for unoriginal copycats
Yer retarded.

Elves, dwarves, orcs, halflings, and gnomes aren't meant to be "le totally different races." This is intentional. They are meant to be human analogues. Guess what? This isn't Star Wars, faggot. They aren't aliens, they don't need to be aliens. I am so sick of faggots who want to play thri-kreen, mongrelfolk, tieflings, drow, tabaxi, catfolk, gnolls, or any of these other races, as a player character. For one thing, half of those races are evil. Gnolls? Drow? Tieflings? Those are EVIL RACES you stupid fucking shitwit. Those would be shot on sight in any village or city, especially the ones you are starting in. This isn't 2010s-era USA, you fucking idiot, no one gives a fuck about being racist. They see a drow? They are going to kill it. End of story. Not to mention the fact that you'll be blind during the day. Nice job, cocksucker. Also, what the fuck is your drow doing on the surface? I know you think you're such a good roleplayer for wanting to "test your skills" by playing something with motivations utterly unlike those of a human, but it's fucking boring, so stop. I have seen a good thrikreen character played; it was by someone who had played loads of normal characters for years and wanted to try something different. And it worked. But it does not work when an entire fucking group of new players, fresh from watching Critical Roll and Stranger Things, want to play non-core races. Play a fucking core race. It's not that hard. No, you are not being oppressed if someone doesn't let you play a drow. No, you are not being oppressed if someone doesn't let you play a tiefling. I don't give a dead moose's last shit if they are in the Player's Book or not. The player's book also says you can play a transsexual, and you're not doing that shit in my campaign, either. So either sit the fuck down and play a normal character, or get the fuck out and go find a game on roll20. Or go play Adventurer's League where you can make everyone cringe with your bisexual drow warlock.

I'm shamelessly stealing this.

Didn't read, too many carbs


Next question.

>The player's book also says you can play a transsexual, and you're not doing that shit in my campaign

/pol/luters please leave, there's nothing inherently wrong with transsexuals, it's only bad when creepy/weird players play them. To use a cuckservative analogy, it's like how there's nothing inherently wrong with guns, it's only bad when crazy people kill with them.

A good rule is if you actually use the word "futanari" instead of "hermaphrodite" you aren't allowed to play a transsexual person.

The endless war between people who think nonhmans are dumb and people who think you're dumb for playing a human continues

I don't allow transexuals in my campaign because the fact they are transexual will either:
A) Never come up, and this be irrelevant
B) Become a point of drama as they try to force the adventure to focus on their plight

The kind of people who want to play transexuals almost always force B, so I have learned to not allow it.

Perhaps the same could be said of all character traits.

>So for this campaign your options are:

The standard, generic human.
Octopus/igneous rock/tomato root creatures that can only communicate through photosynthetic wavelengths every six months.
Beings from a dimension of non-euclidean geometry, anywhere from six feet to a half-kilometer tall.
>The Woven of the Hunted
A species consisting entirely of the Platonic idea of an electric diode.
They look like ordinary humans but instead of being generic and stale they follow the ideas put forth by 14th Century French philosopher Frederick Nietzsche.


That wasn't hard, was it?

In my experience, no, the same can not be said for all character traits. Most character traits that are relevant to the campaign and adventure, at least tangentially, are interesting.

An example would be a campaign about organized crime where one PC is a gambling addict. The addiction can influence the campaign and the player likely won't try to make the entire campaign revolve around his gambling addiction.

I have NEVER seen someone make a transexual character who didn't try and steal the spotlight and make the entire campaign focused on their plight, even when the campaign doesn't care if they're transexual or not. An example would be an explorers campaign where the only contacts were the crew and natives, and the crew only cared if the medicine (wo)man could keep them alive, not what they wanted between their legs.

Basically it COULD be done in a way that is not obtrusive. I have never seen it done that way and thus no longer allow it because the kind of people who want it don't seem capable of not making the campaign about just them and that one character trait.

>The player's book also says you can play a transsexual, and you're not doing that shit in my campaign
You just triggered Corellian Corvette.

Go to bed Aaron Diaz, you're drunk.

