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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Why am I still making these threads?
>5th edition cliffnotes
>New Deviant preview
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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Where did it all go so wrong?
It's better to have a thread than no thread at all
Still better than the OPP forums
We could just let her sink and die. We could agree to come back in a few weeks, after the trolls have moved on in search of greener pastures.
Won't happen.
What trolls.
Which would be worse as a crossover?
owod and nwod, owod and exalted, or nwod and exalted?
Didn't you just ask this? They're all equally atrocious.
Everyone goes to /v/ for the VtM:B threads.
There's rarely a Bloodlines thread over there
I meant with the game.
There's been a nearly constant one for the last week.
Dude, there have been daily threads this week. One's about to sage right now from post limit.
I don't believe you
Too bad vampire is the most boring game in the World of Darkness, old or new.
You idiots. Now you've given the Magefags this knowledge. RIP Bloodlines threads.
A new one just started up from the old one, dude.
>They've been going on about the old Ascension Archmages v Antediluvians argument for at least one thread
No thanks.
>Version 1.32
It's a twofer this time, because both were surprisingly simple.
The Unforgotten Scions, and the Pure Sovereigns.
Lovely little scholars who like to brand information into the minds of living people, and elitist Yoga-Doing Dawn-Praising Vegan-Eating Thearch pricks who think they're so much better than you, they actually are.
Whipping boys is up next.
Anyone else have any requests?
I went back through a few Legacies after reading through the Seers book, and added the retroactive commentary on which Legacies have Seer factions/splinters.
It's only going to get worse now that the magefags know where the vampfags have been hiding.
RIP the resistance
It was only a matter of time.
nwod and exalted i suppose, there is absolutely nothing connecting them, at least with owod and exalted you could bullshit something.
>magefag think his opinion is reality
Real life aint ascension kiddo
Too good for (You)s ?
Is- is /v/ coming over here because some of us went over there?
I don't like this. Let's just let everything go back to the way it was, yeah? You aren't supposed to cross streams.
I for one welcome our new /v/edditor overlords.
It's too late. Don't fight it.
Assuming it even happens.
>Why am I still making these threads?
Because misery loves company.
You mage cucks started it.
Hey, don't pin this on us.
I didn't do anything. My Mage posting is contained and reasonable.
Blame your magic missile casting bastard brethren.
How many of youse collect the books?
How many of youse buy POD vs. existing old copies?
I buy old copies coz they is better for the environment
Is this how black people feel? I don't like it.
Asking again, any estimated date for hunter 2e?
>Is this how black people feel?
Probably with all the black American and British hoodrats besmirching their name.
Cool. Pure Sovereigns are interesting. Good work. I'm glad you're still here.
>I buy old copies coz they is better for the environment
I hate you
I buy used copies because I want actual copies. The POD just aren't the same.
4th Sept 2035
What's the best core line for 2e at the moment? Beast being the worst.
Awakening, imo. Forsaken doesn't hold my interest and I've always preferred old Vampire.
1. Awakening
2. Requiem
3. Promethean
4. Werewolf
5. Demon
Beast doesn't deserve a spot
>absolutely nothing connecting them
Actually I tried a NWoD into Exalted crossover once, it went better than I expected.
1. Demon
2. Vampire
3. Beast
And that's literally it, mage, werewolf and promethean are utter bullshit that don't deserve a second glance in either of their editions.
Why do you think that?
Apparently it premiered yesterday.
How can we see it guys?
I heard it leaves out Onyx Path entirely.
Was it released in theaters or online?
Powerwanking bullshit with endless "obscure" lore that's thematically out of touch with the rest of ChroD. Magic system is way too complicated and open to abuse. I actually liked the 1e lore about Atlantis better than the 2e clusterfuck (and people who got flustered because of a Disney movie are the top retards)
Actually good for single player, but worthless as a group-play experience. Also there's too much emphasis on the "woe is me" angle and the progression towards apotheosis (or whatever that's called) is a bit too linear. I prefer how they deal with the quest for humanity in Vampire.
