How would you create a fantasy setting based on japan without samurai?
How would you create a fantasy setting based on japan without samurai?
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The same way you create a western fantasy setting without knights.
By using China? By not adding samurai? Seriously, this shit is not fucking difficult.
Use the warrior class that existed before samurai were a thing?
Make it a modern day setting but with magic
>western fantasy
>imagine cowboys, outlaws and gunmen fighting creatures from Native American mythologies
Focus on Shintoism and weird animal gods?
By not using samurai. If you desperately want a martial tradition in your fantasy Japan, maybe look at things like the Sōhei instead?
Shinto stuff
Regular armies and warriors
Japan has loads of history outside of samurai you dumbass
You make it fantasy modern Japan. No samurai. A self-defence force, zaibatsu, yakuza, westerners, all at a Renaissance/Three Musketeers/Sengoku Jidai level of development.
Japan antiquity was super weird with wooden armor, bronze mutant hallberd thingies and witch shaman queens. Just add tons of black magic and youkais into the thing. You can even have ainus and do princess monoke. Really it is super easy.
Smash this into the reversified modern Japan stuff.
Ancient, arcane government on top of a clock-punk society. Leave out the civil servants who cosplay as warriors.
Reversified modern japan doesn't make any sense and is actually completed retarded. I'm a litteral expert on japanese modern history with a diploma and it activates my autistic reeeeeeing honestly.
Shh, you'll ruin my product launch
What're you doing with your degree at the moment, user?
I'm literally studying the exact thing, and am currently doing my Honours. I'm not really worried about job opportunities generally, since I have plenty of opportunities in my area, but I'd love to actually use my degree to lecture or tutor if I could.
A nation of wokou pirates preying over not!Asia with their towered ships and guns?
Hunters of magic pearls fighting the countless sea creatures of japanese mythology?
Wandering priests fighting evil, helped by friendly yokay and ainu barbarians?
Realistic samurai which have ninja techniques, use rocket-launcher guns and go raze Korea like pirates?
A nation opressed by not!mongol foreigners fighting the system like if it was "japanpunk" with lots of inspiration from Samurai Champloo? "They can abolish the samurai, but they can't abolish the Code."
A small high-fantasy draconic empire forbidding technological development suddenly forced to adjust to a steampunk world knocking on their doors?
Kinda weird to make a setting without one of the main thematic appeals, but it can be done.
I'm taking another master. There is litterally no work in Belgium. I'll try to apply for a doctorate in eastern europe or Asia and then try to get work there but I'll surely end up working as a cashier with my useless diplomas.
Right, yeah, I get that feeling too. The prospects aren't atrocious in Australia, but the amount of emphasis we put on European history here is astounding, considering how rooted we are in the Asia Pacific now.
Thanks man, hope it works out.
Play up the Yokai? Say the Yokai overran the populace and ousted the Emperor prior to the Minamoto victory and prevented the full establishment of the warrior class into the Samurai and now the country is in thrall to demons.
>controversy incoming
Under attack from an unstoppable air-force because the wokou pirates pissed off the wrong people.
Set it in the Taisho Era and have soldiers traversing Magic Russia.
Or make an urban fantasy that is Every Japanese LN Ever.
Set it in a period before of the rise of the Samurai.
WW2-era japan with monsters being based on propaganda posters.
I have a diploma in political science and international relations with an heavy emphasis on asia. The ony field with work would be being a litteral ultra jew for lobbies in Bruxelles. I prefer to die than do that. If those fucking spanish pussies could start their second civil war at least I'd have a job and maybe a glorious death.
>What is Boot Hill, Deadlands, etc
Set it in a period after the fall of the samurai.
>Native America Mythology
I've read Native American Mythology and dear Lord is it garbage. Not only is it boring, they don't understand the fundamentals of a story, such as conflict and resolution. Also even if the stories have a theme, they aren't good at materializing it.
Nothing is good beside the wendigo honestly.
>based on japan
>using china
It's like pokemon except all of the pokemon are sushi. They have varying effects, skills, temperaments, abilities, spells, roles, etc. based on their composition. Some are made of very rare ingredients, others need a master sushi chef to be competently created, otherwise you end up with a mangled failed creation, who acts as vengeful undead often do in other campaigns. Spicy tuna may be a DPS attacker, while avocado is more of a tank, and perhaps cucumber is a caster. They can be dismantled and fused, as well, to make supersushi, but if the process fails they become warcraft-style sushi abominations.
Golden Kamui does a pretty good job of being semi-fantastic what with all its weird super animals and shit. Just add some extra elements on it.
Thats a weird way to spell Skinwalker.
Natives didn't tell stories to sell books.
Shinto priest stuff. Some of the real life ceremonies get weird.
Weaving sacred ropes and purifying paper, then going off on terrifying mystical adventures in the forest to gift them to an unknowable and possibly gay nature being who just happens to be a big ass tree because he feels like being a tree at this particular moment.
Sacred dances that can only be practiced if you are purified and not seen by mere mortals. Which means you have to fuck off to the mountain alone. You gotta make sure you have sacred sakaki branches with you in case you need to the purification ritual because you fucked up while practicing.
Drinking a cup of sacred sake in a ceremony to bless new born children with the parents (one for the mother, one for the father, one for the kid). But the entire village had a baby boom, so you end up having one hell of a test of endurance to bless them all without screwing up because it's bad luck for the entire family. Which can only be mediated if you do more purification ceremonies and doing the ritual again with the same family.
>Taisho soldiers vs Russia
So bascially this?
>that was a weird concept for a lewd VN, even for Japan's standards
Be a bunch of peasants and artisans who are going on a pilgrimage to sacred Ise. You gotta make sure you don't robbed by bandits on the way, have your papers in order, sightsee and buy souvenirs and of course pray at Ise on behalf of your family/village/guild.
By using lots of Ashigaru.
Wandering band of actors, trying to avoid getting arrested and run out of town by the authorities.
Make sure the peasants pay you for performing.
Your main actor got himself killed by his jealous homosexual samurai lover, you got to find a replace amongst your troupe.
One of the actress/whores stole the money, you gotta track her down and punish her severely but first you need to get permission from the Government to kill her.
A potential recruit tries to join, it turns out he might not be entirely legit... or even human, time to call in the cheapest priest you can find to drive it away
Just make an explanation in your setting's history as to why the elite warrior class of the samurai wasn't instated in the first place.
Stick it way out in the boonies. There are samurai, but none have been seen around these parts since your great grandpa was a wee lad.
set it in the meiji era
Samurai can use literally any weapon. Now you just got gun samurai.
>he doesn't like the bakbakwalanooksiwae
My elves are inspired by the Jomon period.
He meant being samurai is illegal, it had nothing to do with guns
>I've read Native American Mythology
...all of it?
How embarrassing would it be for tyrion to get beaten by Queek Headtaker?