Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg(...) 10/05/17(Thu)08:58:

Phone-posting edition

>Warhammer Community news (check it daily and YOU might know what's what in today's Warhammer)

>Daily Duncan Playlist (Update the link before you paste, or I will take a chisel to your face)
youtube.com/watch?v=dZuL0oVeBfw&list=PLEaPE4sLDA7ucJ0dkiVZSW6ghZUNGFHIW&index=1 [Open]

>GW FAQs (1.1):

>FW FAQs (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Adeptus Mechanicus codex (thank you Vladimir)

Other urls found in this thread:



my dudes > your dudes

your dudes < my dudes

my dudes > my dudes

Missed new bread.

Build 5 Skitarii, buy another Plasma Caliver for fully WYSIWIG army once the last armless Skitarii is equipped.
Convert spare Dominus into a worthy Magos Reductor second for my primary Magos.
Build a Neutronager, probably with some magnets.

Strip another SC box, some Rangers and six Kataphrons to repaint them.
Paint those, 5 Infiltrators, a Kastelan Maniple, the new SC box, another 10 Vanguard a Knight, 20 Electropriests and some cyber-occularis.

Convert Marauder Destroyer and custom Magos Genetor.

Basically I need to buy a load of new hobby supplies and conversion parts before I can really get started. Out of primer and have no electric toothbrush to strip the paint off the Katas and Skittles without breaking them.


Is that tupperware?

my dudes = your dudes > their dudes

>>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)
What happened to the chart?

That list better have 3 non-relic heavy supports

WAAC is a meme you spout when you refuse to better yourself and can't challenge others to do the same.

Well it's no IG, and according to everybody here that means it can't possibly win any tournament. Because IG are that broken. So that makes it very fair and balanced actually.

I think so. Not a terrible way to make some lo quality LOS blockers, actually.

Nevermind, I see the thunderfires

Our dudes > GW's dudes

No refunds!

Looks like three thunderfire cannons.

This should probably go into the OP as well

all your dudes = my dudes


How is that being a dick, since he gives you an advantage ?
You can even justify it narratively if you want, as his army being some underdogs outnumbered by your forces and making a last stand.

Could a reasonably converted magos pass for a Dark Mehanicus guy with the rules of a Chaos Sorcerer? I want to build a Spearhead with 1 predator, 1 units of obliterators and a third unit to decide and give to my DG warptime for when I use an heavy termy list.
Alternatively, a batallion and I put the cultists in this one as troops.

>No Grav Weapons
>3 Thunderfire cannons
>lots of Dreadnoughts in a fluffy IH army
Looks fine to me mate.

WTF am I looking at?

but my dudes are shit because i lack creativity

Your dudes are definitely better than my dudes

He's playing at an obvious disadvantadge, which means he wants me to win so that he can call me a WAACfag for beating him. Unacceptable!

>playing Grey Knights
Just joking. I liked them back in third-fourth edition, when they were still in that Daemonhunters codex. The one with those cool optional rules for fighting possessed armies and such.

And then, Ward made a new one... but I'll forgive him, because Jokaeros.

What cockshit list is this?

I've got a soft reee active for this many relic 30k iron hands dreadnoughts when they lost basically all of them in the dropsite massacre.

Oh ho no new relics in 10k years?

Reminding everyone who has a shooty heavy list. You're boring to play against and your friends resent you.

No CP and dies REAL FAST to meltas

Looks cool. Almost makes me jealous of marine players.

why next OP is cancer and shit?

you have quads, you you must be right

Cause it dont exist bitch-ass

Eh, I'm a Gary Stu and proud of it.
Most of our lore is shit, but I just like the whole "SPHESS KNIGHT GHOSTBUSTERS" thing, so I just ignore the annoying shit like Draigo.
Eh, the models look cool, its a Dreadnought IHs army, and he isnt spamming Grav. I'd play against it.
Agreed, its more fun to use all phases of the game when playing.
The only exception are B I K E S

Shitty meme took it's place.

