This is not ok!

This is not ok!

Other urls found in this thread:


more like incancerated teens

is that a comment on the specific games in there or the idea of giving kids in juvie something to play? I don't see a problem with either.

So, you don't want to share your hobby with teens who A) need help and B) could end up loving those games? Give me an address and I'll send 100$ in games right now.

Honestly seems like a good idea. I wonder if there are more organised efforts to do this kind of thing. I'm sure games companies would be willing to donate product, for PR reasons if nothing else.

I took the image from here in case any one is curious:

>I'm sure games companies would be willing to donate product, for PR reasons if nothing else.

What if these criminals are violent skinheads or child molesters.
Bad PR!

These are "incarcerated teens", though. Probably means they're inner city, fatherless rejects who can barely read, let alone understand the rules of a strategy board game.

One of the options is Love Letter. Basically anyone can understand that.

They should give them a DND module about dungeon escape or something

What's wrong with Hanabi?

>be teen that's made a lot of bad decisions in his life
>Have no dad, no sense of right or wrong, no sense of empathy or compassion
>Only things you've ever perceived as fun are harmful to yourself or others
>Bored out of your mind in juvie. All around you are guards and wardens who have convinced you that you need to make a change in your life
>Start changing how you do things. You're going to start doing your own time, and stay out of trouble
>Start reading books on mythology and basic self help. You look for recommended reading in the index of every book. Your mind is gradually expanding, yet you still seek something more
>One day, a councilor brings a box of board games in the rec room
>Everyone talks about how gay it is for a minute, before realzing there's nothing else to do
>Pull out a copy of Ticket to Ride and start reading through the rules
>For a split second, you come to the realization that this is something you'd rather do with your spare time than act like a nigger

No fuck that; if you're stuck in a cube for 16 hours a day you shouldn't have fuck all except study materials and, at most, recreational reading.

7 months in med hold and I had enough time to become literate in a foreign language, in no small part because the two options are study and stare at the wall.

A kid in juvie doesn't need to waste his time playing Settlers of Catan.

>Print out a copy of Gangrape
>Leave it in the box

Alternatively, dice heavy games.
See how far contraband gets before the guards take it away.

Cards Against Humanity should be a good start for them teens.

Dude they're already in prison, what kind of sick fuck would give them nothing but Hanabi and Puerto Rico? I'm sure there's something in the law about unusual and pointless cruelty.

All the more reason to play and develop those skills.

I agree this is cruel and unusual punishment.

Damn. Somebody loves stereotypes.

stereotypes exist for a reason.

You might be on the wrong board pal.

>Reforms life while playing boardgames as a hobby
>get released from juvie and integrate into society.
>discover LGS and local groups that like to get together some nights to play some boardgames
>after a while, play one particularly intense game of catan
>you are at that table you unintentionally piss off the ex-con
>reverts to old habits and stabs you
Gee, thanks box of game donations...

I agree.
Give them Magic cards, they'll spend all their money on that instead of drugs.

I agree OP. Former juvenile corrections child care worker here, board games will cause nothing but problems. If parts don't get flat out lost, they will be stolen. Kids will get accused of cheating, leading to altercations. And there will be some that just flat out destroy components simply so others can't play these games.
If you're that dead set on doing this type of charity, you'd do better trying to put together an outreach program to teach and run pen and paper games with these kids. Or better yet, donate rulebooks for simple systems with minimal components.

>Ambigous one-line, barely Veeky Forums-relevant post
This is not ok!

Yeah for idiots to use as mental models

or statistics, cultural studies, and social profiling

obviously ACLU of New York

You know what you're right. The inner city kids who are there because of a lack of a father figure, gang violence, lack of a care in education, and positive attitudes towards criminal behavior just need a little pathfinder in their lives to turn them into the surgeons, engineers, and KANGZ they are.

For someone whos calling someone else an idiot I have a very, and I mean VERY, high suspicion that you've never once looked at any sort of FBI/other government crime statistic have you?


>people are bad so we shouldn't do anything about it

yeah, how about a pre-emptive fuck off?

Nice goalpost moving. Now it's about 'doing things about it' rather than discussing the relevance of stereotyping.

Nice, from cute idea to shitposting in 5 posts. Some sort of record for the nu-Veeky Forums surely.

>muh trailerpark racism is correct guis!

yeah definitely going with fuck off on this.