>You just triggered Corellian Corvette.
user, you should know by now that trannyelfposter already realizes Corey has been a canon dickgirl since 1E.


they're shit

I try to keep the elven races a bit away from human in my current worlds.
>prairie elves
Human bodies, dear head and necks. Some have a more satyr-like appearance. They all have a very Native American vibe and dress to them
>high elves
Somewhat serpentine in appear. Have soft scales that mimic precious metals and crystals. A very hierarchical society with some of the fiercest warriors amongst all elves.
>dark elves
Basically Gollum. Incredibly pale skin, crude features, savage appearance. Not necessarily wild animals, but definitely not rocking the best education. Live in caves, with some underground cities, great at the magics.

Dwarves live in undersea cities. That's about as far as I've gone with them.

Honestly, it just sounds like you've got a chip on your shoulder about the whole thing. The gambling addict trait is a good example of this - the character's struggle with gambling addiction could be a nonissue (if they're dealing with drugs and prostitution) or something that takes over the campaign (they keep getting the other PCs into trouble), or anything in-between. But if you're a good GM who likes what it adds, then it's going to be a character arc that comes up every so often, because you'll tug on the trait if it's too much in the background and push away on it if it's taking over too much. You could easily do the same thing with trans characters, but because you don't like that trait, you'd rather just drop it. And that's fine, but don't pretend it's something specific to trans characters themselves.

Admittedly it might be an issue with your players, but in my experience, if a player is going to snowflake and take over the campaign, nothing but a direct confrontation has any hope of stopping it. Excising "problematic" traits is just an attempt to treat the symptoms without touching the condition itself.

I agree that the gambling addiction COULD take over a campaign. Any trait can.

I have never seen someone play a transexual where they did not attempt to have that trait take over the campaign. This is why I don't allow it any longer after confronting such players unsuccessfully because the moment I bring it up as a problem they begin to spout how I am persecuting them.

I blanket ban it with reason, reason learned from experience with such players.

>Also, what the fuck is your drow doing on the surface?
Got lost.

I guess my question is this - did any player who tried to take over the campaign improve and rehabilitate themselves when you banned transexuality? Or did you just have to remove them from the group regardless? Because every time I've seen a DM complain that such and such trait was always a problem, a ban on said trait didn't directly fix anything, it just either led to another trait becoming the problem, or the problem player leaving, which, miraculously fixed the problem.

>did any player who tried to take over the campaign improve and rehabilitate themselves when you banned transexuality?
One did, one did not. I kept the player who improved.

I don't think I've ever seen a game that featured non human player races that didn't also include a few paragraphs of advice on how to roleplay them that are pretty distinct from each other. It's not the game's fault that 99% of players and GMs ignore it.

They're different races but the same type of humanoid. This is like traveling to another planet and meeting human-like race that is similar but also different.

On the point of transsexuals, just ban lewd/sexual stuff and there'll be no problem.

>Whites - Pretty, whiny humans
>Blacks - Large brown angry humans
>Asians - Small yellow hivemind humans
>Indians - Small brown humans
>Arabs - Explosive humans

Can we stop this lazy bullshit already and remove these "le totally different races" from life?

In my setting that is entirely true.

They're all basically Human subgroups that have evolved different looks over time.

I agree with this general statement even if it is a bit block of text ranty. None of my players want to even touch the core races. My last party was two kobolds, a tabaxi, a goliath, and a lizardfolk. EVEN AFTER I TOLD THEM THE SETTING WAS GOING TO BE MOSTLY HUMANS. They all went murderhobo too so after a few sessions I just sent the King's army at them during a travel period and snuffed them out. They were pissed, but I was so sick of having to explain why it was so hard for anyone to trust them when literally half of them were monsters and all of them were just killing people after they were done with them.

You wanna be a special snowflake? Then make a dope ass backstory for your half elf or dwarf character. Don't just play a lel-so-epic kobold rogue who kills people who don't give him money. You're not making it fun for anyone but yourself.

Totally anecdotal, but I played in a game where another PC was trans. It basically never came up, none of the other characters paid it much mind, and the player was perfectly content with this.

>In my setting, humans live in a pseudo medieval kingdom, dwarves are short, hairy and stout fellows living underground and elves are wonderous and magically inclined forest inhabitants.

>In my setting, there are no humans, the races are the Qoraslok that inhabit the jungles and are amphibian people that feed on wood and shit diamonds, the Rilasak are brutish desert tribemen that evolved from rhinos and are priced for their strength, and the Yilasaarii are a species with double the limbs of the others, but two of them are actually vestigial and are priced in their cultu-

>My last party was two kobolds, a tabaxi, a goliath, and a lizardfolk.
Huh, fans of Volo's I presume?

