Can you name a single hobby that appeals to everyone?
Why should games be any different?
Can you name a single hobby that appeals to everyone?
Why should games be any different?
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>Can you name a single hobby that appeals to everyone?
Masturbation. Your move, law-man.
Because nerds are easy to bully into doing what you want.
Movie aficionados are an uncommon breed.
Going to the movies once a month does not qualify you for this special club.
Similarly, driving a car does not make you a car enthusiast.
Eunuchs and monks.
You don't need to touch your genitals to masturbate
Just because they physically/mentally mutilate themselves in order to stop themselves from masturbation doesn't mean they don't enjoy it.
In fact, it's completely the opposite - they mutilate themselves because otherwise they are simply unable to stop themselves from masturbation, because they are addicted to it.
Recently somebody (a very literate and cultured person who I hold in high esteem) told me that he doesn't understand movies. Not a certain genre, movies in general.
No one said that it has to appeal to everyone.
I actually know what that guy means. I for one don't get music at all. It is nice ambiance for a movie or a game. But on its own I find listening to music and going to concerts boring.
I have no idea what you're trying to say by this.
Did you question him further about why that is, or if he could explain what he means by that?
By that logic, murder and rape apply as well.
Babies don't masturbate, your move.
>mentally mutilate themselves
How up your own ass do you have to be to actually type this out and believe it?
Fuck movies, I haven't watched one in years.
I don't believe for a second that monks don't masturbate.
>it's another thread where OP argues against something literally no one believes
meditation is mental masturbation
simple tabletop games
Don't trust anyone that doesn't like uno
>I don't believe for a second that monks don't masturbate.
Some monks castrate themselves when they get a random erection.
>I don't believe for a second that monks don't masturbate.
Why bother masturbating?
This. This man has the only right answer.
I started when I was 4 years or so.
Then you were a kid, not a baby
Ladies and gentlemen! Boys, and girls! I'm user and I present to you the greatest, the latest!
The wonder from over yonder! The most glorious hole! It's more universal than the universe! It's the bee's knees for only the most raucous revelers!
The thing that we can all agree is the greatest hobby to ever cross the face of this all-too-sinful-Earth!
Light a candle. Raise the glow sticks, fire up the phones and hold my hand.
Let the angels sing of the one, the only: SKUUUUUB!
Things may appeal to everybody, but not everybody is right for every hobby. Idiots should not play pnp games.
Choosing not doing something != not appealed by it
Don't fetuses fondle themselves in the womb? Because I'd say that's close enough.
Eunuchs don't have a choice, and monks choose not to because they find it unappealing to their ultimate goals.
Fair enough when it comes to Eunuchs.
"Unappealing to their ultimate goals" is just wordplay. I find eating sugary and fat stuff appealing, but if I stuff my face I'll be fat and feel like shit, so I limit my intake. That doesn't make eating it unappealing.
Babies aren't people and shouldn't be included in the of "everyone".
>Shitty and cringy post made by a skubfag
I see skubfags are as retarded as usual.
Don't worry, you'll stop being a teenager within a couple of years.
I rarely get something out of movies. The short story format means the movie is over before I got attached to any of the characters, which in turn makes it hard for me to care about what happens to them.
There's disjointed pieces from movies that I can enjoy like an actor really being in-character, cute one-liners or cool cuts and camera movements, but I wouldn't say I enjoy the movies themselves.
When a big movie hits nowadays, I usually just piece it together from various webm clips, memes and critiques/analyses (that for some reason I enjoy listening to even if I haven't seen/played/read what they're talking about).
>Don't worry, you'll stop being a teenager within a couple of years.
>Says the skubfag
Don't worry, you'll realise that anti-skub is superior once you grow up.
How long does something have to be in order to not be a short story?
You mistook me for another user. I didn't respond to the quality of skub, I responded to the use of the word "cringy".
>The short story format means the movie is over before I got attached to any of the characters, which in turn makes it hard for me to care about what happens to them.
user, I... Are you fucking serious right now?
Despite that there aren't that many good movies, the concept of movies themselves is GREAT.
A lot, and I mean A LOT of writers suffer from horrible pacing problems and write a doorstopper when they could've written a booklet and it would've been just as good if not better.
Short stories (and novels) are superior to long books in every way possible.
Look at Shackley, Clark, Lem, Bradbury, Thurber etc. etc.
Like, seriously, it's not only the quantity of the content that matters. And not even only quality of writing or even both of those together.
The stylistic choices also matter. The pacing, the vocabulary etc. etc. - all of that shite matters.
I have a feeling this is supposed to represent certain political opinions which the OP hates and whic actually bears little to no resemblance to it when one pays attention to what they're actually saying.
Prostate massage
>my 2e sessions usually last 4 hours, which is much longer than the average movie
>usually in that time we've made a bit of progress down the road
>in the movies the world has ended and 50 years have passed all in the span of a 2 hour movie
I don't know, but longer than a movie for sure.
>Game 1
People opinions :
>> Person A : +
>> Person B : +
>> Person C : +
>Game 2
People opinions :
>> Person A : + + +
>> Person B : +
>> Person C : - - -
ie A is minblown by game 1 and will prefere game 1 to game 2
Or you assume that we find a game that + + + to everyone and here there is no point arguing
Settle down ho, I know you just discovered the joys of skub, but keep it in your pants.
Also, skub blue is alright.
You are everything that is wrong with this board.
Original skub or nothing.
You haven't been exposed to the right music yet. Explore new genres. Explore sub-genres. Listen to popular shit and obscure shit, old shit and new shit. It is impossible for a human being not to like any form of music, music is ingrained in our psyche.
>It is impossible for a human being not to like any form of music,
Have you considered that maybe not everybody enjoys the things you enjoy? Music (without any visual component) is boring. There's nothing to do while you listen to it, and it can't hold my attention on its own in the way that visual media (books, movies, etc) do.
It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.
>Using flamethrowers against glorious skub
>Implying that would ever work.
Plebs like you can't even hate skub right.
>for those with a mental illness
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