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>How to Jumpchain
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>Those templates
Please add them to Jumper Wars. I wanna meet Pirate Justice.
What kind of relationship do you have with your companions?
Waiting before someone makes nurse genderbent red lily Sparticus (I don't know why, maybe for the lols)
Mostly Waifus. Some moms, slightly more kids.
>that picture
>Waiting before someone makes nurse genderbent red lily Sparticus (I don't know why, maybe for the lols)
Why genderbent that abomination? It'd just detract from the lols.
One waifu. One bro. One sapient dog that functionally is a bro that there's no homo in petting him. That's it, so far.
Why do you hate the lewd /Jumpchain/?
...I really don't like where that image is going. Anyway, it's something like this:
>Stalker/Friend/Person Who I Am The Confidant of
>Brother Figure
>Sister Figure
>Little Sister Figure
And if you count my reoccurring enemy as a companion, then Archenemy is the best description, since my companions and I absolutely despise it, and it despises us just as hard in return.
That looks like a Daughteru and a meat grinder, two things that should not be put anywhere near each other.
Ryan thinks I'm, and I quote, "adorable." He knows our leanings aren't compatible, though.
Dani doesn't understand how robotics is so difficult for me.
Jill? She's just happy to have another friend. That makes a whole three friends who aren't ferrets.
Because your fetish a SHIT.
We don't, we just don't want it clogging up the thread too much. We have enough lewd talk with the lewd jumps relegated to a separate site.
We get enough shitty lewd posting as it is, I shudder in fear at how bad it would be if lewd jumps were allowed.
It comes up every fucking thread, so that excuse holds very little water.
Have you forgotten?
That girl's dad does that to her and uses his power to revive her over and over again so he can harvest her body parts, which he uses to make Quirk-killing bullets. Yes, it's a MHA character.
Also, since souls don't seem to exist as far as we know, that means that he's essentially destroyed her consciousness every time. He has killed many iterations of his own daughter for spare parts.
In your chain, how different are the various, non drop-in origins from the "real" you? How strongly are you effected?
How different are they? What makes them different? Are they just "you" if you had grown up in different circumstances, or is it something deeper?
You posting shit here on purpose doesn't do anything but make you a fool.
It's a character from My Hero Academia. She's an abused little girl whose dad is a Yakuza boss. He uses his quirk to take her apart and put her back together in an excruciatingly painful process so he can develop a drug that erases Quirks, which this picture is a metaphor for. She's traumatized so badly by his abuse and manipulation that she will willingly go to him instead of escaping with heroes because of believing she's worthless and the root of everyone's problems around her.
Name the character.
Name the character now so I know who the fuck to gut like a goddamn turkish hen.
Kai Chisaki, aka Overhaul. Yakuza boss and worst dad.
Overhaul dies my man, anyone with a soul agrees.
He even did horrible things to Fallout Boy
It's also implied that people have tried to save Eri from him in the past, and he's exploded them in front of her while telling her it's her fault they're dying.
When faced with a hero team who can actually beat him, he tries to kill her, reasoning that he can bring her back but the heroes can't.
I don't remember his real name off the top of my head, but his codename is Overhaul, and he's the one the Overhaul quirk in the jump is based on (note that the jump was written before we saw him do a lot of neat stuff with his quirk, so I can't tell you how close they are).
If it makes you feel any better, the protagonist is currently trying to bash his face in. Though there's a slight wrinkle caused by the fact that a guy, whose power is precog that's never wrong, has predicted that Deku will die and Overhaul will escape.
Chisaki, aka Overhaul, the main antagonist of the current arc. He's so awful that the other main villains of the story hate him. He's so awful that he will take time out of his battle with the heroes to continue breaking her down and make sure she'll never be free. I'm the "save as many people as possible" type and he's one of the few people I can't see any redemption for.
Update time.
Obviously, includes spoilers for Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.
Made Endless Black easier to use.
Added Part 2 for Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. Jump now gives you in total 1000cp, plus drawbacks.
Added notes for Part 2.
Thank you for making us aware of this fucker. I for one would have gone through the whole mha jump without being aware of this. While we are on the topic what perks are best for causing enormous amounts of pain?
Personally, I've found that non drop-in origins only detract from the story.
So, I've dialed them down to absolute minimum. It's basically just enough setting knowledge to function normally for whatever background I picked, and a bare minimum in possessions. Usually that means a mostly barren apartment somewhere.
Which means that now they're just "me" with some extra knowledge. Before switching to this, I had them at "me if I'd grown up in different circumstances".
Resurrection perks.
Feed him to the grinder.
Penance Stare, Ghost Ride.
Makes the person live through all of the pain and suffering of those he has harmed.
Unless he is killed or the penance is undone, it never ends.
I am going to punch this fucker into god damn orbit. Actually, no, fuck that, into the fucking son.
They're just me that went through different circumstances.
...Which makes it. Well. Bad when it turns out that this me had a traumatic past.
Fuckin sexy goddamn work Myrm.
Gods I love jumpchain, we have the right tool for EVERY occasion.
But he only has a daughter user and punching him into her seems counterproductive.
