So, pic related has attached itself to some kid on an agri-world in the 41st millenium. What happens as a result of this, Veeky Forums?
So, pic related has attached itself to some kid on an agri-world in the 41st millenium...
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He falls to Chaos, or Inquisition kills him for no reason. Because grimderp.
Kid dies and the omnitrix ends up in the hands of whoever killed him. Would probably do the most "good" in the hands of a radical inquisitor.
Dudes been corrupted by a xenos artifact of amazing power. That's all the reason you need to cap his ass.
The Omnitrix will try to find any alien-form capable of ensuring that it's host/user does not die when faced with near-death situations, so the Inquisition can't do shit. Chaos will be similarly cockblocked.
>Inquisitor being a retard, sets off the Omnitrix's self-destruct sequence.
>The universe implodes.
Welp, that's one way to "fix" the setting.
would the omnitrix work on daemons? if so, what if the user could turn into a daemon prince permanently?
>would the omnitrix work on daemons?
Possibly. It works on Celestialsapiens who are -leagues- above everything else, so it should work on Daemons. The only thing it seems to have a problem with are Anodites.
>if so, what if the user could turn into a daemon prince permanently?
That would be bad.
Not only a deamon, but a genetically perfect one at that.
Tzeenchtian deamon? The omnitrix turns them into a mini Tzeentch, then that's GG for the whole setting.
If all else fails it can turn the kid into the invincible brick that is Alien X.
>The gods that decide if it actually gets do do anything are Tzeentch and Tzeentch.
Goddammit Tzeentch.
No it doesn't. Omnitrix users have been killed while wearing it. It's only brought up in one scene which didn't make much sense, and that's only Ben guessing how it works.
The scene in which it was brought up featured Ben trying to contain a Big Bang-level explosion, and the watch desperately shifting him through various forms to try and aid him. There was no "guessing" anything there. That's explicitly what happened.
>hurr durr the things that normally kill everyone dont kill this guy because its super-magic
"Nuh-Uh!": The Thread, gentlemen. Look at it, look at it and laugh, for it has no purpose whatsoever.
Yes, having a 40kwank-off thread would be *sooooooo* much better right?
This may surprise you, but there are options beyond 'my side wins forever' snoozefests.
Better than infinitely shifting goal posts in every thread.
You're the idiot who decided to start a universe-off fight. Inserting something into a setting requires also respecting that setting, or you're just a fuckhead wanking to your own shit. In which case GTFO.
>because its super-magic
No, because the device is shown to work in a specific way that would make it highly improbable than anything in 40k would kill the user
"heh the inquisition kills him in 5 minutes nothin personnnel" is more "nuh-uh" than providing an actual reason why they couldn't
That *is* the reason, dipshit. That is what they do. And if they can't, then the Chaos Gods certainly can. They have that power, by definition, in the setting.
You know what "xenos" this piddly little timepiece can summon to turn Generic_Caucasian_Protagonist_Twelve into?
40k xenos. Which are routinely killed by everything. Because those are the xenos which *actually exist* in this setting, because the Ben 10 universe, surprise surprise, does not follow the watch into the 40k universe and somehow merge the two, but ONLY in such a fashion as to favor fuckboy's Timex.
Kindly neck yourself.
>Being this triggered.
40kids everyone! Anytime their favorite setting starts getting its shit pushed in, expect these faggots to pop out of the woodwork to go "NU-UH!! 40K CAN'T BE BEAT, STOPRUININGTHINGSREEEEEE"
Anyway, Alien X erases the 40k universe and remakes it without the bullshit infesting it.
I genuinely don't know what you expected, but keep on having your wanky-time to something that's evidently even MORE of a powerfantasy than 40k. Good choice of media consumption, bro.
So, according to your arbitrary rules which mark the omnitrix as a device made in the 40k universe and only capable of acting within its scope, the Inquisition kills him in 5 minutes with 0 resistance because It's What They Do™. Somehow, I get the feeling that this isn't the situation proposed by OP.