I mean, I don't think they make new contemptors or leviathans, right?

I always figure iron hands are castaferrum/predator spammers.

How viable is armored IG now? No infantry screens allowed.

No, because then he would be a warpsmith not a sorcerer.

>No infantry screens allowed
Why? Do you even IG?

>tfw my dudes are crimson consuls
Guess you're right

Do Your Dudes ever interact with Your Mate's Dudes?
I have a good friend who plays Nurgle, so we decided to write in each other's armies into our backstories.
Darkmech met up with his Vectorium to trade cloning techniques for preservative bioforms (hence the mould effect on my Knight's hoses - presumably it secretes something important) and fought together for a few years.
Then things went a bit wrong. The Death Guard forced the Genetors into a bloody retreat in the skies above Agripinaa's outposts over looting rights, and eventually forced the Genetors to develop techniques for resisting warp plagues in particular since their constructs were especially vulnerable. The use of fallen Khornates as servitor fodder worked, but enraged the more secular Magi in the fleet council due to not wanting to fuck too much with the Warp. Now there's two fleets, one sitting back in their Forge System base and building mental new equipment and one out raiding Loyalist Mech for slightly more salubrious superweapons.

I want to field Cultists and/or Tzaangors with my Thousand Sons but I don't like the generic chaos look of the former and the bird demon look of the latter.

Any reasonably priced alternatives for more Egyptian-y choices?

For DE, do multiple hits from phantasm nades from different units stack on a single target?

Example, if 2 units of kabalite hit a squad of guardsmen with phantasm nades, does it reduces it's leadership more?

Actually what is the deal with the loss of 30k vehicle production abilities? Was it a result of all the civil war on mars/other forge worlds? Was there basically no armored vehicle production during the heresy?

I don't play anyone with enough regularity for this to be a thing but I love the concept.

Get Egyptian slaves, make them white and make your sorcerers dark skinned.

You mean like.. butt stuff?

> x3 Tyrannofexes with fleshborer hives

Would those 60 shots per turn be considered as "enough dakka" ? I just want a good reason to scratch-build giant walking hives as cool center pieces.

Which Death Guard company do you think I should do for my dudes?

4th = all dudes have the 'life eater virus' which is a gestalt daemon hivemind that guides them.

5th= guys who specialized in daemon engines like bloat drones and plagueburst crawlers

1st = Typhus' guys, likes poxwalkers.

Kek, that'd be hilarious. But seriously.

>hitting on 4s
>doesnt even get to reroll 1s to wound or to hit
Do you even Tervigon+Devigaunts, bro?

The forgeworlds that made the stuff went missing or dead, some designs were too expensive so they miniaturized it, sometimes the demand outweighed the production process.

So when are you guys gonna switch to Age of Sigmar

12 months ago

I think what's dumbest about Voldus is that for a supposed A-tier psyker, his Smite is weaker than that available to an Ork Weirdboy, rank-and-file Primaris Psyker, or any other "level 1" psyker.


Get Kairic Acolytes from Age of Sigmar.

All of our deamon players play 40k. That's not good advertisement for AoS.

Some are the result of the Mechanicum Schism with some Forge Worlds with unique patterns falling or converting (see Anvillus, with their unique Land Raiders, laser weapons and Dreadclaws) and some of the lost tech is a result of the negotiations during the Binary Succession, where the Admech gained a far more comprehensive guarantee of technological monopoly than they had under the Treaty of Mars in exchange for lending more of their own resources to the now weakened Imperium and accepting some Adeptus Terra/Inquisitorial oversight in the form of the Ordo Machinum.
This means that a lot of those ancient technologies like Volkite, Neutron weapons and a lot of ship equipment and Dreadnought stuff are Admech-only, and they have little use for the latter aside from maintaining existing Relic Dreads.

It's not like reviving an ancient and extremely expensive production line is worthwhile just to make a couple thousand heavy vehicles tops, they already have more than enough for their new role as surgical strike troops rather than full armies in the form of the Legions.

