/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General

Group Hug Edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question: If you came across a big bag of money, what deck(s) would you like to build?

Other urls found in this thread:


First for infinite combos are fine

Second for Doubling Season is not fine.

>inb4 someone claims that walkers are broken

>If you came across a big bag of money, what deck(s) would you like to build?

99 guru islands my man

I would just buy a bunch of expensive and busted cards like tutors, seal, cradle, mana crypt and dual lands.

>>If you came across a big bag of money, what deck(s) would you like to build?

Something with this guy in the mix

Combos are more acceptable if the deck can still function without them

challenge: build a deck where every card starts with the same letter

what do you build?

I like the cut of your gib, user.

Walkers? Fine. Walkers with DS out? Absolutely not fine. Instant ult on basically every one ever made is fucking dumb.

id buy a bunch of expensive modern/legacy staples instead and build a few decks with those and THEN use leftovers to build an edh deck on the side

also id get a bunch of swag cards like foil basics, promos, waifus

I would invest and start a retirement fund. I mean I would build grixis storm.

>play some 1v1 with my Talrand
>opponents quit as soon as they see I'm on Talrand

Love it

Probably monocolor since you're allowed only 1 type of basic land by choosing a commander with P- I- S- M- F- at the start of their name. Black seems promising since you have Sidisi, Sheoldred and Skittles to choose from.

don't forget wastes

>Commander: Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker
>50-ish Shadowborn Apostles
>Shadowborn Demon
>39-ish Swamps
Idk that's all I can think of pick another 6

is mairsil also why fat investors gobbled up morphling?

Sol Ring and Swords of Whatever for some more slots taken up.

Lorthos, the Tidemaker or Stitcher Geralf for a fun blue deck focused on big stompy things?

There is literally 0 colorless legends that start with w-

I'd probably like to build something 5-colour with a good manabase (duals et all)

I use him in my erebos goodstuff/devotion deck

I play Oloro

Am I a faggot?

What do you think of Conspiracies being part of the 99? Which would be the most fun/broken?

You wouldn't be able to play them, they start in the command zone not in the 99

what noncreature do you want to play as commander?

Bojuka Bog

We're getting threatened now?

Without a doubt

Doubling Season

I'd put it in the bank and save/invest it.

But for a EDH answer I'd probably build Big Black with Erebos at the helm and Gisa/Geralf Zombies. Titania is also enticing but even with a fat wad of cash I'd have trouble buying shit like Azusa and Crucible of Worlds

>If you came across a big bag of money, what deck(s) would you like to build?
I'd go for one of every color combination.
I think it'd be fun to have a pile of all the relevant conspiracies, and have each player randomly pick one for the game. Could be an interesting spin like planechase.

Gideon Jura, maybe. Or Corpse Dance

Alright, fuck it. I'm dropping my Hapatra deck and building pic related

What are the essentials, lads?

A pillow to cry on because you won't win anything.

Is tappedout the best place to find semi-competitive multiplayer lists for subpar commanders?

Demigod of revenge is pretty cute because you can play mogis on 4 mana, then next turn play demigod swing for 12!

>Tap all lands and rocks for at least 13 mana
>Cast pic related
>Use remaining mana to cast Mogis

That's pretty much how you should expect to win most games.

>can only win by casting banned spells
k user

They banned that? Fuck. I honestly never knew. Better go tweak my Mogis deck and say sorry to some friends.

>What are the essentials, lads?
It's essential that you pick a better commander. How do you drop Hapatra for this piece of shit and not The Scorpion God?

I have yet to play my Hapatra deck, am I being too hasty?

Im looking to build a new deck, and I want something fun, and different than what I got now
Skullbriar- mostly reanimator
Marath- Zoo
Mizzix- still mostly precon, but looking for storm/spellslinger

They banned it explicitly because you can float mana and cast your commander. If they'd had the foresight to empty your mana pool when it resolved, make it end the turn, or prevent players from casting spells, it would be fine.

>if they had had

fuck the english language

Then why would you bother playing it if you get memed by your opponents haste creature after you worldfire

did you read the card?

>empty hand only top deck
>no lands
>casting a 1 mana 1/1 with haste somehow

Could he enter as a Sol ring? As an Enchantment?

>tfw you commit so hard to a gimmick you even play the fuckawful Portal versions

The lizard god of course

Any nonland permanent. It says so on the fucking card.


At best, you could do a turn two kill with Zurgo Bellstriker by topdecking a land or two.

Nice worldfire faggot check out this topdeck

Because most people don't have 1 mana 1/1s with haste, or even a whole lot of 1 mana creatures in general. The idea is supposed to be that you, the Worldfire player, have built your deck in such a way that you'll have a better chance of drawing a cheap creature to kill everyone with. A Worldfire player should unironically include Memnite in their deck.

Is hapatra something I can build around on a budget, or do I need some entry level money to make a deck worth playing?
I'm trying to break out of my typical colors

Hapatra is fun user. Embrace the snakes.

Why does this guy draw so much hate?

If he would truly embrace the snakes, he'd play Kaseto.

Kek is a symbol of hate and racism


I personally like Hapatra more. Kaseto has a tendency to turn into a poison deck and that is not something you should be pursuing since it draws a lot of hate and is generally seen as less fun. Hapatra can do the same, but works with Wither as well. There's just more you can do with her.

Unless you just want to go full snake tribal, then Kaseto is the way to go.

