Now I seen all those cringy applications, seen how dumb dndkiddies can be, but this, this is comedy gold

Now I seen all those cringy applications, seen how dumb dndkiddies can be, but this, this is comedy gold.

Other urls found in this thread:

How did he set a classroom on fire underwater?



IDK, i didn't read it really. The point is, it is completely different system, set in ESTABILISHED SETTING EVERYONE FUCKING KNOWS...
... and some dnd kiddie comes and posts application of completely unrelated character using dnd terms and mechanics. totally oblivious of what the game is aout. And that character is merfolk loli in addition to that.

It's even more funny because I don't check DND listings so I see those funny applications only on Veeky Forums, since they JUST DON'T HAPPEN in more niche, focuse games like this one. Until now.

Merfolk SHOTA, user. And 14 is pushing it, really.

I don't see the problem with this.

Wasn't there in entire chapter of Lord of the Rings devoted to Merfolk Harry Potter?


Are you some kind of retarded redneck?

*blocks your path*

Can you really blame these fools? They've been taught wrong.

I want to see more of this shit.

Someone post the dude who turns black.

>How did he set a classroom on fire underwater?


Fuck you I need those sides for structural support!

>How did he set a classroom on fire underwater?

I have a shitload of bad applications. Gonna post them in a minute.



Now that I look at the applications, most of them weren't actually terrible, just not as good as I wanted. But here's a bonus.

I don't think anyone is teaching people to play as a mini-satan

A Paladin, Cleric, Sun Soul Monk and a sorcerer.

Fuck me, it's bad enough Paladins can be non-lawful, they didn't fuck with Monks did they?

>home schooled so anytime and any day really


As someone who used to work in the public school system, homeschooling is goddamn garbage-tier education in 99/100 cases. This is obviously no exception.

Pretty clearly states that his class would be one of those listed, depending on which role best fits the party.

I get the feeling he just picked everything that sounded like it would be good against vampires, but didn't really put much thought into the details of how that cluster fuck was supposed to work
I don't really have much sample size to go by, but all the homeschool people I've met are a mess. It usually just comes off as the parent's ego trip ruining their child

Probably but I just wanted to shit talk him.

I have honestly only ever met one put together homeschooled guy, and he was from a pretty strict british family and loved to learn so he just learned and learned constantly of his own accord even without his parents help. Dude was also competing in HEMA from the age of like 16-17. Pretty cool guy, wish I hadn't moved to another city.

Psh, alignment restrictions are so old-school grandpa. Do you use THAC0 too?

Nah but seriously, no, there are no alignment restrictions for any class in 5e. At all. The PHB has "suggestions" and says "generally" a lot. Basically, WotC has given up the will to fight against the snowflake.

I don't buy it. The main difference I've seen between the homeschooled and the public-schooled is that homeschooled are usually more intelligent but also less socially-aware.

Not necessarily a bad thing when said "social awareness" turns people into absolute cunts. I can handle a little spergage from somebody who knows his shit. What I can't handle is the public high-school mentality in people who stopped going to high school five years ago.

>As someone who used to work in the public school system
If public school is so great, why aren't you still teaching or whatever?
I'm homeschooled, and I turned out fine. I find the vast majority of public school people are dumb as fuck

>I'm homeschooled, and I turned out fine.
>Veeky Forums

5e has Drow, Tieflings and Dragonborn as options in the PHB. It hasn't given up on fighting the snowflakes, it's actively courting them.

None of us are fine, user. Veeky Forums's a refuge for broken people.

can any one explain why special snow flakes like mere-folk so much?

I'm not sure if they really do like them more than the standard "mysterious bloodline" fodder like dragons and demons

You've clearly had different experiences than me. I was homeschooled, I know a bunch of other homeschooled folks. They're off studying law or medicine and excelling at it. I'm in graduate school with scholarships and a paper in the process of being published.

In fact, statistically, homeschooled students tend to do better academically. The only "issue" is that we don't get put through the enormous social meatgrinder of public schools, so we have decidedly different ideas of acceptable behavior, and we're more likely to have value systems that we've actually learned and thought about, rather than the formless, malleable joke that passes for a worldview of most (not all, mind, but most) young people beginning higher education.

This character concept honestly looks fine. OP is a reeee-ing faggot.

Frankly, I would 1000% rather have anything in this topic than some asshat with his axe-wielding dwarven fighter who spergs constantly about people ruining his "gritty" "tolkien" "fantasy".


