>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android: >Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations mega.nz/#F!bF0ExS4D!_XaMECn0K9HiJKUFSopJLA
>My theory is that beta males are generally more receptive to homosexual thoughts and "gender theory" bullshit because betas, being passive followers, are more likely to see themselves as the woman in any relationship--even if they are not attracted to men they see themselves as the subordinate partner. >This explains many nerd fetishes and preferences, for example the way nerd fiction idolizes powerful women (i.e. men with breasts) even though reality gives very few examples of powerful women, and certainly not physically powerful. (Women themselves do not fantasize about having physical power.) This fetish is produced by the infantile regression that nerds undergo during or near adolescence, and they rarely grow out of it. >Beta males look to symbols of female power and assertiveness because: >a) they see themselves as half-woman and these fantasies empower them, and >b) a strong woman can protect them much as their mother did.
Brody Hughes
Girls keep moving, this is a Boys only neighborhood!
Eli Bell
The only question is, if Gabriel and Macha had a daughter, when would she become a space marine
Connor Cook
Maybe this explains why you're so stupid.
Bentley Wilson
Dylan Carter
Please stop user, can't we actually talk about Warhammer 40k in the fucking 40k general?
Charles Wright
Well user you have failed.
Bentley James
Best Primarch reporting in.
David Perez
Only male eldar-human hybrids can become Ultramarines.
Jaxson Cooper
That I'm not mad at fictional stories being 100% true to life? If it proves anything, is that I'm not a full blown autist.
Nathan Morris
>not understanding that in the grimdark future of space marine enhancment females would undergo mastectomies because there is no reason for mammary glands on indoctrinated superhuman killing machines created only for war
Please for the love of god stop. I don't fucking care about either side of this shit, can we just talk about 40k
Isaac Allen
This edition is now lewd edition
Caleb Ross
Fucking fuck fuckedy Fuck. That Webm is literally the worst thing that has happened in the last 3 threads
Alexander Hill
Austin James
It's always lewd edition
Carter Rivera
>implying a giant pair of jugs couldn't be used as a pair of heavy weapon mounts.
Zachary Cruz
Carter Collins
Thread Topic: What army do you play? What are you working on? How was your day?
Oliver Reyes
>All female space marines would be transgenderss
Damn, this just keeps getting better! Soon, we shall have the most perfect bait the world has ever seen!
Luke Wood
Jace Davis
Be the change you want to see in the world, faggot.
Christian Garcia
>Black Templars >Painting a crusader squad >Shitty, I got fucking drenched commuting today
Andrew Harris
Colton Martinez
>Tyranids >Tyranids >Tyranids
Robert Cooper
Why bring down a wall when you can walk right through the gates?
Isaiah Johnson
>Have a small Necron army >Struggling to decide whether to buy Orks or Imperial Guard >Alright day, it was a boring 12 hours
Tyler Gonzalez
>renegade guard >rogue psykers and a chimara >meh all things considered
Samuel Baker
I'm cool with GW adding more chicks, chicks are cool, especially badass ones. I just wish they would call it something other than adding more "female representation" just because that's lingo for "adding things we don't give a fuck about because other people say we should".
But if they remove the boobplate on SoB I'll riot. Not even into that shit usually, it's just too important to their themes and aesthetic for it to go away I feel. Though if Greyfax is their idea of no boobplate then sure, nothing to worry about, don't give a fuck, gimme new SoB.
Nicholas Young
That is perfection.
Jace Jenkins
>Blood Angels >Bolters and arms for a tactical squad >Its not going awful but i am sad because i walked by this place that's up for sale that i keep thinking of buying and opening up a hobby shop in.
Hunter Sanchez
>What army? Nids
>What are you working on? This malanthrope. It looks really bad ass, with all the greeblies all over. I didnt realise there's people trying to push their way out of those toxin sacs till I was painting it
>How was your day? I just started my work day, i hate my job and can't wait to retire so I can do whatever I want all day. I dont understand people who like working and have no other life besides their 9 to 5
James Ward
No! Not while GW is flirting with the vile idea of updating some old kits!
What do think 40k is, some kind of game?
Ethan Scott
Owen Hall
Eldar a-are NOT for lewding!
Landon Anderson
There. This is what people were trying to say last thread. Female guard is cool, sisters updates would be fantastic. But don't compromise the sororitas aesthetic in order to be "inclusive"
Jaxson Gray
>Updating old kits to be PC trash
Luis Bell
Because the door can shut behind you. ;)
Robert Rivera
Don't compromise the guard aesthetic in order to be "inclusive".
That's some fucking solid work there user. I like the green Female guardsmen exist in canon
Logan Miller
where the fuck are all the AM leaks
Charles Barnes
you're right, eldar are for purging and exterminating, the worthless scum that they are
Matthew Howard
What part of guard aesthetic is exclusively male?
Dylan Morgan
I originally viewed this program with some friends in high school, following that scene a young man among us couldn't handle it and was forced to flee the room to masturbate.
Anyway for the sake of actually talking about 40k again: Perturabo did nothing wrong
Lincoln Martin
For fucks sake there aren't any. Every goddamn thread Just let it go, don't derail the thread again
Matthew Hughes
Too late, the timeline's already changing!
Samuel Phillips
Being soldiers.