Get the Genetic Opera quirk (Soundgarden+Meatball) and just do whatever feels right.
SEE, I'M SO ANGRY I CAN'T EVEN SPELL CORRECTLY. But, no, seriously, fuck that guy. I hope Deku defies that precog thing and explodes his face.
The red of the Corrupted perks is kinda hard to read on my end?
Do you really want to give him the sweet release of death?
Literally everyone will be on your side with that one. Pretty much only his own band of yakuza thugs are on his side.
So what do we need to do in part one to make sure we get the CP instead of the Void Artifacts?
This reminds me, can companions take drawbacks in mha? I was going to take Hawking's Knot (Fiber Body+Black Hole). And give GO to a companion but came up short.
So how's the approach to the Part 2 work? Can we have a time-skip like with SoL -> Space Opera for Tenchi Muyo?
>I hope Deku defies that precog thing
I actually feel like that would cheapen things too much. The best theory I heard is that Deku is going to get Overhaul'd, which will count as death, but still get put back together afterwards. This might fix his arm issues as well, but we'll see.
Don't let anyone fuck with time.
You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. Just don't let them fuck with time that lets them fix what happened with Stilton.
You are a treasure, user.
As a dad, there's no time to take joy in his pain.
Quick. Easy removal from existence. No chance to bring him back.
> How strongly are you effected?
I kindof think of it as, like... an alternate personality overlaying my own, which is usually not especially strong, but is there. This is hard to explain, so bear with me.
But, like, my background is usually pretty basic, like whatever it took to get to where they are pre-arrival-of-jumper, and not a lot else. And in a lot of ways, they ARE just "me, if things had been really different". So it's not a HUGE pressure. But sometimes certain perks or backgrounds can still make things pretty surprisingly different, and they do still have likes and interests and sometimes (but not always) goals.
And in real life, I'm pretty introspective and navel gazing, so I've transplanted that over to my jumper being pretty aware of themselves and what makes them tick and -- among other things -- is usually pretty quick to recognize what parts are "the jumper" and which parts are "the background".
How much it effects them varies, because sometimes Jumper just takes over and says we're gonna do this, this, and this, and Background doesn't get a lot of say. But other times, Jumper doesn't really have anything going on, and Background says, "I wanna do this," and Jumper's kinda like, "Yeah, okay, that sounds fun, let's do it", and so the Background is more in charge.
If that makes sense?
It's like a two personalities and sets of instincts that overlap in a lot of ways and aren't entirely distinct, but which are at least somewhat aware of each other and working in tandem.
It's kinda like meeting a new best friend every jump, except that friend is also me.
It's weird to try to explain.
Anyway, sometimes when she's alone, my jumper talks to herself. Like, to work through thoughts and planning. There's never any conflict between the two, other than the same emotional turmoil any normal person can get.
It's possible it's all an imaginary coping mechanism for the ennui of centuries of wandering.
I dunno. I just thought it was more fun this way.
I see no indication that she's his daughter.
Decoy from Worm. Don't even let him know you have it and you should be good to go.
Comes with the extra fun of being a flaming skeleton.
Just to really emphasize to your enemies "you're fucked now."
I want to say Balefire but that would remove his daughter by association I think, unless it just removes him and makes his daughter be born to someone else?
I'm not one for torture, to be honest, though I have to admit the Penace Stare is an option I'm genuinely considering for this guy.
I'm surprised he has any allies at all. Someone that vile usually is a pretty shit boss. Why would anyone want to work for that kind of guy?
But according to the precog thing, he escapes as well. Plus, why would he bring Deku back?
Think Sasaki would be a good husbando?
That's fair. I'm an angry person, and sadistic even if I try to keep those urges under control. I want that man to SUFFER for what he's done to an innocent child.
Hello Overhaul. There is no Justice, only RAGE
Origins are me lying very hard, to the point where I halfway trick myself but also the universe. Then I realize the lie.
I realized my usual answer doesn't work so good for the current chain, and so changed it.
Wait, shouldn't the "Stilton saved" and "Stilton alive" conditions be swapped? Why does keeping Megan from getting maimed mean we are? Death of the Outsider assumes you did save Stilton in the main game, so it's not like you need to be missing an eye and arm to get the Void prosthetics. The Outsider just jams those into the non-maimed Megan.
Keep in mind that you've still gotta touch him first to use Decoy, unless you're willing to let some innocent meatshield get Overhauled in your place.
He's not my type but I could see him being a good choice if he caters to your tastes.
He's a surprisingly 'good' boss despite being such a massive fucking cunt.
Well less 'good' and more 'good at manipulating them, because he's good at reading people and gives them what they want most in their heart of hearts, so they will do his bidding without thinking and will throw their lives away so he can escape'
It's ambiguous so far but as far as anyone knows, including Eri, he is, and he's selling it that way, so we're rolling with it.
I'm fairly certain we have soul destruction perks. Can't come back from something like that.
They're me that ended up in whatever situation they had the origin for.
While it's still me... I honestly can't tell which parts are the original anymore.
