What do you guys think of squats? Should gee dubya bring them back, or were they just too goofy?
What do you guys think of squats? Should gee dubya bring them back, or were they just too goofy?
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I really don't see why there couldn't be dwarves in space since there's already elves. Also, they brought back GSC and AdMech, so it could even be plausible.
Bring them back as Demiurg. I already headcanon fuck out of Demiurg being squats saved by the Tau or joining them to spite the Imperium for not saving them. Gives Tau another auxiliary race plus a new sort of humie faction. Just make them all wear special fullbody suits so the people that don't like fun don't bitch.
Go squats
They've already been brought back. 6ed, 7ed, and 8ed all mention them
This. I mean, grumpy short space miners in fullbody suits with cool ion tech? Hell, you could even bring back the bikers as "Demiurg Outriders" or something.
He means as a playable army.
I personally loved Squats. I know they were just 40k Space Dwarves, but I loved theme regardless.
But they have brought them back. What more do you need? Nothing will ever be good enough for you...
I unironically think they should have double-billed these guys as Squats. All they'd really have to add would be a few ground vehicles to seal the deal.
I love them, and always have. I have zero issues with goofy, but even then, they could still be done completely seriously with no real issue. I wish they would bring them back so I can use my damn models again.
I suppose they could bring them back as a Tau ally like Kroot. Make them salty at the Imperium for abandoning them to the tyranids or something.
No fuck that. I want my Imperial Dwarfs back. They were fine as they were. Leave the Tau out of it.
They were never really Imperial, though. They were doing their own thing and were only in loose concordance with the Imperium.
>Hurr, they are like super smart and better than mechanicum while being abhumans and the Imperium is like super chill with them. And they ride trycicles, isn't it funny?
Just put short xeno race, remove beards, make their skin rocky.
>Hurr, they are like super smart and better than mechanicum
This isn't hard to do, though. Literally all you need to do is not be retarded and literally worship the things you're building to the point that you call any innovation heresy. The mechanicum sucks.
>and the Imperium is like super chill with them
In Rogue Trader you had mixed human/ork settlements and eldar/human crossbreeds. There's nothing unreasonable about sturdy abhumans fond of drink and industry being acceptable to the Imperium.
>And they ride trycicles, isn't it funny?
What the fuck do you have against tricycles?
Oh, and-
>remove beards,
Eat a thousand dicks.
To me, the name 'Demiurg' implies some relation to the Old Ones, a servant race that handled technology for them- constructing devices, building cities, terraforming worlds, like the Demiurge as the creator of the physical world in Gnostic Theology. Jokaro are to them, as apes are to humans. It would also serve as a reason for the traditional grudges against Orcs and Elves- Krork and Eldar betrayed or failed their masters.
Most left the Galaxy after the fall of the Old Ones, but some remained, for a few brief millennia (as Space Dwarfs measure time), convincing humans they were mutated relations to better observe this new race and guide it according to the Old One's purpose. Now, with the 'Squatting' demiurg wiped out by Tyranids, the clans return to settle grudges, whether newly forged, against the Tyranids and Imperium for destroying/failing to protect their kin, or ancient revenge on the Ork, Eldar and Necrons.
Fantasy had also some models you could convert
Mantic already makes the Forge Fathers, which are basically Space Dwarves. I was thinking of running them as counts as for the new Guard Codex. What do we think /tg?
They could have been done better, much better. They're an abhuman strain with lots of dark ages technology and only part of the imperium in the loosest way.
They look pretty cool to be honest. Just don't forget to put Beer kegs strapped to the Leman Russ.
What does Veeky Forums think of 1d4chan's fandex?
>They were never really Imperial, though. They were doing their own thing and were only in loose concordance with the Imperium.
They were only loose with the Imperium due to being completely cut off from them during the Age of Isolation. As a result they had to make due with what knowledge and resouces they had. They were always considered Imperial allies.
>Just put short xeno race, remove beards, make their skin rocky.
This is bait, but fuck you.
In the old lore, they were capable of grinding the Great Crusade to a screeching hault. Eventually the Emperor decided to ally rather than destroy.
In many ways, AoS is being used as a test bed for 40k stuff.
Didn't GWs confirm they'd never bring them back as an Army?
Only as auxillaries and they are the ones who help the Administratum keep track of every grudge in their grudgekeeper vessel. A heavily defended voidship that reminds the people of the Imperium of every injustice done to them personally to make them fight and work harder for the sole sake of revenge
My friend, where are these models from?