>even MORE of a powerfantasy
Not really. Alien X only pops up on his own episode, which was entirely based on Ben not being able to do anything because he was stuck acting as a tiebreaker to the endlessly bickering entities inside of the alien's consciousness, and a few other times when there was a need for a deus ex machina
The fact that you are so vehemently stating that the 40k would kill the Omnitrix user with no problems whatsoever, or that Chaos would "infect the user or the Omnitrix itself", despite you know, the Omnitrix being able to resist and no-sell those things as shown in canon, really shows how much of a 40k cocksucker you are. Doesn't help that you started trying to spout that the Omnitrix would function based off of 40k shit, instead of the stuff shown in its own canon, and acted as if that would be how the factions would win with no problems whatsoever.
So if you knew this would happen, why did you not start this shit with star wars?
I would be glad to push your shit in with a basic jedi or any named droid but your type always goes for 40k then go "u mad?" when they react.
This isn't a vs thread though
Despite being ultra-powerful, he's still only one kid, and doesn't have any sort of political pull to operate on the fucking ridiculous scale 40k operates on.
At first, Ben would be a pseudo-superman, sticking to one major city or area, taking down crime, stopping the occasional uprising or raiding party. But things would spiral out of control the second a planet-wide threat enters the fray.
Imagine your average Tyranid invasion, despite being able to pretty much hold his own against anything, there's only so much he can do at once. Inevitably, he would fail, and watch his entire world crumble to ash.
I would say he'd be picked up by either the Cabal or the Harlequins.
Which one? This is important.
Ben switched through forms one by one until he was in a form that could safely channel a big ball of physics-breaking alien science magic. Outside of that one scene, the Omnitrix has never shown the ability to automatically switch him to an invincible form the instant he's in danger, and the form in question hadn't shown that level of power outside that scene either.
The Omnitrix has, however, shown a tendency to react in unusual and unpredictable ways to strange conditions such as weird alien science energy, and sometimes for no apparent reason at all. It has also done things like turn Ben into a fish in the middle of a desert, or a vampire in broad daylight, and has failed to even attempt to save his life in situations where he has actually died.
In the grand scheme of things? Nothing.
I think we're all ignoring the important questions here.
What 10 aliens would be interesting for him to have, and what nicknames would he give them?
It'd probably be a Genesteeler variant with rending claws, so probably Clawsome
>Tzeentch is constantly arguing with himself over what the fucking plan is
>that's why even a loss is a victory
>because Tzeentch is two consciousnesses that hate each other but can occasionally get along
that's good.
>would the omnitrix work on daemons?
Nope. It only works on creatures with DNA. Granted, some of them are ~really~ strange, but it doesn't work on aliens that are made entirely of energy, like the Anodites. Daemons are made of pure Warp power given form by emotions and don't normally have ~any~ physical component, so it wouldn't be able to copy them either.
That's also not how daemons work. Technically every Tzeentchian daemon is a mini-Tzeentch, it's just that the actual Tzeentch has a lot more hope/ambition/desperation/bird magic making up his consciousness.
I'm pretty sure multiple consciousnesses constantly arguing with each other and occasionally using their godlike power when they manage to agree is how all the Chaos Gods work normally.
>Anyway, Alien X erases the 40k universe and remakes it without the bullshit infesting it.
Well, first we've got to remember that the Omnitrix only turns the user into sentient aliens. That narrows its options considerably; for example, it wouldn't be able to make him a Catachan Barking Toad.
If the user turns into any of the major 40k races, the effects would be quite bizarre. An Eldar might grant him untrained psyker powers while exposing him to Chaos, unless the watch includes a soulstone in the transformation. Orks constantly grow throughout their lives, so just how big would a "genetically optimized" Ork be? Orks also have a genetic memory of various fields of technology; would the Omnitrix's version be able to use that knowledge? How would be influenced by the Orks' latent psychic powers?
Speaking of which, pretty much any transformation would have a strange effect on the user's Warp presence. Several of the major races are radically different from humans in that regard.
Gets to X and then goes back to make sure the Emperor of mankind doesn't get fucked or make sure the galaxy didn't doesn't end up a full mess.
Alien X is also dependent on getting two complete opposite personalities to agree and cooperate on something. Ben couldn't even switch out of Alien X without the other two personalities allowing him to.
Just to illustrate how long it takes them to come to a shared consensus on ANYTHING, the first thing they argue about when Ben switches to Alien X(after the "freebie" of buttfucking the time/space continuum to undo a dam exploding) is arguing whether or not they should stop the meteor from wiping out the dinosaurs.
