
>Warlocks can be good!

Who are you quoting? They're right, anyway.

Technically, should we go off of 5e D&D, warlocks can be good due to having a plethora of entities to sign a pact with.

What system, op?

You already made this thread and you were called out for being wrong then too.

>Warlock literally means oath-breaker/betrayer/devil/liar
>can be good

>OP can be not a fag!

Something I actually did:
>I'm a good necromancer contracted with the Pyschopomp Ushers, the bureaucrats of the afterlife.

My entire purpose was to destroy non-sanctioned undead and ensure that the dead were laid to rest, but in exchange I was allowed to create short lived and temporary undead without the use of mortal souls (via dance of the dead, which is not technically evil as it only creates temporary undead).

This was pathfinder. I was a Dirge Bard VMC Cleric and a LG religious fanatic.

Every nice English, user.

What if the oath they're betraying was to an Evil entity?

Checkm8 modrons

>implying that the devil is evil

We need a new Godwin's Law where you lose the argument the moment you resort to etymology
>You can't say X is a bad film, it was animated so there was no film or filming involved! Retard.

Nigga it don't even mean that in many fantasy games, words are just words and their meaning can change

>Liars can't be good

That's one of those things that's a necessary evil, though.
>You are such a fucking retard, holy shit.
>Gee, thanks, buddy! My best friend is a retard, and he's one of the coolest guys I know, so that's basically a compliment.

Warlock and the idea behind the class do concern me as a choice for a PC. They make a pact (pretty loosely defined in game) with a very extreme third power, which includes some pure evil beings. Their power then stems from this patron, which means ultimately they don't have the final say in their agency, their patron from whom their power comes does. Personal agency is the most important thing for a player character, so having a class which strips a player of it is... concerning.


In most games where warlocks exist, whatever price that needed to be paid is generally already done by the time the pc comes about.
Yes, the GM CAN, and I dare say should, bring up obligations, but that should be a part of the flavor and fun of the class, not used as a way to knock it because the GM can pull your card. Even then, the player character made that choice themselves, you can't say something has been stripped if it was given away willingly.
You don't treat the GM as an enemy, right, user?

It's called "talkign with your player to determine expectations and boundaries" anion. Good Gm's will work with a player to create acceptable situations and problems and good things for their character choices. When both parties have a clear understanding of the plans and expectations and situations that may arise, there will be none of the issues you fear.

This just in, paladins and clerics judged to have too little agency to be player characters. In other news, fighters cautioned against knightly archetype; "Submission to a king limits choices." Druids similarly warned against naturalistic "great cycle" philosophy. Rogues advised to cut ties with criminal kingpins immediately, ditch fence contacts.

In seriousness: how a character responds to and resists bonds placed upon them is a compelling avenue of characterization to explore.

Jesus I want to add this into my game at some point, a huge demonic looking monster who just wants to protect children but a ton of cultists keep using the symbol to call him.

imagine being so salty you LITERALLY CANNOT EVEN comprehend that you're wrong so you make a thread on Veeky Forums asking for attention and validation but everyone calls you out on being a retard

OP needs a safe space

What if your patron is a well meaning but bumbling fey queen? A literal fairy godmother. Eh? You think of that faggot?

You're reading an awful lot into Standard Veeky Forums Bait Thread Model 16.

>Magic users can be good!
Tell that to Satan's cock in HELL, SORCERER

Wait, who is this quote from, OP? Or is it you saying it?

I agree, I find characters with no greater connection to the world to be the least interesting. This "loss of agency" is a great storytelling tool.

\>mfw my last character was a Lawful Good Great Old One warlock

He was a member of a rich family and took up ruin-delving as a hobby, and by sheer accident ended up snagging some artifacts tied to a horrible thing from beyond the stars, who decided (or not, I don't know how these bastards work) to give the new warlock some tentacle powers for incomprehensible reasons.