Whats a more inherently funnier situation, a Dwarf stuck in a typical Elf social gathering, or an Elf stuck in a typical Dwarf social gathering?
Whats a more inherently funnier situation, a Dwarf stuck in a typical Elf social gathering...
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The halfling drinking both under the table.
The elf with the dwarves. Dwarves are raucous and love to get shitfaced and beat the shit out of each other. They're second only to Orcs in that respect, and it's not funny when Orcs do it because they just stab each other.
In the elf with dwarves scenario there are just a ton more opportunities for slapstick and silliness. That said, I think I'd laugh more at the dwarf with the elves because he would probably make some clever observations about the absurdity of elven pageantry
Post the fixed version.
If you want an elf at an orc social gathering you gotta go to .
The dwarf would just be taken down over the entire night in a way the elf wouldn't. Haughty assholes speaking ill about you, but not to your face. When you try to do something about it you'd be grimaced at and ostracized even more. Just a very uncomfortable situation to watch. I imagine a janitor at some billionaires event. Everyone whispering about them, the poor guy just sitting alone awkwardly, any time someone starts a conversation would just be to embarrass them and stroke their own egos.
The elf on the other hand would be surrounded by dwarves, yeah, but at least he could maybe gain some mutual respect by taking a fist to the face or a few mugs to the gut fast enough. Honest and crass > haughty and vain any day.
I got you.
Thanks user.
Of their semen, yeah.
What kind of Elven social gathering?
Depends on the setting.
Dwarf-Murder Party obviously
The dwarf is the comic relief race, so putting him in the spotlight of the comedy is the way to go.
This reminds me of one of my players, a scottish motherfucker with a heavy accent that played an elf raised in a Dwarven stronghold, one of the best players i had in a long time
....now that sounds entertaining as hell.
What would you, a man of iron among the men of willow, or vice versa?
The man of iron, caught out on his own and weary of the willows and their reputation, likely finds himself at a table all on his own. He drinks the willow wine like water and observes quite stolidly, as his kin are given to in most situations, as the similarly reserved willows flow and whisper in the wind around him.
The men of willow, assured in their superiority, have largely never had the opportunity - or taken the opportunity - to be amongst the men of iron in their leisure time. They are at loss in their quiet and polite conversation, and here in each's reaction is the real measure of each man's character. Some will seek only to affirm their informed superiority to the man of iron, and all of their interactions with him will be as sharp and biting as the wind on bare skin on a cold winter night to this end. Some will not concern themselves with the interloper in their midst, because he holds no interest for them or because they are confident in their egos and see nothing to gain from antagonizing him, and will go about their business. And still yet the last ones, perhaps the fewest in number, will venture forth a few curious and slender branches to make genuine attempts at involving the man of iron. For being made of iron and possessing of all of the subtlety of a forge hammer as he may, he is still a guest to an occasion meant for merriment, and they would be remiss in their duties as hosts to deliberately exclude him.
And so perhaps one or two of them, finding that the man of iron is not of the bad sort for all of his differences, will venture forth from their rustic abodes and follow him into the the lands of iron.
Here the man of willow will find himself alone among the men of iron, with a cup full of thick iron mead that puts fire in his belly. He will watch as the men of iron regard him with a similar weariness as he and his compatriots employed when their roles were reversed; but the men of iron will not be nearly so subtle about it.
And here he will find similar reactions from the men of iron, in their comparatively crude and bawdy ways, as they shed their usual stoicism under the guise of drink and merriment and begin to properly have fun.
Some will seek only to continue that old conflict, that old rivalry between their peoples - and their loud challenges to his prowess will be as hot and as stinging as any coal warmed brand to this end. And some will not concern themselves with the interloper so long as he does not concern himself with them, intent purely and with little complication upon their merriment. And the last of them - our original man of iron among them, the curious sort - will, with all the comfortable warmth of a stove full of coals on a cold winter night, seek to involve the willow. For being made of wood and possessing all of the rigidity of a switch as he may, he is still a guest to an occasion meant for enjoyment, and all who make a good showing of themselves are entitled to at least the chance of a rowdy good time.
And so, in this way, the man of iron and the man of willow will find that their peoples aren't so different after all. That given to form or to function, made of wood or made of iron, men are still men; and that there need be conflicts between the two only if one is hung up on superficialities, or if one otherwise desires it.
one of the most memorable moments was when an elven delegation showed up for the high demon slayers but refused to speak any one that wasn't an elf.
"By the fabled mother i can't stand this savages, how can you put up with them"
"WOT, What did yer say you limp dick pansy cock suckers?"
Insert a LONG rant in incomprehensible scottish english, something that would make the Scotsman from Samurai Jack proud.
I honsetly have no idea what he said, i barely undertood the line above.
the delagation was left speachless, one of the men fainted
"and don't yer try to mess with me friends, unless its an ass kicking ye want! Yer cunts!"
Elf with the dwarves, though in this sort of situation I think it'd be cool if, at either one, the guest manages to rise above the situation and make the best of it, holding their own - the Dwarf recalls the ancient song of his ancestors in time for the poetry, the Elf loosens up and joins in the drinking songs etc.
If Tolkien, neither is particularly funny unless one of the guests of honor is particularly witty. Dwarves and elves both have dignified, song loving nobility and raucous, song and drink loving common folk, and trade keeps both sides up to date on each others social fads. Only in the relatively short periods of feuding do they start arguments over who Beren's silmarill rightfully belongs to, and depending on the company these range from impolite, to bruising, to another bloody massacre to be brought up at the next silmarill argument.
That wasn't a bad read.
>Dwarves and elves both have dignified, song loving nobility and raucous, song and drink loving common folk, and trade keeps both sides up to date on each others social fads
And then I see this hit
That's because Thorin is trying to be a dick, and he's lucky he didn't bring up the silmarill in question in elrond's house. Also
>using that shitty shitty shit to make any form of point about Tolkien's portrayal of dwarves and elves
You might as well link to WoW
Cliche as fuck, but I thought I did okay for something hammered out on a whim at 4 in the morning
>>using that shitty shitty shit to make any form of point about Tolkien's portrayal of dwarves and elves
You seem to be under the false impression that I think Jacksons works are above Tolkiens portrayal of his own races. I made a mistake in that post and actually wanted to call that vid a "shit".
Keep crying like a bitch Christopher while Jackson rolls in the cash over your dad's grave
Did Tolkien fondle you as a kid or why are you so pooperpenetrated?
iqdb is your friend
Elf in the dwarven social gathering.
If he tries to fit in, you get the comedy of an uptight guy cutting loose for a night: drinking heavily, doing goofy dwarven dances, telling funny stories and bawdy jokes with his short new friends.
If he doesn't try to fit in, you get the comedy of the uptight guy getting roped into everything: having to drink a beer he hates, scowling while putting no effort into dancing, frowning while these short perverts shout entirely distasteful jokes in his face.
Yeah, I can see a dwarve teaming up on their Elven party member with another Elve that used to tease the other as child. Get all gossipy and shiet
So, he played Sandwich?
>dwarves are scottish
>not yorkshire