/40krpg/ 40k RPG General

"From beyond" edition

For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War.

>Who's making the new 40k RPGs?
Ulisses-Spiel, very well known in Germany. It's set post Gathering Storm, uses a Shadowrun-esque D6 dice pool, and is a unified line with Marines, Humans, and Xenos all playable in the core book.

Book Repositories (If you're planning to download any Rogue Trader materials, read the .txt file in the RT directory)

There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things.

40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.

40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.48.161023), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now includes all DH2e books.

The Good, the Bad, and the Alpha Legion (v1.1.2) (Total Conversion Deathwatch into the Horus Heresy)

Mars Needs Women! (v1.3.7) (Mechanicus Skitarii and Taghmata for Only War)

Fear and Loathing in the Eastern Fringe (V1.6.4) (Playable Xenos for Rogue Trader)

The Fringe is Yours! (v1.8.16) (More Xenos, Knights, and Horus Heresy gear for Rogue Trader)

Prev: What was the most memorable session you've ever played? What made it special?

Other urls found in this thread:


What's happening with all the threads dying?
Posting homebrew not in the mega in the meantime.

Probably something to do with there being two 40krpg threads.


Do your characters have accents?

My ultramarines are always Californian surfer dudes


I miss playing dark heresy. I haven't played any PnP game in like 6 years.



>Yah dood let's burn the heretics and stuff XD
Why did you do this to me

Just got done with a significantly long Death Watch game and we are thinking of doing something with the custodes who were sent out to do actual work recently.

How would one go about giving them character stats and gear? Thinking of using Only War or Dark Heresy 2e for character xp but besides "space marines, but better" I was wondering what all they had or if someone had done some work with them before.

you don't necessarily need to make super stats. Just add an extra +10 to all compares to marines, unnatural toughness x3 by default and more talents related to diplomacy, history, deceive, scrutiny and the like. They're warrior-envoys more than living weapons.

The main challenge here is to create a convincing campaign which isn't playing the deathwatch with stronger PCs.



What are some good urban combat oriented missions? I want to put my players through a couple instead of just rushing to the next plot point.

>Hey alpharius, why the fuck do you have a plasma rifle with an underslung bolter instead of the other way around

Underbarrel bolter, or overbarrel plasma gun?





Hory shit my homebrew! Thanks for Downloading user, whoever you may be. I hate to leave it unfinished, but since my campaign ended I've felt no motivation to continue it. Maybe oneday.

"Fwom beyond" edition

Fow aww youw questions on Dawk Hewesy (1st and 2nd Editions), Wogue Twadew, Deathwatch, Bwack Cwusade, and Onwy Waw.

>Who's making the nyew 40k WPGs?
Uwisses-Spiew, vewy weww knyown in Gewmany. It's set post Gathewing Stowm, uses a Shadowwun-esque D6 dice poow, and is a unyified winye with Mawinyes, Humans, and Xenyos aww pwayabwe in the cowe book.

Book Wepositowies (If you'we pwannying to downwoad any Wogue Twadew matewiaws, wead the .txt fiwe in the WT diwectowy)
mega.nz/#F ^w^ Pw0UgbJa ^w^ vDtTXMKnvZ26fUbuw4X9tg

Thewe is a nyew Homebwew Megafowdew option in abuv MEGA diwectowy containying sevewaw things.

40K WPG toows, a site that contains stats ow wefewences fow awmost aww weapons, awmow and NPCs/advewsawies. Nyot updated past DH2 cowe.

40k WPG Combinyed Awmowy (v6.48.161023), containying evewy piece of geaw in aww five winyes. Nyow incwudes aww DH2e books.

The Good, the Bad, and the Awpha Wegion (v1.1.2) (Totaw Convewsion Deathwatch into the Howus Hewesy)

Maws Nyeeds Women ;;w;; (v1.3.7) (Mechanyicus Skitawii and Taghmata fow Onwy Waw)

Feaw and Woathing in the Eastewn Fwinge (V1.6.4) (Pwayabwe Xenyos fow Wogue Twadew)

The Fwinge is Youws >w< (v1.8.16) (Mowe Xenyos, Knyights, and Howus Hewesy geaw fow Wogue Twadew)

Pwev: (Cwoss-thwead)

What was the most memowabwe session you've evew pwayed? What made it speciaw?