>You wanna be a special snowflake? Then make a dope ass backstory for your kobold or taxabi character. Don't just play a lel-so-epic half-elf rogue who kills people who don't give him money. You're not making it fun for anyone but yourself.
Look, I can strawman too.

>second setting
I would be 9000% hype for that if my DM brought that out

Maybe you would, but I can't even begin to count the amount of times when I tried to make a setting really unique and complex only to have it blow up in my face when I try to introduce it to my players by showing them the map and explaining the main geographic and political shit and they lose interest in 2 minutes and ask to roll a human anyway.

That's because you're front-loading the lore like the Star Wars title scroll. Give them the elevator pitch, and flesh it out from there.

Rate my race list:


So good bro. I love how the Moroi have that whole snake tongue thing and the interesting baby sacrifice thing with the Domovoi is fucking intense.

New to world building here. Could someone rate, or suggest improvements to my "races" (they're all human, just different types of humans)?

Pygmies: The subversion of Dwarves. 5 ft average height. Very African/Pacific Islander themed. Highly martial, daily life of full of tribal conflict dating back since their genesis. Among warriors, shaving or cutting one's hair is considered a grave sin, and only done when one has committed a great shame. Traditionally kept in dreadlocks and held back so as to not get in the way of combat. I've considered whether the warriors add red to their hair, or if they all are red haired africanoids. Make almost bullet-proof alabaster porcelain armor (pic related). Because of such incredible armor, they have militarily adapted and now mostly use war-hammers to attack the person beneath the armor. Xenophobic, but valued as the best mercenaries. Attitudes toward the Imperial people (working name) are severe dislike due to their violent conquering of the continent. Attitudes for the Southerners are dislike for their blasphemous use of magic (which is more of a spiritual thing for the Pygmies).


>Good job. Honestly though, even using core races in 5e is too much, now that tieflings, dragonborn, drow, and other "edgelord" races have been included in the core book. I am so sick of these fucking niggers who think DROW are an acceptable race for a player character. No, unless it's an underdark campaign, you cannot play a fucking drow. You would be hunted down and destroyed on the fucking surface world. And at level 1? What the fuck drow is even on the surface at level 1? The average drow warrior is fucking level 3, a level 1 drow character is a novice and wouldn't even have left the city yet. But no, we have to all be progressive and accepting of evil elves, LITERAL DEMONSPAWN (tieflings), and half-dragon snowflake shit (though dragonborn are the least offensive of the nu-D&D races). Honestly, if you are a first-time D&D player and you play any of these races, you need to fucking kill yourself. Full stop. Buy a shotgun and do a Jackson Pollock on your ceiling, you are dragging down the D&D community with this bullshit. The only reason these races are still in is because of skyrim / dark scrolls making autistic snowflake fantasy popular.

You want to play in my campaign? You get to roll a d10. On a 1+ you get access to humans. On a 6+ you get access to halflings, on a 7+ you get access to dwarves, on an 8+ you get access to elves and gnomes, on a 9+ you get access to half-elves, half-orcs, and orcs, on an 10+ you get access to dragonborn, goblins, hobgoblins, and on a 11+ you get access to tiefling or drow. You get +1 for each full years I've known you, and you get a -1 if you play Dark Souls, World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls games, or any of that shit. That's a -1 per game, by the way. So sick of these fucking cocksuckers. I have a similar thing for playing classes outside the PHB, too, but that's for when I run Pathfinder games, not 5e.

Southerners: The subversion of Elves. 6ft 4 in average height for men, 5ft 10in for women. Pale skin, blue to green eyes, varied hair color. Slight point to ears. Naming customs are a single name, followed by a tile determined by a prophetic vision by a seer at a young age (for example Balin Early-Beard may reach adulthood earlier). They used to rule the majority of the continent, including all the Imperial lands, and small parts of the North. Their magi-tech empire was considered the grandest, and is still romanticized. The language of the Imperial people is based on theirs, and Grimoires are still written in their language. However their empire collapsed. Some believe it was due to their hedonistic ways, and some believe it was divine punishment, but most scholars agree that it was nothing so lofty if still somewhat mysterious. many ruins and ancient technologies are still in use to this day.

