Fellow DMs, do you ever do any story writing when you don't have groups to scratch that creative itch...

Fellow DMs, do you ever do any story writing when you don't have groups to scratch that creative itch? working on anything right now? I'm in the planning stages of a novel split between a LARP and the story set within the LARP.

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>do you ever do any story writing when you don't have groups to scratch that creative itch?

I write settings, build characters, and troll Veeky Forums
I don't usually write story unless I get an idea from one of those.

and I took a try at writing out a session as a short story now that I've finally gotten a chance to play a TTRPG as a player instead of a GM.

thats a cringy motivator

the image is certainly a little edgy

but it works with the caption.

now THIS is a cringy caption...

>What else is left?
sibling's love?

so you are familiar with the image source...
but my point still stands.

perhaps a better OP iage for the thread might have been this?

eh, the image is pretty edgy, I'll give you that, but the text is fairly accurate as to how compelling stories work. you ignore the distractions and focus on doing what you can to succeed in what you must.

I was trying to find that one for it, but I couldn't find it in my folders.

>implying I'm OP

She's not actually held in place by the chains.
And those pieces of paper are jap portable exorcisms.

And now they're in my head ......again...
Fuck you user!

nah, just discussing the OP image.

>but I couldn't find it in my folders.
you need to devote more time to naming and organizing your images.

can you read the moon-runes?
they might be some variation on hanging warded scrolls against scrying or magical intrusion
>a badly aimed teleport spell results in a chain being INSIDE your chest cavity.


whatever happend to the threads on this board where people posted their story prompts and people expanded on them and we wound up with a bunch of neat ones

quest threads killed them off.

nah. they were around well after the founding of /qst/

it was the people that complained about them not actually being Veeky Forums related

I once used pic-related as a prompt in one of those threads.

For past couple years any semblance of creativity has been actively pushed off Veeky Forums so this is hardly surprising.

yeah, because as soon as you depart topic from being about games, gaming, or game design it stops being Veeky Forums related and that summons the people who used to just troll the quest threads.

I like to think that she's crying in happiness because an old witch brought her in from the cold and is giving her a warm meal and a hearth to sleep by, if only for the night.

my version of the story it was a widowed old forest ranger, but yeah. same thing.

have you tried starting one yourself? Be the change you wish to see in the world.

this one could make for a good OP for that kind of thread.

why is she tethered by the ankle to the sea?

look at whats directly under her underwater.

mistook it for sea-grass

and you might not remember Roll-and-Tell

>brilliant storytelling
>objective is "get the girl"

Pick one (1). Faggot.

I think the gist of it makes sense. The story the GM is telling you is so good that you are personally invested enough to do whatever it takes to rescue this character.

God I fucking hate the motivational poster format. something about it just irritates the hell out of me, and I can't quite place it

The point is that the GM made the getting of the girl meaningful enough to the players.....

"It doesn't have to be complex.....just done right."
-Orcish proverb

perhaps it's just been done to death

Last time i started a Roll-and-Tell thread i caught a 1 day ban. Wasn't even a nsfw one either. Just a regular old "roll for story prompt" one

yeah, sorry about that.

I was the guy that ran the old ones. back in 2012-2014

they got really unpopular really fast...

...don't...have groups?


But I do write professionally when I'm not GMing.

That's for user.

When was the last time you saw a genuine motivational poster?
Or a spoof one that actually spoofed the real deal at all (vs just putting text on an image, which fucking everything already does).

he means players

non-professional writers that GM normally don't have any other reason to write fiction outside of GMing

but its not a quest...
its a creative writing exercise with no interactive or gaming elements.

>non-professional writers that GM normally don't have any other reason to write fiction outside of GMing
I'm not entirely sure that's true. Anyone who gravitates toward GMing probably has some stories to tell. Consider that experience is what tends to make a writer a cut above their peers and that TTRPGs can substitute for experience in a way. Malazan Book of the Fallen was, for example, written by a GM with contributions from his players, based on the campaigns of D&D they had played.

At the very least GMs should be doing the other integral part of becoming a good writer: reading a lot of books.

>its a creative writing exercise with no interactive or gaming elements
You can package it any way you like; we all know that Veeky Forums is for discussing traditional games like TTRPGs and not, explicitly, for playing them. You can recruit a group here, but you gotta play somewhere else.

Had a good one about the bbeg dealing with the prophecy of his own death

>reading a lot of books
reading good books doesn't make a good author just like drinking good wine doesn't make you sommelier.

and even then some of us just don't write. being a decent GM just requires you to know 2 things,
1.) how it begins
2.) how the world reacts

the players are responsible for everything else.

>not a board for gaming
and Roll and Tell wasn't really a game or even a challenge. it was just a prompt for those that chose to write...

>I rolled a 00(harem) roll and delivered a no-sex story almost a month later.

>reading good books doesn't make a good author just like drinking good wine doesn't make you sommelier.

So, I guess, add sommelier to the list of professions you're unclear on. You cannot become a good sommelier without sampling a lot of wine, excellent and otherwise. Which is a true statement when you replace sommelier with writer and wine with stories.