Mermaids are cute, user. Don't associate them with snowflakes

The last homeschooled kid I ran into online was a genderfluid fictionkin 14 year old

I mean, the game is advertised as being run using The One Ring, which is, you know, a system that isn't DnD. Applying with a DnD 5e character is just retarded any way you slice it.

And I mean, the campaign concept is a new fellowship is formed. What reason does this fellowship have to keep a 14 year old failed magician around as a PC?

Mini satan could actually be a great character. Imagine if he had an annoying voice and lots of body language, adhd and a weird sense of humor. All while trying to act like an edgy sonic oc. In fact, it would be great.

It sounds kinda dumb butI would ask for more information before turning him down.

>summon burning magnesium.

Just look at all the misplaced punctuation and bad word choice.
>mind body and spirit
>his nightmares attack him in his sleep
>the monks notice that Gabriel's had two shadows, and believes him to be a reincarnation of a powerful soul
>the only time the nightmares go away is when he helps people, and slaying monsters
>He leaves the monastery, to help those in need, and doing things his own way
>He followed voices of a woman calling his name
>and even when he sleeps with woman he hears her name

I feel like I'm reading a rough draft script to an episode of Xavier Renegade Angel.


Eh. It just needs heavy editing. That's the whole reason writers have editors, because most writers are shit at writing. Lemme take a pro-bono crack at it.

Nope. Can't do it. Not unless he pays me.


If someone has to be a furry AND a Nazi for you not to associate with them, maybe raise your standards a little. At least out of "will tolerate furries" territory.

>tfw homeschooled and took some shitty test for a highschool diploma at 14, went into college at 16
>tfw several homeschooled friends of mine did the same

As long as it's not the hardcore christians, hippies, or other parents with extreme views, homeschooling is great.
Meanwhile, the school system's only been getting worse. Fucking common core and shit.

What Nazi Beastiality Book?
I'm really interested what book he is talking about here.

I'm actually half tempted to go and recruit all the edgiest teens I can and run a game that's edgier then Bismuth with them just for fun.

I'm going to play this character sometime.

Were you at least being constructive?

I too am interested I wonder what's in it haha

I would like to read it haha

To be fair, world domination can be a hilarious end goal for a level 1 character who thinks he is hot shit. As long as the player doesn't play it completely straight, and let's the character have actual growth, it can be a very noticeable change, which is both funny and interesting.

Of course, that is probably expecting too much of those players.

Just excessive amounts of body language.

I'm not that user, but I think it might be this book.

And here I was trying to come up with a pun on Mein Kampf.

For a second I thought that said shadows over Eberron. Like someone had made a kickstarter for shadows over Mystra update game.

Yeah, there are some gold nuggets in the homeschool "community".

Met this guy who was awkward due to low social interactions, but a straight up genius. He talked fluently in 4 different languages, and picked up Danish in like half a year because "well you are from Denmark, and I thought it might be fun to learn". Mind, we all lived in London at the time, and despite different nationalities, we all spoke perfect english. He had no reason to do it.

He was just generally a pretty insane guy. Apparently became a professor somewhere, so he had to move far away.

All of his characters were just the most obvious wish fulfillments - High Strength all over the place, and often high charisma whether it made sense or not, always played like some buff Adonis.

I wish people could still learn that meatspace and cyberspace are and should always be separate. Leave your personal hangups at the door and become another faceless digital entity who is what he chooses to be.

Seems like good practice for newbie GMs to me.


I'm irrationally angry every time I see Sins of a Solar Empire because when I first heard the name I thought it was gonna be an exalted-themed Dynasty Warriors / RTS mashup.

The disappointment literally killed me, and I now haunt the internet and sustain my cursed existence with shitposting.

Seems okay. I personally refuse to play with teenagers, but otherwise.

If they are religious home schooled, yeah. There are some secular home schooled kids who are usually very well educated.

>Of course, that is probably expecting too much of those players.

>>Mein kampfy chair?
>>Kampfy in fur?
(I don't know how to add umlauts to text)

There are no ümläüts in Mein Kampf.

I'd smash that pussy if you catch my drift. *wink wink nudge nudge*

>ITT: mocking obvious beginners
never change, Veeky Forums, never change.

You know how many Kung Fu movies there are about wandering, lazy ass monks who fuck around and beat up people who have a problem with it?

Because, I just described almost every Drunken Master movie starring Simon Yuen.

