What do you think this hobby will look like in, say, 10 years?
What do you think this hobby will look like in, say, 10 years?
Even worse
Fragmented. Smaller games with smaller fanbases. Dnd will be less of a "common ground".
There'll be an app that allows people to play with a VR gamemat wherever they want and a feature where you roll dice by shaking your phone. Also customizable avatars and shit.
Probably a little bit smaller.
D&D 7e and MtG composes 90% or more of the industry.
Dnd is actually much less of a behmoth than 10 years ago
there will be no hobbies anymore due trump's ww3
Civilization as we know it won't even exist in ten years.
Indistinguishable from video games. In a good way.
>What do you think this hobby will look like in, say, 10 years?
Roll for gender.
Finally, a use for my D30.
>The amount of e-celebs and mainstream tabletop related shows (i.e. Geek and Sundry Critical Role©) will make D&D more mainstream.
>Hasbro will decide to bump the D&D team from '12 dudes making this game for brand recognition' to a reboot so it'll be easier for people to get into.
>D&D 6e will release, it'll probably be either ok or shit.
>It'll piss off more D&D fans, it'll be another 4e marketing failure.
>Paizo will make Pathfinder 2.0 based off of 5e to sell to the players who are jumping ship.
>his hobby isn't working in a Trumpian death camp
LOL. . . . .
A lot of things will change, except MTG.
MTG will continue to rake in cash until the end of time.
Wouldn't eight bears be a 16/16?
They're all 1/1 manlet bears.
I don't think it'll be much different. Possibly more mainstream, with more systems being released as a result. More/better tools for online play. We'll have moved on from OSR to next big trend, whatever that is.
>D&D 6e will release, it'll probably be either ok or shit.
>It'll piss off more D&D fans, it'll be another 4e marketing failure.
I'm worried about that. They have to do something different from 5e, but 5e has been so popular because it's so middle of the road. So realistically, what we'll get is either
>5e but lighter
>D&D: OSR Edition (The least likely of the 3)
>Something fucking stupid, or at least radically different in a way that alienates fans
The only reason they'd make a 6e is if they reached a tipping point where some base-line capacity would need to change in a way where they can't just add or introduce some a variant option, and unlike with 4e and 3.X and 2e, that issue is very unlikely to be oversaturation. They're being very careful not to suffocate themselves this time around.
>grey Knight super ultra sicarimasters can now take a dreadnought riding a dreadlights riding a land raider riding a warhound riding an emperor-class titan using two overlords as skates
the future is fucking rad, bros
I think 5e will have a long lifespan, possibly even more than a decade, who knows. But someday, someone is going to think, "Hey you know what would make us a fuckload of money? A new D&D edition!"
Another option I hadn't thought of would be to keep supporting 5e, but put out a new game along side it. That would make an OSR style game (some kind of 1e/5e hybrid) more likely. It could also be a really light narrative-focused game, or even 4.5e
5e might last a long time simply because it's slow to release additional that isn't UA.
I agree, but a long time isn't the same as forever and I'm skeptical it'll have anything like AD&D's lifespan.
>DnD6e will be 50/50 virtual dm content/ player-side map and character tracking
>Stats will be point buy, mod only progression with increasing costs
>Proficiencies and skills will be retained and built upon same as stats
>Adv/Dis will disappear in favor of a cinematic point-based tracker like apoc. world or l4d in order to sustain sandbox suspense
>Your online campaign folder gets dm guild add-ons "hand picked" for your game
Hopefully dead. They care about the financial side way too much. Want the economy to crash and to just watch the shit-show.
Hey, I have one of those too!
The card, not the pile of dosh
Identical but with more options to make everything look worse to nostalgiafaggots.
Also MTG will have been discontinued for five years, improving the community by doing away with most of the tourneyfag problem
What hobby? Shitposting?
Shitposting never changes.
Tabletop will be more commonly augmented with computer processing. Calculations and some amount of generation and presentation will be done with apps of varying depth, often packaged with games. Some will be simple buttons, others with drag and drop options, and still others will provide minor scripting capability to the GM or players. AR will trump VR for Veeky Forums stuff because it'll be much more accessible and provide an experience closer to the roots of tabletop gaming.
The D&D cinematic universe or whatever it will be called with be two main series entries and two side story spinoff entries in, having entered theaters ten months prior.
From the other side of the mirror, some vidya rpgs will have (d)evolved to much more closely resemble their roots, blurring the lines even more.
Everything's fine
It hurts to live
A hell of a lot angrier and a hell of a lot less welcoming.
It won't happen in 10 years, but tabletop RPGs and virtual games are destined to be merged. I imagine something along the lines of a CS:GO equivalent for things like MTG and DnD--only it will be based on new "sets" (DLC/updates), pack prices will fluctuate depending upon how "valuable" the set is determined to be/what kind of chase cards/items it contains, etc. Sort of like Pokemon Online. There will be a louder call for it in the future, perhaps with the next generation, as interest in maintaining a virtual identity becomes greater and greater.