Effects that make it harder for opponents to gain life or keep piles of expendable tokens around will greatly improve the impact of his effect on the game.

Basically play a good amount of sweepers and removal and effectst that further tax the life total or prevent life gain.

I need to cut 8 cards from my nath elf tribal, anyone mind helping me out?

>Thread Question: If you came across a big bag of money, what deck(s) would you like to build?

I already build decks without any monetary restrictions, if I found a big bag of money all I'd do is foil even more cards

Any spicy (budget) tech for this fine gentleman?
So far the deck has been received as fun but I'm 0 for 2.

I can't help but hate you

So I'm building Talrand as someone new to EDH. Any obvious tips for him other then a lot of cheap effective Instants and Sorcery's?

I'm missing replenish, demonic tutor and land tax as my three last foil cards to finish foiling my fourth fully foiled EDH deck.

You a need a new, more expensive, hobby!

Furnace of Rath always spices things up.

Love that card and those with similar effects.
Gonna build mogis "sophie's choice" at some point with shit like that

Things that help things with Flying lik Favorable Winds. Things that activate on creature ETB, like Blasting Station.

Things like caged sun and tribal buffs help your drakes hit harder

As long as you're not that White-Bordered guy, it's all fine.

Is it not a problem that you can't put anything like Dual Lands, Lake of the Dead, Mind Over Matter, etc. in your decks?

I do have a couple of decks that I don't play duals in for this reason, but usually I just foil stuff that can be foiled and leave in cards like Moat, Forcefield, Dual lands etc.
I posted some screenshots of my decks in the last thread.

Sol Ring.

I have 50$ in store credit, any spicy secret tech for Cadbury top deck gaylovers of meletis or for Mizzix?

Landfall stuff for gaylords, Primal Amulet and Swarm Intelligence for Mizzix

Any buyback spell obviously, but the new flip card is pretty cool, and pic related.

Vedalken Orrery
for both of them

gaylovers are into some kinky shit

Most extra turn cards exile themselves for this exact reason. Swapping Time Warp for Temporal Mastery or Awaken the Waterfall isn't crazy. As for who gets to choose, that's the whole point of gentlemen's agreements, y'all get to. Usually, I take the card out if I win with an infinite, because it wasn't fun to win that way.

Also, if your playgroup has over 20 people, it isn't a regular playgroup. A regular playgroup means consistently playing the same people.

My playgroup is 20 people too and I disagree.

Even with 20 people we are still consistently playing the same people, it's those 20 people and rarely anyone outside that group.

There is no way any sort of gentlemen's agreement is going to happen between twenty people. Unless you play more than once a week, you aren't gonna frequently play against the same people (that's 5 fucking pods) without deliberately trying to (in which casebook your playgroup isn't 20, it is whoever you actually care to play with).

Yeah our playgroup essentially plays every day of the week, although usually 3-6 people at the time

It is frustrating to hear you combo players play dumb. You don't need to evaluate mechanically what style of combos are fair game and what aren't. You just trust the people you play with, yourself included.

I could sit here and argue the difference between Kikki-Pestering every game vs. Body Doubling someone else's Reveliark. I truly believe there is one philosophically. But that doesn't matter. The way you determine it is the feelings at the table.

Does it not play out more that there are multiple playgroups based on people's schedule? (I.e the Tuesday group, the Saturday group).

By the way, when I said it is easy to agree on these things in a regular playgroup, I meant playing the same people each time. As in, the same people. Each time. I frequently play games with people in my playgroup and people who aren't in my playgroup, but those are inherently different because I don't consistently play against the last guy.

What is your most Vorthos build?

Nope, there are some that show up more often than others, but we don't have strict preset pods, that seems like it would get repetetive and boring really quick

Here's my WIP Tromokratis deck. Any thoughts, suggestions, recommendations?


I play with the same three people every week. If one can't make it or something, I'll play with some other frequent EDH player from the shop, but who I don't consider part of my playgroup. Two of my friends have only one or two decks. Only me and the last friend have the 8 or so.

It doesn't get boring. And this is getting into the debate over deckbuilding styles, social glue, etc. If a deck is samey, it likely won't last because both the owner and the players will be sick of it. Also, this is the exact sort of thing where long games are a plus, as they tend to lead to novel scenarios.

Also, I want to emphasize that I didn't mean strict pods, I just meant people naturally gravitate to the people they play with the most (since they likely enjoy each other's company more).

In a group of twenty people, I can't imagine not having half dozen people who I'd prefer to play with over others.

Because you switch from "Lol guys I'm just ramping what's the problem?" to infinite combos without much warning, and barely any board state. Plus he's a 6/6 Deathtouch and that's scary to new people.

On the other hand, you can safely scoop to Leyline of the Void most times, if you haven't kept a hand with enchantment removal.

He's amazing in a reanimator deck, but otherwise, unless you're in monoblack, he's just a dead draw 100% of the time. That 4 pips cost is a killer, but if you wind up getting him with Sheroldred, it's fantastic.

He's just stupidly efficient and gets out of hand super quickly.

The only way I've ever beaten Gitrog (which admittedly happens fairly often) is making him uncastably expensive before the ramp comes out AND bogging him at a good time.

Any advice I can get on this Kraj list before I get some of the cards for it?

If you have too much cash laying around, get a doubling season. if not, you might want to consider getting a primal vigor