That being said, you're free to like any of those and I'm open to realizing the error of my ways if a good GM shows me how werewolf or promethean can be fun. I just can't get into mage, though.
As for future 2e releases, I've got great hopes for Changeling and Deviant, never got into Geist so I don't know about that.
I heard it doesn't mention Mage once
I wouldn't be surprised. I imagine the only thing stopping them from pulling the licenses from OPP is that they can't for some reason, whether it be consequences or legal issues. They want oWoD back in the spotlight as the most relevant setting, that much is clear.
What's even the point then?
>Powerwanking bullshit
Not really.
>endless "obscure" lore that's thematically out of touch with the rest of ChroD
How do you figure?
>Magic system is way too complicated
The mechanics are pretty simple and it literally comes with training wheels, the spell examples.
>open to abuse
Not really. Creative Thaum is a collaborative process with the ST and he can tweak or veto your spell.
>2e clusterfuck
How is it a clusterfuck? All that's changed is that Atlantis has gone from literal to being a figurative catchall for the golden age before the fall.
Are you literally incapable of respecting the fact that people might have personal preferences ?
I respect other preferences. I'm not upset that people don't like Mage. I'm just wondering about the positions and how they were arrived at, because I disagree with them. Is that alright with you? It's also ironic that you're calling me out for supposedly not respecting other preferences when the post I first replied to clearly does not.
Ok, then please consider that my post was preceded by "in my opinion ..."
Is that better ? Was your nitpicking really necessary or called for ?
I have been explained at by magefags for months, telling me that my opinions are just wrong and that Mage is the 9th wonder of the world after Dave's cock, so please stop. If it really doesn't matter to you, just shut the fuck up. You're not adding anything to the debate, because we've had that debate a hundred times.
I'm just wondering about your reasoning, is all. Maybe don't post your positions if you aren't prepared for them to be scrutinized and countered? You aren't entitled to some kind of free pass where you don't get your opinions questioned.
I hope you fuckers are happy. Thanks to you magefags are ruining Bloodlines genera.
Really? I must participate in this.
Oh my god. Mage is my favorite game line, but you have to stop.
Stop what? What do you think I'm doing?
Sooo, what exactly is Contagion Chronicle supposed to be?
Not the user(s) you've been back-and-forth'ing with, but one my main problems with Awakening 2e is that unless parties opposing the PCs have access to Counter Magic, then they don't warrant being called "opposition" at all. They're speed bumps, at *best*. Also, dealing with 2e's Time gives me a fucking headache.
How many vampires vs mages are there in the world / any single city?
I never really know what the chances of a vamp meeting a mage is, or vice versa.
That's not really true either. Play the game, or read some actual plays. In DaveB's actual plays, his players and STCs were in real danger a lot, and it wasn't just because of the differences between editions. I mean how do you think an encounter is going to go down between enhanced ghosts sent after a cabal without Death and only one guy with Prime 3? Combat also isn't the only part of the game. In fact most of the game is investigating.
It was released at a film festival. Who knows if it'll get into the hands of the public at all after that, or when.
FWIW, once 5th edition drops OPP will stop developing anything OWoD. They'll be allowed to finish up the KS and 20th they have in the pipe, but nothing new will be developed for that line.
Despite the books being utter dogshit, WW likely won't pull the CofD licenses because it's free money.
They'll eventually have three streams of book revenew: LARP through BNS, CofD through OPP and internally through WoD.
5th edition may make certain earlier crunch elements unusable, if it changes as much stuff as it was shown to in the preview.
Looks like someone needs their hand held
The recent books HAVE been awful, though. The last two vampire books were hella bad.
You want to talk about dogshit? Go read the 5th Ed preview, it's a shitshow joke. I think Dracula knows this too, which is why he's trying to get as many orgy LARPs as he can on Paradox dime before the gravy train derails.
I'm reserving judgement for more. I like Hunger, I am okay with the changes to TT Disciplines, I like the concept of Compulsions, so i'm cautiously optimistic.