Virtual reality offers a level of optimization and customization that can be, in and of itself, a game. Hell, a developer could even go so far as to sell virtual paints or designs for figurines; customized backings or art for cards. Of course, some sort of incentive has to be granted to make you want to play and get good at the game. Perhaps the introduction of antes or playing for money would be a good method. The ability to bet of games as a spectator and the like.
Lots of money to be made in the market, granted those developers who would undertake such a project are willing to invest time and quality into it.
Don't think true tabletop and traditional card games will ever perish though. There will ALWAYS be an audience for it.
Id rather be at war with NK than Russsia
In 10 years, I'd expect stuff like augmented reality gear that lets you change the appearance of miniatures on the fly.
At-will, encounter, and daily powers will rule supreme.
Too many different branches of "this hobby"
this. the hobby will be further split apart along GNS lines.
even today i read people write here about pbta or delve into the depths of character building in D&D and i feel like they're pursuing a different hobby.
>a feature where you roll dice by shaking your phone
Predicting it; we won't have phones as bulky hand held devices in 10 years.
There will be Splatbooks for each of 196 Genders and how to accommodate them in your game.
> Roll for gender.
You mean, flip a coin.
> Predicting it; we won't have phones as bulky hand held devices in 10 years.
Actually, we will, they just won't be bulky thanks to advances in holography and flexible screens.
Daddy Disney will see what happened to marvel and ban sjw content in wizards.
Wizards drive magic and Dnd into the ground as retaliation.
They both continue to sell well off brand alone, but not as well as before.
Fantasy flight makes bank.
Plastic Sisters are coming out next month! I heard from this guy at GW who is totally legit!
what's pbta
10 years from now someone will post pro-skub in a thread and a pile of anti-skub shitposters will chime in, resulting in 300+ posts of ad hominem attacks
Probably about the same as it does now. It's not like much has changed in the last decade.
Maybe my group will actually run a session by then
Video and tablet gaming will only grew, so as 3d printers.
In 10 years most of Veeky Forums will die, or switch to collectable minis/cards/books.
powered by the apocalypse, newfriend. apocalypse world, dungeon world, etc.
The Exalted 3e splat for Dragon Blooded will finally be out
>Races have become nothing more than aesthetic options, because implying there are innate differences between "races", with some being intrinsically better than others at certain things is "problematic"
>Gender options are no longer "male" and "female", every TTRPG that wants to be taken seriously has at least seven different gender options
>Greyhawk, Faerûn and other such settings have been replaced by less "problematic" counterparts where all rulers are either some shade of brown, homosexual, female, transgendered or any combination of the aforementioned four
>The alignment system has been entirely refluffed, to the point where "lawful" means "conforming to old, outdated, patriarchal societal demands" and "chaos" means "being open to new ideas"
>Paladin are now Chaotic Good, and champions of social justice
>Demons are also no longer a thing now, because the idea of a "race" that's always evil is also "problematic"
You forgot the most important one
>All deities who are opposed to gay marriage are evil
>suggesting there will be dieties at all
Same except more people will Play on the internets and vr willl Play into IT. TGs are extreamly conserwatiwe hobbys that dont like change
It won't exist.
What this makes me want to do is create a setting purely to trigger SJWs.
>Catholocism is objectively the one true religion
>One God, but clerics and paladin can devote themselves to saints with respective domains
>Homosexuality, fornication, polyamorous relationships, transgenderism etc. are objectively evil and often associated with pagan cults
>The entire 'goal' of the campaign is to commit genocide on objectively evil lesser races and resettle their lands with humans (who all happen to be white)
>There are evil humans who follow not!Islam, they're treated as potentially righteous individuals led astray by deception
What can I add to this for maximal triggering potential?
We allredy have that, varg made a setting that usługi more or lessthis but IT is abslutly shit. If you want to.go for Maxim triggering just remake the crunch so its playeble, if you want to get rod of sjws stop giving them do.much attention
>Homosexuality, fornication, polyamorous relationships, transgenderism etc. are objectively evil
This is reality though.
The same as it's always been, but the grogs will whine about a new boogeyman and people might fight about something other than 3.PF.
Ebin! Have an upboat XD
>if you want to get rod of sjws stop giving them do.much attention
I am flabbergasted at how retarded your suggestion is when you can clearly see that every place that ignored them has become a breeding ground for them.
>Japanese games still full of tiddies
>every comic publisher other than the big two full of sex and ultraviolence
>almost every Netflix original has episodes dedicated to satirizing pc culture
>literally every non-entertainment product remains unchanged
But yeah, tell me how the evil sjws are oppressing you by pressuring industries to make more than zero black characters and have less than every female character display cleavage.
