How would one go about incorporating X-Cards into their rpg sessions? Could use some advice
How would one go about incorporating X-Cards into their rpg sessions? Could use some advice
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what the fuck is an x card
Play with people who you know well enough so you don't need this shit
A magical device that lets you completely shut down anything you don't like in a game without even TALKING about it like some kind of SAVAGE
After all, anyone who does something you dislike is wrong and you shouldn't need to tell them why
No. Stop.
What? Like if you're losing a fight you just stop playing or something?
More seriously, it's something that was invented for convention games as a way for unfamiliar players to say they're uncomfortable with a topic that comes up in a game without having to go into too many details. Unfortunately, it became associated with SJW nonsense because I think it was included as part of the rules in some of their "Games".
One of the examples on the document was 'Uncertainty'.
Actually, wait, the document is still up and appears to have gone though some updates. The examples are on page 16.
Off your ban already?
So this is a troll thread created by somebody who is a baby about a logical precaution for this transitionary period for humanity and expansionary disposition of many role-playing games
Oh yeah, I forgot it was this bad.
"Common triggers include... performance... reading aloud"
Note that "Explosions", "Gunfire" and "Loud Noises" aren't listed.
If you can't handle mauture themes and issues like an adult, don't play.
>Unfortunately, it became associated with SJW nonsense
I cannot, for the life of me, even begin to imagine why.
I don't get why you'd even include themes that could make people uncomfortable in a convention game. Unless it's like a horror game.
If someone uses an x-card, their character loses a level for changing history.
>pointing out sexism is the same as anti-vidya bullshit right guis
>get back to the kitchen hurr hurr women aren't people
Read the list of common shit. Running a game that excludes even a third of that, and running a game period are mutually exclusive
Yeah nah, that's tumblrinos that'd never go there, not normal people.
Whale or virgin knight?
They DO go there, though, and they DO try to force others to cater to them.
>I can't understand the world outside of muh stereotypes
ok bro
>feeling the need to point out 'sexism' in video games
>not being able to take 'kitchen' jokes if one were thrown out in or out of a monitor
If you didn't feel the need to point and screech about soggy knees all the time, maybe you wouldn't fit the glove. Stereotypes exist for a reason.
Bait thread, sage and ignore.
>sees the user as pointing and screeching
Mothafucka didn't even use all caps or exclamation points. You wanna go back to your safe space?
It was obvious hyperbole when there was an apparent need to reply with intentional typos and strawmen to the original post.
Do you wanna go back up a few posts, read out the string, then close the thread and try to remove your idiotic posts from memory?
Can you x their x? Once they run out can I talk about anything I want and they have to listen? Or is it just faggoty bullshit?