>San Juan
>Cards against Humanity (?)
>Love Letter
These are pretty fucking tame games that rarely lead to animosity and/or violence, though.
If someone donated Diplomacy, though, then all bets are off.

>through the power of saving the imaginary princess and slaying an imaginary dragon I learned how to overco-
>book hits them in the face as a bunch of animals laugh at him in the classroom

You "do anything about it" by not being a touchy faggot like you and admitting that they ARE fatherless rejects for the most part for starters. That case of cognitive dissonance seems like it'll turn terminal soon if you don't stop being so fucking suicidal in your attempts to dig your own grave, dipshit.

> This scared of getting stabbed over Catan
Can you get more autistic?

>hurr hurr animals
>race war now

goosestep back to your containment board shithead

>donate copy of 'game of life'
>17 year old violent rapist hangs himself when he realises he can't understand a game for 9 year olds

I'm in OP

>over 50% of violent crime
>done by less than 7% of the population
>that have a less than 25% chance of being in a household with a father

Oh no. It's retarded.

what the fuck are you talking about? He didn't say shit about race war.

>students who attack their teachers
>not animals

You're the one who applied race to my post you dumbass. Until you're going to admit that there are bigger problems to be solved in those communities that seem to cultivate such individuals you're just looking like more and more of a hypocrite. And a stupid one at that, seeing as you apparently think D&D can cure it.

>race war now
Just stop. Close the thread, go to sleep, and forget this thread ever existed. Please, you're making yourself look like a moron when you're just tired.

Better to give them bibles to be honest senpai

No I normally am not scared of getting stabbed over a game of catan. But you can bet your ass I will be when I get stabbed by a guy who I only knew casually at a game store and find out he spent most of his life incarcerated from stabbing. Shit I would probably get so paranoid I'd run a background check on anyone before I let them in my games ever again.

what language did you learn, user-kun?

manchild mad he's not getting the games

I'd donate copies of this game just to be funny

Playing Monopoly with a convicted criminal is like walking through Detroit at night and openly counting cash.

Give paranoia to them

Why not start doing that now, you cowardly little bitch?

Actually almost the thing i'm doing atm.

Trying to bring the boardgame hobby towards troubeled youth that live away from their parents and to teach them some people skills and the ability to use their own free time.
Maybe even bring them to TTRPGs and kickstart their imagination again. with traveller, not DnD if that matters to anybody

So far we have played "my dwarves fly" and had some good fun out of it, do you guys know any good games that are rather simple and don't have long breaks between action phases?

forgot pic.

If they're already doing criminal shit as a teen then they have no hope of redemption. Better off sending them a box of anthrax.

Yeah guys, prisoners aren't real people. They don't deserve happiness like everyone else. Forcing them to be productive at all hours of the day certainly won't have any negative reprocussions on their social development or anything.

buddy, I've been around juvie kids and they aren't getting better. They are the kind of people who will stab you because you "looked at them wrong" (read as no one was paying attention to them at the time). Thats not an exaggeration btw thats what an old friend got carted away for.

You sure showed him with your logic and evidence. Good on you, sport.

>giving any lawbreaker anything other than a rope and a stool

>implying any person who has ever been incarcerated is anything other than pure irredeemable evil
>implying that being caught with weed shouldn't be met with summary execution
>implying that people ever get into jail wrongly
>implying that anyone ever deserves a second chance
>implying people shouldn't be shot on sight the moment they jaywalk or run a stop sign
>implying corruption or flaws within the criminal justice system
>implying that corrections officers aren't perfect avatars of heavenly justice empowered by God

Well this whole thread is a perfect example of why we've got trouble with our justice system.

I'd donate my CAH set because at this point I'd trust actual inmates to make better use of it then all my PC friends

Court Worker here, this this this. You fucking normies have no clue about the criminal tides that the police hold back. Criminal scum deserve no mercy

>NEETs and /pol/ strawmaning
>booty blasted libcucks

Man i need some fuckin popcorn

>Forcing them to be productive at all hours of the day certainly won't have any negative reprocussions on their social development or anything.
That's pretty much what's happened to me, and I wasn't a criminal.
You know, learning is not a bad thing

>my PC friends
You need better life priorities.

And yet here you are on Veeky Forums.


oh gee you wouldnt be stereotyping idiots now would you?


Instead of talking shit, try refuting what user posted.
Even better, add to the thread by staying on topic, you massive fucking pussy.
As far as the OP, I'd say that it's a valiant effort, however it will most likely end badly