>One army, two games
It's the best feeling.

Kinda? awhile back I had a game of my Deldar vs my friends Orks. Fairly bog standard game but at one point he kinda surrounded my haemunculus with flamers. The Haemy survived like 10 different flamers and ended up giving me the win due to points. I later made a new version of that Haemy that was all burned looking with a large chunk of his face burned off reveling his skull. I also converted some orks in my friends color scheme to be the Haemy's wracks.

I dont like fantasy.
The models are cool, though.
I'd probably choose between Demons, Orks or Sylvaneth

>jack of all trades, master of none
It's the cuck feeling

People love AoS in my store and I've decided on what to finally play so I will join in.

B-but I don't like those silly-looking tyranid guns. I'm using rippers, hormagaunts and genestealers as troops, and a close-quarter flyrant as my HQ.

... I'm not a smart person, am I ?

They stopped using Dreadclaws because their machine spirits are batshit crazy and basically went traitor, while also being prone to possession. Chaos still uses that pattern of Claw

Kings of War was a good game system that had zero model restrictions but you fuckers never even gave it a chance

Could have had something special

Do citizens in the Imperium really have sex?

I mean its supposed that every man has like 5 or more children to maintain the birth/death ratio

But it would be impossible for me to have sex when some xeno race can attack my planet at any moment or some inquisitor can declare the exterminatus

I guess some planets dont know about the existence of other races,but what about planets like Cadia or Armaggedon?
Seriously its impossible to have children there

Sounds gay.

Guardsmen are like gladiators, when they're not dying they're fucking



I repeat.


Prepare for GW to remove all fur from Space Wolves to appease PETA too.

Right now, you are living in a world were you can potentially disapear under nuclear fire at any second. Does this fact stops you from wanting to have sex with someone ?

Buddy, if you knew the sky could metaphorically or literally fall any minute then that's all the more reason to get your freak on.

My Night Lords halve a bitter rivalry with the Angels of Redemption because for a long time at my shop, it was just me and him playing.

It went by unit footprint so you could make nice looking regiments with character

But there are no wolf pelts on Fenris.

>Prepare for GW to remove all fur from Space Wolves to appease PETA too.
Made me chuckle.

60 shots while moving. 120 while stationary. For 3 points more per model, you lose 2 wounds, but gain a point of ballistic skill, and a 12-shot D2 no gets hot plasma cannon.

The choice is clear.

lol gay.

You have at least 3 years bro

Actually having my face and severe autism prevents other people to want sex with me,so thats not a problem

But yeah,it makes me feel uncomfortable all the time

just do the whole legion like get 700 plague marines x 7

>no boob-plate
Why live?

>No infantry screens allowed
Did you not ready the latest Regimental Standard?

This feels like an insane amount of work in advance for some of the things we get.

For dark eldar, is there really no reason to take any weapon on any unit that isn't a dark lance?

youre freaking gay

What did you expect from british people?

Move GW Headquarters to Russia or the Middle East,NOW!

What a fag.

>he doesnt like the cute as fuck Termagant models
Literal shit taste
Deepstrike them and use them for zone control so your opponent cant ambush your CC hordes. Believe me, a unit or two of teleporting Terminators with stormbolters within Rapidfirerange will rip your Stealers a new one
Shit, but decently good at tarpitting.
At least you have some redeeming qualities
You do run a Broodlord with them.....right?
>Flying Hive Tyrant
>Close quarter Hive tyrant
Now THAT is good taste

>... I'm not a smart person, am I ?
Apparently not, faggot.
Git Gud

The math from the codex and plague marines per company puts DG numbers at around 35-40k.

So quite low really.

Remember that time Angron got 50k berserkers out of his ass?

blasters, shardcarbine

They will never use anything that has not a phallic form

>fucked up title
>chart-user replaced by squigs
>no cross-thread
gay op, sage this shit

So with the codex out how do pure Scions look like ? Will they be viable ? How do they compare to Elysians now ?

u about 3-4 threads late.