YITHPOSTING /cocg/ /dgg/ call of cthulhu / delta green general

>mfw idiots in the 21st century turn on a particle accelerator
Time to shove a marmot into it desu

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>the kitchen sink
>Many in MAJESTIC had secreted various files, paperwork and research as an ace-in- the-hole if political instability hit the organization, but none had as much access or vision as Charles Bostick, MAJESTIC’s director of counterintelligence.
By 1999, Bostick had assembled a vast document which he called “the Kitchen Sink,” containing hundreds of photographs, secret documents and the original copy of MAJESTIC OPORD 00001—the recovery of an apparent extraterrestrial vehicle at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Bostick has several copies, still stashed in safe locations across the United States, as well as dead-man drops ready to go if something untoward were to happen to him...suddenly. But so far, no one except Bostick has seen this treasure trove of documents.
>In digital format, 1.4 gigabytes of PDF documents, files, blueprints, photographs and old black and white films which, when absorbed, are utterly convincing in their completeness. In physical form, two huge file binders, each the scale of a Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, weighing a total of nineteen pounds.

>>humans fucking with time for literally no reason
i mean cmon guys

[ is tg done with /dg/? ]

I keep wanting to play, I think I'm actually going to run if my group is interested. But I've never ran a game before and I'm relatively new to TTRPGs.

once the Delta Green RPG book officially comes out the /ysg/ will start popping up again. DESU it comes in waves, a flurry of activity on here, then nothing, then back on our Lovecraftian bullshit

IMHO, the best learning module for the GM is Last Things First. Sets up expectations, understandings, the way the game is played.

I'm running observer effect for some newbies, and it's really fun. It's a complicated module for any GM, but having iteration 1 where the PCs can fuck up /hard/ and have it reset is good. I'd suggest last things first First, so you can get a handle on the system with lower stakes, but observer effect is pretty damn fun. i made a recording of myself reading azathoth as Dee, and am going to play it as the convergence happens.

Also, i imagine the portion of azathoth to look like a zerg corruptor, for whatever reason

>Last Things First.
I completely forgot about that one and I keep seeing it mentioned here, any more info on it?

>>last things first
>>>>last things last

sure! it's here. it's provided in the free quick start rulebook Need to Know, but its also its own PDF

Thanks brah.

Yeah, that seems WAY more simple.

That's a damn fine adventure

About how long would this one take? We usually play once a week and sessions will last from 4-7 hours.


Ok, so my group is down to run DG. I'll be doing it, first time GMing, and as someone suggested I'll be doing. Last Things Last. Already made Baughman's apartment in roll20 and will be making the cabin/surrounding area soon. Any advice for a first time GM?

That ones pretty short, but you can add complicating factors. You can Have a member of THE OPPOSITION be watching the apartment and possibly follow them up to the cabin for a climactic gunfight if they do the smart thing and burn the dead thing. I've run it in under two hours before, but, because there's a ticking clock, if you detail every thing they do hour by hour ["alright, so you rent a car. What type of car? You're getting hungry, where do you eat?"] google maps is a godsend for this. Put the apartment and the cabin in a real place, and have the players on google maps to find places to eat. I personally like to set it near where I'm playing. If you have an idea for what you want to run next session [future/perfect is a wonderful 4 part adventure which shows the different "levels" of delta green play, and you can set owlhead mountain near where bauman used to live, make it so he was on that fateful opera].
I rarely use battemaps for delta green, but I suppose it's useful for online play. Delta green doesn't pay much attention to tactical combat movement, and you shouldn't either. The dodge action actually incorporates movement into the action, allow them to really roam around.

like I said above, google maps is your best friend here. Sort of plot out the route, maybe drop into street view and catch some images of the locale. /know Your players/. If they're the type who aren't going to open the tank, definitely throw in an AGENT OF THE OPPOSITION

>>if you have an idea for what you want to run next session [...]
Definitely drop little plot hooks in baumans box. The players are GUARANTEED to be fascinated by the contents

Awesome, thanks. And yeah, we're all separated from some distance. I'm in Pennsylvania, two guys are down south (Kentucky and Tennessee), and two others are in Korea. Another friend who is in Minnesota might also hop in. So, roll20 or something is kind of necessary for us, haha. I also like giving a good picture and since this is my first foray into GMing, I don't want to solely rely on my descriptive abilities. And since I'm near Pittsburgh, and can go out and get actual pictures from there and the surrounding areas, that's where I planned on setting things.

I also gave them the option of running it as Program or Group. Either way, I'd like one player to actually be part of whichever one they don't pick.

OH! I'd have suggested not letting them pick, and having the other group be the shadowy opposition! And then they find out they're "on the same side"

That also works and having a double agent is something I'm not sure I want to do, but I'm confident a couple of them could pull it off pretty well.

Ok, here's my current plan:
>players are Group
>one is secretly Program
Now, I have a couple options to progress from here, but that kind of depends. Would Group characters know about the Program and if so what kind of relationship do they have exactly?