Warhammer 40,000
Marine pauldrons, and arms and torsos. Sculpted heads, converted legs and backpack. Bolt pistols with ammo belts from old plastic orks and barrels from WW2 Germans.
I'm pretty sure they confirmed that we would never see specialist games again but here we are.
Currently unusable
They're making a 8th edition I think. Haven't heard much about its progress.
One of their guys said they hated the concept of the Squats and if they ever did Space Dwarves they'd be Tau-allied Demiurg instead, because Squats are too silly and it needs to be serious.
Screen cap this post. Squats will be released next month under a new name. They won't be midget space bikers any longer, think more like high-tech engineers from high-gravity worlds. Can't say more or the Inquisition will track me down and terminate my employment.
I like that, though I don't really see the point of the tyranid thing and it could be retcon.
It could expand the still relatively barren Old Ones fluff, though I would like it to remain relatively vague as even Demiurg wouldn't recall it perfectly after all this time. We could even treat it as the Old Ones side of history, with some potential bias.
I prefer them as aliens with their own themes rather than yet another human thing.
Any 40k faction should be able to be played both straight and goofy.
Funny thing, to this day are no solid arguments to base their removal from the setting.
>b-but muh serious forty-kay
Come on, now.
The devs at the time said flat out that there was not enough to really differentiate them from other armies in terms of lore or mechanics, on top of them being poor sellers.
What they actually said is that the concept of space dwarves in 40k was extremely badly executed despite a pretty good implementation in Epic and they were pulled because they sucked, not because there is something wrong with the idea of space dwarves. Demiurg were just an attempt to re-introduce the concept of space dwarves that did them better justice.
Also what GW does lore and factionwise is basically on the whim of its creative staff, there is no such thing as "they'll never do X". They'll do exactly whatever the fuck they feel like doing and think they can sell, which is basically anything.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
If they bring Squats back, make them getting "squatted" canon. The Imperium left them out in the cold during their hour of need, and they only barely managed to dodge extinction. Most squats severely distrust the Imperium as a result of their precieved betrayal, and only are part of the Imperium as a direct result of their former obligations, with many Squats outright hostile to Imperial forces.
Squats, as a race, are seperated into two main cultural sects, Elder squats, and Beardling squats. Elders were alive before the tyranids nearly devoured them, and hold staunchly to the old ideals of tradition, honor, and organization. Many Elders were part of the military before the fall, and still hold true to their training or position of office, despite the ruin surrounding them.
Beardlings are young squats who, in the chaos of their upbringing during tyranid invasions, have taken a more "Mad Max" approach to life and hold deep disrespect for the imperium at large. They form gangs of motorheads to hunt down tyranids, and harass newly arrived imperial citizens on their planets. Viscious gangers who would make Necromunda underhivers proud.
Give Squats improvised weaponry, tattered uniforms, scavenged military vehicles, and a "where were you when we needed you" mentality. Make them a sort of post apoc take on their older incarnations, that way they have a more unique niche in the fluff that can be taken "more seriously" by morons who think that space dwarfs are too silly for a setting with face eating fungus-furbies
The necromunda community edition version of the squat stars is the best.
Really captures the feel of what space dwarfs should be.
>they literally made this shite before they gave us a new ork buggy or ghazzy
Fuck games workshop and fuck white people
Would rather the Demiurg have army book instead.
Frankly, I don't want them to redo ghazzy.
His model is fine as is. He doesn't need to be remade into a two foot "mini" with rockets for teeth and choppas coming oit of his asshole.
>no solid arguments
they didn't sell well
I like Dwarfs, so I think they should bring them back.
Make them low unit count but powerful.
Make them very durable but expensive (to field).
Make them use artillery to even odds and/or krump scary targets.
>But they are just low unit count guard
Squats would be low unit count, durable, strong individually and have piss poor movement but have artillery to make up for that and help deal with hordes.
They were removed due to creative difficulties, not sales.
That has literally never stopped an army from being in the game, nor has it stopped niche armies from getting new miniatures, most specific space marine chapters, space wolves, dark angels etc are less collected than the least popular xenos armies.
I really like this, and it makes me sad that this will never be canon and receive plastic kits.
Nah. Dwarves are dumb and squats especially were Mary Sue as fuck.
>I want squats to not only be better than the Imperium and the Admech, but I want them to be better at scraptech than Orks!
This is why dorfwankers are so insufferable.
>better than the Imperium and the Admech
>what are Interex
>what are dark ages
>what are virtually every other xenos faction at their prime
>>what are Interex
>>what are dark ages
>>what are virtually every other xenos faction at their prime
Long gone
So, following this logic, squats ought to stay dead.
