What is the best way of nurturing undying loyalty?

What is the best way of nurturing undying loyalty?



probably the poster boy for undying loyalty is the bond betweeb man and dog
stories abound of dogs following their master to all places
and should their master die, they often guard their bodies or wait for them to return, day in day out until they themeselves die
in turn, masters are known to risk life and limb or fight to the death for their dog

this sort of thing happens between people as well, prefering death to letting their comrades down

this sort of thing happens when people build mutual trust and respect for one another


Kindness, mutual gain, proximity, mutual enemies, a combination of several of these factors.

Generosity, consideration, loyalty of your own, allowing them to live up to a gentle expectation of virtue.

You can't reach everyone, but this will reach most people.

First you kill them then you make the zombie.

Being able to relate to someone in a way that is extremely uncommon given a certain environment.

For example, if everyone around you REALLY HATES the color purple, to the extent where they want to eliminate anything purple from existence, but you happen to meet someone who loves the color purple as much as you do, and you both enthuse over purple and how you are no longer so alone, and have a montage about all of the purple fun you have together until "they" arrive and threaten your peace, both of you will suddenly devote your lives to the idea of purple, and to each other for the sake of your mutually rare beauty. There has to be a history, an interest and a profoundness, otherwise it is "just another".

It's true that you can be loyal anyways, but undyingly so? It requires more than just principles. That person has to be a part of or share an ideal vision, or so great an influence in your life that they are a part of you.

Balancing mutual respect with confident authority. A ruler must be strong and stoic, but understanding enough to actually care for his subjects.

A good example would be the Atreides military/court under Leto I.

Thrallheard + Lots of diplomacy and suggestion uses in the right manner. Never use Dominate.


Germanic tribes, Greeks, and Romans were right.

Being the only source of, and only person capable of making, the highly addictive potion of health and longevity that they're all hooked on is usually a good starting point...

R-really user? Is this really the place for such a mystery?
Is the Veeky Forums crowd really the best place to acquire the wisdom of the sages?
T-this guy, I just dying here!
As you want to nurture undying loyalty, not generate it, show it in kind. Consider any decision first as affects them and their desires, just as they do for you.

Religious indoctrination from birth, coupled with secretly dosing the subject with highly addictive narcotics until they begin to associate your presence with a lack of craving.

That sounds like another vote for buttsex.


This. Give and take.

Be awesome to them w/oh letting them walk all over you

>the bond between man and dog
So, food. You're saying "feed people to gain their undying loyalty".

I'm sorry, dog lovers, but that is quite literally the reason your dog loves you so much. Because you kee it fed.

I think you mean cats

Dogs will love you even if you both have nothing to eat.
A cat will fuck right off permanently.

If you're better than their actual ruler why wouldnt they follow you?

You can't. People choose to love, to follow, to trust. All you can do is be worthy of it.

>this sort of thing happens when people build mutual trust and respect for one another

Wish i could find that both in game and outside it, most of my friends wouldn't lift a finger to save me while i would die for them.

No Mohammad, dogs and humans have a symbiotic relationship.
The dog and human both look after each other and way back when you used to have to hunt, the dog helped.
They are also great at detecting undesirables, which is why you shitskins don't like dogs.

What? No. Dogs feel the same level of attachment as humans do, perhaps moreso. Dogs love humans for two reasons:

1. Pack loyalty is one of the strongest survival strategies of the wolf, their ancestor.
2. Dogs have been selectively bred over tens of thousands of years to instinctively recognize and bond with humans. Dogs are unique among animals in that they have instincts specifically for interacting with humans.


Either virtue and camaraderie or by starting a tight-knit cult that isolates it's members away from society and fostering utmost dependence. Probably the latter moreso than the former and I do not take any comfort in that.

>You can't.
Proven untrue through history.

This desu senpai. Which is why it's not surprising at all that shitskins treat dogs like vermin and are more likely to kill them than keep them. Fucking subhumans.

t. hank hill