They have two major ethnic groups. The mainlanders are more Nordic/Celtic. They are considered barbarians, living in drug addled squalor in turf huts. Many people still practice magic, living in hidden cabins nestled away in the forests, or in giant tree or mushroom towers grown from a sapling using magic.


Continued about the Southerners.

The Islanders (Once again, working name.) are a stranger bunch. They refuse to believe that their empire has ended, and is merely dormant. They're aesthetically more like the British isles,although share some similarities with Japan in terms of structure and role. Towards the collapse of their empire, the Isles were sealed off in a great fog, that anyone trying to navigate would find they sailed through. Few diplomats and traders that are allowed in the ports note that it is beautiful and full of shimmering towers with surprisingly modern amenities. The truth of the matter is they send their poor, undesirables, and disgraced out as adventurers, seeking out mystical secrets, developments in technology, and news of the outside world for their wizard lords in exchange for social mobility.

While magic is more subtle in this world (only a very high level wizard would be able to attack with flames or conjure demons), magic comes very naturally to the Southerners and is used in all aspects of life. Farmers might know one or two charms that stop their crops from dying, and warriors/adventurers often cover themselves in woad to preform protective sigils to aid them.

I generally do. Just have difference cultures replace races, and you're done.

If you give players the elevator pitch for their race and then flesh it out from there, you're shoving a bunch of baggage onto them based on race-selection they weren't aware of at chargen. Not only that, but if you give people an elevator pitch, odds are excellent that they will translate even very basic similarities into "kind of like orcs" and "kind of like halflings" and especially, *especially* "kind of like elves." That last one is so bad that if you have any non-human races at all, it is usually a good idea to have some elves, because if you don't, players will attach the elf label to something else and be surprised and irritated when that something else fails to act in an elf-like manner on closer inspection.

Any novel thing that takes you more than one sentence to explain - in its entirety - is not a selling point, it's a barrier to entry, one that needs to be spaced out throughout the campaign, which means you pretty much can't have any of it in the player options section. This is why core races and classes have always been and will always be uninspired. Things that trigger grognards in this thread because they were unheard of in the 90s are dull and played out to be people who keep up with the hobby by the time they're in the core book, because Drizz't has been doing the "good drow" thing for literally decades, his popularity peaked like fifteen years ago, and now we're well into the point where the whole schtick is played out - and that's the point where a level of familiarity has been achieved that you don't have to waste a single precious word of worldbuilding on offering the option to your players in session zero. You can do all the worldbuilding you want on NPC races because every important feature of their anatomy and culture you can dream up can be given an entire adventure to establish itself in players' minds before you add another.

You are right. I just outright came and said "there are no transsexuals in this setting. They do not exist, just like hamburgers do not exist, or Nazism." And if people get triggered, kick them from the group, right then and there.

Nice of OP to invite us over for an unoriginal shitpost, eh Luigi?

Finally the "Imperial people". Lightly Tanned to Dark Olive complexion. Light to Dark brown almond shaped eyes. Brown to black, wavy to straight hair. Average height is 5ft 6in for men, 5 ft 8in for women. Chinese and Middle Eastern, with Roman undertones.

A keen and intelligent people, machinery come naturally for them. Most modern amenities such as airships, florescent lighting, radio, advanced sanitation, repeating crossbows, and modern medicinal/alchemical practices are either their invention or an improvement on ancient South technology. Their language is spoken almost universally, and the vast majority are literate due to the wide presence of their guilds across the continent.

Archery is considered to be one of the most fundamental arts, with many philosophers also being archery trainers. It something enjoyed by both the rich and the poor, with various kinds of bows widely available. Their skill and mechanization of artillery, combined with amazing strategic minds is the reason they are the most dominant military, and unified the entire continent.

The other reason they achieved manifest destiny, as well as how they became powerful enough for such conquest was through trade. The empire was between the Southerners and the Pygmies, and not only was the trade route between the two, but also sold to them their products independently. Until the Pygmies became isolationistic, and won over with superior military force, the continent was already unofficially theirs.

They are matriarchal and matronymic. They are ruled over by a hereditary Empress (or Emperor if need be). Men typically make up the vast majority of the military as with all societies, but most professions are fairly equally distributed. The reason for this probably stemmed from the value of women (10 women/1 man is better than 10 men/1 women) taken to great extremes during military conflict. This thick skulled efficiency is shown in how their cities never sleep and shops never close.