Isaac Williams
By the Emperor you're right! I need to volunteer at the nearest IG recruitment center quick or it's a mandatory flogging!
Owen Miller
>What army do you play? Craftworld elfdar Implying I can afford the models
>What are you working on? Getting my life back on track
>How was your day? So and so, could've been better but I've lost too much sleep recently so I'm not at my best. Thanks for asking user!
Carter Russell
What are you talking about? The PC games they've made are way better than the console ones.
Ethan Diaz
So what actually happened regarding the Konor campaign?
Zachary Smith
Imperium won.
Connor Powell
>Perturabo did nothing wrong I mean if you don't consider artistically shrieking that your legion isn't the best while not actually trying to make them the best as wrong than yeah he did nothing wrong.
Julian Powell
>actually wanting to be a loyalist
But user, being a heretic is fucking great!
Ian Butler
he means "political correctness" the usual right wing boogeyman
Christopher Turner
Imperium won.
Dylan Carter
I got that, but what did it actually do.
Evan Kelly
So I haven't been on in a few hours but I'm guessing you finally got someone to latch on to that Facebook post? I am also shocked a company didn't say "go fuck yourself" on a public forum to a small but growing minority of their market share even if that's what they were thinking
Jayden Perry
My first minis come in the mail tomorrow. I have some Death Guard stuff from one of the box sets and some tools that I got on eBay and Amazon, respectively. So today's been an exercise in patience.
Logan Moore
>These threads tonight
Jose Green
Lincoln Allen
Funny thing, there are plenty of female soldiers even in the present day. We didn't even need to wait 38k years for female guard to happen, they're already here!
Brody Carter
Way to miss the joke dumbass.
Anthony Davis
Nothing. I'll be amazed if Konor is ever mentioned again
Daniel Price
>"We got smashed, crushed, defeated. No victory, the other one. Konor is lost."
Alpha Legion it is. Would people care if I run dreads instead of Helbrutes? Kinda want to make my Alpha as less chaos as possible.
Asher Ward
>Funny thing, there are plenty of female soldiers even in the present day.
No, there's just women pretending.
Luis Moore
They blew up Mortarion's not!Death Star with a cyclonic torpedo and he was butthurt about it.
Owen Carter
Legitimate kek
John Cook
Nah, there are women who do the exact same stuff as their colleagues in military jobs
Leo Nguyen
>laughing at facebook memes
Oh dear.
Jason Green
he didn't miss the joke he really just wanted the dopamine rush from typing "right wing boogeyman"
Brayden Thompson
It's almost a shame images of Mortarion got leaked in advance. I liked that reveal.
Andrew Moore
god i wish that were me
Owen Nguyen
>Ad Mech is the main >About to strip and repaint 5k of Dark Angels >Day was busy arguing with sales reps that don't know their industry
Jaxon Scott
They better be Contemptor Dreds
Thomas Rodriguez
female skitarii when
Xavier Price
I'm sure there's plenty welfare queen desk jockies of both sexes. Only male soldiers though.
Kevin Mitchell
There probably are plenty but you cant tell because of robotics
Jeremiah Martin
Stop feeding him (You)'s
Jesus, you already won, GW is making your femgaurd models regardless of how he feels about it. Just stop responding and let them be salty about it.
Henry Lewis
RIP that plague marine.
John Turner
There very much are female soldiers I don't see what you seek to accomplish with this b8, one (you) per post isn't that great You gotta go for the gold, kiddo
Bentley Bailey
There might be a few women that manages to get through training without breaking down crying but they dont belong there
Kevin Jackson
Right. So, nothing? Great. Thanks.
Hudson Brown
which one?
Henry Wood
>laughing at facebook memes Yeah but I didn't post Facebook memes on Veeky Forums, so...
Isaac Allen
>Female guardsmen exist in canon This is true, but see my next point.
If you say "exclusively", none, because 40k is a big enough universe to hold all kinds of weirdness, and on frontier worlds it makes sense to have females trained in the PDF, but the Guard is going to be "compromised" by having their aesthetic diluted if GW push plastic guardswomen in the fluff over the classic male soldiers in order to sell boxes, or even worse, have a certain amount of female soldiers in new IG boxes. That would please nobody but bits resellers. The point is that if people want to represent the in-fluff female guard in their armies, more power to them, and it's great if 3rd party companies enable this, but while GW hasn't updated many iconic planets of the guard to have new models, let alone plastic, it absolutely reeks of opportunist gender ideology and/or thoughtless fetishism to push a fringe part of the fluff without regard to preserving the tone of the setting.
Nicholas Parker
Remember - love can bloom on the battlefield.
Evan Scott
>There very much are female soldiers
No, that's incorrect, we've been over this.
Daniel Cruz
tfw no qt servitor gf with a big meltaguns
Samuel Young
>GW is making your femgaurd models What are the details of this?
Anthony Morgan
Been gone since 6th edition and I'm looking to get back into the hobby.
I'm starting to get my head around the new rules but I'm still out of the loop How are Mechanicus this edition? The models are cool but are they any good on the table? I like them and SoB basically the same so will probably just go with the one who sucks the least.
Nolan Howard
Originally I figured I want to just be blue boy and fuck the brown & red imp silly but the thought of being the imp who goes around molesting forestgoing shotas isn't half bad either