Would you play the sole fertile female in an apocalyptic setting full of degenerates and psychopaths?
Would you play the sole fertile female in an apocalyptic setting full of degenerates and psychopaths?
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There's this board called//soc. They have an erp general that can fulfill your rape based smut needs
no u
Nope...because she sounds like a human, I only play mutants
With a suicide vest.
>Come get some
Lisa The Painful was great, Lisa The Joyful not so much.
Did I do the right thing?
Someone was trying to make a LISA roleplaying game here a while back
That's funny because she killed a lot of good people.
To be honest you might as well just run it in savage worlds.
No because I would save her
because I've had a hard life
Also didn't some one already make a system for Lisa the painful?
What I I would play, though, is the sole living human in an apocalyptic setting full of sentient, intelligent flesheaters.
Not only this shit is radical as fuck, I can also quote some pretty sick lines when I inevitably go down in a blaze of glory.
Not sure how you'd make a system out of it. Just about anything that has brutal combat and accounts for vehicles would work
In Apocalypse World, you might be able to make this concept work as either a Hocus or a Waterbearer
That's my fetish
>Hate it when women pull shit like "men can't be raped" or "if X happens to a woman it's worse than when it happens to a man"
>The idea of there being only one fertile female in a setting full of degenerates and psychopaths disgusts me
>The idea of there being only one fertile shota in a setting full of dominant older women warms my heart
Am I a hypocrite?
Yes. And worse, you are nothing special. Most hypocrites have very strong views that they don't apply to their own fetishes.
You are not unique. You aren't even 'rare'. You are just another weirdo creepy.
Eh, drop the shota part and drop the older bit on the girls and you could have something there.
Sure, and I would willingly decide that the human race will end with me. My individual experience and freedom is more important than the continuation of the species.
Anyone who disagrees will only serve to prove why humanity needs to end.
Yeah. I couldn't stop playing The Painful. Couldn't progress in The Joyful. Just didn't grab me at all. It's a shame really.
and plus if you are the only fertile female left then humanity would die out in a few generations anyways due to inbreeding
>The needs of the few are superior to the needs of the many
You're wrong, you are the living embodiment of why Western society deserves its imminent collapse.
I lost interest in The Painful because the gameplay was awful. The story and setting were neat, but the actual gameplay was garbage. If there were no levels and the game was balanced around being Lv1 it would've been an improvement
I'd put my own twist into it. There's just one functional womb. But there's a bit of flexibility in who will bear the responsibility of having it...
Isn't Buddy a little girl?
Because that might get my boner even harder.
>it's another post apocalyptic setting
sounds boring and generic
people seem to ignore this tidbit.
if there is only 1 fertile female left, the human race is kaput.
Yeah, she's young but still old enough to get pregnant
Well, with a large enough gene pool, you could try to mitigate the inbreeding through multiple fathers. That way your it never gets worse that cousin-to-cousin.
I doubt anyone left after Buddy's takeover would be able to convince her of this however.
It honestly is. It has two gimmicks though, one is that the only people alive are men, two is that nearly all of the men are dipshits.
I thought that board was exclusively gay meetups?
She's also missing a nipple.
I thought joyful was alright enough but just too short and really needed more npc interaction.
female dragon, yes
Sounds...oddly interesting unironically
Like the Book of Eli or Children of Men
Mysterious female wanderer with the only fertile womb on the planet
Yes, first session I'd commit suicide, grinn at all the desperate neckbeards who now don't get to play out rape fantasy land and Crack a beer.
No one's needs are superior to anyone else's because suffering and want cannot be accurately measured.
How much euroeat can I blare as I race to freedom?
>implying desperate neckbeards wouldn't fuck the dead body
But she would die of childbirth.
I entered this thread solely to laugh at you.
I have a hate boner for Buddy. Little bitch.
>muh decision
>muh bad dad
>i-i mean brad, yea brad
It'd be possible to mitigate it, but yeah, you're looking at a Hapsburgian nightmare of genetic dead-ends that would be horrifying to push through.
Seperate your fetish from your social views, and you can, too, be a decent person!
People give The Joyful too much of a bum rap. It makes sense for Buddy to become a little edge queen, considering the amount of shit she goes through and the fact that the major theme of the game is the cycle of abuse, with Marty fucking up Brad who fucks up Buddy. The Joyful is about Buddy being pushed to the very edge and needing to decide whether she will succumb and become a figurative and literal monster, or try to heal.