>remove his daughter by association
See Is she his daghter? Because the wiki makes no mention of blood relation between them.
That's simple. Just approach him with a business deal or approach him with an offer to ally him. Then shake his hand as a friendly gesture.
Originally this all started in cyoa general as a spark in quicksilver's eye. Around the same time the magical realm cyoa was helped in development by some older namefags here. It turned into a clusterfuck which lead to no potatoes as a result, along with the general lewd of the place best left there. Plus this is a blue board. All of the above left a bad after taste so it was exiled back to cyoa gen barring the occasional illegal alien streaking across the threads.
If it goes down regardless, give him his own stand dubbed Radioactive.
He's already married to his stoop.
Only thing I can think of is that someone had to take the hit. Especially if you're getting yourself involved in that time bullshit anyway.
I.E. by involving yourself you have opened the door to void surgery.
He says she's his daughter, but we have no proof either way. Her Quirk bares no, obvious, similarities to his but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Even if she isn't his daughter he's had her for most of her life.
This is amazing work.
The thugs tried to argue that he used to be a good person and has only turned dark lately as the Yakuza has basically been going out of business, but all the stuff we've seen from his perspective since has shown that he was never good, he just put on the demeanor of a fair, good boss and as he's getting more and more backed into a corner, the lies are falling apart around him.
People like you, Val, Nubee, OAA, Konata, etc are the real treasure. I'm just an insane guy with photoshop
I'd reply with a shopped pic, but the only things I have left that aren't re-posts are some cats I made red because...Idon'tknow
Only if you're a temple gate.
That'd mean that the Deku we've followed and cared about thus far died and no longer exists.
This is a criminal who lives in a world of superheroes, and the most basic use of his own power amounts to "you die if I touch you." If anyone would catch your plan, it would be him.
I'm not saying your plan won't work, I think you're just vastly oversimplifying how paranoid some people can be.
Hush bones.
Eh, I guess. I don't mind it, I'm perfectly fine with getting creepy magic cybernetics, just seemed a bit odd to me. Though I do wonder how the alternate timelines interact with the continuity drawback. It's entirely possible that a jumper who took Dishonored 1 before this erased the possibility for the seance entirely.
Who cares? Patterns are what matters, not specific iterations of them.
That's a philosophical debate that most people are on the other side of man. You gotta learn that you're in this minority with this going to sleep or going through a teleporter and temporarily ending your consciousness is equal to permadeath thing.
Don't need to lie, user.
It's hard to say. Time is absolutely fucky in all respects.
For all we know, you could possibly use the time bullshit to change your own events. There's also New Game Plus too if you wanted to change things.
Damn. I was afraid of that. I might have to experiment with alternate colours.
Just ensure Corvo/Emily does not interfere with Stilton, if/when they go back in time. That's it.
You could either tell them not to interfere (like just make up some shit like "Stilton has to attend or the timeline will fall apart!"), or make sure of it yourself by going back in their place, either by getting the watch off them or by using the watch you can buy in the Part 1 items section.
The way I reasoned it follows:
The Default timeline, which is not canon, has the minimal amount of time fuckery. Even though time was damaged by Delilah's resurrection, it doesn't violate causality like the Altered timeline does.
The presence of the Void Artifacts is related to whether the timelines are messed with, as evidenced by the Displace power, which the devs have said is related to how Billie becomes juxtaposed between times.
So even though the Altered Timeline is the Canon Timeline, it's still been messed with.
I can't account for everything.
Unless you yourself are the pattern or have strong empathy and can feel sorrow for other patterns that have been erased.
>most people are on the other side of
Prove it.
>going to sleep
No one equates "going to sleep" with "being disassembled on a fundamental level and not existing for fractions of a second" except in your idiotic strawmanning.
Also, don't fucking insert 'sleep' into this. You know jack shit about sleep. Your brain function NEVER ceases during sleep. It's nowhere near the same as death.
>The presence of the Void Artifacts is related to whether the timelines are messed with, as evidenced by the Displace power, which the devs have said is related to how Billie becomes juxtaposed between times.
>So even though the Altered Timeline is the Canon Timeline, it's still been messed with.
Alright, that makes sense to me. It's that the Outsider needs the break in causality to reach through and give you the artifacts. Cool.
>I can't account for everything.
Fair enough. I'll just have to come up with an interesting rationale for my own chain.
Alright, I think this is done. anyone see anything wrong with it?
This pleases me. Thank you.
It's quirks, I ain't gotta explain shit.
You know, feeding him attention like this just ensures he keeps coming back.
Who are the waifus?
>Unless you yourself are the pattern or have strong empathy and can feel sorrow for other patterns that have been erased.
Nope. I would happily die knowing that everything that makes me me lives on. Likewise, I would not object if someone I cared about died and was restored. And I know, you're going to say I'm evil, or sociopathic, or just wrong and I'd feel differently if it really happened. I disagree. It's like freezing someone in time. They exist, then they're gone (because the chemical processes that make up a mind can't happen when time is frozen), then they're there again. It's still the same person. So why is this different?
It seems like you just cut a lot of items you had written down before.