Assuming he gets the other two to agree to doing that.
He joins the retinue of a radical Inquistor know as "Grandpa". Along with Gwen, a powerful young pysker and Kevin, Gwen's xeno hybrid lover they travel around countering various threats.
He trips on barbed wire and dies. Inquisitor tries to pick it up, trips on barbed wire and dies.
A million space marines try to pick it up, trips on barbed wire and dies.
Everyone tries to pick it up, trips on barbed wire and dies.
It's also mentioned in Universe VS Tennyson by Starboard, that it would an "Eternity" for the Twin voices in Ben's head to come to an agreement. He only managed to win that death-match because he successfully convinced them to give him the reins whilst they could go back to arguing for millenia uninterrupted.
that wouldn't happen.
the 2 personalities have issues agreeing on whether to move, you aren't going to get them to agree on that.
The Necrons come for their prize, lost long ago in the eons before time. Millions perish, and worlds go dark before the tomb-ships. They are merciless in the culling, and are relentless in their pursuit.
The entire Sector is doomed. Two Space Marine Chapters are mustered, but even they can only fight a holding action. However, an Inquisitor - during the conflict with the Necrons - discovers one of their tracking devices, and begins a desperate search to find their target before the Necrons do.
Eventually, he finds that the device has bonded to it's host and cannot be separated. Until it's removed, it will continue to draw the Necrons to it - and the Necrons hate and fear it as a tool of the Old Ones. The Inquisitor reassures the boy that there's a cure, and then he painlessly snaps his neck.
With the loss of their objective, the Necron ships pause in their assault, momentarily confused. The Retributors Chapter of Space Marines storm the Necron Lord's tomb-ship, and - in a suicide mission - destroy the reactor by laying melta-charges, at the cost of the entire First Company.
Eventually, the Necrons fall back. The Inquisitor is gutted by a group of Harlequins who emerge mysteriously from a webway portal, lay claim to the artifact, and vanish back into the webway.
It turns out the Eldar actually planted the device on the planet to draw the Necron tomb fleet away from their worlds.
That's so 40k I shit the Primarch.
Those damned Eldar. They have no idea what they have done. Also, that post now makes me want to see Vilgax in 40k.
Fucking ELDAR
Why would the Necrons want the Omnitrix?
>Unlimited cosmic power
>Grants access to things that could casually do away with *all* of their problems.
>Has a self-destruct feature designed to end the universe.
Who *wouldn't* want the Omnitrix?
The Old Ones made it as a weapon to be used against the Necrontyr, and to fight the C'tan. The Necrons still hate and fear it.
Eldar showing their fuck-up mastery, as usual.
I think the Tyranids would be even more interested in it. It's got DNA samples from every species in the galaxy; there's no telling what they'd be able to do if they assimilated all those genetic codes for themselves.
The jury on that also blamed the two personalities for remaking the universe after it got destroyed, and revoked control of Alien X from them, so Ben is in full control.
The whole episode was really stupid desu. Even stupider that Future Ben can turn into a literal nuclear fusion powered reality warper and still got his shit kicked by Vilgax and that evil time guy.
Also consider the Ultimatrix, if it exists as well in this hypothetical, is also capable of replicating 10,000 years of civil war among the species of a particular DNA sequence, and then taking the paragon of what the species would look like afterwards and adding it's DNA code to the pool.
For example, a dinosaur who's super powers are "Being big" and "Going bigger" ends up getting that, a spiked tail, and organic rocket 5-shot rapid fire rocket launchers in their fists. Tyranids with that sort of DNA-bending insanity would be ridiculous. Can you imagine what the paragon of an Ork after 10,000 years of straight Ork Civil War would be like?
More useful for the Tyranids I think would be the ability to instantly alter that DNA on the fly. Imagine being able to breed an army of Termagaunts, have them fly into Battle as Shrikes, and then have those turn in to Carnifex or Biovores or whatever else as needed.
The watch usually incluedes items/equipment needed for the creature to function normally. Pic related is an alien that can't move without assistance in a world with earth-like gravity or higher, so it gets a little UFO to help
This guy has kino taste in threads.
So do all of the Alien X aliens have the weird internal debate thing going on, or is it just Ben?