Doesn't even need to be in their prime. Tau have better tech than Imperium & Necrons are better than anyone else there.
>w-why would they need to be b-better?
>i-it's not like others weren't formerly much better thus we can have a faction outside their golden age like them?
There's so many other places that they can explore in sphess. The ghoul stars, hrud, the entire western expanse, whatever the nids are running away from...
I do think they need to be done "right," in that they cannot just be space dwarves with no distinguishing characteristics.
Hell the blueberry crusade even gives them a reason to come out of their vaults.
I would say their flavor should be traps and cover and mobile fortifications. Like instead of the goofy ass thomas the tank engine war machine, have a bunch of voltron vehicles that can gattai into fortifications where needed. Basically, instead of building fortresses, they bring their fortress to you, while having forward scouts who do recon and delay ops so that the forts are ideally set up and ready before anybody can interdict them.
>nicer place to live than the Imperium despite being best on all sides by enemies
>more devoted to the Imperium to the point Commissars aren't even allowed to execute squats despite being isolated for millennia
>better at tech than the cult formed at the equivalent of the ruins of silicon valley despite being a backwater
And now you want them to do the Mad Max aesthetic better than Orks despite Orks being literally programmed for that and nothing else.
Do you see why people are calling them special snowflakes?
>I would say their flavor should be traps
I for one would be perfectly fine with cute, femboi midgets that are always naturally at blowjob height
But dwarf femininity is still pretty goddamn masculine
A dwarf trap would just have a shorter beard.
>Trikes with multi-melta
>Eggshaped terminators
>Land Trains
>Termite tunnelers
>Overlord airships
Instead have some vagina headed animu army add on and a giant fuck you to fantasy players
They were too goofy AND should come back.
>nicer place
You speaking Tau? Places in the Imperium range from constantly attacked like Cadia to well defended like Ultramar.
>more devoted
They're part of the Imperium in the most nominal of ways. Even the AdMech had to submit but these guys are allowed even more them because of their agreement. They can just as easily branch away.
>better at tech than AdMech
You're talking about the Tau right? The AdMech ain't the best at technology, in fact they're pretty shit all things considered . The Squats instead managed to maintain a lot of technology from the DAoT due to their isolation and were forced to develop tons of new things just to survive.
Now this is a race I can get behind.
tolkein pls go
back to your grave
They're cool and all.. But like I think they should bring a completely new alien race in. Increase the diversity of the xenos. Direct xenos, not human like creatures.
Its retarded and they have always been retarded.
Grognards just like them because Muh beards and Muh bikers
>not abhumans
They actually fit well in the fluff, unlike Space Undead or magic animu race sales pitch.
I think the Demiurge are a step in the right direction, and could use so much more love.
Also, am I the only one who likes to imagine the Tau as this uber-idealistic guys, and all their allies (kroot, etc) being like "sure, grand good, whatever. Are you using this system?"
The difference is the Tau aren't humans or in the Imperium whereas the Squats are just every single faction in the Imperium except better.
They're even better at pointlessly dying than the SoBs
They are barely Imperium. They came from an era where Space Marines crossbred with Eldar. They're an abhuman strain which just happens to preserve most of their dark age tech.
you could still play/set them up rules wise as imperial demiurg or something. fluff wise Demiurg are set up into various brotherhoods and only some of these brotherhoods have outright joined the Tau Empire
That's generally what one does with traps. Gets their behind.
>whereas the Squats are just every single faction in the Imperium except better.
They're T4 guard with bikes, terminators and terminator captains.
Yiffs are unfortunately popular. Low selling xenos are at the bottom, and should be grateful for continued existence
I wonder how different the Elder squat nobles and engineers would be. They had a nice power struggle going on in the old books.
>look at me, I'm projecting!
Stop inserting your horrible fetishes everywhere.
>>I want squats to not only be better than the Imperium and the Admech
As was already clearly established, and as you failed to refute, the Imperium and Admech fucking suck at technology.
>I want them to be better at scraptech than Orks!
"Real" scavenging vs. Orky psychic magic MacGyvering. A significant difference. No one said "better" in the first place anyway.
Here's your pic
>tfw Squats made it into AoS before you did
I think Warpath has Forge Fathers.
I'd say the same to you dorfwankers, but I know you'll never stop
They don't just want them because they're dwarfs.
Farewell to Arms
Looks like a stompa, desu
If we put a skirt on it.