Agonising. Much like today
>American Colleges are full of SJWs
>Western games repeatedly pandering to PC culture
>Star Trek went full SJW
>Star Wars went full SJW
>Democrats in the US full on the faux-progressives train
>Brits have an actual commie party that endorses Venezuela and NK
>germany clamping down on ''hatespeech'' aka criticism of immigration
No seriously what the fuck are you even going on about?
>every comic publisher other than the big two full of sex and ultraviolence
Please name them.
>literally every non-entertainment product remains unchanged
So basically you are trying to rephrase ALL ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA PANDERS TO SJWS. Which is correct.
Cant tell if retarded or just Doublethink.
this is already a thing with TTS
AI development and sexdolls engineering will make 'the hobby' very ankward to talk about in public.
Why do you lie like this? What even is the point? Do you think anyone will believe you? Might as well go around telling people the sky is green.
Anger increases exponentially with time and population
>Thinking that's targeting SJWs
You're just pissing off normal people. To target SJWs You have to make the most progressive system you can think of and just wait for them to find some minor flaw in it and decide to hate it for all time.
>You're just pissing off normal people.
Yeah... normal people.
You fucking racist piece of shit. Fuck white people and fuck Donald Drumpf.
>Star Trek went full SJW
See, I don't understand this. Star Trek was always socially progressive. They had the first interracial kiss on television for gods sake.
Walk away user, this is a bait thread. You'll find nothing but shitposts and autistic rage here
Imagine obese tranny taking selfie with with pre-painted miniatures and proprietary dice.
A CS:GO ranking system might work with MTG, with cases or packs containing cards, but it'll never work for DnD. The latter is too story-focused/character-driven in terms of it's possibilities.
>Splatbooks for each of 196 Genders and how to accommodate them in your game.
isn't that one of the better things?
Relocating all the gender stuff into splatbooks, so that if you want you can just use those you want, instead of all of them being pushed onto you?
And making gender stuff either leads to the company getting dosh-money from the people that buy them (giving more money for other products) or will lead them to abandon them if the sales prove to be too low, inadvertently showing that pandering to them is not needed
D&D 6e online Subscription model
Most of us probably wont be alive, World war 3 looms ever closer. But at best scavengers will find an old box or two out and try to play to pass the time.
Bigot, there are more than 30 genders
Because it has nothing to do with anything being shoved down anyone's throat and everything to do with "People who aren't like me exist and being reminded of that makes me monumentally upset even if it doesn't affect my life at all."
This, they're already slowly realizing how much money they can make off just offering 'DLC' races and class options, though right now it's for charities. I'm pretty sure D&D 6e is going to be kickstarted with ridiculous $ amounts to get your own custom subclass or something.
Oh, and superhero TTGs will be more popular with how much marvel/DC is churning out movies. Weebs even have BNHA.
I'm surprised it took half the thread before the /pol/tards showed up in force.
That's like saying that people playing vastly different video games, are pursuing different hobbies.
Role Playing Games are infinitely broad thing, that's just obvious.
If GWs doesn't fuck things up they can continue riding the wave they started with 8e (and they might just be able to do it as well (big maybe though). That or they do something terribly, utterly stupid.
I really only have my toes dipped into MtG and I don't really discuss DnD outside of my friend group so I can't say much about them.
So the joke right now is that you described Faux-Progressives, yes?
It's sad to see someone born without the capability to understand irony
You realize when you respond to criticism with "But they're worse!" you're tacitly acknowledging that the criticism is accurate, yes?
well in 10 years the middle class will have collapsed and it'll be oligarchs ruling over peasants so I'm guessing it'll be back to checkers and chess for the most part
People are debating Marxism and Nationalism in the mainstream right now but the future will really be technocracy where Silicon Valley runs the country like a business, everything is automated including police and military, and children's school curriculum will be replaced with 17 hour a day lessons on how to program
What a shitty future
>allowing fallible and inefficient humans to write code
You frosties are hilarious!
every major gaming publication will have gender, racial, and lgbt identity politics shoehorned into it. the generation growing up with this right now will think this is perfectly normal and if you question or criticize this in any way you will be labeled as /pol/ or a neo-nazi.
we're already half way there
Just replaced stats
All current stats are ableist. New stats will be
Virtue (used for the signaling skill.)
So how are your online games going?
>You realize when you respond to criticism with "But they're worse!"
Its like you no reading comprehension whatsoever.
>you're tacitly acknowledging that the criticism is accurate, yes?
Does that mean that you are acknowledging that they are the two sides of the same coin and that without the PC-Bullshit getting crammed into everything there would be no pushback?
Why do /pol/tards have to constantly talk about identity politics outside of /pol/?
It will be full of trans liberal faggots
They already did that with 4e.
>if you have an opinion on a politically ideology that is being shoehorned into the hobby we are here to discuss you must be /pol/