To be fair, the only reason that happened is because Asmuth didn't idiot-proof the watch. The way the Self Destruct is meant to work is that you let it charge for a little bit and it explodes based on how long you set it for. It's meant to have a charge time of minutes and blow up buildings/cities, but Ben accidentally set it for an entire month or something insane like that and that's how the movie happened
Give me the quick rundown on B10, what series should I watch and when should I stop?
All of them do, with the exception of infant ones who have yet to develop the split personalities. This was a plot point in on season where a villain who could absorb alien powers was going to do this to one, since absorbing the powers of an adult Celestialsapien would add in the duality complication. They're a race near literal god-like reality warpers that spend a vast majority of their time locked in argumentative stasis with themselves, and considering their personalities are diametrically opposed to each other in any way, coming to any sort of consensus on anything can take lifetimes. Ben has it easier since he has a third voice (himself) to act as a mediator.
Notably, the only time the two personalities of Alien X come to immediate agreement on something is when Prof. Paradox(Not!Doctor Who) pops into Ben's Alien X mind-world...thing, and they decide to immediately try to kill him(before he pops himself and Ben out) because of a restraining order they have on him for... something.
Every series except Ultimate Alien for the most part are pretty good, and I only dislike Ultimate Alien because the Ultimatrix gimmick was a bit dumb. It came back in Omniverse, but it was a villain's gimmick instead of a core feature of ben's that had basically no downside.
Watch the original, and Multiverse. Alien Force, and Ultimate Alien are really meh. I have no clue if the new reboot is good or not.
Alien Force was probably the low point for me. The whole Highbreed plot was a bit blegh, got kinda hastily taken care of, and Ben turns into a egotistical shithead until Ultimate Alien and didn't really get any comeuppance for it.
Sounds like a reasonable 40k plot.
The original was okay, but every series after it felt like a completely unnecessary reboot. Ben was always an egotistical shithead though.
He kinda mellow out a bit by the start of Alien Force, but the whole "I saved the Galaxy from the Highbreed, kneel before me lesser beings" attitude kinda killed it for me.
I realize I worded that pretty poorly. Mellowed out as in "Isn't a brat like he was in the original show, turned into a dickass after the Highbreed arc."
The show gets good after the ego gets toned down a bit, but most of the post-Highbreed arc part of Alien Force made me want to bash my face into my desk repeatedly every time he opened his fucking mouth. Except for when Rath was happening, those were great.
Holy hell I almost forgot about him. Probably my favorite alien in the whole damn show. Fucking Tony the Tiger mixed with Macho Man Randy Savage.
>The jury on that also blamed the two personalities for remaking the universe after it got destroyed, and revoked control of Alien X from them, so Ben is in full control.
No, they just ordered them to pay a monetary fine of about five dollars. Each. I'm pretty sure they can still interfere, they just decided not to micromanage that particular battle because the decisions weren't all that important and Ben could handle them.
No, I'm pretty sure it's meant to have a universe-destroying self-destruct mechanism as a deterrent against anyone misusing it. It's not known how the function is normally activated, but in the movie it was accidentally activated by one of Dr. Animo's weird human science gadgets, and the aliens knew what it was going to do but didn't tell Ben at first because they didn't think he'd care. They just told him the Omnitrix itself would be destroyed, which led to him still using it recklessly on his quest to find a way to turn it off; he was naturally horrified when he learned that it would destroy the whole universe, because the universe includes Earth, and that meant his Grandpa was in danger.
Yeah, that plot point was also pretty questionable.
Ben uses the self destruct later and specifically sets a hard 10 second timer on it so the blast is only contained to the watch. The universe blowing up with it is likely not intended, though Azmuth was too disillusioned with other people to care by then.
"Only 40k xenos"
>Omnitrix attaches itself to random Imperium citizen
>Citizen turns into ork
>1 ork becomes 1,000,000 ork
>Ork mek boyz start trying to turn Omnitrix into a shoota
>New "Orknitrix" is constantly malfunctioning, and turning orks into various other 'oomies and aliens
>New diverse klan formed of every race in 40k, all painting themselves green to show how orky they are
>In the grimdarkness of the future, there is only ork
I'd play it.
I don't know or really care, but I'm gonna make his cousin part of the (slightly radical) inquisitorial harem (that is totally not heresy) we've been cultivating.