>being a decent GM just requires you to know 2 things
Being a good GM requires a third: how it ends. Regardless of what your players are doing and how well they're doing it, you need to understand where the campaign ends and why, so that you can ensure the players get a chance to get there and achieve the good end.

Players, left to their own devices, will often wander aimlessly waiting for an adventure hook to show up. Some groups are better than others. One of my groups consist of a BioWare writer, an RPG designer-turned-Destiny 2 writer, a novelist whose books you've read (90% chance), and their significant others.

That group can and will tell its own stories without any prompting from me. They take NPCs and make them important figures in the world's history without my even having to make a suggestion.

They are not a typical group. I also GM for a more typical group that will stall out if I'm not throwing hooks at them constantly. It's not that they're bad people; a chemical engineer, a biochemist, a bodyguard, a waitress, and a plumber. They're simply not wired to be creative in the way people who write professionally are. But their ideas are often truly wild and frequently based in their particular expertise. I enjoy running for them because they're unpredictable and their solutions can be incredibly unheroic. But it makes for a lot of fun for everyone.

You don't have to be a professional writer to be good at running games. But to be good at running games you've got to have an interest in the structure and pacing of stories.

>You cannot become a good sommelier without sampling a lot of wine,
yes I know
but drinking a lot of wine BY ITSELF doesn't make you the sommelier it takes more than that.
thats what I'm saying.

I never have any kind of good ideas for those. when I write the story rambles on and on till I stop writing. it doesn't end, it just stops cause I am out of ideas and have no end for it. that said I can run a fun game without knowing how it'll end, I do pretty good with PUGs where I have no prep-time and have a 100% improv from the word go. no ending needed, it just happens or it doesn't.

your "narrative creative" group may need good or subtle hooks, but they might not make the most effective solutions.

but your "pysical creative" probably doesn't go in for(or really need) as much subtlety, they go for effective solutions.

you sound like you'd play in a "narrative creative" group. you do good stories.
I'm an engineer I don't do subtle particularly well but I give great problems to solve, and despite Veeky Forums and its hatred for this behavior I LOVE it when carefully crafted encounters get a clear and reasonable sidestep out of a party.

>it's a thread with good premise gets ruined by weebs episode

>BioWare writer
I'm so...so sorry user no one should have to suffer like that.

They work on SWTOR, not Dragon Age. ;)

except that the weeb stuff is over in 5 posts or less...

>Haven't gotten to DM in a while, actually come here to get the juices flowing for my own writing
>Get writer's block right around the time I start DMing for a GURPS multiverse game
>The only things I can think of to write now is worlds for the party to visit

hey as long as the worlds are interesting who cares?

as to writers block, that happens till you see or hear something to change it...you'll get out of the slump soon.

I've written like three novels worth of Campaign material that'll never get used because the second I actually finish a campaign from start to finish implying I'll be done GMing. It's all the worse knowing that some of the characters are shared between stories.



If your players think "get the girl" is "doing it right", they must be the kind of twats who quote "orcish proverbs" on Veeky Forums, too.

The point is that the GM made the getting of the girl
enough to the players.....

Try reading it again but this time try READING IT.

yeah but WHY
the text is so overblown and insistent that it's ridiculous
that "GMing done right" is the final cherry on top, what a pat on the back for no reason, just cause whoever weeb liked the picture of a loli chained up

I world build and homebrew. 95% of it is never used or designed to be used. It's just a outlet that I can occasionally draw from.

>they moved the Anime waifu quest! rolling general and its 20 clones to another board our creativity is dying teegee!

except we aren't talking about quests.

we're talking about writing, like, stories and shit.

>ruined by weebs
>on Veeky Forums

Why even use the site?

Where the fuck did this meme come from? Children are cruel, selfish, demanding, petulant, obnoxious little shits. They're the very expression of the ugliness of human nature until they grow up and (a functional) human society forcibly molds it into something halfway passable.

in my experience this is true 95% of the time, and the kids that are part of the nice and goodhearted 5% grow up and society fucks them. I should know, I was an asshole my whole life and have a good job, my friend was a nice guy since he was a kid and I fuck his wife every week while he works all day giving it all and earns nothing

unfortunately for her, the witch is hungry.

Children are cruel precisely because they are innocent.

oh goody, I need a twist for my shadowrun game tonight.



I assure you I am not.

ok, the rolls have provided me with a storyline in which I broadside the players by kidnapping their primary mage. the people doing the kidnapping will be a clan of scottish highland mages.
oh this will be fun.

Are there any actual 'rules' to it?
Or is it just 'roll as many times as you like until you get a combination you're satisfied with'?

A year ago, before I got a grown up job, my retail job had a bunch in the staff room. Was hilarious and depressing.


just "roll once then write a story with those themes"

there were optional rules for the one with monstergirls but really beyond "roll and tell" there's nothing to see.

nice fantasy, bub


>can you read the moon-runes?

The only one that is legible reads "hope"