Don't forget about the effect of joy on the brain. Heightened aggression and all that.
Well I played the only fertile male once so why not?
What system?
Is there such a thing as post-apoc cyberpunk?
I'm no psychologist, but my best guess would be that you're subconsciously viewing the older men negatively, (you reiterated that they're degenerates and psycopaths) while you're viewing the older women positively, as tender and caring, without drawing an actual equivalence. You could flip it on its head and depict the older men as protective and fatherly, and the women as lecherous craven hags, and it would change the whole narrative. In reality, things aren't so black and white, and this is why it's important to try to see all sides of a situation, in my opinion.
You are legend
Did that in a pirate campaign. Then again, considering the deity she followed...
Beat the weak men to death. Beat the strong men to submission.
Then reverse rape them.
>implying they find the body before wildlife
Can you lie at all and act like you are over if the radiation stricken barren ones?
Maybe that is how it works for you faggot.
>implying we're not gonna fuck the wildlife
you're thinking of /trash/
It wouldn’t have to end, of course. We could just start cloning people.
This, honestly.
The one thing I never get is how some people like to rant about how The Joyful is a character assassination of Brad when the entire final boss is about Buddy realizing that she is kind of a shithead, hell, Buzzo even says that Brad that can't be completely blamed for everything.
Also bump
And this is why I never say I hate furries or others with some sort of fetishes - I have few as well and mine as just as weird, so I never judge them.
Well when you're given the choice between "I cut her tit off or I kill all your friends" by the biggest badass in the setting...
Nah, that just seems like a recipe for disaster. What I would play would be a woman who was raised in a bunker shelter that believed that she was the only fertile female left after seeing the wasteland filled with men before finding out that no, there were other surviving women, they were just kept in safety because everyone assumed the wasteland would be filled with degenerates and they were only partly right.
I like lisa the painful and joyful, but a campaign of joyful would suck because it'll be "can't talk to people because they'll rape me" the game with just hiding forever, or becoming murder woman and killing lots of people forever
Here's what's out there currently in terms of a fan-made LISA tabletop RPG. Haven't gotten the chance to test it yet, but it at least seems to make an attempt to recapture the mechanics of the game.
Big Lincoln is a fucking beast, and between him, Tiger Man, and Carp, it's clear the baddest dudes in the post-apocalypse are furries. Too bad most of them are Joy addicts.
You are a man of taste
>The Joyful is a character assassination of Brad
nigga I have only watched LPs of the Painful, how the fuck do these people not realize that Brad was already sort of a shitty person
Nobody can win against the cock.
Though certain someone managed to grind it to a stalemate.
The same thing that happens with just about any character like Brad, fans who wish to glorify him and ignore what's presented as negative about his quest to protect Buddy. Because most people have trouble understanding moral ambiguity.
Daily reminder that Yado did nothing wrong, he was just a /d/eviant who wanted to turn the world into his fetish paradise
You know that people into BDSM don't just capture people and shackle them up, right?
>I'm no psychologist, but let me make conclusions about your psyche
Not everyone is like you.
No such thing as reverse rape, homie.
We... I mean - they don't?
What? How does the statement assume you won't fuck wildlife? It's established that you are desperate neckbeards.
Stop projecting
And if we fuck/eat the wildlife that fucked/ate the corpse first, we're uncucking ourselves.
Nah, more like people want to forgive the badass dude because they want to forgive the shitheads in their life.
The moment you put any amount of thought into that, it all falls apart.
Don't fear intelligence.
Don't be a liar.
That sounds less like an adventure and more like a castle defence game.
Any more badass pics like these?
I obviously take super steroids and kill every man in what could be considered a position of authority.
Then I kill my own father and become Queen of the wasteland.
nearest approximation I got
I would rather play a man with a bat, out to purify the world.
The switch is now on OFF.
I remember that doujin.
My heart
Ongoing series never
Eeeeey, somebody actually played that game for a change. nice.
I'm finding the artist, but not the doujin.
If you mouseover the spoilered image name, you'll get the artist and name of the manga.
>Caska by ShindoL
I got it. I know who should finish berserk. The only person who can encapsulate SUFFERING into a page
What I meant was that "Schizanthus" doesn't bring up anything on the sites that "Z-ton" leads mee to.
Ya big baby.
No DM would ever let you shut down their world.
He could be a paladin, since he kills ghosts and is a self righteous ass.
Wonder how the add ons would work...