Those aren't so much "monks" as they are angry homeless martial artists.
Now that I think about it, that describes what most player's monks end up being since most players are probably going to be too lazy to remember that monks are generally supposed to be spiritually driven, adhering to a strict way of life to attain nirvana/inner peace/holy spirit/whatever instead of just hobos who can't afford a weapon. Thus the lawful restriction.

Solar Empire is a really good 4X/RTS, though.

>If public school is so great, why aren't you still teaching or whatever?
Because in the US, teaching is the worst-paying field of any profession that requires a college degree, and now I run a company in an unrelated field and make twice what I was making in a school.

I've worked with probably a dozen home-schooled kids, and the majority of them have parents who see the yearly progress criteria as "suggestions" at best. Typically, the families that pull their kids out for half the school year so they can "travel" (i.e. get an extra four months of vacation) don't actually keep their kids up to speed, so when they return, they're half a year behind their peers, and the next year they follow the same pattern, so their teachers are always having to teach two parallel curricula simultaneously.

> We have purposefully trained him wrong, as a joke

desu teachers on average are underpaid but it also depends on the state you work in.


This is the kind of character I would try to kill in the first session.

Being a nerd, I ran into a lot of home schooled kids at local events. I dated one of them, and honestly thought the home school system worked for her and her sister. Until she started telling me college was a waste of time and you could have an academic career if you just met the right people. Shortly after that I realized that the only information she actually knew were the things she waa interested in. Fine arts and history she was a wiz in. Math, politics, and science were a struggle. Now she's an elitist that thinks she's the smartest and most independent woman that ever lived, while she's living in an apartment that her bf/boss rents for her, next door to the apartment he rents for his other gf.

Her little sister is still pretty awesome though.

Trial by fire

Honestly I probably made some worse shit back when I was into play-by-post freeform forum RP.

In fact, I almost definitely did. Those RPs were also where I picked up most of my fetishes.

Did you press the big "invite to game" button as a response?

Sry, it's not kind to mock but god "aloness", usually teens know the words for being lonely.
Otherwise pretty standard, "muh gonna get my revenge for my parents stuff" with less writing ability

>the killers knew not he was in the closet
Those tricky faggots are at it again.

When I first started looking for Roll20 groups after my IRL group fell apart I saw someone applying to all the same games that I did. He had a changeling bard with multiple personalities, and each one would be a different character, class levels and everything. I don't remember much but I think one was some kind of edgy assassin.

Sins is a great game though, if you like strategy with minimal 4x elements.

The thing is, we've all made cringy characters for freeform rp. But, I like to think, that those experiences helped shape us as roleplayers. Where would I be if I didn't play a half-cat-demon who was a 1500 year-old sorcerer (but looked 15) and apprenticed to the ghost of Merlin who still attended a high school on GaiaOnline? I never would have learned through first-hand experience what NOT to do. But it was there that I fell in love with acting and writing, and I (and probably many of you) would not be the person I am today.

Examples of other applications ?

>How do i decide who to hate more? One is a furry, the other is black...

I had a guy join my group once, he wanted to play a tiefling wizard. My edgelord radar started fucking pinging but he was new so I allowed it. His backstory he game to the players was full of things like burning down his home village & being on the run... he also didn't want to help when bandits attacked the town, he just wanted to run. So he no longer plays with me.

If you need to point to the rulebook in order to fight the snowflake, you are lacking in GM-fu.

>I see those funny applications only on Veeky Forums, since they JUST DON'T HAPPEN in more niche, focuse games like this one.
I see you don't run very many games, and have definitely never run a game that was popular in the 90s.

>it's not kind to mock
Where do you think you are?

>Sry, it's not kind to mock
When did Veeky Forums become fucking Tumblr?

Well, to be fair, it's not like he's shaming you for mocking others, he's just stating it's not a kind thing to do.

>I want to play a Drow!

Okay, just be fully aware that you will most likely be shot on sight and pursued relentlessly.

>I want to play a Tiefling!

That's fine, but don't whine when superstitious villagers run you out of town and innkeepers looking to retain their customers don't let you in.

>I want to play a beast race!

Once again, totally fine, but expect serious issues interacting with most societies.

And in EVERY case you had better have a good backstory or I WILL reject your character as unreasonable.

>rising nazisim
Where do I play this?

Alignment should only restrict when dealing with immortal beings.

There's "obvious beginner" and "Outright refusal to read and spamming people".