But they consider this such a core part of their character, they don't even consider it sexuality, and they insist on being allowed to play one because "it's part of my identity stop oppressing me." That's when you kick them out. For fuck's sake, pro-tranny shit is being included in a game marketed to twelve year olds now. Transgenderism is being taught to kids who don't even know what sex is yet. The game is being more (((inclusive))) of that sort of thing (see: archive.is/JUHvE). So now, these fuckheads can just point at the book and say "well, it's IN THE RULES so you better let me play one, you oppressive shitlord." And if you don't they'll start talking smack about you and getting you fired from your job and shit. Some guy got kicked out of an FLGS near where my friend lives, for not wanting to DM for transsexuals. This game is going to hell in a handbasket.

>None of my players want to even touch the core races.
This is the problem. They want to try what is new and shiny. Either make a setting for them to explore this, run an all-kobolds game or whatever, or else tell them to fuck off. I'd consider the former myself, but I'd probably end up doing the latter.

Except they are being a special snowflake just by choosing that race, which OP had already said was not common in that setting thus should not be chosen.

Really, it's just a matter of saying what races are available in the setting. For me, I always pick four: humans, then three of the standard PHB races. Or, sometimes if they are near the frontier, one of the rare ones that exists out that way. Most of the party should have a race in common with another party member.

You mean the original titan of the genre.
You have daddy issues, go treat it, man.

That's most of it. Any suggestions or constructive criticism would be appreciated.

Not bad. I'd seriously consider adding more cultures though. Only 3 for an entire continent is entirely too few IMO.

> Dwarves- Clay imprinted with words and given life. Their original creators died out when their cities were smote by the gods. The dwarves live on in these buried cities clinging to the old traditions of their masters and crafting others to divine the true purpose of their existance.

tl;dr golemdorfs with a mesopotamian/old testament asethetic

Thank you! The main concept would be a subversion "Mage race", a "Warrior race", and a "Thief race", but in a more realistic sense where there are still Southern viking warriors and there might be Pygmy mages in hiding. I was intending on making those the major ones with multiple sub ethnic groups. So far my ideas are.

Southmen: Far south Norsemen from trundraland, more northern Frenchmen in temperate forestland, and the somewhat Japanese/ British islanders, all with heavy Celtic/Brittan overtones.

Imperials: Southern Junglemen that are fairer and more Chinese; considered to be the strongarm of the military as well as the major agricultural center. Swarthier northern Desertfolk/Cityfolk with more Arabian feel; Cityfolk are renowned merchants who live in large almost modern fantasy cities, Desertfolk are more Nomadic and closer to Bedouins.

Pygmies: I wanted them to be largely homogenous on the surface, but scattered in various disparate clans and tribes fighting each other, and insisting that they are completely different because of minor details. I considered maybe making some subethnic groups but it would be too numerous.

I've considered running the game on a newly found land similar to Australia or the Americas, with an indigenous goblin people that can't be played and cannot reproduce with humans. Essentially is would be about various parts of the Empire vying for a more dominant presence on this new land, so maybe I could ramp up these goblinfolk.

Dwarven can be attractive if done right

I like when elves have a sort of alien appearance, and not just "attractive humans with pointy ears"

My N'wah!

You mean only if done wrong by deviating from the dwarf appearance. Neither myth, folklore, Tolkien or early D&D suggests them as attractive.

I do agree you can make a small stature attractive race all of your own, but why at that point would you bother calling it a dwarf?

You mean alien fey things that only resemble humans. Imagine yourself incapable of sleeping or dreaming. Now imagine an entire race that way. Dreams are so utterly integral to our cultures, and how we think of sleep, death, and the beyond. Reports of loved ones in your dreams, seeing portents and visions, stumbling on solutions to intractable problems, and so much more. And elves don't dream and they don't sleep. Then of course there's the thousand year lifespan. You would be so utterly careless about your own activities knowing you have what basically amounts to forever to do anything. Plant an acorn and watch it grow into a mighty Oak tree for a simple hobby to occupy you for a few decades, and then move on to breeding a special type of dog for the next 100 years, just because.
Clan is everything, the great halls you live in are everything, the stone you live within is everything you've ever known. And then you see the sky and the stars, and all this green. And then your darkvision kicks in and you're a bit paranoid since there are no walls to keep you safe, no choke points to help you concentrate on, just empty space in all directions. That's what being a dwarf exiting his great halls for the first time is probably like. No wonder they're grumpy and aggressive and generally drunk.
What were talking about? Oh, the half men, the sneak thieves, the wee peoples who get underfoot. What about them? Nobody cares, and they like it that way.
Your ancestors came from a world of change and wonder, and now if you don't keep yourself curious and entertained, the color of your flesh and blood and hair will drain away as you lose yourself to depression and dementia, and eventual madness and death. You talk about your worries with the local gophers, but they never say anything nice about it (they like these berries over the hill and never shut up about them), but it's nice to have someone to talk too in this crazy human town.