What the fuck was Azimuth thinking when he designed that feature? No like seriously, what the fuck?
ork becomes 1,000,000 ork
>>Ork mek boyz start trying to turn Omnitrix into a shoota
>>New diverse klan formed of every race in 40k, all painting themselves green to show how orky they are
You’re going to have to explain to me the “why” for these steps. Because none of them make any sense at all.
Why would a human want to make a million orks?
Why would he let those orks have access to the omnitrix?
Do you really the the naturally green klan members won’t start a civil war with the ones that are only pretending to be green, thus destroying themselves before they can get anything done like nearly every other ork klan in history?
I think you're retarded for trying to act like the smart one when you're arguing for how a character from a cartoon is literally both indestructible and undefeatable by virtue of simply wearing a watch.
>Doesn't know jackshit about the show, and yet still wants to argue that 40k would "stompz" it, cause' "40k IS DA BESTEZ EVAR AND IT CAN'T LOSE".
I think you are the one who is truly retarded here, friend.
It would continue until Gork and Mork notice it, then they would fight the user.
And probably lock it into an infinite battle, Orks cannot lose because they shape reality.
Gork and Mork are basically the perfect beings, amazingly intelligent as well as being infinitely strong and durable. The kicker is the infinite sources of WAAAGH! that they are.
Tuska could probably do it if khorne keeps resing him.
>"Hey I'll put in a feature to blow up the omnitrix if it falls into the wrong hands, and give it an adjustable payload so I can choose just how big the explosion is."
He didn't think the watch was going to go to some random earth kid who would set the timer to a full week instead of a few seconds
Mate even the doomguy threads are more intelligent than this.
That part's actually true, though
My point is that its retarded to pretend we're having a serious discussion when all you're gonna do is bring up the power level card anytime conflict is mentioned.
Even Goku and Superman don't have a hidden form that makes them 100% unstoppable.
Whoah, I don't have a horse in this race. I just joined this thread and was reading to see if I missed anything interesting in Ben 10. This post, and the other one, are my only posts
For the record, no. Nothing really worth looking into
Pretty weaksauce.
A god lost to his son.
Anyways Gork and Mork would gurren lagan it up. Necrons and Jokero probably have one in a warehouse somewhere.
Really, I'm convinced the Ben 10 team doesn't know what omnipotent is. You got an entire race of these things, they can fight eachother, and they can lose to eachother by beating them up. And apparently there's a planet so fucked up that even those guys can't live on it. Wherever those Dracula guys lived. Too toxic it keeps gods out. Shit's weird
Fun fact: Celestialsapiens *arent* actually "gods". They have all the makings of a God, yes, but they are not actually gods according to the creators of the show. They can still be bested, even if only by themselves. Which implies that there are *worse* things put there than them, more powerful things.
Which we will never get other see because the reboot has fucked everything up
Does a Ben 10 reboot ever NOT fuck everything up?
There has only been one reboot the others were sequels with different art styles.
No, they start out as someone saying their favorite setting would "win" the other setting. This started as an actual crossover discussion and was turned into that by people who want 40k to "win".
The movie didn't mention it varying in power based on any timer. It just said that the self-destruct would blow up the universe and that the countdown would speed up if Ben used it to transform.
>What the fuck was Azimuth thinking when he designed that feature? No like seriously, what the fuck?
You could ask that question about a lot of the Omnitrix's features. For starters, its user interface is incredibly user-unfriendly and pretty much designed for mistakes. What's the logic behind that?
>captcha: phone Kalkofen
Okay, can Kalkofen explain the logic behind it?
some of the transformation sequences were rather grotesque, like the goop one that literally showed him melting.
And of course no Ben 10 thread be complete without waifu posting.
>For starters, its user interface is incredibly user-unfriendly and pretty much designed for mistakes.
Azmuth mentioned at one point the reason Ben keeps getting the wrong aliens is because he's smacking the button too hard and shifting the setting right as he's transforming. Which is stupid, but whatever.
IIRC, it's also implied the watch is semi-sentient and occasionally gives Ben the best alien for the situation, even if it's not the one he wanted. I remember many MANY times during the original show he wanted to just go Four Arms and punch everything and got something better suited to the problem instead.