>How many vampires vs mages are there in the world / any single city?
As many as the Storyteller wants, really. Or, as many fits the narrative and story.
I think he wants official numbers. I'm not sure of the exact amount, but I there would be a sizable population of both in any major city.
Has anyone else run DtD before?
I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around infrastructure and occult matrices. How can I present them as a ST?
The closest thing to 'official numbers' that we have ever gotten was OWoD stating an 'average' city had 1 vampire for every 100,000 mortals but the fiction never held this up. A Sensible number we calculated for our home city was 1 vampire for every 10,000 mortals. I don't think we were ever given any type of calculation on theo ther supernaturals though.
Wasn't that just the number that the *Camarilla* tried to uphold, to prevent vampire "overpopulation" though, ie, not having so many young vampires around that the Elders can't control them all? I don't think it was "on average there is 1 vampire for every 100,000 mortals in a city".
I think it was the only ratio mentioned anywhere, which was in a Camarilla book, yes. There's no real population ratio given in any book, because the books are never consistent in that thing. Still, he asked for a number, I provided him the only thing a book ever said.
>Still, he asked for a number, I provided him the only thing a book ever said.
An answer that's not really an answer, seems like. Which doesn't answer the question, but is a fun little fact nevertheless.
Thanks anyway.
Ok, so how good is Genius: The Transgression?
I've looked through it an it seems pretty cool even though it kid of forces you to play smart inventor types
Werewolf. It fixed the problems 1e had and the Pack is better than SotC and TYoN.
Also, as a general rule of thumb, treat vampires as being more plentiful and 'out there' than any of the other supernaturals, including Mages. Vampires are probably the splat with the easiest transformation process. Anybody can be Embraced, and it's not something that's exactly hard to do. Compare to that to how monumental and rare an Awakening is, and how Mages (at least in Awakening) are always poised to swoop up any newly Awakened Mage after a period of monitoring them for possibly months. I always treat vampires as being more common. Somebody bar or club hopping is likely to run into several vampires without realizing it, you know?
>The game that changed popular xulture forever
But that's absolute bullshit
>I like Hunger
It takes a mechanic that leads to constant asides from party play already and makes it even MORE disruptive and intrusive.
leech mage vs woof mage.
2 things that should probably not exist.
which would be more dangerous?
Which would your prefer to be?
would they still turn you into a lawn chair?
Think "magical effect" aka output first. Think what kind of mundane activity it relates to, and create grim factory version of it, that's your infrastructure. Add lynchpin, it should be symbolic of the entire process or be logically located in "final boss" room.
And you got yourself a Blueprint.
The book is written focusing mainly on Engineers but Genius Cooks, Artists, "Magicians", Corrupt Corporates are all possible (though yeah, you don't wanna dump your mental Attributes nor Skills).
As for how good, it's pretty great for one man's magnum opus but obviously could use some polishing and retooling.
OPP continues their proud tradition of being one of the only game publishers I know of who but actually half decent social systems in their games.
Now if only WoD had kept around the sway system instead of the god awful doors thing we have right now
Interesting. I had this one idea where the god-machine was trying to create a Command & Control Infrastructure by gathering brains from schitzophrenics and wiring them to act like a bio-mechanical wi-fi network. Too crazy?
They actually killed the Bloodlines threads. Fuck, Magefags are actually the worst. We really need a separate thread. Like now.
We already have leech mages in both versions and their gutter magic remains inferior.
Werewolves I think, but mostly because they're innate regeneration is better and they have less weaknesses to overcome.
So anyone else excited for WtO20?
I have actually run Wraith 2e, and I had great time. I'm hoping that Dansky will redeem OP after that bullshit with M20
What are the books DaveB is referring to, when he mentions archmages in MtAsc?
I know one of them is masters of the art, what is the other one/
Horizon: Stronghold of Hope.
>Horizon: Stronghold of Hope.
that's from a year before masters of the art right?
what are the main differences?
You can't mix Templates without butchering one of them in the process. It's not a worthwhile process.