I want to put my dick in the shortstack

Hes a happily married man though!

The anime hair on the girl is natural and thus her pubes are the same, PF gnomes are fucking weird.

seems kinda OP, why not just bulldoze a mountain and make dwarves out of it, then steamroll fucking everyone with like, fourty square miles of pure dwarven rage running over any kingdom you don't agree with like a tidal wave of fuck

Fantasy races exist so they can give different cultures different stats without getting called racist

those are my favorite

ITT: Furries

whats wrong with using different races to represent different real life cultures in a way that is fantastical?
the use of "elf" gives people an instant idea of how the average elf behaves, and you can just slowly work out the nuance from there
nothing inherently wrong with using different races to stand in for different sorts humans

>I don't think I've ever seen a game that featured non human player races that didn't also include a few paragraphs of advice on how to roleplay them that are pretty distinct from each other. It's not the game's fault that 99% of players and GMs ignore it.
If you want non-humans to be more than humans with x hats, then play them as non-humans.

This guy and the anons discussing their unique takes on races are cool.

Most of the rest of you are idiots.

fortunately books are starting to introduce SLIGHTLY more interesting races as standard:
lizardmen and teiflings for example

Fucking Fae bastards. Oh sure, they look beautiful but they're ruthless untrustworthy ageless treespawn. Literally. Cut one sometime; that pale skin in bark and there's muscle like slabs of steaming oak under there. Of course if you cut them they'll drink the blood from your still beating heart and wear your skin as a glamor. They're basically wooden ecoterrorist vampires for fuck sake.

People only think they're human-like because you can't really see much under all that armor and through that beard and such. Their head is all jaw and teeth with beady little eyes and a pig nose. They're basically blind, they just sense their way around via all that hair. Their beard is a sensory organ, like antennae. Watch'em sometime; every time they stoop down to "look at something" you'll see them brush their beard against it. I'm pretty sure they mostly eat things whole like a snake and regurgitate the bones.

>Halflings and Gnomes
Abominations, spawn of bestiality with goats and the like. Look at their eyes, you'll see their square pupils. They'll eat anything, food, garbage, filth; they're not above cannibalism either. They're not even a true race, they're larval satyr.

Don't even get me started on orcs.

No. It's popular for a reason: it's good.

Why the hateboner for Dark Souls? It sounds like you never could manage to git gud or something.

Wow, you repeated the same garbage 'argument' as everyone else has on this website for the past 5-6 years as to why fantasy races are 'bad'.

Will you grow from this experience?
Will you find a solution?
Has this opened your eyes in any way?
Do you expect your thread to change others viewpoints?
Do you expect your thread to be productive or helpful?

The answer to all of the above is no. You didn't do it to be productive, or to solve anything. Nothing about your thread has any value. everybody has heard it before. You're a shitposter. Stop it.

>They see a drow? They are going to kill it.
I don't know, I think at least a few of them would want to fuck it instead.

>Do you expect your thread to be productive or helpful?
No, but have a bump nonetheless. Oh and we made other threads of the same type.

I've mostly axed halflings. I've found it difficult to meaningfully incorporate them into anything, and since I usually include Goblins and Kobolds, their niche as small, sneaky guys is gone.
Elves and Dwarves have enough to work with to make them shine if you put a bit of elbow grease into them. I usually have Gnomes as a dwarven subspecies.
I also tend to have humans less variable. They tend to fall into predictable patterns of biting off more than they can chew, outlasting things and playing the long game, and a cultural center around strong faith and maximal jewing of everyone else.

Just curious, why does Dark Souls make you less able to play a non-human? As far as I know, Dark Souls is a game where you run around as a human fighter and hit things with your greatsword after you dodge roll their attacks.

>I hate elves. They are so generic. I'm gonna make alien insect race that have bushido culture. I'm so original.

You sound fun to play with.